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Show t Robert E. Lee 5 BBH a. HV j X Express nnd TratiMfrr H T Until AnjIhliiL- 4 j T Mmn AnjUiIni; 4 T or nut or ion a M do 4 t -: j T VOH QUICK SKRVICL' 4 H N H A.MFMtlCAN I'OHK I'TAH 4 H j j lam to tono and trcngthn H tha oreans of digestion and llmlnaflon. Improve appotlto, H H atop alck haadaehai, rellovo 1)11- H louanoss, oorraet conttlpation. W H They act promptly, ploaaantly, tl J 1 mildly, yat thorousnly, a M J 1 Tomorrow Alright A H 25C. DOX "0 DrutiUI B William Thornton Drag, H gix Stores American Fori:, Delta, H ilurrar, Pleasant Grove ad Proyo. BBBBl BB& ' BBBBSki IT MONUMENTS A ltirgo vnrlety from which to make o choice. Call nnd seo us. nccsley Marblo nnd Granlto Works, by Orom Dopot, Provo, Utah. g-tt Flnp Till: GREEN UIt HOUSES LOWERS send to RESH LEHI Kil,b" FLORAL ROM 00. Lehi. Help Your Digestion When ncId-dlEtrcssed, relievo tho indigestion with Ki'MOIDS Dissolve easily on tongue as pleasant to tvko as candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try KIhmMi. MADE BY SCOTT ft BOWNE-MAKERS BOWNE-MAKERS OP SCOTT8 EMULSION I 19-S aaVBHHSaVHHHaHHBHaVSJiHHr Utah Agricultural College I The Home of Efficient Education I BEGINS ITS PALL QUARTER I Monday, September 15 th I Decree and Vocational Courses Offered in the I Schools of: AGRICULTURE, HOME ECONOMICS, COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MECHANIC ARTS, GENERAL SCIENCE, AGRICUL- I TURAL, ENGINEERING. THE U. A. 0. TRAINS FOR 60 SPECIFIC PRO- I FESSIONS OVER TWO POSITIONS WERE OPEN I FOR EVERY 1919 GRADUATE OF THE COLLEGE, I For catalog and further information address: The Presi- I dent's Office, Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. I K&fV CAMELS supply cigarette contentment beyond anythinG KS-Sr ??M V- yu ever experienced! You never tnsted such full- $& t bodied mellow-mildness; such refreshing, appetizinR WV f flavor and coolness. The more Camels you smoke the $&fl greater becomes your delight-Cames are such a ctrfa- fe rette revelation I fr Everything about Camels you find so fascinating is due to $$ ) their quality to the expert blend of choice Turkish and $'&& i choice Domestic tobaccos. rri?$w You'll say Camels are in a class by themselves-they seem r4?. 1 made to meet your own personal taste in so many ways 1 ? ij Freedom from "any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or un- t'V- pleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels particularly desirable ;' ( to the most fastidious smokers. And, you smoke Camels as !?e$fc liberally as meets your own wishes, for they never tire your JpC ! taste I You are always keen for tho &-? r-TK 1C. a package cigarette satisfaction that makes V-V" CfgrJS&ial &$!; Camels so attractive. Smokers real- '$'($: I SJA fr'V JtS5?7fTVv ize that the value is in the cigarettes -ViJ' fB'wlK and do not expect premiums or cou- '&?) y&JWM0M CPar Camels with any ciga. wgg. I IJSliMiy rette in the world at any pricot &$ WaifciSBBBBBPKBi-.Wl i:'r"Jt,X"r-.F'l """"'y a Xi-v'.ijv. SIjjH p R.J.REYN0LDS TOBACCO COMPANY JfSl |