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Show Just ao he is elected to the office-hcovets. It makes no odda what practices he may use, no difference what tactics he pursues. That nameless nemesis, called the central committee, is at his back, prodding and urging and demandling that he get votes, and that he put up money. He becomes a creature of the night, seeking byways and corners, where he may consult with hla taendimen, where he may concoct plans to) overcome the enemy by hook or crook. The lessons of piety and virtue learned at. his mother's knve become obsolete memories, all those childish dreams of greatness and goodness hsve passed beyond hla reckoning, all those thlnga that he had been wont to follow that looked for his souls salvation are mired in the slough of ambition and all those friends he had loved and that had loved him become mere worldly automatons, to be wielded and made to Jump as he pulla the string. And so when a man enters politics the devil smiles. MARY8VALE. Subscribe for your local paper. Do (Vi) cent per' share, levied on the-28t- h day of January, 1907, the several As though It had dropped down from amounts How the sun did shine last Sunday! set opposite the names of the Published Every Sunday, and above occupying a position on the How bright everything In nature was, respective shareholders, as follows ; of earth which might by the fancilap by the how bright every woman and every No. No. ful be called Idyllic, the town-o- f Marys-val- e WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., A Name. Cert Shares. Amt. young lady was. How it seemed as an attractive appearance presents 22 1,000 f 5.00 Wm. A. Deke if the birds on the bats of the women (Incorporated) to the wayfarer, while to the sojourner were alrnort ready to sing; the bou23 1,500 Wm. A. Deke 7.50 Publishers. It Is as comforting to the physical beMarcus Jones 2,000 10.00 quets on other hats ready to exhale as to is Office of Publication visual it the ing gratifying And In accordance with law and an perfume and bud into life. How all wealth constantly oozing from the 402 D. F. Walker Block, nature sang with the glorious refrain order of the board of directors made I loses of Gold Mountain finds its way R Salt Lake City. U on the 28th day of January, 1907, so and how every man In transit to the marts of mankind, and Cf springtime,enthralled FOR "GREATER UTAH? Subscriptions: in the surging woman, many shares of each parcel of stock has the product but fairly begun Its OF COURSE U R. as may be necessary will be sold at One Year, 1; Six Months, 75c. thoughts mill feelings conjured up by wonders to perform. There is enough the sun and the budding flowers. Bang Three Months, 60c. THE SUCCESS OF THE.U, R. public auction at the office of the treasure auriferous beneath reposing with nature. It was a day of days, at 830 So. Malta street. Salt the flinty ribs of that majestic upheav- (UNITED REPUBLICANS OF UTAH) treasurer, Lake City, Utah, on the 8th day of' matter Feb- such a day as all look forward to, Entered as scoond-clai- s to woman al enrich and A AND MEANS every man, SUCCESSFUL April, A. D. 1907, at 2 p. m., to pay ruary 20, 1906, at the post office at such a day that makes everybody glad child in this splendid State; and as It GREATER UTAH. the delinquent assessment thereon, Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act to be alive, a day that glosses over encomes along Marysvale will grow and mities and eases heartaches and sor RE- together with costs of advertising and ON FULL PARTICULARS of Congress of March S, 1879. will rest Utah the of with her. grow rows. expenses of sale. QUEST OR BY CALLING AT O. F. PETERSON, Anxiously was the early sky scanMILFORD. STATE HEADQUARTER8, ned that Sfttaday morning, for there Treasurer. 402 D. F. WALKER BLOCK, 330 So. Main St.. Salt Lake City, Utah. were new hats and bonnets and dressThet child of the plain" Is a term applied to the town of Milford by a es to wear. How tbe sun was hailed, First publication, March 17, 1907. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. fanlcful writer when the place was In how the bright blue sky caught the In Its more mature Its Infancy; and reflection of the happy faces on the NOTICE OF SPECIAL 8TOCKHOLD years It has become the child of the world below it, picturing back the ERS MEETING mountains also. In no part of Utah, if of the joy that sprang from hearts and faces communIs a Indeed there was more gladly welcomed, never elsewhere, ELECTRIC SPARKS. Morgan Gold Mining and Milling Co,. to so amounts a which MANAGER was he more appreciated, and when ity L. H. GRAY nearly perA Corporation, g fect reflex of Its material and Feb. 25, 1907. Editor he sank to sleep that night, could he is The Russian Douma thinks the Czar J. G. WEAVER, a regular mollycoddle.. aurorundlngs; and reasonhave had dreams, he would have Notice la hereby given that a specing from cause to effect; jt Is easy to ial meeting of the stockholders of thought over again In fancy the bright When that "Uncle Toms Cabin understand that with the mines of the NOTICE OF A8SES8MENT NO. 9. the Morgan Gold Mining' and Mill SALT LAKE COUNTY OFFICER8. dresses and happy faces he saw that reaches troupe Texas, Brownsville, for adjacent hills being drawn upon day. Ing Company la called for March 3D, How little It takes An make peo- the equinoctial storm will seem like 9 something more nearly approaching 1907, at 12 oclock m at the office MIL-linCounty Seat, Salt Lake City. GOLD MORGAN MINING ft their capabilities than formerly, of the company, 14 Eagle Bldg., Salt ple happy. A day of sunshine, a new gentle zephyr. Locaa Company, corporation. to follow. The town has caught Lake City, Utah, tot the purpose of dress and a new hat does it. HeartSouth Dakotas new divorce law Clerk J. U. Eldredge, Jr. the Impulse of the times and no more tion of principal place of business, electing directors and officers for the are all woes, aches, will forgottwo not misery, Into effect until go Balt years Utah. Lake Treasurer J. A. Groesbeck. City, ten on such a day year. from now. Go early for your divorce, will be dull or slow or out of step with Recorder P. O. Perk. us. otlqe 1b hereby given that at a ensuing the great march of prosperity now goThis meeting is called by reason The day was a fitting epitome of and avoid the rush. of of Board held the Directors Sheriff C. F. Emery. meeting the time and event it recalled the ing on. Watch it grow! on the 1st day of April, 1907, an as- of failure to hold the regular annual Assessor C. M. Brown. resurrection. It would to be like the doesnt her meeting on tbe 1st Monday In Janusay England way profane Auditor F. Heginbotham. Subscribe for your local paper. Do sessment of 1 cent per share was ary 1907. that mundane have is been does but she iprits any Chrlstllke, thlug acting, levied on the capital stock of the corAttorney Willard Hanson. GOMER THOMAS, Pres. but surely that day that calls forth not aeem Inclined to discharge the THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL. poration, payable May 8, 1907, to L. Surveyor J.B. Swenson. In First publication, March 3, 1907. the best whole at one house time. them humanity, uniting H. Gray, treasurer, at 14 Eagle buildCommissioners J. C. Mackey, J. E. all In feelings of Joy and happiness, Clinton and J. B. Cosgrlff. City, Utab. Any Bids ing, Salt Lake is such a day as brings peopje nearer! Mr- Hrrlmun says he Is willing to The Jamestown NOTICE OF AMENDMENT stock which assessment may this upon President Roosevelts adviser. that One they but dimly remember, act Fair to Eclipse All Other of on remain 8th of the unpaid day than can anything else. So king as He might also accept a Job as the InWHY NOT NOW? OF INCORPORATION May, 1907, will be delinquent and ARTICLE8 terstate CommiBlson. Commerce to are attuned the brightness people of the advertised for sale at public auction, and glories of nature of things aniand, unless payment is made before, MORGAN GOLD MINING ft MILLfrom the last.) Continued A man a on Des Moines carries Why do people, after working and mate and Inanimate, so long will ING COMPANY, will- be sold on the 31st day of May, grubbing along half their life, when and" depreMion 'be' banlshed! vernation with the surgeons while they Oklahoma, the progressive territory A Corporation. 12 hour of at the de1907, oclock welfare m., and their opportunity So long as the sun shines as It did i amputated one of nls legs. He may and prospective new state, will parti- at 14 Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 28, 1907. Lake Salt building. decisive City; Eagle action, mands that they take to say while ;mcthing more day and the air be laden with Mlave Notice la hereby given that a meetcipate in the Jamestown Exposition Utah, to pay the delinquent assessIt that the that one- UI" 'halt half way? Why is two-thirtlie olher Iey Sunday, with Its usual patriotism and vim. Ok- ment,. together with the cost of ad- ing of the stockholderwof the Morgan of the perfumes that it was man who can drone out Gold Mining and Milling Company la Mr. John relate Rockefeller will his life unswayed by conditions surper lahoma haa always done herself proud vertising and expense of sale. d tllal8 th y called for March 30, 1907, at 12 oclock L. H. afC6haavteWhat serthose of Gray, with Secretary. heedless the experimenting at exposition heretofore, and is prerounding him; m. at the office of the company, 14 y 14 ' Office, Salt Lake Eagle Building, vani girl question diverting and novel. paring to even go herself one better fairs that affect his welfare when the Eagle Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, for Utah. A City, i With most people It has come to seem time comes for action on his part - State at the Jamestown Exposition. the purpose of amending the Articles headquarters, United Republl- - more nke a habit than anything else. choice site has been selected First laBt 28. 7; pub. April GovApril falls to see the need of that action? by of Incorporation of said company by Yet these things are true and seem cans of Utah, 402 D. F. Walker Block, ernor Frantz for. the Oklahoma build Congress useu up 9,000,000 words Ing, anw work on It will begin as NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 3. adding an article to make the stock to be an Immutable law. Salt Lake City. of said company assessable, said arappropriating about, f 1,000,000,000 dur- soon as the plans have been perfected. RED WARRIOR MINING Men ylll stand on street corners ticle to be Article XVI and to read as COMPANY, the short session just ended. This The Oklahoma building, like moat of a ing and depict their wrongs and the Location of principal follows: corporation. a more 211 a fraction than being occaIf word, a of will state probthe other community yet wrongs buildings, ARTICLE XVI. place of business, Salt Lake City, us an Idea of what our states sion arises that demands action on ably be a permanent one. Oklahoma Utah. What is true greatness? Does it gives The stock of this corporation (excost us their part they stand, supinely by, consist In absorbing to oneself all is anxious to show the states of the Notice Is hereby that at a cept as may be exempted for sereast what have accumulated years meeting of the Board given waiting for the other fellow to do those ideas of self-gratDirectors held vices or in payment for property by ot The Chicago subtreaury employes and honor and wealth, just what something or else let It go alto- ulation or does it consist in due appre-- have been ordered on the 27th day of March. 1907, ap tbe Board of Directors) when leaned to refrain from western can and the youngster do, gether? elation of the worth of others, even discussing that 173,000 robbery, but assesment of one cent per share was Is assessable, and the Board of DiJamestown Exposition .presents the levied dh the Such conditions obtain now. Now at the expense ofx one's own 1 in a town where so little happens, it capital stock of the cor- rectors are hereby authorized and emIt is singularly is the time when concerted action by at once to F. O. Horn powered to levy assessments upon the Is likely to be a sweet morsel for the desired opportunity. poration, payable appropriate that the territory which is treasurer, at the office of the company, said stock in way and manner providevery man and woman of this state There are many, whq, occupying gossipB for at least another week, the 'home of the remnant of 402 D. F. Walker by taking hold of civic affairs can so some small position of more or leas I Bldg., Salt Lake City, ed by the laws ot Utah. Indian tribes Uthh. Also to add Article XVII, as folregulate those affairs that the ship financial gain and of little responsl-- l Minnesota now has a law making some of the once great stock upon which this asAny In an should international participate of state will sail supremely on, lm blllty. assume to themselves all those It a misdemeanor to shoot a person lows: on sessment remain the may unpaid shores of Hampton 29th ARTICLE XVn. possible of hindrance, sedate and ov- virtues that should belong to man, I acidentally. 'lu-- s will afford some pro- exposition on the day of April, 1907, will be dewhere; In years gone by, the Three of the board of directors 1st erwhelming. By taking hold of po- even though they possess them not tectlon to the innocent and Roads, advertised and for at sale linquent litical affairs In thla state, every man They are wont to ascribe to them- - perhaps make the man .who didn't most powerful Indian tribes of the public auction, and, unless payment Is shall be necessary to form a quorum, American continent lived, and from and woman each of whom have the selves talents and wisdom and they and be authorized to transact the e a little more where they were pressed westward madeofbefore, will be sold on the 16th the habllments of earthly rul fui. Imperial rght of suffrage may so. 12 business and exercise the corporate at of the hour 1907, day May, and into oblivion by the hand of pro- o'clock regulate the ballot that the old blck-- era, so much so that the rest of the I M., at the office of the compa- cowers, rights, privileges and franD.- F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake chises of this corporation. erings, contentions and strife 'will be world assumes such email proportions! The Honduras and Nicaraguan na-l- gress. 402 ny, All of the original states (13), ex2nd. The board shall have full autheir eyes that the suffering and I vies which consist respectively of a wiped out They can so handle afCity, Utah, to pay the delinquent asfairs of state that old animosities will contumely of others affects them not. I tug-bosteamer. cept New Hampshire, have arranged sessment, together with the cost i thority to bond, mortgage, sell or and a paddle-whethe property or stock of the be relegated to tbe background and Some of them are perfectly willing ere erasing about and a battle is for buildings at the Jamestown Expo- advertising and expense of sale. all those thlnga that are now retard to wreck a state or a city or Individ- - looked for at any moment. corporation In whole or In part as may If they sition. and she will probably Join her O. F. HORN, Secretary. states In the near future. In their Judgment be deemed best In Ing the progress and prosperity of a uals. Many of them chuckle with ever get together, both are apt to be sister Office. 402 D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt In this great event Virginia has the interest of the company. state be so controlled In a fair and glee when they have hanging at their overcome with sinking spells. Utah. Lake City, taken the initiative with the largest 3rd. honest manner that it will mean their belt the scalp of some poor mortal! ; First, publication. March 81pt, 1907 for the The board mayofappoint agents the business, rural Pennsylvania justice of the appropriation, the most extensive ex- last. April management 1907. prosperity and the exoneration of a whom they have ruined or wrecked. 21st, the largest building in the (lx the duties and compensations and state. The soul's salvation means nothing I lMace kas decided that a swain hug-to- r hibits, and remove them at pleasure. his sweetheart against her will group of Stated. The appropriation them, unless measured by the I Tery inhabitant of this state who the state la 8300, Q00, while Virgin4th. Notice of time and place of NOTICE. by of DELINQUENT assault and consuilty battery of finances. Some the stick of vote these realises to Is old enough yard ia counties have made an additional board embut of of the crime meetings may be personal or ai cnarged, In and this consider office, men, temporarily ditions that confronts them Dugway Copper Mining ft Smelting by ordinary mall, but omission to give ora e certainly was, If the appropriation of 8150,000. For build commonwealth. They realize that for ail men and women, cities and states I eery. And of Principal place business, notice shall not invalidate any action language means anything at Ing Is to be used for reception and company. the sake of mere politics a state must their lawful prey to squeeze, harass English entertainment of her company, and Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of taken If a majority or board quorum aDd auch a ,u he crime. thlnS real,y at looked and be must ruin. finally held be back, will not be used for exhibits. The mines, Dugway, Tooele county, Utah, Is present. But what Is the end of such as I askance by the rest of the world, Is of colonial architecture, 2 GOMER THOMAS, fjotlce. There are delinquent upon building HUM-Wl18 OF ONE forever?! THE MILFORD must be content to ait by and see these? Can they endure with broad verandas the following described stock, on acstories President high, found! not their transgressions be MER8. that progressive world glide by, while count of assessment No. 3 of one-haFirst pub., March 3, 1907. along the side next the sea. out and they ultimately be compelled it is at a standstill Southwestern Virginia has sub? The remedy is at hand to straight- to pay the price of their temporary in- - The swelling tide of general scribed one hundred thousand dollars means come not are Will Is for time and Utah the The whenlperlty en out these matters. humming to be used In the exploitation of the shorn of power, stripped of all zing from every point of the compass, timber commendable, that means the stopand mineral resources of that ping of this unholy traffic on the des- semblance of glory, shall sink into an I The State itself is participating in a section alone, and will have a buildforward movement which all Its parts tiny of a state, and it behooves every unnamed and unmourned grave? in the construction of which a What Is true greatness? Is it that are contributing to, aiid It is the prop-o- f ing person old enough to vote who loves kind of timber native to bit of in states and other people er thing to say at this time that the Virginiaevery wrecking of the Utah and is interested in its welfare, will be used, and in which a launch-doeto Jump luto the harness and order to gain a temporary power or beginning has but fairly been the mineral resources of of display I It consist in Immolating oneself ed. With the outset so anusplclous, the state will be made. get busy. The way Is easy. A repudiation of on a iiedestal of honor, having man-- 1 so active, so full of promise, wbat As to Virginia's part, the Mother all those warring factions who are kind know that the saftety and not the must the continuation be? And to of States is going to do herself In dishonor of Is state turhands? a their what heights of commercial and indus- proud in the role of hostess for her creating this unseemly strife and Recognizing that there now exists tabllshment of religion or prohibiting trial superiority will the cousumma moil is the way to do it. Rebuking children" who have wandered afar 1 State headquarters, United Republl-- yon head us? Certainly no common-can- s and are coming home" again during In the State of Utah a condition of the free exercise thereof; no religious those who dare play with the destiny t of Utah, 402 D. F. Walker Block, I wealth at any time or place ever of a state and the material welfare the exposition. It will be a reunion affairs political unparalleled in any. test shall be required as a qualifies-Stat- e of Its people is the way. By electing Itemplated surroundings more gratify- - of families such as has never taken Lake City. In the Union, which condition Is tlon for any office of public trust or I men to office who are cltzens first Ing, resources more abundant, or a place before, for from every state of of much recrimination for any vote at any election; nor utmi? I at least QUO VADIS. and partisans afterwards vista of the immediate future more full the Union the sons and daughters of productive I e until this untoward fonditlon of afof the ways and means by which the Old Dominion will gather once among its citizens and which has any person be incompetent as a fairs Is settled is the way to do it more beneath the roof tree of their especially sundered those feel-- ness or Juror on account of religious "Where arc yon going? asked the I kind : becomes wealtler and more Temporizing and pleading anil wait and the man replied: "1 am seek-- gressi,ve. thereby stronger, better and native state. Even from that far dis- Ings of amity which should and must belief or the absence thereof, ing will accomplish nothing. As the ing political office. THERE SHAI.L BE NO UNION OF Whereat the dev-- 1 happier. T.et the procession proceed! tant state where rolls the Oregon.' exist In a State and Its communities, I ALTA. ten thousand Virginians are already we feel that the time has come for CHURCH AND STATE, NOR SHALL captains of Industry" have accom- il smiled. plished their great work in this busy No matter how high and mighty that I How properly named is Altai preparing for the journey back to such condition to change. Business ANY CHURCH DOMINATE THE world, so it is necessary that every STATE OR INTERFERE WITH ITS may be; no matter how he cupying the .loftiest spot of any reg- their motherland. Interests, the right of voter in this state constitute him ia honored of his fellow man, no mat-- u;ar The transportation f acilitles for and all those things which make com- - FUNCTIONS. No public money or man-te- r of civilized place self or herself a captain of politics' his standing In the church or in I hind, aiding exposition muni ties and individuals successful property shall be appropriated for or snow which reaching the Jamestown external the among and by working hard in each district his home. Just the moment he aspires I e. like fadeless halos, are of the best, as will be. seen by a demand that auch change should applied to any religious worship, so awaken the people of the state to to and becomes candidate for public I croWn (he crags numerous ercise the or at or instruction for transportation the glance supmost In is the ;ta situation majestic. the jeopardy that confronts them, office, that minute he becomes a mark-- 1 lines that converge at Norfolk. PeneThe Republican party has. ever been port of any ecclesiastical establish-bi- g was a wonder of it the i,y dayg gI)ne that when election time comes around, ed man. All the people who havelworl AIUj at It Is less spoken of now trating to every part of the country, enough and strong enough and ment No property qualification shall an everlasting rebuke may be ad- known him for years begin remember-- 1 not because It has reached and reaching to every part of the civ- Inherently good enough to right every hold office, except as provided In .this than then jg ministered at the polls. wrong In and out of the party and to Constitution. ing all the bad things they can or him; but because its ilized world, where are eight geat No better way ran be given than the papers begin printing things about I any Btage of decadence, five short lines of rail- deal In generosity with every men- and We believe in the equality of w lines trunk to the peohas become familiar are that ever confronted a State or and the right to worship God accnrd-th- e through the United Republicans or- him that may be and oftent mes are B0ry way; there are four is elsewhere a It still and hpre ple Union. Believing that conditions Ing to the dictate of conscience, ganization . The United Republicans not so. It la a signal for a!,aae- - C8r as and three coast lines of steamships while sailing under the banner of, Jolry and libel- - Thrown Into the 1 me- - repository of wealth incalculable, We recognize that, aa American are four Chesapeake Bay and prevail in Utah that Jeopardize the there on and the and is proud to be a part of the na- light of publicity the unwary Individ-- 1 thwork coIlgtanty going forth and material welfare izena, church leaders aa well an lay river lines, and three river and four happiness pouring amply All these ae making of the people of the State, the Repub- - members tional party and administration, cun-no- t ual who dimmed of great things for pr0(,ict Itsteadily of church organizations is a safe prediction to say canal lines. attest. see that In Utah any of the to handle the lican party, to be true to Its Ideals, have a legal right to aspire to and the preparations game special political to reach haa Its Alta sre'? that zenith, yet cepts or tbe grand old party a mere chimera, a matter of be-1-.. ' comfortably and ex- must meet and overcome these condl- hold political office, but we deem it 1 toward it with giant expected traffic taugbt to its people. Instead it sees fogged vision that led him astray from peditiously, and there la every assur- tlons. Only action within the party unwise and detrimental to the best ance that the rates will be as low can bring about such results, and for interests of the state for high churchy the path of honor to that of unI as they have been to any other ex- that purpose this organization Is now men of any denomination to become righteousness and untruth. STOCKTON. effected. candidates for such office or use their And the man himself undergpnes a position. The opposition to the church, as It change. Where he had been a pillar I ,n a Picturesque spot near what At noon, on the 20th of April nexL The party that tore the sanctity ecclesiastical influence In behalf of lake, and President Roosevelt will be on the of law from the fabric of slavery and others. We believe that such action is termed, are as bad. They have no ;nf the church, a man g and waa once a considerable on two sides by nature's great exposition grounds, and will there caused it to stand before the world Is contrary to the spirit of the consti-a- s loftier aim than the subjugation of gentle.prone to accept all the words of a crime against Christianity and tutienal provision above quoted, and the emoluments of office to their con- wisdom and some other things finds upheavals. sits the pioneer mining touch an electric bptton that will set trol and will. It Is not so much ihe that Sunday Is a mere nickname. uscdand smelting town of Stockton, I tah. every piece of machinery going, and made of the entrenched doctrine of further that it endangers the exlst-Stat- e by the stalwart soldier, Gen-vic- throw open the gates of the exposition rights a glaring heresy and es- - ence of political parties and tends to destiny of a state to them as it Is its for political meetings Instead of ser-- I Founded dedicated to God; finds that Iy- - erl P- - - Connor, soon after leading grounds to the world. He will also tabllshed in lieu thereof an lndlssolu- - disintegrate the churches themselves despoliation. Neither side is right If they are ing is a virtue and that deception ' is I bis command hither from California, be there on the 10th of June, when ble union of tbe States, without aid of and array man against man by arons-outsld- e both In earnest and desire peace and most praiseworthy. His entire system I ibe place has ever maintained some Bnllock Hall, the home of his mother, agencies la able to cope with ing to the dictates of conscience, prosperity, the way for them to do is undergoes a change. Where he had f the characteristics which brought and which has been selected as Geor- any evil that may confront the Repub- - To the end that the Constitutional Provision above quoted shall become lie or any portion of It to ally themselves with a organiza- lived In sobriety and honesty he feels It Into being; push and pull, advance gia's building, will . be dedicated. to the always equable climate tion that works for a "Greater Utah, that his trail liow leads to devious by-n- d climb, keep doing and planning Therefore, while reaffirming and a living law and that the principles Owing and organization that asks only paths and questionable methods. I and never give up the ship, no matter of Tidewater Virginia and the excep- declaring our allegiance to the prin- - therein shall govern the actions of State of peace, harmony and a more united Where before he had been wont to though It be becalmed at times and tionally good weather so far this win- cl pies of the Republican party, we af-- the Republican party In theREPUBLI-Constitution UNITED look hia friends In the face as man to I not able to make much headway. The ter. all work on the ground, buildings firm and endorse Article 1, Section 4, Utah we. the people. of the State ot Utah, In CANS OF UTAH, pledge our every man, now he sizes them up, wondering! worst is past now and the best is and government piers is progressing effort to the accomplishment of such Stockton has caught tbe rapidly, and there Is every eason to Its entirety, as follows: State! headquarters. United Republi- how he can "work 'em" for their votes II to come. See. 4. The rights of conscience purpose, and will be seen, heard and felt believe that the 2Cth of Arpil, will individual and their gait support. Every cans of Utah, 402 D. F. Walker Block, he meets that can vote Is a prospec-- among the communities of find the Jamestown Exposition ready shall never be Infringed. The State UNITED REPUBLICANS OF UTAH, B riant S. Young, Chairman. make no law respecting an es-- . Salt akeClty. to open its gates to the people. tive tetim. Any means are Justifiable this prosperous state. The Rural Republican EASTER. ...... vevvtvtvetvtvv wealth-producin- g Mil-plac- - lat rt'S - fll -l 1 self-con-- st-il- l care-assum- n - ge nl ll - lf pros-flatlonbuz-the- Declaration of Prinicples s United Republicans" con-Sal- . wit-mor- pro-devi- l, -- 1 1 trans-Atlanti- c e, God-fearin- flanl ; 1 stll |