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Show 40TEL8 uncle bY Gimme th HOUSES. APARTMENT NOY VAN I THE MIDLAND! Strictly First Class, I rs. Mary Marriott, PrppM. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS BY THE 4 4 4 4 DAY. Week er Month. Rates HOUSE, New and Elegantly Furnished - Thrown1 4.J and 91.00 per Day. ... 44U West First South St Salt Lake City. 50c, 76c, Bell Phone 5198 Red. Mrs. A. Van Noy, Proprtetreae. Independent Phone worn old checkerboard Thet "Oran'dad' Burr an1 Pap la boldin' there behind th atova 'em on their lap! Th fallen all haa gathered round Clue up V when th play Xa glttin' hotter every move I guesa theta aportin'l Bay I ROOMING WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. . .Located tn the haart of fee attj. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms, Flntelan In every respect. Steam, heat, Electric Lights. WITH Checkers at tha Stora. Taw talk about yer portin' atunta Injoyed by them tbet'a rich, Tar rats, an' nags. an autycarm, a blllyard games an elch But live ' me th checker came Down at th corner store, With dry goods boxes fer th chain An sawdust on th' door! AND IL 1 SL 263 Bonth MU Pap grlpa hla corn-cob- 'a In flghtln' attitude! bamboo atom HOTELMHETROPOLE, CARDS. , Now la the ttana to Invest A rapid advance la certain. Choice building lota all parts of city, 8100 to 8600, month, 7 per 112.60 cash, 87.50 (r HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO 78 West 2d So. St They ain't nobud y elae apeaka up, Nobudy aea a word, 'Til Pap jump one an aorter drawla: What wua it Hea, Inferred? Then man fer man an', king fer king. They meet In fierce array, An every eye la glued upon Th' aangulnary fray! Th air la aorter tenae an' thick. Yet heart hex buat lta nooae An' flat keepa jumpin like a blamed Old platon-ro- d bruk looae! Horses, Baggies; Etc., Bought or Exchanged. Room 8 OMeara Block. No. 63tt W. Second South Street, Salt Lake City. Now Pap he nets a trap fer "Dad An leads him on t' win. Then turns th tables neat aa wax An wallops him like sin! Tew've get me. Bill," aex ' Oran'dad' J. HALLORAN, Real Eetate and Loans. Established 1881-1Telephone 823. W. Third South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. 8350.00 buys very choice Main Wt Lota One finger firm upon th crown, every dare. Around an back they move their klnga With a tern an wary atare! Burr "Thet makes th games a draw; We'll play agin' night An yew look out fer paw! THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Homes on Installment Plan a Spa-cialt- Farms and homes for gale or trade W. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. "I guess youll find me here, fer yer blood; Homes for rent and sale. Lowest Tond better practice up between mud! name la else r Er your Easiest terms., 251 Main St, With laugh and shout th' crowd breaks prices. up, Salt Lake City. Th grocer locks th door They ain't no sportin' games, by gosh. Like checkers at th store! FDR REAL ESTATE y That Remember See Peterson Real Estate Investment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates houre sow late No man can Old reliable and and reap beautiful sunrises. agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Main 8L. Salt Lake City, Utah. Sea Pap: To-Da- s. CARD8. LOCAL MANUFACTURERS Uncle Bys Dally Love Story. Once a young man loved a young woman very much. She was a real nice girl .with pretty, lustrous hair Ui9t looked like the sun was setting on It all the time. Her cheeks were ae velvety as a luscious peach In which the sap has turned to nectar, and her trusting eyes eyes were the true-bluthat' look right into your heart and make you want to put your arms around their owner and protect her from all the adversity and millinery bills of this sordid and world and the man did. He never longed to be a protectorate so much In hie young life aa he did when, one along the evening, they wandered creek where the waves were splashing and gurgling In the shade and shadow, and he told her the story of hit life as he bad planned it He was going to the city and blast out a name and a place for himself, despite obstacles, maligning, traducing and high rents. Would she wait for him and would she be true to him until he had metamorphosed his castles into a cottage with an acre lawn house beIn front and a choo-cho- o care-crease- d SMOKE THE BEST. BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 3rd South Street, Salt Lake COCA-COL- 134 W. City, a plant for botmost this popular drink and we tling want an agent In every town in Utah to handle It Good profits. Write ns at once for prices, etc. a Salt Lake Bottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. We have established Coca-Col- BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH Many bright boys and girls are making 85 weekly after school working for ns. If you want the same chance, send ns your same and address and we will send you 82 worth of our quick-sellin- g When sold, Household Specialties. send us 81 and keep 81 lor yourself. You can do this In one day. We will hind? furnish you permanent work. did. she and She would, she said Address N. H. Groesbeck A Co And the man went to the great city he did considerable blasting for Springville, Utah. a native from up the state. Pretty soon he had blown out a niche big aiwiigh to accommodate hla feet and TRUNKS, TRUNKS. leave room for a bait can. Then from R. hla vantage point he began to fish for suckers. At the outset he got a bite and later a string. It took only a few yean of fishing to fill his purse until the sides ached and meanwhile the 155 Main SL, Salt Laka. faithful girl was waiting back bdfoe. for a ticket to Join him In the metrop-oilsOne day he bought two tickets SALT THATS ALL SALT and eloped with a daughter of a trust magnate, end they lived happily ever ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Oliver Meredith runk Manufacturer. afterward! And the girl back yonder? Oh, she's If doing plain sewing and wondering all the passages she reads In love stories are bona fide. This is life and this Is almost a true story- - The last time, I was home I saw the dressmaker, and was told she was going to marry the town auctioneer next Christmas. This Is life and now the story la all true! Rag Weed and Rosea. What has become of the girl who wore high French heeli and walked with a curvature of the spine? And who, when remembering that she is no more, can doubt that the world Is growing better? He Is so great philosopher who works two consecutive years for the CAILTOff BI0VH. GEO M. McCONAUGHY, REAL A. Richter ESTATE First South, West Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 Salt Lake City Has Caught Her Stride. SsMlItE: f SfSLfirV -- w" r1, bui. ,r uh'd" bet-value- cp.R - to-da- v f ! e w-s- head-dema- Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. o cao' PAUMIB B1RJS1AN hYBWORltS SALT LAKE CITY. 55 W. Second South. EVEEYTIING NEW and THE NEW YORK 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE EUROPEAN 100 ROOMS BVSRV SUITS WIVH OAVN MOT AND COLD WATER IN SVSRV ROOM RATIO RBASONABLS ALEX Trade Mark J. ITS ATTON, fnraurlr CM OSNTRALLV LOO AT BO. 4 BLOOK WSST OR ROST ORRICB 48 MARKET STREET ALT LAKE CITY nf Callm Ratal, rrasriatar. Dcswns CORVRWNTa Ac. Abtmm Ma41nf a itiM nd SMerlptlna HT MtklT aMsrtaln our oSaM (Ma waatbar aa ROMNEY AND RYAN, LINOTYPE US. aaat frM. UIM aaaney lor Meorlnspataaia. Patanta takm tbroash Mona imIN qwrial Mile without daixa la taa tea Scientific American. handaometr lUntratad waaklr. of anr irlamide Journal. Tama. Mr : four month, L Sold brail nawadoak A Ml SOUTH 'VEST TEMIM.E ST. SALT LAKE CITT. Mrmlnt IlMtrff Plant Went af Cklns. All Kind Ijrfral f Trtf Urtllis frN Agate ta pira Praaitlr and Mtllfallr. Kimirf Tax LlaOh Brfefa and a The a a Inaccessible Region. cablegram from India recently' announced that a native cartographer had been murdered by tribesmen while attempting to penetrate ln disguise to Mirl Padam. This Mlrl Is, now that the secrets of Lassa have been laid bare, given first place as the most Inaccessible Inhabited spot on the face of the globe. Up to now no civillxed traveler, either European or Asiatic, has ever succeeded In setting foot inside this mysterious mountain city. Miri Padam is barely two day's march from the frontier of Assam, whither Its people come periodically in order to trade. But they, on their part, will allow no corresFierce and unponding privileges. tamable. owning no allegiance to any government, their idea Is to kill offhand any stranger presuming to approach anywhere near their A SALT LAKE CITY'S IOTEL concerns. "Owing to the clearness of the air," Arcsays an exchange, "lovers In the miles two converse can tic region Who. In love, grants to conapart. verse that far apart? If you would help a woman, tell her she Is bright. She will then try to be brighter. If you want to injure her, tell her she is beautiful. She will then try to be more beautiful and spoil her complexion. I0BEIT woman. To think that she went to work with all those gruff, boorish busidaily Real Estate and Loans. ness inen. The thought pained the 1699. Telephone Investment, Securities, Trades and sensitive young fellow. He blushed Business Chances. Ind. Phons 1101. at his hope that some time she would Modern In all Rooms by Day 41 West Second So. SL, not have to go to work dally. Week or Month Its Appointments Salt Lake City. Utah. Soon he found himself going further 28 West Third South SL, ln this line of thought and picturing hla departure In the morning leaving OUR MOTTO: her behind to welcome him on his return ln the evening. Each time these In Estate. Real 8alsa Quick pictures recurred In hla mind there If you want to buy or sell Rea) were elaborations, and then new picEstate, list your property with un lor tures would suggest themselves. quick sales. We have the buyers. He Day by day his feelings grew. 14 Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. prayed for an introduction to her. He could think of nothing else but the joy of meeting her. How he would BUY a LOT or a HOME before pour out his soul to her and tell her ESTABLISHED 1893. prices advance. We advise you re of hla longing. It might not be congardlng localities and make your ln-- ventional to do all this at the first A. L. Brattaln, Manager. te rests ours. Have you ever thought of getting Into business? For Instance, a meeting, hut In love there is no conMARINGEll INVESTMENT CO restauventionalities. She would he overgood paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, 40 East Second South. and she rant, or. In fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a whelmed with his Manager "8eeing Salt Lake City would listen, and, great love,In time move, Bee me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be I perhaps. Cara money makers. Correspondence solicited. but then George dared not let himself . . , j Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL E8TATE. think further on the subject. We have all kinds ojt Investments tn It all depended on that first meetreal estate and we write all kinds of ing. He must Impress her with his Insurance. sincerity; he must make an ImpresYOUNG A YOUNG, sion upon her and at least obtain the General Insurance, Real Eetate and privilege of calling upon her. Salt Loans, 202 Whltlngham Wk Constantly he was on toe qul vivo Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tsi. 1077. for a chance to meet her. He asked And others, when they make money (From Goodwins Weekly.) all his friends If they knew her, hut in oar home mines them none of them could give him any satw-tv- a isfaction. No one seemed to know . ,ntl do you ber of the citj, n3 e.cl&lm: Mm dream her. waa on That the whistle the great of having monuments when they Poor Vincent many times was new locomotive Progress, and it Is shall have died, I will build mine here tempted to introduce himself, but she her bell that is ringing. while I am yet alive, and so they bny was a reserved looking little woman, They mean that a new time table lots and make plans and it is in this and it might sjioll his chances. The has been adopted and if yon do not yoar of our Lord 1907, that those monumenta are going to begin to mator- risk was too great to run, so George hurry yon will not get aboard. d tha sat sighing' In the car, with his eyes "hY we It is a most magnificent train that lall Bboard or you will be fixed upon her. the new locomotive is hauling. . One night he attended a large MaIt haa last year's Increased values train Is already moving; the 1 on board and is on the way to make a sonic dance. There were hundreds of of the locomotive are but respirations display of them to the world. , strange faces; he peered into them all cho of the throbbing life of the What are they ? Why, you must be anxiously, ever hoping. : now bell which out a rings 1904 a stranger. A gold increraeover While searching one small group he will for lest you, yon get of 83,000,000; a silver lncreaafe of bHj la farewell. If you do not suddenly realized that he had at last 82,000,000; a copper Increase of 82,- - Jboard, found her. The thought staggered 000,000; a mercury Increase of 814.-- 11104,011 for toe111great train !e already In another day will be him. At last he was to meet her 000. This in toe metal line. But and tell her all. thereto plenty more. In sugar, in wool, kawut.- which Is toe Shoshone for ?Bin livestock, and 93,000,000 in toe in-Feverishly he hunted up a man who SFon.?1? 0Un4aJ11 creased value of real estate in Salt knew her and was Introduced. him of the feet that bringeto good Lake City Trembling with emotion he asked d now no other tidings are I tton PHcii lie per There is another difference in this 4ldln. If he might have a dance. She handMalei last item. A year ago the values ed him her programme In answer, and I n our wireless. were latent people were dreaming Main, Balt Lak. city, Utah. s be took a dance and the extra follow4teran1 of an unearned Increment now toe Fro?.?ark B wu llpse the i ing it. are active and toe man who 4er; I WIRE AND IRON WORK8, The Silver King has become is Then, half delirious with Joy, he puts off a purchase until tomorrow I ' rushed into the smoking room and will pay more than he would have to Emperor." iron f.,,7nlfclurnm and Conn"Do not bother From Bingham: nav consumed innumerable cigarettes, ln r Flower Ningg, Etc. All an effort She has turned about Bingham. Stands, Thatls. toe boom Is on. That Is wedged-shapeto calm himself while waitl fanJ and !roIwr1k- toe sharp edge upward what tola train with toe Locomotive The intervening dances seemed w ing. do Electro Nickel emand an toe work and done is all but Plating means Progress attached to it far mightier works in toe fu-- 1 5?PPr ln 11 the Latest Finishes, unending. And if you do not get aboard your eBt With great excitement be approachtore. children, ten years hence, will be Lake City ed her when his dance came. Salt walt- We have From Cottonwood: 8ho made. of mistake the you . telling smiled pleasantly and the two walts-e- d Because yon must know that toe ad- - eUon-- long, 1907 is to bring us reallsa-vanc-e DRINK. off together. The rhythm of that ln the mines has only Just be- This From Stockton and Ophlr: dance was Intoxicating to poor George, gun and, for it all. Salt Lake Is toe year we are going to surprise you. lie hardly knew what he waa saying .inuring house. From Beaver: Hurry up your new When on toe morning of Austerlits when the dance was finally oyer, and the sun rose in glory over toe Carps- furnaces, or we will swamp you with he told her it was much cooler on toian Mountains, Napoleon, who was ore. the veranda. We will From Newhouse: this out stretched his with staff, riding corn-to- e some to They walked out on the club porch millions aside "Behold year hand put and said: his sovereign together and made for a couple of sun of Austerlits, and toe awed plete those 10 and 12 story buildings in Salt Lake. chairs at one end. staff doffed their chappeaus. As soon as George realized that tl le like that here. When now, at From Old Ploche: "Redemption Is were alone, he burst out wildly. dawn, the rising sun turns to purple nigh. Walt nntll our little road is they TEA. and gold, toe snows on toe lordly Wa-- completed from Caliente and see The time had come to tell her of hla for old Ploche. satch range, that is the sun of Salt second-birt- h love. great is out From "Before this year Ely: Lake, preraging trinmps greater than "I have long waited for this chance, were achieved at Austerlits ( for It haa Ely will make other copper camps MAXHELD VINEGAR CO It has' kept me hg breathed holly. come to toe knowledge of men that all seem second class and all our million-thi- s Manufacturers of J alive for the last month. I have so groat region, Utah, with her cop- - alres will want residences ln Salt S wanted to see yos. Every day that I per and gold, and silver and lead and Lake City. 3 saw "PURE FOOD VINEGAR. From Goldfield, Manhattan, Rhyo-- a a; this city as wool and sugar, turns to yoii on toe car made me the ' llte, Tonopah, Yerlngton and Fair- - a Factory: 720 South Second West more anxious, to know you. point of adjustment Is out, We, before the year ' More, halt Nevada feels the same view: "Yeg yes," she encouraged him, as Telephone 979--z way, and is bringing hither her gold will make Salt Lake what Jerusalem g he faltered in his siieech. ln Solomons day when gold waa RrMVWRRPRRPitrrP.rsRWwrrs and her silver. I 1 love you. I I love you more ' The railroads that center here can- - soplentiful that men no longer made s than account of and sliver. work any not do the assigned them, The air of Salt Lake is filled with more are coming. REMEMBER. "Oh," she cried, starting from her The new smelters are being hurried the ringing of the joy bells of lr-t- o chair, quickly. If local merchant does not your completion lo meet the Increasing repressive business: this train Don't dont leave me, he broke carry ln stock Temple Brand Gared by Progress Is compassing toe land for reduction works. out wildly. "I am mad with my love. ments, Rums Head Sweaters, 86-gAe men ln the mines grow rich they and the fame of It fills all toe space Don't don't leave me. Lily Underwear, send your ordStay stay are saying, "We must find a place between the seas, to the sole manufacturers. Salt and hear the rest." Its smoke by day Is a cloud; it's ers with great schools, great churches. Lake Knitting Work. O, I she gasped, starting for theatres, stores, libraries, a good dl- - headlight by night is a pillar of fire mate and Joyous surroundings for the pointing all men of the desert to tola m the door. children. city as a Mecca where the banners UTAH KDONC-'fir- c COS'T' "Why why can't you let me COTTON rELT Instinctively they turn toward Salt of Hope light all toe air. and where poor Vincent spluttered. fruition marvelous want the of a all MATTRESS they temples Lake, for Salt Lake has MAAARUtk Why why, you see, Im engaged, and still Is so near that they can ran are about to begin to soar upward ln and he might not like It, the girl reIn; make a visit, and return, before marble and in steel. Get aboard or be will left. plied. missed. yon are surely they East Third South Street, Rooms 76 cents to 83 00 per day. .... IN BOTTLES. A By George's heart gave another violent thump as he stood on the platform waiting for the last morning express. There she waa again. Who culd THE KEELEY CURE. she be? For weeks George had noDrunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent curs ticed the trim young woman ln the for drunkenness and the opium dis- brown tailor made ault. They usually eases. There is no publicity, no caught the same train and George sickness. Ladles treated aa pri- usually sat near her and watched her vately aa at their own homes. The over the top of his paper. Keeley Institute, 834 W- So. TemFalling In love was not an every-laple, Salt Lake City, Utah. affair with George Vincent, as It is with many young fellows. It was an event to him. lie could think of REAL ESTATE CARDS. nothing else but that trim little 85 SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. cent LAID PLANS y en They're Battlin' down t bianeaa now With nine kings in th' fight Or Grmn'dad" Burr hex five of theae An Pap la playin' tight! "Ter gone!'' aea Heseklah Croaa, In aort of Jokin' mood THE BEST GLADSTONE HOTEL Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 South Mala St Salt Lake City. Keaciy tarnished rooms by tne asy, Week or Month. Rates, 50 cents to 91.60 per day. Special rates by the day, week or month. - Steam Heat and Bathe; Electric LunL REAL E8TATE HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. Special Edltlwaa, Prwprrtan Fall Mat af Xarhlae Balder Alwapa aa Hand. Write far Eirti autea. Addreun P. O. Bex 1141, Salt Lake City. Bell Phase HIT. A Spm-lally- Pa-da- m |