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Show DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROSPECTAND MINE Whn t Is the value of a prospect? asks all Kxchnngo. This hns been ns much 11 problem In tho past as It Is to. day, but wo hope It will not bo In tho future Wo wish to discuss tho prob. lem from tho dollar and cents miIiio lo tho owner and to tho prospective' purchaser. pur-chaser. In the first ploco let us understand that n prospect hns only a probable chance of bccomlnrr a mlnu. It hns possibly n good oie showing but noth. ing in the way of n large or definite tonnngo blocked out. Otherwise the property passes boy.'iml the prospect stage mid Is ically a mine. Tho prospect has no actual cash vnluo lo the puirhnser. It Iiiih possl. blo potentlnl wealth hut this percentage percent-age Is wry low; cnnsicorlng only tho best surfiico showings few develop In. to dividend payers for tholr owneis. The purchasers takes the gamble. To tlio owner of a prospect without capllal for development, no nuiMer what the showing, the property Is worthless fn one seiine. That Is, ore In tho ground ns no renl duller aid cents Milue. It Is only when this hi" reaehoa the smeller nnd Is till lied Into metal and cas'i rece 'I ll'ii ll N of renl Milne. Or" In the ground, evon ore lilo'keil out, has only latent vnluo. If ibis ore isn't mined, shipped mid comcrted Into cni.h. It benefits the owners nothing. It Is much mm it advantageous for an 1 1 uncr of a prospect to hnw an In. teroM. I'wn n small n.-rest. In n pro. sped which lr. working, than to own I no per cent of tho nroperty and havo it Idle A one.tenth Interest In a dividend payor Is worth much moro In actual dollars and cents Hum too per cent of an adjoining property vshlch Is nimble to work. The prospM lor, who has confidence In his propel ty, should give the legitimate legiti-mate mining operator every powilblo chance and assltancn In developing tho prospect. When they learn to work together then mining will go forwaid as nowr hnfino. Tho mining operator realizes tho prospector has put In pot.Mhly yc-irs. of time and ninth lnfd work In finding anil 'it opening tip his sh.i'v.ug, but the pri. hpectivo niilhl realUn tluit tint np'iv-lor np'iv-lor lias put In an ctpial auioiint nf j money In developing n largo per'-oir. age of failures If an engineer 'tr mining nper.it tr thlnUs well enough nf your pros') u t to ask you to enter Into a deal, Mr Prospector, do not think he Is tryiiR to steal nmii thing. You haw nni'mi-; them ho can steal without tho cs. pendiluie of many fines tbe uiuo'int of money rcprescntiM1 by your nii. fliowlng. Ri'ineinlxr, ore In tl.-j ground can't bo spent, so let Mr Oper-titui Oper-titui dewlop It so 11 can bo catU'd at tho nifi'ier ami then both of y t , CiJl biM r jit lev i l |