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Show I V I Guy Rlchaids of Mcminoth spent M Stllldny and Mrnd:i here,, r , M I'hailes Wnril of Prnvo wus tint M guest of t'hnrllo Ritchie, Satiinlay. M Ford I'aulfon has returnud home M from Payette, Ida. M Mlsn I .('.ill Oler or Shelley. Ida.. Is H the guest of l.cono Nelson. M Mlsa Ftnremo Aiinerson spent Hie M weik end In Suit Lake visiting. M Hernrin Otsen has returned homo H from Ilinloy, Ida., wheio ho has I H working. H i:ila ami Delia Tiipp havo retunied H liitito nftt'i- vl.iitlug relntlvoH itiiil H friends M Lloyd Gray Is limne from llurlev, H Ida., wheie he has. been em ployed H during the summer moullis. H Mr. ami Mrs. 1). W. Craig and H daugliler Helen, spent Sunday and H .Monday hero with Mr. nnd Mi's. (' H Mr. ami Mrs. Irvln r.aion ami H family relumed to their home in H Vernal, Wednesday, after veiling H flluuds and lelctlvea hem, H |