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Show PUfSTORCED TO SHUT DOWN Lelii, Se)t. 3 For tho r.ecnnd tlmo within a month Iho lingo water pumps nt tho bend of Jordan river aro shut down. Dozens cf teams nnd hands nro battling tho swift current In an attempt to dam It off before It roaches tho pumping plant. Another big washout under ono of the pump houHt'S, cm.nlng nbout (100 ncru-feet of unter d.illy to take an undercurrent routo bnck Into the hike, Is tho uauso of tho trouble. Snlt I.oko volley farmers, whoso Irrigation Ir-rigation water Is supplied from thin source, will bo without water for a few days until tlio Ua gang can re. pair tho daiucgo, say W. A. Knight. A dirt dam ucross the river nbout foity yards above tho pumps is being (.craped In by tcninii. When the current cur-rent Is shut off bU stakes will bo driven Into tho mud where tho leak is located and tons o' rocks will bo thrown against the boards. Tho repahlng will bo temporary since tho iiHsoeiitcil boards of Salt Ijilto county canal directors hnvo authorized au-thorized tlm construction of a new pump house and th) Installation of additional pumps elmllur to tho big WestiughoiiHo machine at tho plant, which la declared to be tho Inrgent water pump In tho world. Tho building prngrr.m will nut about $275,000. Work will begin as soon as tlm present Irilgiittou season Is over, |