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Show The Ogden Valley news Page 10 Volume XVI Issue XI June 1, 2009 SCHOOL cont. from page 1 twist your ear until you were on pitch. It never Student worked with me,” he years, caused a stir in the EvEnt Program added with a laugh. Government hallway. “He still has perA gift was presented Welcome: Tommy Lee, Valley School Principal 1978-1979 fect hair,” whispered one to all past principals of student to another. Award Presentation: Gage Froerer, Utah State the Huntsville schools Class of 79: On May Those who have Legislature. Award presented to 6th grade from 1861 to the presspent many years in the teachers Michelle Evans, Carolyn Hogge, and ent. If the principal 9, 2009 Valley reminisced about Rebecca Warnes for achievement with their was not in attendance, the old Valley School, a “EconoMe Program.” Front Row: (left to a living relative was school they referred to right) Lance Fuller invited to accept the Comments: Linda Carver, Assistant as “The Purple Prison.” Quinn, Geniel gift in their honor. Superintendent, Weber School District Stories were exchanged Richardson Ozaki, In addition to about taking rides down Heidi Halliday Cheney, the program, those in Presentation of School Principals: the old fire escape, a attendance were invitLesha Montgomery, Roger Bailey, past student, teacher, and twisty metal chute, or ed to tour the school. Becky Shaw Lincoln, principal of Valley School. slide that was attached to Throughout the school, Kirk Probasco the side of the building. Song: “Do you Remember,” By Valley School memorabilia and class Back Row: (left During the program, Staff. Accompanied by Joyce Montgomery. pictures were on disthe crowd clapped at to right) Richard play. A DVD presented the introduction of Sorensen, Todd May, yearbook pictures of stuSpecial Honors: Memories by oldest favorite teacher Helen Robert Brown dents through the years. living school alumnus: Gloria Janse and Shiozawa. Recordings of past Robert Wangsgard Gloria Janse and Shakespeare plays, and Robert Wangsgard were student puppet shows School Song: Led by school alumni honored as the oldest livwere also playing. cheerleaders, and student body officers. ing alumni of Huntsville The school cooks Sung by all in attendance. school. Janse shared her provided favorite wish to ring the school school-lunch cookies bell on the old Huntsville School. “Students did get and deserts for refreshments. to ring the bell,” The event she explained. was hosted by “But I never got Valley School to, and I wish I under the direcdid.” tion of current Wangsgard school principal talked about Tommy Lee. early days in Jeaniel the 1920’s Sauer served as when the disevent coordinatrict choir director. Members tor would come of the Valley around and Elementary listen to their School staff, class sing. “He along with would come up numerous comand listen to munity memeveryone indibers, contributed vidually and if Cheerleaders 1978-1979: their efforts to you were off Standing: Becky Shaw, Heidi Halliday. Sitting: Lori Beckert, make the event a CLASS OF 57-58 Front Row: Virginia Melle Leavett, Verdon Richins Smith, Marilyn tune, he would Lesha Montgomery, Lei Lani Stringham. great success. Clarke, Mary Kay Brady Harper, Mary Sue Stallings Rasmussen, Lois Thompson Jeffs, Afton Sorensen Andrews, Dixie Robins Storey, DaNece Newey Robson, David Newey. Back Row: Clark Wangsgard, Richard Shupe, Lou Buhrley, Nick Breeze MIRACLES cont. from page 3 Valley class of 1957-58. This class was the first ninth grade class in the current Valley School. 801-745-4000 floor and prayed with the help of one of the hospital’s chaplains. In an hour, the doctor called me back and said he had stabilized and they got good pictures of his lungs. These pictures revealed a large sack of infectious fluid pushing against the lower part of his left lung causing him difficulty when breathing. They inserted a tube in the left side of his lung to release the fluid. Another miracle occurred on Easter Sunday after Addison had been in PICU for almost two weeks. The medical staff had started removing the paralytic drug that had kept Addison from moving so that his lungs could heal. They had told us that there was a risk he could have suffered some brain damage when his blood pressure earlier had dropped very low so we were again very concerned. That evening he started moving and finally opened his eyes. He started shaking Forrest Brown, his head yes or no when the nurses asked him Huntsville ARE YOU A “NEWCOMER” TO OGDEN VALLEY? If so, order your FREE Welcome Package at www.ovba.org 2555 WOLF CREEK DR. EDEN STORE HOURS: MON. - SAT. 7 AM - 10 PM SUNDAY 7 AM - 9 PM Valley Market 5th Annual Breakfast Saturday June 13th Free to the community from 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. Fun and prizes. Come join us. Birchberry Deli Franks $1.00 Expires OFF with coupon 6/15/09 10 ct. Pack Any Loaf of Farm Bread 25c OFF with coupon Expires 6/15/09 questions. She asked “Addison, do you have your driver’s license?” to which he shook his head yes. Then she asked him, “Addison, are you a good driver?” to which he shook his head no. At that moment, we knew he was coming back to us. Addison is now home and doing well, although it will take some time for his lungs to heal. One of the biggest miracles was the way in which people from our community—friends, family, and many others—came together to lift up and support us through this trying time. It is hard to describe the joyous feelings of knowing that others cared so much for us and our son. I sincerely want to thank all the people who prayed, fasted, and supported us and Addison during this difficult time in our lives. We are greatly blessed to live in a time of love and miracles. An opening is now AvAilAble on the liberty Cemetery boArd. If you are interesting in serving as a board member, please contact Ronnie Chambers at 801-745-0914 or Karen Bailey at 801-745-2539. Board member appointments are not a paid position; all service is voluntary. Jacqueline “Jaci” Hoff Realtor, Certified Residential Specialist Grapes 2 lbs. or more 50c OFF with coupon Expires 6/15/09 Any 10 ct Pumpkin Choc. Chip Cookies Real Estate from Snowbasin to Powder Mountain & everything in between! 50c OFF with coupon Expires 6/15/09 Call me for all your real estate needs. 801-920-8853 Any Steak from the Meat Dept. $1.00 OFF with coupon Expires 6/15/09 call: 801-920-8853 email: jaci@move2mountains.com visit: www.move2mountains.com |