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Show Page The Ogden Valley news Volume XVI Issue XI June 1, 009 The Ogden Valley news Staff: Shanna Francis Tel: 801-745- 688 Fax: 801-745-006 Cell: 801-791-4387 E-Mail: slfrancis@att.net Jeannie Wendell Tel: 801-745- 879 Fax: 801-745- 879 E-Mail: crwendell@att.net crwendell@msn.com Opinions expressed by advertisers, columnists or letters to the editor are not necessarily the opinions of the owners and staff of The Ogden Valley news. guidelines for Letters to the Editor Letters should be 300 words or less. Letters must be signed and the address of the writer submitted. The Ogden Valley news reserves the right to edit or decline printing of any submissions. Announcements Sought As a community service, The Ogden V alley n ews will print local birth, wedding, obituary, anniversary and missionary farewell & homecoming and Eagle Scout announcements free of charge. We invite residents to send their announcements to: The Ogden Valley news PO BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 If you would like your submitted items returned, please send a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. The Ogden Valley news , while respecting all property received, will take no responsibility for lost or misplaced items. Please remember to keep a copy for yourself. Invitation for Articles The staff of The Ogden Valley news welcomes the submission of articles by our readership. We invite you to submit local historical accounts or biographies, articles pertaining to contemporary issues, and/or other material that may be of interest to our readers. We also invite you to submit to the paper, or notify the staff of local events. Awards that have been earned by the reader, family members, neighbors or friends are also sought. While the staff of The Ogden Valley news invites the submittal of information and articles, we reserve the right to select which material will be considered for publication. All material, to be considered, must be submitted with the full name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the material. The Ogden Valley news’ liability on account of errors in, or omissions of, advertising shall in no event exceed the amount of charges for the advertising omitted or the space occupied by the error. The Ogden Valley news does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any product or service advertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. The Ogden Valley news hereby disclaims all liability for any damage suffered as the result of any advertisement in this newspaper. The Ogden Valley news is not responsible for any claims or representations made in advertisements in this newspaper. The Ogden Valley news has the sole authority to edit and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. It also reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Note: The contents of The Ogden Valley News are copyrighted. To protect this publication and its contributors from unlawful copying, written permission is required before any individual or company engages in the reproduction or distribution of its contents, by any means, without first obtaining written permission from the owners of this publication. The deadline for the OVN June 15 issue is June 1. Letters to the Editor Wolf Creek Resort Donation Appreciated The Board of Directors of Maria Montessori Academy would like to thank Steve Roberts of Wolf Creek Resort for his generosity in allowing the Board the use of the Red Moose Lodge on Saturday May 9. Wolf Creek Resort Management has consistently been a generous contributor in the community. Thank you, again, Steve for being so supportive of this venture, which will benefit many children in the area. Sincerely, Maria Montessori Academy Board of Directors Hislop Family Says Thank You On May 9, the American Legion Auxiliary and friends and neighbors prepared a fabulous luncheon at the American Legion. This luncheon was for the family and friends of the Hislop family, which was offered after the funeral of Verna Hislop, long time resident of Huntsville who died May 5, 2009. We would like to thank all those folks who contributed to the luncheon, sent flowers, spoke at the funeral, or gave a musical selection. It was very much appreciated. Thank you. Kent and Sandy Hislop, Huntsville Eden Park Community Center Now Open—Special thanks offered to volunteers and contributors The Eden Park Board is pleased to The Park Board would like to express announce that the new community center appreciation for Rod Peterson, who was at Eden Park is now open. The Community instrumental in the creation of the idea of Center consists of a full service kitchen, the Community Center, as well as its financrestrooms and a large, open meeting room. ing and execution. Rod has served for over It is designed to serve Eden twelve years on and other Weber County resiseveral Eden dents. Park Boards, The Community Center including the was funded by local park very first board funds and a grant from the formed in Weber County RAMP com1980 when the mittee. In addition, the park was just Community Center was made beginning to possible by the generous donabe developed. He has been tions of many local businesses instrumental in the creation of Rod Peterson and individuals. Thank you the bowery, the horse arena, to everyone who contributed time, money, the playground, and countless other things materials or elbow grease to the construc- that he is too modest to talk about. Rod’s tion of the Community Center. A special tireless efforts to make the park a better thank you to Peterson Builders and to David place have created a wonderful environment and Teresa Ferguson for their extraordinary for our community, and a place that will be efforts. enjoyed by many for years to come. In recognition of Rod’s years of service, the Eden Park Board is pleased to announce that the new Community Center will be called the Rodney D. Peterson Community Center. An open house to showcase the new Center will be held on Friday, June 12 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. A ceremony to recognize the many donors and volunteers involved will be held at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited and refreshments will be served. For scheduling of the Community Center, please contact David Ferguson at 745-0618. Sincerely, The Eden Park Board, Sharon Vause Chad Booth Lance Quinn Steve Waldrip Snowcrest PTO Thanks Community for Successful Ragnar Relay Fundraiser Snowcrest PTO would like to thank the participants, community, and sponsors for their participation in the first annual Snowcrest Relay Powered by Ragnar. The money that was raised at this event is being used to directly benefit the track and fitness programs at the Junior High School. A special thanks goes out to our sponsors. Ragnar Relays, Valley Market, High Altitude Fitness, America First, Iverson Dental, Post Asphalt, Diamond Peak, Great Harvest Bread, Regen Sorenson, Dr. Albrechtsen, and Laura Warburton. Thanks again to everyone! Get your teams ready and let’s look forward to next year. Snowcrest PTO Snowcrest Fundraiser a Success Thanks to Volunteers On May 9, the Snowcrest PTO launched its new yearly fundraiser—the Snowcrest Relay. It was a success! As usual, Valley residents supported our efforts in spades. Your support never ceases to amaze me. As a parent of two students, I wanted to thank everyone who came, ran, played, and enjoyed. There were so many hands that made this possible. However, there was one set of hands I’d like to specifically mention– Natalie Post’s. I’m sure she’d prefer that I didn’t write this, but I’m going to anyway. To use a favorite phrase of my 11-year-old daughter, “What she did was GINORMOUS!” With babies in tow, Natalie set in motion a fundraiser that will benefit Snowcrest for years to come. Thank you Natalie. Thank you for your kind, gentle form of leadership that made it easy for all of us to follow and succeed! Thank you for your wonderful example. I thoroughly enjoy working with you. Laura Warburton, Huntsville Snowcrest’s Ragnar Relay—Great fun for a great cause! I want to thank Ragnar Relays and Snowcrest Junior High for a wonderful event held Saturday, May 9. Teams of all sizes, ages, and fitness levels came together to run, jog, walk, and scoot a total of fifteen miles each to raise money for Snowcrest Jr. High. I loved seeing how the community and volunteers came together, not only to support a local school, but to champion a physically fit lifestyle and to compete together in a Miller, Dawson, Collin show of soli(top row), Matt, and Wendy darity. Tolliver (bottom) celebrate As a parwith a pyramid. ticipant of the The kids of the One Mile Masters show off their muscles and trophy. relay, I appreciated all the planning, leg work, and contributions the Ragnar team, local volunteers, and sponsors put forth to make it happen. The child-safe course, inflatable jumping activities, organized checkin, goodie bags with NordicTrack T-shirts and other cool items, and fun trophy ceremony all made it a memorable event for everyone involved. I also want to give Ogden Valley residents a shout out for their enthusiasm in this event. Taking advantage of the great cause and terrific weather, great-grandparents, babies, and everyone in-between showed their team spirit. People dressed up as the “Grease” gang, Rainbow Bright, Bearded Ladies, and as other such zanies! They cheered on their teams with pyramids, silly songs, and Costco-sized bags of Starbursts. The Valley is abuzz with compliments about this event, and I hope Snowcrest Jr. High, the Ragnar Relay team, and all the awesome sponsors will decide to do it again next year. I know my family is already looking forward Kate Barrong and to it! Brooklyn Burton share Wendy Toliver, Starbursts with Brayden Roberts. Eden — Public Notice — The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is seeking an operator for the Liquor Package Agency in the Ogden Valley Area. This will be a Type 2 Agency and will be paid a monthly compensation under contract by the State of Utah. The applicant must provide a building or sales space, pay all utilities and rent, supply all fixtures and pay any and all expenses incidental to the operation of the agency. The position becomes available on July 1, 2009 and the deadline for an application is Wednesday, June 24, 2009. For additional information and applications, Contact RONNIE TORRES at the Department Of Alcoholic Beverage Control P.O. Box 30408 Salt Lake City, Utah, 84130-0408 Phone 801-977-6823 |