Show I 1 call for county I 1 democratic convention county convention consisting of delegates delegates is hereby called to be held aug 1916 at 1100 a m in the county court house Brigl brigham itam city utah for the purpose se of electing 23 delegates to the democratic state and congressional district i conventions to be held at the atha alhambra m th theatre ogden utah august esth 1916 and d for r the transaction transaction of such other business as may come before tile the convention each voting precinct is directed to hold primaries and elect a chairman and secretary as the precinct chairman with five additional members will make the county democratic committee also elect delegates appo 0 r tinned to tile the precincts as follows fo lloys brigham city poll 1 7 brigham city poll 2 8 brigham city poll 3 10 brigham city poll 4 8 willard poll 1 5 willard poll 2 3 riverside 1 portage 2 2 0 calls fort poll 1 3 calls fort poll 2 2 bear riv er 5 tremonton Tre monton 5 mantua 3 east garland 2 garland 8 collin ston 1 deweyville Dewe 2 malad corinne carinne 2 elwood 3 5 perry 3 eta ver dam 1 fielding 3 rawlins ns poll 1 3 rawlins poll 2 1 plymouth 1 rosette 1 park valley 1 promontory ry I 1 lucin lucia 1 boothe valley 1 howell 1 junction 1 clear creek 1 grouse creek 2 yost 1 2 kelton 1 WYNN L EDDY chairman W E DAVIS DA VIS I 1 secretary augard aug ard 3rd 1916 advertisement aa 48 4 8 taylor benson of penrose was a business visitor r to brigham yesterday |