Show BIG TRI STATE conference I 1 prof john T caine III director of extension work at the utah agricultural college has just returned from a meeting of the tri state conference tor for extension workers at fort C collins 0 I 1 colo where lie he went to discuss the relation of the extension service to the live stock industry and assist ill n cattle judging before the convention it is significant that although utah is not a member of the tri state conference the states of colorado new mexico and wyoming comprising the membership still this state was called upon to furnish part of the program in the conference which is an annual affair is held to help standardize old methods in extension work and introduce new ones utah has been invited to join the conference which convenes again at fort collins next year inasmuch as the problems of utah are very similar to the problems of the three states slates now forming the conference it is likely that utah will j join 01 n altho utah bihl was not a member of tile the last las t conference it was well represented on the program aside from tile the address of prof J T caine III five graduates of the utah agricultural college participated they were AE bowman director of the extension work in wyoming A C cooley director of tue the extension work in new ew 1 mex mexico I 1 c 1 I L hobson lJ state leader fr for boys and girls clubs in wyoming S JB burton dairy specialist for wyoming M R gonzales county agent in I 1 new Il mexico exico and R C allred county agent in colorado in addition vere L martineau also a graduate of the th e utah agricultural college is a county agent in new 31 mexico exico |