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Show I I I AM. FORK LOCALS I H Mnmmlo Urynnt nnd Ltlllo Chestnut BJ wcro Provo visitors Saturday. H Mnrgurlto CInrk, Stlurdny (tonight) ROYAL THEATRE, LEHI. H Nate Robinson left Wednesday mor- BM nlng fur liin sheep hold. M Alma Wild Is spending Oils week In M Ogden, visiting relatives and frlonds. M Miss Ora l.yncli nt Ogden In spend- BJ ing her two weeks' vacation with her Bl mother, Mi's Emtnctt Lynch. BJ MIbh Myrl Storrs spent Friday in B Suit lnkc visiting frlcndn and rein. B m C. E. Rife spent Snttirany nnd Sun. B day In American Fo;--, visiting with BB his wife nnd family. BB Marlon Parker motored to I'rovo BB Tuesday and micnt tlio day with rlon- H lives nnd on bustnona. BB j, Mrs. Dowey 1. Qjlsfor'd and baby BB nrc visiting with her parents nt I'rovo BH this week, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Alilnnd. BH BH Mrs. Ethel Curry nnd MIbh lcnna BH Kelly nrrlvcd home Tuesday morning BH after spending thu week end visiting HH rclntivos and frlands In Snlt I-nko. H "SI" Drown and his little daughter HH Hazel, left for Ogdcu Tuesday morn- HH Ing, where Hazel will attend tho deaf HH nnd dumb school. HH Tho Ml'-.scn Joscphlno Woodruff nnd HH Helen Tulmatlgo of Salt Lake, spent HH . Ilia week end In American Fork, the HH guests of Irmn Ilooth. H- Miss Ivadell Okcy, John Okoy nnd HH Allen Chaao of Eurc.-a, spent Sunday HH nnd Monday rn the tU'esto of Mr. and HH Mra. Tliomaii Coddlncton. HH Miss Emma Fcuthorstnno who tins HH been our local reporter tho past few HH months, resigned last week, and will HH start school f.t the II. V. V. nt Prntn, HH Monday. HBBr Coming Tuesday, Sept. !)th, E. HHl Forrest Taylor Company In a splen- HBm Toad show In "Johnny Oct Your Gun." BHV. Reserved r.cr.t Bale begins todny 7 ROYAL THEATRE, I.Em. h Dclbnrt I'ottlo of Portland, Oregon, H Ik here visiting Ray Ovnrd. Mr. Pot- BHt tie has been htntionod nt thu snmo B camp ns Mr. Ovnrd for tho past two BHl BBV Miss Xlna Clnyson nrrlvcd homo BBB Wednesday, after Inving spent five. BBS wccko In Hurloy nnd Rlgby, Ida., vis- BBm Ring her rlstcr, Mrn. .1. U. Tanner, BMV nnd hor aunt, Mrs. II. F. Wilson. HBB.- Hlnckhcads. blolrhes r.nd pimples HBB nro genornlly caused by tho improper HBB fiction of tho bowels. Holllstcr'ft HBB Rocky Mountain Tui regulates tho HBB lAwols, cleans thu stmnncli, rlcars tho B' complexion fiom tho ins Wo nature's BBBJ way "Get that healthy, happy look." BHV William riiorntou, Amerienn Folk; BH Hedquist Drur. Co., 1'leasant drove. Four pairs of tonsils wcro taken out Wednesday in Dr. P. M. Kelly's offlco. Mowelyn Pratt spout tho forepart of the week In Salt l,ako. Dr. Atlantic Chrlotcnsen spent Thursdny In Salt l,ako on buslncas. Mnrgurlte Clnrk, Saturday (tonight) ROYAL THEATRE, I.EHI. Elmor Taylor is I1010 rrom Wlioelon, staying with Mrs. John Kelly. Ho intends gnlnr; to high cchool hero. Mrn. Martha Hunter nnd children spent Mondny in Ihl, visiting Mrs. Hunter's father. Gcorao Phillips. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwtrd Abel spent Sunday and Monday In Salt Lake, vis-lting vis-lting rclativcn. Fay Houceholdor arrived homo after af-ter a two months' visit with relatives nnd friends at Cedar Fort. Miss N.-.to Ostcropt of Hurley, Ida., Is In American Fork for 11 three weeks' visit with relatives. rrH. Wlllard Shipley arrived homo Sunday, nftor a wcok's visit in Snlt tltiko with relatives. ' ' " Eliza Hlndlcy of Salt Lake spent Suturday and Sunday with her parents. par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alma llaxtor of. Mack. fiot, Ida., returned to their l.jomo Saturday, nfter having spent n week with frlonds and relatives hero. Gcorga T. Taylor, wlfo and family returned to their homo in Whcclon, nfter nf-ter spending r. weok with Mr. nnd Mrs. Jo'in Kcl'y. Miss Morlo Smitli entertained six of her friends nt supper Friday oven-Ing. oven-Ing. Aftor cupper the evening was spent In social rhat nnd music. Mrs. James Grantham presented her husband with n twetve pound baby girl Wednefdny morning. This makes the noventh child and tho seventh glil In the Grantham family. Misses Tna nnd Velma Dunran of Salt l.ako wero in American Fork threo 'lays of this wock, visiting their puronN, Mr. and Mrs. William Duncan. Dun-can. Friday and Saturday, Snowdrift demonstration, at E. H. Iloley's. Mr. and Mis. Frco Wilcox, Hazel Hunter, Marty Wilcox, Fay Householder House-holder nnd E. J. Peterson motored to Saratoga Springs tho foroport of thn week and enjoyed a swim. Mrn. Olo Hanson gao a party Snt. urday night In honor of hor daughter, Ester. About thirty friends end relatives rela-tives wero present. Gnmes. mucin mil refreshments were the main features fea-tures of tho evening. Several local young ladles who nre teachers in tho Salt l.ako schools, spent Saturday, Sunday or Monday In their homo town. Among them were Miss lloatrleo 1iglo. Mlns Ellzn Hind-ley Hind-ley nnd Miss Jean lUndley. Tho latest reports of Mrs. Agnes Clnyson comei; to us, Hint she Is slowly slow-ly imprnWng. Mrs. Clnyson wns 1 urt In nn auto nrcldent on tho Stito road some two wcoks rgo, her Injur, les wore tenlly moro serious than It wan nt first thought. Mrs. Georgo E. Abel nnd Mrs. t Chat lotto Hindi loft tho forepart of ( th week for tho Yollowstono Nntlonal p Park. On tholr return, thoy Intend , to visit Mrs. A. A. Munns of Gar- , land, Mrn. Abel's daughtor; and TIiod. , Abel of llrlglmtn City. , L Arurgurlto Clark, Saturday (tonight) , -ROYAD THEATRE, kEHI. About tho first rnltw of tho suiu- , nior fell Sunday nnd Monday Sunday , Just a showor In tho valley Monday afternoon a good sotng rain, which I'ns eottalnly freshenod things up. Those win wero In tho mountains (both Sunday nnd Monday report that rnlu fell In torrents for hours both days. I Quito a number of locnl huntors woro nut nfter rhlrkius Sunday tho last open dny of tho season and most of thorn i;it (ho limit. "Hud" Ren-nett Ren-nett of Fort Canyon, one of tho best shots In tho county, van among thoso who woro out, nnd remembered tho editor with two nlco, juley, fat onea. Thanks, "Hud," tho wholo family en-Joyed en-Joyed them, Tho demand Hint tho government tnko oor. own nnd oporuto tho rail, roads of tho ecuntiy will not strike n responsive chord In tho breasts of Amorlonmi who hivo seen railroad thnrge.s po f.kyward and sorvlco sink to Its lowest level under govornmont direction. Government control is bad enough. Government ownership? Not much I Mnrgurlto Clark, Saturday (tonight) ROYAI THEATRE, MCH1. Ira Miller, from California, is horo visiting with hla father, A. W. Miller. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pankratz arrived homo after spending some tlmo on n touring trip. John Hunter is spending tho latter part of the weok in Cedar Fort on business. Andrew A. Flrmagot motored from Richfield, Sunday, nnd sp-mt two days hero with relatives. Miss Ivadoll Okey returned to Eu. rekn, aftor having spent Sunday and Mondny horo with! relatives. Tho Tlrst mud tills summer Monday afternoon and Tuesday, but tho rain was worth a foot ot it. Friday and Saturday, Snowdrift demonstration, nt E. II, Holoy's. Miss Hannah Davis spent Sunday In Salt Ijako, vioiting with friends and relatives. Frank Mozely o"f Salt Lake, spont Tuesday In Amerlcan.Fork on business.. busi-ness.. & v3f ' EU J. Clayson nna Martin Hnnscn spont Friday fishlni? InUobr Creok, Provo canyon. Miss Rebecca Coatos or Salt Iako, spent Sunday nnd Monday visiting hor mother, Mrs. Oraco Coutes. Miss Edna IjovcIcsb, principal of tho I.ehi Primary grades, was n. visitor nt tho School Honrd ofTlcb, Saturday. Mrs. II. n. Wilcox of Irfshl, is hero visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Hnnscn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Thompson of Salt l.flko. nro tho week li,ltors of T. A. 1-ce. ; Charles Calvin of Olymphln, Wash., wr s tho guest of Miss Allen Gunning, Sunday, Tho way to bo happy Is Just to be happy Irospectlvo of what has hap. poncil or wlint you expect might happen. hap-pen. Charlos Webb and Vern Moi-so re. turned homo Saturday, aftor spending part of tho weok with their cousins at Snlt Lnke. Mr nnd Mrn. Sam Br.tes'nnd child, ren returned to their homo in Salt Uika Sunday, aftor ipondlng a week's vncatlon with friends and relatives in American Fork. Tuesday morning somo IS empty fruit cars went south over tho Orom lino for Plencant Grovo and Provo Ilcnch, which will bo loaded this week nnd shipped cast. Miss Ultra Wagstnn" of Salt I.nko cpent Sunday nnd Mondny with her rnrents, Mr. nnd Mrn. E. N. Wng-Htuff. Wng-Htuff. Miss Wogstaff Is employed nt tho ICeysor wnrehouso in Salt Lnko. Mioses "Vlrglo Paulson and Ruby Crookston of Salt Lake, spent Sunday Sun-day nnd Mondny visiting In Amorican Fork, with their parents, Mr and Mrs. Hort PaulHon, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Rob1, crt II. CrookBton. While coming down Main street Monday morn'ng in a light rig and driving a Inrgo horso, ono side of tho shafts came unfastened, and tho hor. so nttoinpted to run -iwny For about a block It win n toss-up who would win. Tho horeo appeared to hnvo tho heat of R and those watching expect-od expect-od to seo the young man thrown out and tho horso dash down tho Btreot uncontrolled, but tho drhor hung on nnd stopped tho nnlmnl In front of tho Rig Red Store. TliPHo nro tho last daya ot summer. Tho II. C. Ii. stfn worries us and keeps us cunning. It Is now timo for political plans to hatch. Carl Anderson left Monday for hlo sheep herd. Randal Shipley mado a busneso trip to Spilngvlllo, Monday. Miss Ruby Parkcv gave a watermelon water-melon "bUBt" Sunday afternoon. Six friends wcro presont. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blnns of Highland hnvo moved into their now homo on the Moylo farm. Mr. and Mrs. LoGrandu Noyes ot Salt Iako, aro hero vlsltllng Dr. nnd Mrn. Noycs and friends. Rosswctl, 1)wq und Molvlu Porter ot Franklin, Ida., returned to their homo aftor having spent a weok with relatives and friends of this cily. Labor Day treated us fine a first, clasn rain, nnd tho best ball gamo of tho scMon, and tho Jocr.1 boys won as usual. Mlsa Hazel Hunter arrived homo tho end of the week from Cedar Fort, whero sho spent $ .weok with frienda. Mary and Francis Abel camo homo tho latter part of tho weok from Garland, Gar-land, whoro thoy hnvo been visiting their slater, Mrs. A. A. Munns. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Ahlandcr and Miss Iiura Pedorson cf Provo, were the Sunday guests of Mr. . nnd Mra. 1). 1.. Gcisford. Will Shipley, who has been redding in tho Third ward, has moved this weok Intb the First waul, oast of tlio old. school house. Ralph Miller, son cr A. W. Miller, who has bosii confined to tits bed for tho Inst week wltH typhoid fovcr, is improving l.eo, Kenneth and funny Scarlo ar. rived homo Sunday night, nfter having spent a wook's vnccion in Magna, with their sister, Mrn. D. J. Ovard. After visiting a week in Snlt !.nko with their grnnd-pnrants, Tholmn and Ruby Xicholes, havo returned to tholr home in American Fcrk. Mrs. R. E. Hnxtcr returned homo Monday, from Salt Lcko whoro sho had been vLsItlng will; Mr. Haxter's rolatlves. Mrs. McAHIstor ot Garfield nnd grnnd.dnugutor, Mrs. Louise Mnntclo, left Sunday for their home, nftor paving spent 11 week with Mrs. McAllister's mother, Mrs. Mary Grantham. Miss Rcta Adnmso or Salt Lnko Is here lsltlng hor mother. Gladys Shelley arrived homo Sunday, Sun-day, from Salt Luke, nftor spending some tlmo thcro. That the Wcetarn Lumberman says "It Is all right to bo stency; but don't be so steady that yo-t nro motionless." Mr, nnd Mis, Redmond of Salt Lnko wcro tho Sunday guests of I.lts. R. E. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Zabrlsklo of Salt Lake, word In American Fork, Sunday, visiting Mra. Hrynnt. Mra. Robert Cliostnnt left this wock for Salt Lnko, to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Payne. Nan Mndscn of Ogden, Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. M. Madsen, for a few days, Dcna Shnftcr left Tuesday morning for tho Lincoln district, wheio who will tench school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hollndrnko nnd family and Mra. E. H. Holey spot Monday tisltlng-tn'salt lako. Hnydcn Ilollndmko ot Snlt Lake, wns homo on n visit Sunday and Mondny, Mon-dny, isltlng Ivls parents. .Miss Amy Shelley, who 1ms been spending her vncatlon In Ogden, visiting vis-iting rolatlves thors, camo home Mondny Mon-dny night. S. C. Thornton hai gone to tho I-ohl.Tlntlii mine, where ho is building build-ing a now homo near that coming mine. Mr. and Mrs. Al Howbarg, Mrs. James Edwards nnd Mrs. Pearl Hol-gers Hol-gers of Salt Iiko, bpent Sunday visiting vis-iting Mrn. John Jacklln. Abo Greenwood spent Wednesday H in Salt Lake on business. BJ Thomas Ash ton of Provo, was in H Amorican Fork Monday on business. BJ Tho Chlpmnn Mere, Co. nro build- BJ Ing a now homo for Jncob llnlos nt H Cedar Fort. H Gordon Drlggs of Salt Ijxko, was a BJ visitor here Sunday, tho guest of H Mnrlcy Steele. MJss LaRue Clark retutned homo Wcdnosday, nftor havinj; spont the BJ weok end In Provo, vlcltlng relatives. BJ Mrs. R. II. Lewis ot Lehi, was vis. I Ring frlonds In Amorlcnn Fork, Tuos- I day. BJ Mr. nnd Mrs. Archlo Wilson oC" I Park City, motored to Amercnn Fork I Sundny, nnd spent tho day with Mrs. I Rosa Grant. BJ o Bi |