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Show 1 jj EDITORIALS. This paper la on Ills ut iue American Minin Congress. Denver, Colorado. THE GOLDFIELD TROUBLE. rintn Cnurmit. It looked for a time aa If our Ne- vada neighbors were In for a long siege of Industrial trouble, with Its Inevitable train of turmoil, strife, enforced Idleness and consequent suffering and crime. It seems, however, that this Is all happily nverled, and In the accomplishment of so gratifying a result other things of a welcome nature have also been attained. The contest. It will be understood, was between the Industrial Workers of the World, an organisation of anarchistic tendencies and despotic practices, on one side and the Miners' Union acting concertedly wllb the own-er- a and employers, on the other. The former was strong in numbers and growing, as was evidenced by the contest It put up and maintained, and success for it at such a time would have meant the spread and encouragement of such organisation throughout the mining regions, eventually reaching every other department of labor, and becoming so deeply rooted in the social and political soil that Its extirpation would have meant a hard struggle involving perhaps civil war. All this Is now averted, the plotters against law and order are headed off, as we hope and believe, for good and all, and business enterprises miiy now proceed without the projectors and conductors thereof being in constant dread of a shutting down, a closing up or auch serious trouble as amounts to open hostiltles with attendant bloodshed. It is not at all to be desired that organisations having In view the systematic working together of those who make their living thereby Bhall be obliterated or curtailed of any just privilege; these properly controlled and directed are agencies for the accomplishment of good results, Just as when they are misdirected or controllg men ed by unscrupulous, they are a menace to be overthrown. It Is gratifying to know that In the the Federation members stood for good order and the maintenance of law a against the I. W. W. with its red flag and covert criminal designs. But for the attitude and determined action of the Federation the anarchists must have won out and troubles Goldfield thus have passed beyond local control. We all know what this would mean. It is pleasing to know that In Utah we are not and have not been bothered with such dangerous social excrescenIndustrial Workces as the ers, and this Is the surest Indication that we are not likely to be. It is furthermore to be noted that we are moving along In such industrial harmony that even strikes are few and far between, and not of much consequence when they do come. We thus show the world what the possibilities are as to employer and employed. Where one is disposed to be fair In the matter of wages and prompt payment and the other realises that this Is the case, there is not likely too much In the way of misunderstanding and consequent trouble, the elimination of which means much for both sides. The laborer can less afford Idleness than the Investor In an enterprise can because, while the latter has other resources even though his capital Is being frittered away by Inaction. the laborer generally has no other dependence for any considerable time and every days Idleness means bringing the wolf so much nearer the door. A statement: kirs. M. J. Stevens, of 1217 West Third St., S., Salt Lake City, Utah says: "I can sately say that kidney troubles had bothered me for thirty years and there were times when I could hardly keep up and about Backache made life pilserable for me and the kidney secretions were Irregular and contained a sediment I had headaches and dlxxy spells and at times was unable to attend to the simplest: household duties. At my time of life it seems wonderful that after using Doan's Kidney Pills, I am feeling better than for years past in fact, better man at any time since the trouble commenced. The action of the kidneys shows a great Improvement and the backache la all gone. I trust that other sufferers will be led to discover how really wonderful Doan's Kidney Pills are. For sale by all dealers. Price, 60c. Foater-MilliurCo., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans ami take no other. CALIFORNIA BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR nobody knows where, full cf dust, atmosphere and soiled hands, but the real old, genuine egg and sugar Subscribe for your local paper. J. H. BURTNER D. P. A.. Salt Lake City the kitchen. Thats Salt Lake Cty. Coffee 1 Ccopiici with all uquttneoti Subscribe for your local paper. THE HISTORIC WORCESTER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE On Shortest and beat line to Bullfrog and Nevada! Mineral Belt, via The Las Vegas Tonopah Railroad. Ask the Agent but specify San Pedro, Lot Angeles 41 Salt Lake a coated Arbut Ides ARIOSA Coffee, which the folks keep in the original package and grind in We will duplicate any piece of work done by "tbe reputed best dentist In Utah for 30 per cent less than the price charged by him. All work done under a written guarantee. MECHAM DENTAL CO., 66 Main St., HELPING HAND .. .WINTER RATES... None of that fresh roasted loose by die pound store stuff from n INDUSTRIAL WORKERS TAILORING CO. 4(t J the Nuxml Put. Manufactured by John Reeves Co., Balt aad Indorsed by the M. A 1L ssn of Utah. Ask you Grooer. See tho the Labels. 8ufferer. There are many enthusiastic citizens preared to tell their experience for the public good. Testimony from such a source is the best of evidence, and will prove a "helping hand" to scores of readers. Read the following la Gladly Extended by a jf iff S Every Garment Bears This Label Rooms w priced, custom-mad- e clothing. 8UIT8 FROM $22.00 UPWARD. PANTS FROM 6.60 UPWARD. Nothing 18-1- 9 but 8 all wool goods made up. Eagle Block, Salt Lake City. Vv astiMtstatittiitsiitsuiNsistswatBHMBvK guaranteed W Or. Miles' Western Goods for Western People!1 Pills Anti-Pai- n The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) Cure Headache BELIEVES IN BEING Almost instantly and leave no bad effect& They also relieve every other pain, Neural- Busy All the Time In Utah91 gia, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Backache. Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from inpains, Indigestion, jury, Bearing-dowNervousness and Sleeplessness. Dia-zines- n object of the organisation is to promote ibe use of ALI UTAH-MADGOODS in all lines, in preference to those mann&ctured outside the State. SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. A CANYON s, PANORAMA of the GRANDE EAGLE RIVER CANYON. OF NATURAL E WAGON BEAUTY ALL CANYON THREE Prevent $y All-Ach- es By taking one or two Dr. Miles Anti-Pai- n Pills when you feel an attack coming oir. You not only avoid suffering, but the weakening influence of pain' upon the system. If nervous, irritable and cannot sleep take a tablet on retiring or when you awaken. This soothing influence upon the nerves "brings refreshing sleep. aq doses. 25 cents Never sold in bulk. GAP. of the GUNNISON. GARDEN THROUGH & WHEEL GLENWOOD SPRINGS. THE WAY. -- m m The only house in Salt Lake City placing the Union label on popular WLMl .cwswiststttUtiMttsttsttWstststtl " MANITOU TRAIN8. SPRINGS. THE ROYAL THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST 8LEEPER8. $ S TO DENVER, f ST. LOUIS AND For Folders, Booklets, k CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, t I OF THE GODS. GORGE. Etc., Address V 2 aA.P.D, Salt Lake S City. Sounds Big, but it's True PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. w r rrF r r rr Stop Those Hes If you want to talk with every aches. BEaggnr Those lamm That Eye 8tra!n. Co. Alexander-Dibbl-e 23041-3- We Cure Men For $ 1 2.50 Elks Club, Salt Lake City, 44 8. 8tate 8L Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Public and Private Bath. Independent Phone 2117 Rates Reasonable: any ,n thla COUBtrT nd our cures flriThir?s?ilfi!'i1iMlq..?!il!ll?erlUM never fall to cure In w take. V you suffer from neglect, from want of mone? or from unskilled practice here la an opportunity to get tho services or a skilled 0,o.uL Sraduats physician, with years of complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY.ripeIt experience will cost nothing to 0 health and happlnesa yu bn.H,6f,y2a of rtorln Wb You sea only the doctor. nnvatw vry who arc o being so low. It enables many afflicted to procure the sdentlflo medical assistance. highest Terms made to ault If necessary, bo that anyone need not go without treatment. We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. 159 a. m. to B noon. INSTITUTE, 8. MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. I k INSIDE. Telephones have (his OUTSIDE. CATARRH WHO CURE aad all Item. Thm ? KUneyi, BUddm ad BoveU. Heart J, DtaaaWa Utb, Deafam, Vita, Rhanmatlam, Pile Restore, LnI Manhood. Gonorrhea BjpkliU, ProateUa Tronblaa, and all OhionJa Marram aad Mania Diaaaaaa at Map, Woman aad ahlldrea. fl a teaatmael $19 tar a aura for Ca-- I terxhal Dii i s ma.lk madiaiaaa fraa far aU ahroale dii CANADIAN PACIFIC Not only In Salt Lake City, but In the wholo Pacific West. The results of our professional work art bringing to our office men from every state and Territory . In tbe West. Wo use the mlscroecope to make our diagnosis, if you want a permanent cure, consult us. Blood and Skin Dtaeasea. Nervous Decline. Plies. Diseases due to Weakness and the Meffili of reeult diseases, and all V,!nrr Diseases of Men MEDICAL 18 Chon, Specialists LAKE hw DOCTORS M. T. MARKS, Prop. Leading SALT ul8kN Opposite WE ARE THE p. m.; evenings, i to 1:10; Sundays. Pure Gold Rings jtuxedoT Consultation Free. a. m. to Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. New House, New Furniture, Elegantly Furnished Rooms, Single or Sn Suite. No Pay Unless Cured Hours: 2 town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL. Otherwise you CAN'T ! Dixzy 8pells RAILWAY a i-- n Vari-aoaal- a, CONSULTATION FREE pkb Dra. Bhorai Dim, Era Dapartmanl ter flu qalak aara a aU Era Dlaeim and for tha A Special Department lor Men. Dapartam azahudvaly fat tka treatment and C all.?'SL,Bhar.bT Private Diaaaaaa d TORONTO. QUEBEC. OTTAWA. MONTREAL. PORTLAND. BOSTON. And all principal points in Canada and New England, via Detroit and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Through car service from Chicago. Rates of fare and further information from . A. C. SHAW, General Agent Passenger Department 232 South Clark Street. Chicago an af af Man, wkathar aaaaad by lfaoraaat, axmm ar aoatacion. Tounf man vha hava baaa lad eatray by bad oomnaalone tnlddlo-aromaa vh hava font to qaamoo- - old man wha fad ttair aaaaal vlfor aone anfortnnataa who af Blaad Palaa- a- and all adan vha seed tho aaanaal aad aid af experienced and kindly shyaiatena ara eendtelly invited te aouaplt thla dapartmaat and ha adviaad OF OHAROB. So aura la tha aara aadar DBS. SHORES KODEEM METHODS la 11 Private Diaaaaaa, that yam may arranf to pay tha faa far a aara la amall voekly ar monthly aara tha or inatallmaate, at pregraaaaa, yaa may PAT WHSM OUEED. Don't advartlw ftetaa" ter say DRS. SHORES lnrl. ailmaat" aad than aharye yaa tea timu aa auk aa tha amoaat adfertiaad haeaoaa tha aaaa la "oampU. eatad." Dra. Shorn laava that to tha Paka Madlaal Dra. Shorn laarmatao that aaa faa paya laatitntaa. for ALL yoar ailmmta If thay bail yoar aaaa and that tha faa for a CUBE viU ha ahaapar than yaa aaa ha a alaa faraiah yaor eurad for alaavhara. Dra. Sold ap" for "Madida FREE thara la aa after yea hava arraafad tha faa. Qaaeha aad Fakir mart a to an eh trleka to rob tha anwory bat Legitimate abhor aid denonae. thna. Brvara of tiny fakir vha hidra behind a "fake Medl-rlaaiitute" bveanu ha darn not advrrtiia aadar kia awn aim.. There mait ba a maoa fir It. Homo Trvatmmt Carve. Write fur Free Symptom Llel If yaa rannot rail. Oonoultatlon free. OF! ICR HOURS: 9 a. m. to I p. m. ; Evoalaya T ta 9; Saadaya and halidaya 10 a. m. to 12. -- nil Rho-.a- Drs. Shores & mad-lein- Shores, Expert Specialists, 249 |