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Show It the jnr n It the mirnber THROWING THE DISCUS. were estibllshed. if ill nr Phonei. nr Put Olce Reliable The Jewelry House It lhe linker if The Old Greek and Roman Gams of Quoits. Box. 170 "MAIN ST. AN EA8ILY MADE TELEPHONE. That Will Work structed Carefully. Instrument SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. If Con- PROPER COOKING OF MUFFINS Have you ever played quoits? The AND BI8CUIT8. Greeks and Romans had a game very similar to quoits, 'and it was one ol their favorite amusemonts. It was Difference Made by Use of Baking called Powder and Yeast- - Flq Brea an Throwing the discus. The Appetizing Dainty Well discus was a dr Worth Trying. cular ol plate stone or metal ten to IS Inches In diameter, and was held by its further edge with the right hand, so as to lean upon the forearm, and was cast with a swing of the arm, aided by a twist of the whole body The picture will give you a correct Idea of the position of the player Similar to this game, the andents had another, "Throwing the solos," a heavy spherical mass of stone or iron, perforated through the center to admit a rope, by the aid of which It waa thrown. The materials you will require are two pine boards ten by 13 Inches, and half an Inch thick, two fresh beef e bladders, one box of tacks, gutta-perchovercoat butMETH0D8 OF CARING Jwo large tons, some strips of thin leather FOR PATIENT8. of an Inch wide, and lastly some flexible wire. The best wire for the puriwse Is that used In Modern Science Teaches Many Ways machines, but, If It cannot be obof Alleviating Suffering and Pro- tained, any soft, flexible wire will do. Prepare the bladders first by blow, moting the Recovery of ing them up tightly, and leaving them en Loved Onei. so for a day or two until they are When there la a prospect of a InnR thoroughly stretched, but do not let Illness two email cote that coet so them become dry and hard, says Good little may be placed together, making Literature. While the bladders are A BORN OPTIMIST. It easy to move the patient from one stretching you can obtain the other to the other when changing the bert- materials. To begin, take one of the hing, and permitting each one to be boards, and having brought it to the Story That Was Definition and Illustration All In One. required dimensions, draw a circle In thoroughly aired each day. Otherwise the Ideal aick bed la a single one of its center eight inches In diameter, When little Ieander Bassett asked Iron, the length and width of those which you must saw out, taking care need In hospitals. With this should big Leander, his father, what an opbe a fine woven wire spring and a timist was, Mr. Bassett regarded him thin hair mattress. Of the water thoughtfully for a moment before he beds, those tilled by means of a pitchspoke, says the Youth's Companion. I hope you're going to be one, he er and funnel are said to be the beat. The temperature of the water should said, slowly. "You favor your Uncle be kept about 70 degrees and must be William In looks, and you've got some of his ways. 'Twould please me changed every two weeks. The bed must never touch the walls. The rest mightily to have you turn out like for the bead la the feather pillow, him. I don't know how the big dictionchanged or beaten when It becomes uncomfortably hot Small pillows of aries put it, but I know the general varying sizes should be used to tuck Idea, sonny, and It's your Uncle Wilunder back of knees when change of liam clear through and through. position Is necessary. "When he had anything hard to do, Paper torn In floe bits Is nice for these. Here 1s he Just made a kind of a window of it the way a trained nurse In a hospital to see something pleasant through. makes up the beds: She begins by "When we had wood to saw an tucking the lower sheet, preferably split, he used to call it a kind of a batwf cotton (for linen chills excepting in Parts of the Telephone. tle. Hed say, When we've disposed snugly and smoothly to of this regiment, pointing to a pile on If for the the line, keep openover the mattress. This should be o' wood fatherd portioned off to us, not is or round the even, lustra 'I think our protected In case of severe Illness ing troops will be able to with a rubber blanket or paper pad. ment will not work satisfactorily. make off to the woods without furthNext of one take and the bladders, The sheet la piuned In place, taking er he'd say and then care to have a perfectly smooth sur- after cutting the neck off cut away we'dInterference,' both hack away like mad. d about of to from end It end; face under the patient The corners corn lu When It came to of the sheet are folded square, as the then soak it In water, warm, but not the hot sun and Id hoeing clean discourget too becomes until It and white hot, folds the edges of the paper grocer he'd put his hand up to his eyes he wraps around a parcel. Next a soft; after which stretch it loosely aged, and 'Strikes me we're getting on say, draw sheet Is laid on smoothly and but evenly over the opening, letting When we've hoed these fast pretty Inside of on tbe bladder be the top, pinned In place. In spreading the up16 more, we'll be one two rows and per sheet it Is brought up well to the and tack temporarily all around one more than half done, and plenty of head of the bed, so It will turn back inch from the edge of the opening. Hed laugh when he Now test it by pushing the center time to finish. nicely over the other clothes, but left It, and I'd laugh with him. a little loose for the feet. Next comes with your finger; if It stretches said "I couldn't always see it the same the blanket, the folded edge at the smoothly and without wrinkles, it will he did, but I learned one thing way do; but If it does not, you must change foot, and a light-weigcounterpane, can look right at any hard, disyou Its so. does until It Next foldwith be should position the which, sheet, ed carefully in at the corners and take a strip of leather and tack com- agreeable Job till you can't see anytucked under smooth Tind tight at the pletely around the edge of the open- thing else, even when you turn away ing, putting the tacks closely together, from it; or you can look through It, sides. and taking care to keep the bladder no matter how thick It is, same as To Change the Bed, In changing William did. He was what I call an one to the bed, roll the patient side, stretched evenly while doing so. putting one hand against the shoul- When you have it tacked properly, optimist. der and the other against the hips. take your knife and cut away that part DISPUTED RIGHT OF WAY. of the bladder on the outside strip Roll up the lower sheet in lengthwise folds against the patient. Put on lFlg.l). This done, break off three feet of fresh sheet, and draw sheet and pin In place. Roll the patient over, pro- tbe wire, and after attaching It to tecting with the upper sheet, and pull one of the buttons (Fig 3), pass the the lower sheet smooth. Pin. Put free end through the center of the clean upper sheet on over the soiled bladder until the button rests on its one, then tuck the clean one In and surface (A Fig 1), then fasten remove the soiled one. weight of eight pounds to the end of the wire and Bet In the suu for two Slipping to Foot of Bed, If a patient Is troubled by slipping down In hours or more until thoroughly dry bed, the foot may be slightly raised (Fig. 2). Proceed with the other materials in by putting bricks or blocks under It, or a small bolster may be tucked un- a like manner, and when you hare der the thighs, then tied around the both drums well dried, place one on each end of the line, and connect the head of the bed with tapes. button wires with the main wire by Dutch Apple'Cake. loops, and stretch it as tightly as posThis Is another favorite dish In the sible, and with few sharp angles. This picture Is taken from a woncooking class. It is sometimes made Whenever a support Is needed use a derful photograph showing how catwith soda and cream of tartar, and loop. To call up. strike the button with erpillars fight. These two creatures again with yeast For the former sift a lead pencil, and the one called up have met on a twig and neither will two a teahalf flour, cups together will a of respond in a like manner. This give the other the right of way. Both half teaspoonful salt, spoonful is not a toy, but is a practical tele- want It. and the result will be a fight soda and a teaspoonful cream of tartar. Add two tablespoonfuls butter or phone that Is serviceable from three to the death. The picture shows the caterpillars sparring for an opening. good dripping and rub In with the tips feet to three miles.. Just as two human fighters approach of the fingers. Beat one egg light and each other In the ring. add to it a scant cup milk. Then stir Something Lacking. The small boy was making calls Into the dry mixture. The dough Aoross Lots. should be quite soft. Turn Into a shal- with his mother, and to soothe his evi"What do people mean when they low baking tin. Peel, core and slice dent restlessness, the minister's wire talk about tacking?" asked Bobby, three or four tart apples and arrange had given him an apple. "What do you say, William?" the who had listened to a detailed account symmetrically on top of the pan, letof his sister's first experience In a ting the slices overlap. Put the sharp mother prompted. sailboat with interest, but In much Peel It! William with of slices the down answered, and edge press confusion of mind. slightly Into the dough. Sprinkle with conviction. Llppincolt's Magazine. "Oh, you'll know when you're a littwo tablespoonfuls sugar and nutmeg Much Depends on the Color. tle bit older. said the sister; but the or cinnamon. Bake In a hot oven. As She Is it really true that the blind small round face wore an expression aoon as done brush the top lightly can determine color by the sense of of injury, and she had to explain furwith hot water. touch? ther. When the Mississippi. Freezes. lie Certainly. I once knew a blind "Why, it's Just turning half-waSince 1870 there have been but six sea- man who was able to tell a red-ho- t round, she said, with slight hesitasons when the Mississippi did not stove by merely putting his finger on tion. "and thpn and then you sail on freeze over, these being tbe years it. Illustrated Bits. the bias. Youth's Companion. 1873, 1875, 1883, 1891, 1902, and 1906. The 30 times that it did close, the ice stopped running 30 times In December, showing that this is the month when the heavy cold usually sets In. The earliest date recorded Is December 4, 1872, and the latest February 24, 1889. One season, the Ice frose up tight and then moved six times the variation of the temperature for the winter. IN THE SICK ROOM four-ounc- a one-quart- er book-bindin- g ), one-thir- y EVOLUTION OF A BELL. 1895-189- Good Furniture Cream. a good furniture cream, finely For shred an ounce of beeswax, half an ounce of white wax, and half an ounce of Castile soap. Cover with half a pint of turpentine and stand on the stove In a gallipot to dissolve. Next day add a quarter pint of boiling water, stir thoroughly together, and then put In bottles for u:,e. Keep this cream well corked. wide-mouthe- d Don't you dote on a hot id dinner? Yes, if it Is a good table d hole. dial ti more American. NIGHTCAPS IN VOGUE AGAIN. MRS. RORERS HINTS For muffins and biscuits Mrs. Rorer gives the following recipes:. There is a decided difference between the flavor and texture of muffins made from baking powder and one made from yeast. The yeast muffin la more palatable, but I am Inclined to think that the baking powder muffin There are Is more easily digested. so many things to be taken into consideration with both that one feels like saying that neither are wholeCorn some, but both are palatable. breads are always wholesome, as is true of whole wheat or other coarse flour.' Corn breads are better made with a goodly quantity of eggs and very little baking powder." Rice Corn Bread Seperate two eggs, add to the yolks a cup of milk, s' cup of boiled rice, a teaspoonful of salt, a cup of corn meal, one cup of flour and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Now fold In the whites of the eggs, bake in a shallow greased hour. pan one-hal- f Biscuits Sift one quart of flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a teaspoonful of salt; fub In a tablespoonful of shortening; all sufficient milk to make a soft dough; roll out and cuL Bake In a quick oven 20 minutes. Fig Bread Prepare the flour precisely the same as for biscuits. Beat an egg without separating; add to it one and a quarter cups of milk, add this to the flour, roll out and cut Into large rounds. Put a tablespoonful of roll over the chopped figs on one-hal- f other half; brush with egg and milk; bake in a quick oven 20 minutes. These are nice served same as shortcake with either milk or cream. English muffins Scald a pint of milk, add two ounces of butter; when lukewarm add a yeast cake and a level teaspoonful of salt; add two and half cups of flour and beat thoroughly; stand In a warm place two hours, and they are ready to bake. These should be baked in muffin rings on a griddle over a slow fire. Woman Returning to the Fashion of Their Grandmothers. Fashionable women hare revived the use of the nightcap. It was discarded at least half a century ago, except by grandmothera and elderly spinsters, but now, according to the Drapers Record, it has again become an indispensable part of womans outfit and Is Included In all trouseaux. The revival is partly ascribed to the doctors. Their incessant advocacy of well ventilated bedrooms has, in the absence of over door transoms in English houses, resulted In bedroom windows being opened at night, and women who are not robust found the wintry draughts too trying. Another and more distressing cause is alleged by hairdressers. These say that elaborate coiffures are being desired. These are helped by stylish transformations, which are detached at night To facilitate this arrangement It is said that many ladles have their hair cropped rendering a nightcap necessary. Their grandmothers practised the same folly. Moreover, the new manner of dressing the hair, which introduces an exceptionally careful process of undulation and is submitted to by women three times a week, calls for the use of the protecting nightcap to preserve the freshness of the coif- Light Muffins Depend upon the way In which the ingredients are put together as well as on the recipe Itself. A housekeeper who is known for her fluffy breakfast muffins, which are always as light as the proverbial feather, uses some milk in making them, but decries the old time way of using IE According to traditional processes the soda Is mixed with sour milk before the flour is added. This method, argues the housewife In question, allows the effervescence to be over before the flour goes in. Her way Is to mix with sour milk the flour, salt and sugar, and then add soda dissolved in a little hot water. By this means the entire mass rises. The last thing be- fore the batter la turned into the pans a beajen egg Is folded In. This Is her recipe: Two cupfuls of flour, one cupful of sour milk, a half teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of sugar, a half teaspoonful of salt, and one egg. ' fure. CURED OF GRAVEL. Not a Single Stone Has Formed 8ince Using Doane Kidney Pills. J. D. Daughtrey, music publisher, of Suffolk, Va., says: During two or three years that I had kidney trouble I passed 2 Vi pounds of gravel and sandy sediment in the urine. I haven't passed a stone since using Doans Kidney Pills, however, and that was three years ago. 1 used to suffer the most acute agony during a gravel attack, and had the other usual symptoms of kidney trouble lassitude, headache, pain In the back, urinary disorders, rheumatic pain, etc. I have a box containing 14 gravel stonqs that I passed, of the but that is not whole number. I consider Doans Kidney Pills a fine kidney tonic. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. . TONIG Dr. Williams Pink Pills Are Safe and Reliable A Favorite Household Remedy. Motherhood may be the crowning blessing of a womans life or it may bring grief and sorrow. Mrs. Hr. J. Wight, of 170 Seventh Street, Auburn, Maine, relates her experience after the birth of her daughter in 1901, as folI was . all run down at the lows: time the baby came and did not Improve in health rapidly after. I was pale, thin and bloodless. My stomach distressed me being full of gas all the time and my heart fluttered so that I could scarcely breathe. "Finally I remembered that'a friend had recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to me so I commenced using them. I gained in strength rapidly while the baby throve also. When I expected my next child I started taking the pills again as a tonic and strengthener and had no such difficulty as before. I got up better and my strength came back much sooner. A year ago last winter I had an attack of rheumatism in the hands which went from one hand to the other. The Joints swelled up and were so stiff I could not move them. The pain extended up through my arms and shoulders. I felt sick enough to go' to bed but did not do so. This attack lasted for several months. I tried several remedies but finally came back to using the pills which had done me so much good before and found that they benefited me almost at once. I have not been troubled since. All druggists sell Dr. Williams Pink Pills, or they will be sent by mall postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Send for book of cures. ABAS- CANT - It wowM be too bad to decorate your home la the ordinary way, simply because of not kaowlnfl yos coaid doi It better for less money with Alabastlae. Better find oat all about Alabastlae first, anyway. Well cheerfully send you full information if you one-quart- er OLD CANNON FOR MOTHERS BE BROKEN. Armament of Old Craft Was Made to Last. will send us your address on a post card. story is being told at the Mare Island navy yard concerning a Ban Francisco contractor who bought all the old obsolete cannon which were sold at the local yard some time ago. A good Tbe Alabastlae Co., IS 6rnMlb Avt.,0ruM lapUn Hick er HO Water Sireal, HaalaAGUf. The cannon were all of the smooth bore kind, and in order that they might be easily handled for shipment to the city all sorts of schemes were tried to endeavor to break them with dynamite and blasting powder, but Positively eared by these Little Pills, they were unsuccessful. They also relieve DisAn electric drill machine was even tress tram Dyspepsia. Inset up at the yards and the cannon digestion and Too Hearty were drilled full of holes in order to Hating, a perfect remweaken them for breaking open with edy tor Dimness, Nausea. wedges, but this was also unsuccessDrowsiness, Bad Tasts ful. The cannon were then taken In the Bomb. Canted Tonga Fain in tbs Bids, away and the last heard of them they TORPID LIVER. They were corralled In the hills near Point Richmond, where an effort was being regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable. made to break them open with dyna- SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. mite again. Genuine Must Bear The cannon which proved to be so CARTERS strong were among the armament of Signature the war craft which sailed the seas ffivER in 1812. SICK HEADACHE For Callous 8pots. To remove a callous spot on the sole of the foot first soak It well In hot water to soften. Then with a sharp knife cut off as mch of the thick skin as may be removed without hurting, but great care should be FURIOU8 HUMOR ON CHILD. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. taken not to touch the soft skin. After a with the the cutting spread place Itching, Bleeding Sores Covered Body dram of paste made of one-haYOU CAN KEEP DRY Nothing Helped Her Cuticura add, ten grains of Cures Her In Five Days. AMD one-halanllfn." ounce of and Blqd on COMFORTAB with a thin piece of cotton muslin. "After my granddaughter of about HASDESTSTOKrt'S.! Keep this softening grease on the cal- seven years had been cured of the lous places day and night, for it will measles, she was attacked about a BY WEARINO eventually cause the hard spots to fortnight later by a furious Itching and soften entirely. painful eruption all over her body, especially the upper part of it, forming Sweet Potato Pone. and bleeding sores, especially One cup sugar, two eggs, one cup watery under the of considerable size. WATERPROOF sweet milk, one sallspoon of cinna- She sufferedarms, a great deal and for three OILED of one half the nutmeg, mon, quantity weeks we nursed' her every night, CLOTHING m viutof generous tablespoon of butter, one ksu using all the remedies we could think Clean Light Dvrabto n pint of grated sweet potato, one of. Nothing would help. We tried the wwanl Witirpwrf of yeast powder; beat yolk and InPrk Remedies and after twenty-fou- r white of egg separately, to the yolks Cuticura MANY I004UT DOC G MUM OF MfflUMOGf hours we noted considerable imadd sugar and butter and beat, till a arhcnt and after using only one cream; add milk and spices; then provement,set of the Cuticura Remedies, sweet potato and yeast powder, finally complete five consecutive days the little one, in the whites of the eggs; butter a tin much to our Joy, had been entirely pan, pour In the mixture, bake very and has been well for a long cured, two serve cold. hours, and slowly for time. Mrs. F. Ruefenacht, R. F. D. No. 3, Bakersfield, Cal., June 25 and July Orange Jelly. One-thirbox gelatin, one and a halt 20, 1906. Aak roar dealer far I (hem. Writ, tor our cups sugar, three sour oranges. Put illnmtrated sew catmint ne free. Autographs in Demand. the gelatin in soak in two tablespoons At the present time the greatest Thi BARTELDES SEED CO. ?Jf0"rv.5S: Cut water. the of cold oranges and demand Is for autographs of the Engpress out the Juice. Put into a meas- lish literary celebrities, some of which ure holding a pint and fill up with bring thousands of dollars. Keats and boiling water, then add sugar and gelcommand such high prices atin and when dissolved place where Shelley READERS that best abroad, where there they In the peels are more sell it will boll quickly. Put thing advaitisadin BerIn collections. fes London, cohimna should irniit upon having and let it boll five minutes; strain into lin and Paris there are continual autowhat ihsjr aak for, rtfutuig a" Mss or imitations. molds, let it stand for ten or 12 hours. graph sales during the season. The Nice with whipped cream. Circle. Fac-Sim- ile O' bo-rarl- c lf begt-napth- lf ism lO--i r salt-spoo- IMG Plant WESTERN FOR SEEDS DPQI TC d latOUIa Oi JAW? - When You Clean the Stove. The kitchen stove can be cleaned with newspapers; but when cleaning do it thoroughly. Many tops of stoves Garfield Tea is for those who dewire sn ideal laxative; it is simple, pure, mild and potent; it regulates the liver and kidneys, overcomes constipation, and hrinzs Good Health. It is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Law. E. DURTOBishOT.?."d Hold. Sliver. Lead. Ill Uoid. Cvanide uw. feallissenTsUipesand full HOWARD prim: Umd.te-- : Specimen prljelln aeMonappileareceive a dally polish and yet the sides are covered with' dust and It avails little to th unfortunate to grease. be brave. From the Spanish. SEEKS! Thcmpsofl's Eye Watir oven be Let the thoroughly cleaned with a brush kept for that purpose, 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT then nicely washed, and your bread Oirwfch InniE Mi iNMht w been kM illiwt frvn nrr f u imy and cake will have a purer flavor. til wrr f r Iblnl Bl t (t:.l Hrv, Vfii.lp .r Bml?M9lnaol 18 PlffMbi 1 plBnfll'FwMdtiiwrT. TiutOutbaUtifil if aol GtUsHGiia to aljr quality mad pruvt Wt Ars The Largest Manufacturers In TVa Werld S'hrlanrneniraili.iwlr. WecMkeMatvlMnf Turnips. To cook turnips daintily a little sugar must be added to the boiling water. The Improvement is marvelous ' Malll. ultfe - raenpp T.ip men-a eternals' Stvie Prw.rs.i Vehlriem.aaij.c,e(iianMf.ania(irlaie.fre,faiakv(ue. ElkUarl Carriage A Harness Mlg. Co, Elkhart. Indiana tV Ptas |