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Show The Ogden Valley news Your Community Newspaper June 1, 2009 PRSRT STD POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 EDEN UT POSTAL PATRON EDEN-LIBERTY-84310 HUNTSVILLE-84317 OGDEN CANYON- 84401 HCR 843AO Fundraiser Car Show to be Held at Huntsville Park A group of retired military/civilian workers at Hill AFB are holding a car show in Huntsville Park on June 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event is being held as a fundraiser for the new Veterans Nursing Home being built in Ogden near the Ogden Business Depot. The group is also looking for cash donations and/or donations for the event’s raffle drawings and silent auction. All money raised will go towards furnishing the new nursing home. Event representative Ted Hilburn stated, “We are also looking for individuals who want to enter a vehicle in the show. It can be a car, truck, or motorcycle that is new or old. We even have a category for “work in progress” vehicles. The donation fee is ten dollars per vehicle entered. “As a group, we are hoping to raise enough money to furnish at least one room of the new nursing home. The cost is about $3,500 per room and the facility will house 120 rooms. For every dollar we raise, the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs will match our dollar with two more.” The event will also offer concessions, a bake sale, kid’s activities, raffle prizes, a silent auction, a DJ playing oldies music and local celebrities entertaining. First and Second Place awards will be given at the car show. Awards will also be given for trucks and motorcycles. Anyone interested in showing a vehicle can contact Barb Jensen at 801-510-5987, Ted Hilburn at 801-745-3677 or 801The Rainbow Pirates won “Most Outrageous Costume” in the Snowcrest Ragnar Relay held at Snowcrest Jr. High On May 9, 2009. Pictured from left or 781-0836. You can also email Barb at to right they are : Bailey Hogge, Tori Mortenson, Nolan Barrong, Alexis Wendell, Tanner Mortenson, Noah Pollard, Bronson Bailey, Oakley <PT4BARB@msn.com> Hogge, Elizabeth Pollard, Hudson Barrong, Sarah Pollard, Daniel Mortenson, Brock Hanni and Britton Hanni. See more photos on page 2. Weber High and Valley Elementary Both Echoes from Valley School—A closing celebration tial drainage problems.” The bid to build Experience Outbreaks of Communicable Diseases— By Kera Erickson a brand new school in Eden, on an already Summer vacation should slow number of cases The halls of Valley School filled with alumni Saturday May 9 as community members joined to celebrate the closing of their dearly beloved school. The word “bittersweet” seemed to be the word on everyone’s mind. Many are sad to see the passing of such a legacy. A school building has been in operation within the town of Huntsville since 1861. Students have attended the current building since 1957. “We did everything we could to keep the school at its current site,” explained Linda Carver, Assistant Superintendent of Weber County School District, and long time Eden resident. “However, the bid to remodel the current school came to over eleven million dollars. Because of the size of the current lot, the school would have been two stories, with an elevator, and there were also poten- ficulty catching breath. It is often characterized by a high-pitched crowing sound when inhaling after a period of coughing—thus its Both Weber High School common name. and Valley Elementary have been hit this A person with pertussis is contagious from spring with outbreaks of contagious diseases. the beginning of symptoms until two weeks Communicable Disease Nurse Tina after the cough begins, depending on the age, L’Estrange from the Weber-Morgan Health immunization status, previous episodes of Department stated that four confirmed, and infection with pertussis, and antibiotic treatpossibly six, cases of pertussis, sometimes ment. called “whooping cough,” have been reported Pertussis is a vaccine-preventable disat Weber High as of May 29—the last day of ease, although protection is incomplete and school. According to L’Estrange, a few other decreases over time after routine childhood cases have been diagnosed within the county, immunization. It is spread through direct or but there were no other schools manifesting a close contact with mouth and nose secretion. cluster of cases as was found at Weber High. Good hand-washing and coughing etiquette L’Estrange added, “While we only have help to prevent the spread of the disease. four confirmed cases, I’m sure there are A pertussis vaccination was only recently many others that have not been properly approved. The vaccination came on the mardiagnosed.” ket for wide-spread use in September 2005; Pertussis usually begins with cold-like thus, most high school students have not been signs or symptoms and coughing that may vaccinated for the contagious disease. Most By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News progress to severe coughing that may, or may OUTBREAK cont. on page 11 not lead to vomiting, loss of breath, or difA 53-year-old male from Layton was pulled from Pineview Reservoir on the morning of Tuesday, May 26—the apparent victim of a suicide attempt. Lieutenant Philip Howell of the Weber Sheriff’s office stated that a caller had phoned into their office at about 8:30 a.m. stating that they had received a call from the victim stating he was in the area around Pineview Reservoir and was going to kill himself by jumping into the reservoir because he had cancer. A description of the victim’s vehicle was given to the sheriff’s office. Kyle Combe has been selected to the UHSAA Academic A Weber County sheriff then began driving All-State Baseball Teams for the 2009 season. This around the reservoir looking for the vehicle, a award is given to ten select senior varsity players with the red Ford pickup truck. It was spotted unoccuhighest grade point averages. The players were selected from all 5-A high school baseball teams in the state of Utah. Kyle is the son of Steve and Rhonda Combe of The Weber County Sheriff’s Office has Liberty, and has played baseball at Weber High for the reported that plans have been made to transpast three seasons. port Valley Elementary’s portable classrooms out of Ogden Valley during three Pictured left: Kyle Combe separate trips—Sunday, June 14, 21, and 28. The moving of the classrooms will necessitate the closure of Ogden Canyon, and State Road 39 in Huntsville. While it should f take only two to three hours to transport By Shanna Francis Ogden Valley News purchased lot, was less than what the district would have spent in the remodeling of the school on its current site. “We think this is what will be best for our students in the long run,” stated Carver. Those in attendance at the closing celebration smiled to see old classmates, and shared memories of their days at Valley School. All though there was sadness in saying goodbye, there was also an atmosphere of celebration—a celebration of greatness and pride in all that had been accomplished within the walls of such a humble building. When past school principals and teachers arrived, alumni of all ages giggled like school children. An appearance by Scott Ballif, who was principal at Valley School for ten SCHOOL cont. on page 10 Layton Man Drowns in Pineview Reservoir Weber High Student Chosen for All-State Baseball Team for 2009 Season pied at Wind Surfer Beach. The sheriff was able to speak with a fisherman in the area, along with a Forest Service worker that was cleaning up trash. When questioned, both responded that they had not seen the victim. The sheriff then began checking for signs of the man in the water. He was found about 30 feet to the south of the parking lot, floating face down. The sheriff called for a fire response team, a detective team, and a patrol boat and additional Weber County Sheriff personnel soon arrived. The area was taped off and a formal investigation was instigated. Although the body was sent to the medical examiner in Salt Lake City, the victim, a Caucasian, apparently died from drowning. No foul play was suspected. Ogden Canyon, SR 39 Closures Announced Western Music Concert Slated for June 16—Michael Martin Murphey & for Briggs entertainment Hill Waddie Mitchellefitprovide each classroom, plans are being made to shut down the roadways for up to five hours. Motorists should be advised that SR 39 will be closed in both directions June 14, 21, and 28 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., and Ogden Canyon will be closed in both directions from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. Please note that these road closure dates and times may change. Please help fill every seat at High seating can be purchased at SonRoy of singer/song writer$35. Brenn Tickets Hill School’s auditorium on June 16 to help in the A.A. Callister, Dallas Green Farm Service, effort to raise money for medical expenses Smithll.com & Edwards, IFA - 12th Street (Ogden), incurred by singer/songwriter Brenn Hill’s Rockin’ HH Ranch, or by calling 801-731son Briggs who has just fin7604. High A raffleSchool for ten backstage Roy ished his third round of chetickets is also being offered, motherapy and is undergoing with selected ticket holders able a stem-cell harvest. The event to meet Murphey and Waddie. provides an exceptional opporAll contributions are tax deducttunity, not only to help the Hill ible, and proceeds will go to the family, but to attend a concert Hill family to cover medical with such popular and famous expenses. western entertainers as Michael Your help and cooperation are Martin Murphey and Waddie Open Floorgreatly Seating: appreciated. $20 Mitchell who will be providFor more information, visit ing the entertainment for the Brenn Hill’s website at <www. evening. The event is being brennhill.com> hosted by the Western Music On the website, Brenn Hill Association (Utah Chapter) and and his family state, “. . . my the Cowboy Poets of Utah. familyGreen has Farm been Service engaged in a Dallas This spectacular event is being held at very intense battle these past few months. Our Roy High School, 2150 W. 4800 S., in Roy three-year-old son Briggs has just finished his Kiln celebration held on May 21, 2009 in Ogden Canyon. Pictured from left to right are at 7:00 p.m. Tickets for balcony seating are CONCERT cont. on page 13 Cody and Kenzie Wright, Nick Breeze, Rick Brown , and Keith Rounkles. $15, open floor seating $20, and executive |