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Show THE OGDEN VALLEY NEWS Page 12 Volume X Issue VIII August 1, 2004 The OVN Hosts a Year of Essay Contests Citizens Reminded to Register to Vote The OGDEN VALLEY NEWS staff is seeking entries for their monthly essay contests. One winning entry may be chosen each month and printed in the paper. The winning entrant will receive a $20.00 gift certificate from Hastings. Students of all ages are encouraged to participate. This is an election year; are you registered to vote? Have you moved since the last election? Have you changed your name? Do you wish to change your political party affiliation? Where is your polling place? While the November 2 elections may seem a long way off, it’s not too early to begin preparing to ensure that your voice is heard. The following form may be used to: a Register to vote in Utah a Change your name or address on your voter registration record a Register with a party or change your party affiliation Themes for 2004 are: September: The Most Interesting Person I'd Like to Meet October: Why Money Cant Buy Happiness November: The True Meaning of Christmas December: What it Means to Be a Friend All entries become the property of the OGDEN VALLEY NEWS to use at the business owners’ discretion. Entries will not be returned. All entries must be typed or computer written in 12 pt., Times New Roman font. The essay should not exceed 2500 words, but should be at least 400 words. All entries must be received by the 18th of each month. Entries must include the name and age, mailing address, and telephone number of applicant. Mail entries to: OGDEN VALLEY NEWS PO BOX 130 EDEN UT 84310 Email to: The Best Summer I Ever Had oe rove Reason(s) for - Completing ‘this Form (New registration C] Address change o Party affiliation change (_] Name chan: Last Name One of the awesome experiences I had during last summer was my brother’s wedding. I was the Chief Gift Collector and a groomsman—complete with a bow tie, vest, and sleek tuxedo. It was a real special experience to see my brother, whom | had grown up with and had so many memories, finally get married to a lovely wife, whom I loved as if she were my own sister that I had grown up with. I was so happy for them and could only be happier when I saw them drive to the Wright’s Get-Away Lodge and then fly to Hawaii the next morning. My next exciting experience was at my first scout camp. I had the opportunity to spend it with my brother and dad. Every night we played Mafia around the campfire, which was practically a bon fire. I earned all my rank requirements and a couple merit badges. One of the coolest things was we played . For more information on voter registration, contact the clerk-auditor’s office at 3998400, or call the Lt. Governor’s obtained County Date of Birth (mo/day/yr) from the clerk-auditor’s City State City State [| [I | Political Party (check one Ameri Shien ple in a forest at night. Man! That was that cool. Then we stole some firewood from the camp next to us because we were all out. Luckily they weren’t in it at the time. I could probably go on and on but I'll draw the line here because that was the best summer I ever had... YET! C Democrat Place of Birth (state or country) Utah Driver License Number or State Identification Number box only) Independent Amer —— w Zip Code Disabled (optional) CJ Republican *lam nota convicted felon currently incarcerated for commission of a felon ¥ SIGN on line in box below Utah's election law allows each political party to choose whom it will lection. If you do not affiliate with a party, you may be ry voting in the primary. Name and Address on Your Last Voter Registration Signature Name on Last Registration ee Date (mo/day/yr) For Office Use Only Street Address on Last Registration CMY lo Voter Declaration - read and sign below | do swear (or affirm), subject to penalty of law for false statements, that the information contained in this form is true, and that: + | ama citizen of the United States and os — of the state of Utah, residing at the above ad * | will be at least 18 years old on or anethe next election. * | will have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before |eRef ( Natural Law Green 0 Socialist Workers (J Unaffiliated (no party preference) Other (please specify) Please seas to vo! restricted pee office, and Zip Code Yes Capture The Flag with 140 peo- at 1- information on polling locations. Mailing Address (if different from #5) Last Four Digits of Social Security Number Office 800-995-VOTE. Additional copies of this form can be downloaded from the web at http://governor.state.ut.us/It_gover/registration.pdf | Absentee ballots can also be = US. Citizen | 3 | Daytime “Telephone 0 Yes You must be a c 3 citizen to register to vote. | _ First Name Middle Name Street Address (principal place of residence) By Sam Wright WEBER COUNTY CLERK-AUDITOR 2380 WASHINGTON BLVD OGDEN UT 84401 To register tovote in Utah, you must: 1 BeaUS. cit a Have reeided i ina Utah at least 30 days immediately before the next election 1 Be at least 18 years old on or before the next election slfrancis@att.net crwendell@att.net = To register by mail, the following form can be filled out and mailed to the Weber County Clerk-Auditor’s office. It must be postmarked at least 20 days before an election to be eligible to vote in that election. If you are a resident of Weber County, mail the form to: = _ County. _ State Voting Precinct Zip_ ee ee in the Wolf Creek Golf Official Date ee SHOP Wolf Creek Gift Shop Located as Utah Elections 5/00 ee 7 DAYS ee A WEEK 7AM TO 7 PM Shop WI. Geek PERFECT 1h ia (ORAL Otecsigns FOR LAST MINUTE RES BRING IN THIS AD FOR 10% OFF YOUR FIRST PURCHASE GO GIFTS! RT 3900 N. Wolf Creek Resort Drive 745-3737 Eden 801-745-4000 2555 WOLF CREEK DR. EDEN STORE HOURS: MON. - SAT. 7 AM - 10 PM NDAY 7 AM - 9 PM 1 Farr’s Ice Cream satbuccee l | $3.9 Western | with coupon Familv I Sugar 25Ib. 1 1 Western Family Sugar 25]b. 1 I I oR re Adjacent to the14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Fairways at Wolf Creek Golf Course, Eden, Utah ° Teleph Vol creek tei ey —— g0-205-7111 Detached Resort Homes from $229,000 s The Fairways = ee Gla 1 8 POO Watts Enterprises Community ae et Mihae a So = with Sent = oe oe = = eer f =====4 . = a coupon xpires a Expire I i = oe Fresh Local Corn in Now. 12 Ears I I & with per coupon to per ol bee!!! Eggs Gatorade 33 OZ. imit 6 = spe eee, Large 69 = I i with coupon eee==== | FA I (9 ALLS = & Pret I Detached Golf Course Cottages from $375,000 = I Watts Group Wolf CreckModelsResort, Ogden Valley Open Fall 2004 Visit: thefairwaysatwolfcreek.com b= Follow Signs to Both Sales Offices Open Daily Except Sunday 6.59 for Expires 8/15/04 $2.00 oe |