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Show Volume XXIII Issue IX The Ogden Valley news Page 13 June 1, 2016 Jim Harvey ~ Weber County Commissioner Candidates ~ Caitlin Gochnour Allow me to introduce myself to you. I make this process easier. Our community has grew up in Riverdale and attended Weber also become dependent on the Hispanic comCounty Schools, graduating from Bonneville munity. I embrace this and encourage them High School. In 1981 my talents earned me to become registered voters and vote their the privilege of serving the U.S. military in conscious. Germany as an USO/DOD enterI’ve spent my career building tainer. I later served an LDS misrelationships with people. I love sion in Hawaii. In 1986 I gradutrusting them and learning about ated from Weber State University them. I’m a great in-person comwith a B.I.S. in Communication, municator, and have successfully Sociology, and Technical Sales. surrounded myself with terrific My incredible wife Jane and I people. I can negotiate with othjust celebrated our 30th wedding ers without offending them. We anniversary. We have five grown are proud to confirm that we have children and one grandchild. I’m the support of many of the busielated to admit that we are a nesses in the area. This includes close family and enjoy one anothboth workers and elected offier’s company. I’m also proud cials of many municipalities. to include that last year Jane I believe in libraries, educagraduated from Weber State with tion, and economic growth but a Bachelor’s degree in health also recognize that healthy comJim Harvey promotions. munication and trust is vital to Following a 10-plus-year career in travel, each of these issues. where I grew and managed what started as a I’ve been registered as a Republican and a 1.3 million dollar budget and expanded to an delegate for over 22 years of which 14 years 18 million dollar annual budget, I was hired in were spent as a precinct chairperson. I believe 1994 by Weber County to Manage the Golden our form of government is good, and I’m interSpike Event Center (GSEC). I’ve been there ested in enhancing the existing leadership style. ever since and have worked under the direcI strongly encourage you to vote on or tion of several past county commissioners. before (by USPS) on Tuesday, June 28. We Since 1994 we grew from 113 events to 261+ would appreciate you support. events currently. We have enjoyed thousands I want to be the next County Commissioner of successes that have poured hundreds of mil- because I love where we live, where I grew up, lions of dollars into the local Weber County and where I hope to help make a place where economy. my family will want to raise their children. To I enjoy my work at the GSEC very much. do this, it has to have opportunity, a safe feelWe have an incredible seasoned team that are ing, and a healthy place to grow. professional and efficient. Our facilities are It is with gratitude that I received over 61% branded as some of the finest of their kind in of the second-round delegate vote during the the country. In fact, this year we have more Weber County Republican convention. I am events on the books than we have ever had endorsed by all Weber County Utah House of since the facility opened. We have made many Representatives. Additionally we are proud friends locally, regionally, and even nation- to be supported by Greg Buxton and Allen ally. We are a trusted economic anchor for this Christensen. community. Part of the reason I am seeking a Volunteer service includes serving on the seat on the Weber County Commission is to Weber State Alumni Board, Ogden Rotary expand my circle of influence beyond the 150- Club, Exchange Club of Ogden, Ogden Weber acre GSEC to include the entire Weber County Chamber and Spikers, Boy Scouts of America community. Executive Committee, Weber County School I believe in a management style that District community council, and served as a empowers people to grow and improve; so Utah State Republican Delegate for four years. much so, that they could eventually lead on Along with being the Golden Spike Event their own. This builds trust and improves per- Center General Manager for 22 years, I worked formance and efficiency in them. They also ten years managing employees in the private enjoy higher job satisfaction. sector at Morris Travel Corp., starting with Even before filing, I’ve focused on the $0.85M in annual sales and growing that rev18- to 28-year-old demographic. This is how enue to over $18M annually. we perpetuate our interest in the community. I am conservative minded with family valMany of them are not registered to vote. My ues at the core. website encourages this and there is a tab to In advance, I thank you for your vote. I am an Ogden native. Growing up with four collaborating and reaching consensus. brothers taught me the fine arts of listening and As a commissioner, I will strive for the best negotiating. After high school I lived in some solutions for our county. I will work to repregreat locations; however, when it came time to sent all county residents by respecting, listenselect the place to settle down and raise a fam- ing and thoroughly studying all sides of your ily, my husband and I returned to Ogden and issues. I am committed to making decisions Weber County. We were drawn through collaboration to achieve to the spectacular natural setting, the best possible outcomes for all wonderful neighborhoods, good of us. And I will always serve as schools, fantastic trail system, and a good steward of your money remarkable people. and trust. I am married to Gregory Vision/Position Gochnour. We celebrate 26 years As Weber County Commissioner, of marriage next month. We are I will invest my efforts in: the parents of three wonderful • Jobs - supporting existing children: twin sons and a daughter. Weber County businesses and I am a runner, swimmer, hiker and attracting new industry to provide skier. I also enjoy good books, old meaningful, high-paying jobs for houses, and digging in my garden. our families. I served Ogden for eight years • Life - protecting and in city government—now I would enhancing life quality through like to serve all of Weber County Caitlin Gochnour community and natural assets. with that same energy and passion. • Voice listening, As an Ogden City council member, I gained collaborating and discussing to give you a invaluable experience about effective local voice. governance and an understanding of the critical role of collaboration for better decision I also: making. I served four years in Council leader- • Understand the importance of the pending ship, was elected President of the Utah League Ogden Valley Master Plan and support its of Cities & Towns, and earned my Master’s passage. degree in Public Administration. • Realize the importance of clearly We are one county! And we are a county understanding our water supply and basing on the rise. The population along the Wasatch future growth on its availability. Front is projected to double by the year 2050. • Value the incredible natural assets in Ogden That means we must work together now to careValley. fully plan for things like more jobs, infrastruc- • Helped direct a multi-agency agreement for ture, a viable transportation system, clean air a new Pineview designated open-water swim and preservation of open space. While I don’t training area at the west end of the reservoir. have all the answers, I believe I have the skills • Will work to create a Pineview Master to help find sensible solutions—skills like lisService Area so all users help pay for things tening, communicating, building relationships, like garbage, parking and improvements. Jonathan Johnson spoke and answered questions from the community at an open house held at the Ogden Valley Branch Library in Huntsville on May 17. Johnson, a Republican, is challenging Republican incumbent Gary Herbert on June’s Primary Election ballot. For more info , visit <www.hirejj.com> |