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Show 7T HELPING ALONG HIS MEMORY. TAKING OUT A STAIN. Husband Willing to Do Hlo Best to Follow Instructions. Dry Chlorlds of Llms Good In Obstln-- Mr. Morse Is an undemonstrative man and an absent-mindeone as well Jn these two respects he Is a trial to Us wife, who Is exactly his opposite. James," she aald as she bade him Eood-bwhen he was about to start for Chicago, will you remember to hunt up Cousin William and find out all about Aunt Sarah? It Is so many years since I've heard from any of 'that family." Yes, my dear." And do you suppose you will remember to put on your overcoat If the wind changes, so as not to catch one of your dreaded colds?" "Yese, my dear. And you will try to remember that Ton have plenty of clean collars, so you needn't go about looking as If you had no wife to see to you?" Yes, my dear," said Mr. Morse, as he turned to take up his bag. And, James, said Mrs. Morse, tearfully, do you suppose you will think of me every day while you are gone and I am here at home? My dear," responded Mr. Morse, with his mind on catching the train, I will certainly make a memorandum to do so. When a stain proves unusually obstinate and absolutely refuses to coma out by ordinary methods, wet the spot d 1 ats Cases. Csnrt ran dyed with PUTNAM FADE1.K.SS PYES will remain bright and beautiful. No trouble to use. S STIFFNESS, STITCHES, LAMENESS, CRAMP, TWISTS AND TWITCHES, ALL DECAMP WHEN YOU APPLY A woman either loves or hates; there is no third part Publius Syrus. ST. JACOBS Plan for Good Health! Take Garfield Tea now; it regulates the liver and kidneys, overcomes constipation, purifies the blood end eradicates disease. It is mads wholly of llerbe. thoroughly and then cover with dry chloride of lime. I.et It remain a tew momenta, rubbing well with the Unger Puzzles .the Small Boy. meanwhile, and then rinse until the PRICE THE The .email boy is apt to wonder why lime is out It will generally be found 89 AND 90 CENTS a young man hits the shoulders of his that the stain is also gone. If not, coat padded Instead of the seat of apply again. A second application will bis trousers. remove anything that Is removable. Owing to the nature of the remedy, however. It is far better to make a second application than to leave the first one on until the stain Is all gone. The chemical action of the lime reOaio. Citt or Tolido, I moves a portion of the Internal fiber SraTi or Lucas t Couti. ta Malar of the material and thus eats up the Tun J. chckiy aiskss oath that haCo., dutof partosr of tha arm ut V. J. ilaasar Weil-Informand Toledo. Sum uf stained part. The proportion of fiber business In tha City Uouety ed afurauld. and that aald arm will par tha sum of removed is so small as to ds no Injury OKK UPKUKKU DOLLAR for each and ararr of Uat.ms that cannot ha curad by tha um of but If left on too long the lime will ease Hull-- . Cava... Cuaa. is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufacturInsinuate Itself, taking a strong hold, In mjr preuaicq ma and to bafnra Sworn cf medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to ers and finally bite through the fabric, or thl. of lcenmojr, A. YEaLgASO. uniform the hdy quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well weaken It so It will soon wear In holes. JtoTAnrPonua known to physicians and the generally that the California Fig Syrup Chloride of lime Is the base of javelle Catarrh Cura Is tskra Internally and sets llsll'a methods of its and reason correct which so Is recommendoften perfect equipment and the ethical character of water, Co., by directly un ilia bluud sod uiuruua aurfacaa of the wlali. free. scientific and commercial circles which in ed for the removal of stains, but using syslarn. Sand for leulin to attained the has its high standing product X V. J. C'llKXKV e CO., Toledo, Sold hr all Prunl'M. i.Vs. the powder itself la more satisfactory houses reliable successful to accorded and is only, and, therefore, that the name of the Taka UaU'aFauiliy Pills for coustlpatlon. In many ways; of its remedy. of and, as it can be become the excellence a has guarantee Company bought In small cans with a sprinkThe Cheerful Bohemian. AND ling top. It Is quite as convenient as I never see you that you aren't when In solution. BLOOD GETS SOUR. and cheerful," they said d in every walk of life and are essential to permanent sucappeal to the to the seedy Bohemian. Why Is It, FOR THE NURSERY DESSERT. and creditable cess standing, therefore we wish to call the attention xf all who would we wonder. Every Family Should Make Up This with its blessings, to the fact that it. involves the question of right health, enjoy good Home Mixture and Take Now. Well, you see," the Bohemian ex8lmple Prune and Batter Pudding Is term with the all implies. With proper knowledge of what is best esich hour living plained, I've got so used to never havGood. Very of eontcmplation and of effort may lx; made to contribute of of recreation, enjoyment, n At this time of year, says a ing any money, to boing always broke, medicines of use end the and to that dispensed with generally to great advantage, but to come the I've that to become end the Kidneys authority, realizing Soak a pint of prunes over night, wholesome instances a in of as and remedy may lie invaluable ii taken at the theres nothing left my roiie simple, many weak, clogged and inactive, failing to drain and remove the stones. In your Co. feels California that it is alike important to present filter out the poisons and acids, which wooden bowl the far made to that mind Ive time, me, Syrup Fig proper up my chop two ounces of beef make the sour the blood, causing not only facial suet of It and take my medilaxative remedy which has won one to the and best the supply subject truthfully ounces of add very fine, four, world-wid- e cine a and bodily eruptions, but the worst with smile. of the of and the acceptance physicians theappoval a the same of flour, sugar forms of Rheumatism, Nervous and four (half a cup), known to of and the of excellence the the all, combination, original method of manufacof eggs, ground salUpoonful Important to Mothers. Stomach troubles, Backache and painCo. California which to known is the only. of Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, Fig Syrup cinnamon, half a Baltspoonful ture, ful, annoying Urinary afflictions. lieen long and favorably known under the name of aefe end vnre remedy for intent and children, lias grated nutmeg, and If you ubo liquor, valuable This remedy la worth anyones time now to a dash of boat rum, about two It end ace that !t acceptance as the most excellent of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wid- e get from some good prescription pharMix this thoroughly with obtained from Senna, are well laxative and as its laxatives, principles, pure family Braretbe Fluid the macy following Ingredients: a wooden spoon for five minutes, then of natural d of world to lie the Ix-the the and of to known physicians Extract Dandelion,, one-haounce; beat In four tablespoonfuls of thick iignaura laxatives, we have adopted the more elatiorate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com- cream and two ounces of bread la Um For Over 30 Year. The Kind Ton Have Alwan BoaghL Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be three crumbs (two heaping tablespoonfuls), pound Synip Sarsaparilla, ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bot- mix called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always and then add the When You Are Praised. tle and take In teasiwonful doses after prune thoroughly .California Fig Syrup Co. note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company flour and Uutter pulp lightly. When you are praised by a man your meals and at bedtime. whether of the on front you simply call for Syrup of every package, plainly printed your pudding bag or a stout cloth, for whom you cannot possibly do any This simple home-madmixture will and, drawing of of and as Syrup of Figs and Elixir Senna name full or llie of four corners the Figs Syrup by up Figs favor and who, .as you know, la aware force the Kidneys to normal, healthy the of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup tie them tightly. Drop of the fact, you may find It reasonably Elixir lattter, action, so they will filter and strain all into a pot of boiling water twice and Co. and the same heretofore known by the name safe to conclude that he isnt laying It Syrup of Figs which has given uric acid and poisonous waste matter a half of the pudding, and on any too thick. the for is sale all leading druggists throughout The depth millions. satisfaction to genuine by 'from the blood, and expel this in the boll two hours and a half. Then of one size only, the regular price of which . in United States the packages original same time at the the urine, restoring It up to drain about ten minutes, In a Pinch, Use ALLENS FOOT-EASI'll is fifty cents' per bottle. full blood count" that is, 95 percent, hang A powder. It cures painful, smartfrom a hook over a dish. suspending red blood corpuscles which Is abso- Untie, turn out on a Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the deep dish, dredge ing, nervouB feet and Ingrowing nails. lutely indispensable to perfect health. over with powdered sugar and serve Its the greatest comfort discovery of Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, ). C., that the remedy is not adulterated dr misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. with hard or foamy sauce, flavored the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold Churning Dogs. with lemon. A curious point In regard to the new by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no substitute. Trial package, FREE. Addogs act occupied the attention of the A New Color. dress A. S. Olmsted. Roy. N. Y. Carnorvnn county befich on Saturday, A golden tan in a soft, beautiful San Francisco, Cal. says, the London Dally Mall. The su- shade, Is going to be one of the leadOur yesterdays follow. us; they conNew York, N. Y. that U S. A. pereight reported perintendent Louisville, Ky. colors. It goes by the eustitute our life, and they give characsons had applied for exemptions In re- ing springname of dead London, showEngland. ter and force and meaning to our presphonious apricot, spect of dogs which were used for ing somewhat the same peachy yellow ent deeds. Joseph Parker. Davids' Issard churning. Inquired tints as that fruit. whether It had not been decided that Mrs. Mlnajovr'l HontMnar Syrap. One can get an idea of it by lookFor rhl Wren teething, aufumt iheicnim, redeem t to use dogs for such a purpose was at the tan shoes for spring, which lain mailou. allay ing pain, curaa wloil collu. SSueboCUe cruelty, but several of his colleagues are in this new golden yellow effect. DEFIANCE STARCH alanine clinnee nicest replied in the negative. The bench Nothing is Impossible to the mjin A charming gown in dead apricot decided that the owners of the churn- silk was worn on the W. N..U, Salt Lake City, No. 14, 1907. stage in a not- who can will. Emerson. ing dogs must take out licenses. able production. It Is not a color to be rashly attempted, but if one is Benefits of the It is noted from Baltimore that during sure of Its becomlngness it is an choice for an afternoon or the ten years since the discovery of the y important research has evening gown. a pretty face, a good figure, but been made by the medical department Creamed Dried Beef and Celery. sooner or later learn that the of Johns Hopkins university through pound dried lieef. one SHOES FOR HEN healthy, happy, contented woman the use of the ray as a diagnostic Into half-inccut is most of all to be admired. pieces, celery, cupful beneagent; and the results of great 'Women troubled with fainting one and one-haThs highest degree of style, fit and workman-- l cupfuls of milk, one fits derived from the early diagnosis one-hal- f tablesiioonfuls each of spells, irregularities, nervous irritaship are embodied in there splendid shoes. and study of aneurisms, or morbid di- and backache, the blues, and There are seas that eqsal Ibeai Is appear sacs I bility, and teaspoon-fu- l butter flour, j lation of the walls of arteries, through those dreadful dragging sensations, sad wearing qsafily at lbs price. They are Scald the beef, if too pepper. this agent, have just been compiled oannot hope to be happy or popular, butwell. Melt and the drain salt, , Baet-Jarin advancement either home, and and described by Dr. F. Howard BUILT ON HONOR ter, add the celery and beef, and cook, business or social life is impossible. of the university. what howthe name until means. Thate what a trial will prove. By I the Thats The cause of these troubles, celery stirring occasionally 's all weans wear HemorWh shees. Demand them of your dealer Is slightly browned. Add the flour, ever, yields quickly to Lydia E. I Canoe of Ancient Make. INSIST. Sold everywhere. If you eannot get them Vegetable Compound made While engaged in clearing ont a mix. until 1 11100 th, pour in the milk, from native roots and herbs. It acts writa to ui. deep bog In Somersetshire, England, stir until boiling, add the pepper, also at once upon the organ afflicted and a workman unearthed a canoe which salt If needed, and serve hot, garnishWe tiro make the Westers Lady," and the , the nerve centers, dispelling effecwith toast points. probably belonged to some ancient ed Nariha Wasklagfea' comfort shoes and s full lise all those distressing symptually lake dweller. The boat, which is of toms. No other medicine in the country haa received such unqualified I of men's, women's and childrens shoes. Our trade- A New Fad. Indorsement or haa such a record of cures of female ills as has oak, is in a fairly good state of presmark is stamped on every sole. A seized and fad arrived has upon ervation, and measures 20 feet S inches in length and 2 feet 10 inches the feminine fancy, which Is to have F Mayer Boot A Shoo Co., In width, and in appearance is some- negligees, tea gowns, the coffee matiMiss Emma Runtsler, of 831 State SL, Schenectady, N. Y., writes: Milwaukee, WIs. nees and accompanying petticoats the what like a modern punt For a long time I was troubled with a weakness which seemed to TrSMs same tint as the boudoir color scheme. drain all my strength away. 1 hod dull headaches, was nervous, to For instance should king roses be the of advertisements A FRIENDLY GROCER. one out. worn all read Chancing your irritable, and of a case similar to mine cured by Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable wallpaper design, thep all these dainty Compound, I decided to try it and I cannot express my gratitude for the Ilk and mull garments are of the Dropped a Valuable Hint Abdiit Coffee. benefit received. I am entirely well and feel like a new person." on so the and same rosy hue, through Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound is the most successful For about eight years, writes a whole gamut of floral colors that can NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. remedy for all forms of Female Complaints, Weak Back, Falling and I suffered from nerv- be matched in textiles Mich, woman, THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL Inflammation and Ulceration, and is invaluable in preDisplacements, bed ousness part of the time down in for childbirth and the Change of Life. paring with nervous prostration. Oysters and Celery. Women Mrs. Cut up and stew two cups of celery "Sometimes 1 would get numb and It invited to are of weakness form female Women from any suffering would be almost impossible for me to until It is transparent and the water communicate with Mrs, Flnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice and promptly would I salt season with At a all for Is absorbed; others, spell. speak M free and always helpful. have severe bilious attacks, and my pepper. Simmer a pint of oysters in EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT heart would flutter painfully when I their own juice until the edges curl; A 0UICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-FRcelto add the and or would walk fast season these also sweep. 15c. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-- AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF I5e. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT "1 have taken enough medicine to ery. Thicken half a cup of rich milk COMES-KE- EP THE TILL PAIN A TUBE HANDY. start a small drug store, without any and pour over all and serve on rounds A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not Bazar. benefit One evening our grocer was of buttered toast. Harper's blister the most delicate akin. The and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, end relieve asking husband how I was and be Do. Will Salt What use and Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external urged that I quit coffee counter-irritaSalt sprinkled on any substance that known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest Fostum, so he brought home n pkg. and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial and I made It according to directions Is burning will stop the smoke and will prove what we claim for It, and it will be found to be Invaluable in the blaze. and we were both delighted with it household and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many Salt sprlnk'cd upon coals that are "So we quit coffee altogether and people say it la the best of all your preparations. wHl Accept no preparation or from fat broiling chops 1 betblazing used only Fostum, began to get ol vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It Is not genuine. down. to die ter la n months time and look like an- cause the flames SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASESalt used upon carpets when sweepLINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. other person, the color came back to will also and moths my cheeks, I began to ilcgi well, my ing will prevent CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. appetite was good and I commenced brighten the colors. 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY to take on flesh and become Interested Potato Persillade. In everything about the house. To make these wash and peel nice Finally I was able to do all my own white potatoes, then cut into small work without the least sign or my old with a potato scoop that comes trouble. I am so thankful for the little balls for that purpose. Boll in lightly saltbook, The Road to Wellvijle. It has ed drain dry and serve with tuwnSui water, I havent much good. done me so . V. L DOUGLAS 14.00 GILT EDGE SHOEI CANNOT K EQUALLED AT MY MICE. minced melted . butter 'and parsley taken medicine of any kind for six SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT AIL PRIDES t poured over them. Mna'e Khoee, U to SIJO. Knya' NhnH, SI to SI .15. nomri'i months and dont need any. Horses.CBMe.Hoes Free on Booklet Children's Shoes, 93.S3 to 1.00. For Shoes, 4 to Ml AO, Mine Ssnd not like &Rulhy A friend of ours who did Cake. Cream Sponge W. L. Douglas shoes are recognised bj beet Postum as she made it. liked mine, be to the in One and one-lial- f cupfuls of sifted Dr. part of the shoe ami every detail of the making and when she learned lu boll it long flour, two tablospounfiils of baking over by .killed shoemakers, without regard to watched and enough, hers was as good as mine. powder, one cupful or rolled sugar. time or rust. If I could take you into my largo factories at directions. follow Brockton. Mas., ard show you how Its easy if you W. I.. lViuglae one teasixionful or vanilla : break two shoes are made, y u would then understand why they hold theirsliape, tit better! Name given liy Poslum Company. Bat- eggs into a cup and finish filling with of value are than any other makes. Wear longer, ami greater tle Creek, Mich. Read the little book. sweet cream. Put all ihgether and W. I. ltnoeta. imm .ml pn-- e h duniml on I lie bottom, whirh nnrtret, the vmrvr nmlnst klsh , Im-- i. Toko encr an--t llie hnu ahne rtnh-- reriwhr. e.ild In pkgs. stir Mhiillair. The Road to Vellvllle. mix. to just enough W bkrliwttudcHiHiioh tntoLe oneoerfraa W.Lby UOlULin, Umcktoo.Ma a reason." y . Hems of the Icebergs. Almost all the Icebergs seen tn the June are north .Atlantic during products of the coast of Labrador, formed from the ice fields that, had filled the Indentations of that coast the previous winter. July's Icebergs come from further north In the vicinity of Baffin Land, those of August come from still further north, and though fewer In number than those of the earlier summer, are larger In From the coast of individuality. Labrador may be .seen an endless procession of these Ice mountains coming out of the north and taking their way majestically southward until they lose their being In tke warmer waters .and climate of the south Atlantic. Maine Journal. OIL One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the of the World mlm-rllw- iAll Well-Inform- TRUTH light-hearte- d QUALITY Well-Informe- well-know- e Well-Inform- table-spoonful- st Well-Informe- lf e 1- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. -e MEN ADMIRE X-ra- HQWQRBILT One-quart- h lf one-eight- ink-ham- Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound COUNTER-IRRITAN- T. CAPISICUM Pinkhams Standing Invitation to VASELINE ICE pain-allayi- For Emergencies si Home For ihe Stock on the Farm Slo&Ks Limmeivt - Is a whole medicine chest Price 25c 50c 6 1.00 Address W. L. DOUGLAS AND $3.50 SHOES $3.00 Earl S. Sloan. Boston, Mass. can-rall- inl-r- Theres . |