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Show AMERICAN FORK BOY i NOW COAL IMPORTER IMPORT-ER INJRGENTINA Tlm Dcscret News had tho follow. Jng in Saturday's laaue concerning ono of American Fork's boyit, sent ns special correspondence! Wa3ntngton, D. C, Aug 2R J. H. Wootton of American Fork, lato vlco i consul In tho Amorlciu consulate at v- Rucuos Aires, Argentina, (surprised all his Montis hero when ho registered at tho Washington hotel and called his friends to meet him. When asked about T. S. Amusson of Salt take, who left with him In tho spring to onter the consular aervlco Wootton ro. marked that "Ted" was taking caro of bnnlncss Interests In South America. "Ted and 1 hava left tho consular service," said Mr. Wootton. "It only took us a fow weeks to slzo things up In Argentina and wo are now on. gaged In tho coal Importing blindness. "Wlion wo arrived In Argentina wo found tho people tlicro burning corn . ,, cobs and wood. Even tho railroads i "w" nro being fuelled with wood and corn cobs. This state of things mado us figure and wo figured fast enough to Interest a wealthy Argentinian In a . largo scnlo -conl Importing venture which, ho says, will mnko tho busl. ness highly profitable.. "Argontlna has no conl of her own," Mr. Wootton continued. "Hcrctoforo England vas tho largest cxportor but by the now law passed by parliament English exporters are prohibited from ticndlng their coal out of tho country. During tho past yir Argontlna has jt imported 0,000,000 tons of coal and I with England out of tho market this A largo Bcale of exportation of coal to - "" Argentina Is largely up to tho United v ".; - States." . vv Mr. Wootton Is In the "otntCB" on ' business. Uclng ono of tho thrco partners with a third Intorost In tho coal venture he Is hero to go to Now York, whero ho will got up a contract is with onn of tho btij houses for 300,. ij 000 tons of coal. Coal sells for $23 3 and $24 a ton In Argentina, ho Bays. Mr. Wootton Is full of pralso for tho I excellent business opportunities In B South America. Thero Is plenty of "j money ond a man with something 1 good to sell can get homo of It. Tlio Now Yoik City National bank branch I at Ruenoa Aires alono has $100,000,. I 000 on doposlt, ho said. I "With tho introduction of conl Into I Argontlna on a largo scplo America I can do South Amorlcnn business on I oven a larger scale than over before," J concluded Mr. Wootton. "Tho pco. I plo want coal nnd thoy nro willing to spend their monoy to pet It," |