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Show ELECTRIC SPARKS. Round About New York SOCIETY CENTER An 3)4 , Second Hand Furniture Sold and Exchanged. Home Comfort Ranges and Suppllea 33 West First South SALT LAKE CITY Bell 1287-Phones, Ind. 763 (Mention this paper.) If Mark Twain doesnt quit chasing around this country in a white flan- nel suit with the thermometer toying round sero mark, some of those alienists are going to get him. in the Great Metropolis INVADE A. D. TOBIN, Furniture House Indiana man threw a handful of New and giant powder Into the atove "to clean Bought, out the pipe, no we are Informed. It did alao the chimney and the roof Agents for of the houue. Gotftp of People and Things BUSINESS HOUSES TO ' Co., Ufa City Utah Dental a. imwmBWAa, non. Bah DB. get trnm (keel Ml mx YORK. llUBlneBH expansion la more of Fifth avenue. Millionaire families between Forty-sevent-h BtrectH fear and Fifty-nintthat they will be driven from their grand mansions by the new rush of trade. Their must formidable bulwarks against the on pressing horde from the Bonth were swept away laat week. When shopkeepers and the mass of small tradesmen first began to crowd into Fifth avenue north of Forty-seconstreet a few yenrs ago Commodore Elbridge T. (ferry built the ornate Windsor Arcade on the site of tho old Windsor hotel, from Forty-sixtto street. It was believed that the structure would stand as the gateway between the exclusive domain of mansions on the north and the gathering musBea of trade on the south. At the same time the Vanderbilt families united to protect that neighborhood. They and their associates spent $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 in the purchase of property which came on the market. They built many splendid dwellings on the blocks within a short radius of their mansions. Fifth avenues millionaires rested in peace for two or three years. They h mm MTlIlbiiDBi 0M9M900B0 13 K d Forty-sevent- h 6 f Forty-sevent- h a 14-1- East First South Street ? Salt Lake City, Vtah 6 Fifty-firs- Fifty-nint- st h f A CLEAN . TO ANY LADY ESTABLISHED IN CITY Interested In Fancy Work that will E. H. EARDLEY A BR08, send us 12 cents and the names of Everything two other ladles, we will send our ELECTRICAL. catalogue and a set of six one of the three which requires no tuiStandard Dollies. Standard Nov. 64 Market SL tion fees, is crowded to its capacity Co., P. O. Box 664, Salt Lake City, Both Phones and ia turning away hundreds ol Utah. worthy students simply because of lack of accommodations. xvtiwMwwww ptaxmwnwwiv Then there are those who want a PETERSON8 DETECTIVE SERVICE L. H. GRAY, college education, hut cannot get it COMPANY, because they have to work during the Land Attorney. 328-32D. F. Walker Bldg, day. This is shown by the fact that in Attend to all business before the city college, of 800 or more stuSalt Lake City, Utah. United Stalls Land Office, r, dents who enter only about l, Sur S. U. We are prepared to undertake all or 200, remain in the college and State Land Board, proper detective holiness Intrusted to are graduated. Thera are many reaState Engineer. ua for corporations and Individuals. sons for three-fourth- s of these stuConsultation and advice free. Gall or tjrnt scrip bought and sold. dents dropping from the course,, but writs. Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 131S-Y- . Walker Building,'4 1 F. D. the greatest is the necessity of going We want three good, capable, deteo-tlvea- . to work to maintain themselves and Salt Lake City, Utah. Write for particulars others dependent upon them. SswawiumiiwKi The necessity of providing a college education for the sons of those who WASH IT AWAY. t were not In a position to pay tuition MUBICL Lead and uremic poisoning cured. and other fees was responsible for Castilla Hot 8prlnga Water does the 'PIANO the establishment of the city college, work. Rheumatiam vanishes at ua and that necessity has increased until Organa And AB touch. For rates apply to C. . H. there is an insistent demand for ' 222 Room Southworth, Manager, Musical Instrument night college. The city must meet Commercial Club building, Salt Lake this need, say the advocates of the City. night college. MOUTH.: ....IS OUR PRICES. Set of Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural In appearand restores lost expression $6.00 A Gold Crown, mad of the very best gold, will not com off, or wear oat $4.00 to fSJO Bridge Work, the kind that lasts, mad of the best gold, win not $4.00 to $6.00 break and fully guaranteed Gold Filling absolutely purs gold, and guaranteed not to com $1.56 and out Alloy Filling tbs next best fillings to purs gold end guaranteed 75e to $1.00 to preeerv the teeth from farther decay 50c end np Silver Filling guaranteed not to com out ELECTRO the or broken ere YOUR teeth crooked, decayed if DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They have three doctors each an expert la hie branch. if - one-quarte- eyor-Genera- ELECTRO DENTAL CO. DR8. WARD AND EDGE, Open dally SOft-80- Muslo 170 j i bureau of the THE Army, which has Just been opened in New York, is exiiected to throw considerable light on the darker aide of Hamlet's grim philosophy. From statistics collected by the army it seems that suicides in New York number 22.7 per 100,000. In cities like Hoboken and St. Louis, the projortlon is 29.2, and the average of 50 cities throughout the country is 17.9, while San Francisco has the high average of e 49.6. 60 Commercial Block, The opening day of the bureau was marked by the appearance of four men and one woman, all conspicuously wtdl dressed. The first was a tail, old Hebrew, who stated that ne had lost the savings of a lifetime, some $40,000, in Wall street, and could see nothing NEW BALL R00SEYELT LEAGUE IDEA next DAILY AS VIA rer 4 This Includes the famous guaranteed. Send us your latest manufacture. nail orders. Established 1517 Salt Lake City, Utah. Pari i !i GLOBES AND SHADES 99 SALT LAKE CITT. VTAH miWtlWHHitHiWtwmitm'.WWt MWnWstSteWateMalMiSilia444M4 srvimFrerremrrMreresRi 'kre444444444444444ll443a444Wl Salt Lakes Greatest All Year Aitractioh l a; f;The Sanitarium Baths. n Pools! Natural Hoi Water is Swimming Turkish Ba.ths! sj Private Baths! t2 OPEN DAY 1900; 1904. J CONSTRUCTION 2 Prize, i (f k! 1906 MODELS. the Hotel The Oldest Electric Supply House ia (be Slate. 41 HOURS, SALT LAKB TO b 2 CHICAGO City Ticket Office. 201 Main SL SALT LAKB CITY. UTAH. ONLY DRUG CO, 338 Main SL, s I G. HOLDING T E. ELECTRIC OVERLAND LIMITED and the new LOB ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Veatl-baled- , Electric Lighted Steam Heated Train operating Pullman Palace Bleepers; Incomparable Observation Library and Dining Cars of the very Fresh Stock. Sundays 10 to Ind. Phone I.StMMsauM4M4M44M 53 W. FIRST SOUTH STREET ' First-clas- - New Southern Hotel. MOTORS. CHANDELIERS. All goods of preventing the the federal service, but they have been WITH a view of the mollycoddle in the tbe result of Individual and collecti effort with which the government hai had nothing to da The baseball league of the post offices of the United State will be the first organisation of its kind in this country. It will be the carrying out of President Roosevelt! expressed opinion that the develop ment of brawn is as essential aa thi development of brain. It la possible that after the New York team la organised and then the Capital team, Speck will begin wltt Philadelphia and go to Baltimore. The post offices of these cities have. excel lent ball players in the clerical depart menta. Cleveland will come next II la said to have men In the post office who would not make a bad showing with the old professionals if propei time were allowed for coaching ano practice. Cincinnati, Chicago, Indianapolis, Louisville, SL Louis, Denvei and probably San Fi anclsco will coat TRAINS E RubberGoods line in a go to JUtricn. ELITE postal service, baseball nines are to be organised in the post offices of all the larger cities in the country and a New York post office employe is to be as coach and instructor.. The idea ia the most novel ever suggested In connection with any branch of the federal service and. If it did not, originate with President Roosevelt, It, at least, has his' sanction, for without it Postmaster Wilcox would not have made the offer be did recently to William J. Speck, a dark in the money order department and the only professional ball player In the post office. The assignment of a government employe to organize a form of outdoor athletic sport and to be paid therefor out of the appropriation of the department by which bo la employed la without precedent There have been baseball clubs and bicycle aluba formed br clerks in tbe different branches of 4 EVERYTHING FEDERAL a Nice Room Z ahead more attractive than death. Next came a woman of 40 with a French accent, who stated that she had been swindled in a business partnership and left alone in New York without friends or money. Then came a waiter and bartender, who had three times attempted suicide by various means, and, driven to desperation by losses In race-trac- k gambling, had tried to Bhoot a friend. Another man confessed being a criminal, who had yarial nutlet, been indicted 40 times for larceny and was harassed by fear of a life sen A handioma- i- llluntmtad warfety. laraaat cirof any actcntlBo Journal. Tanni, S3 a tence. The last was a youth of 20, a I culationf oar 11 wsiuM month. IL victim of drugs, who stated that he MIllIM Broadway .Now York SskPsl v had run through $60,000 within TV month, had forged his father's name, and was ready to die unless the army I could think of something better. In the Scientific Galana Block. 16 Hot and cold running water and steam heat electric lights' and, bell service In every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand-JJ- f land. Hotel centrally located at NO 144 WEST FIRST 80UTH 8TREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH! P. H. CANDLAND. J a m itats!stxx.x.stststatstsjMwia(stitxjMwxx! wuwiuwwtiwwts 9 Balt Lake City, Utah. Phones 1412-- and 1419-- 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE until 0 P. M. State Street Rooms For f R. A. HA8BR0UCK, BUREAU AN ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A 9 MAY LIGHT DARKER SIDE anti-suicid- a CO. MVLVEY iHRHRlIRMRHMHMRIBHkllUMWIlHMHIW E 5fTO33" i 16-pa- ANTI-SUICID- OftflMIuMIIUMlHI Pure Wines or Liquors, mail us your wants. . . , We will do the rest. 1 suggested to the trusCollege of the City of New York that it would be advisable to establish a night college In connection grlth the present Institution, primarily for the benefit of worthy students, who, principally for financial reasons, are prevented from attending colleges in the daytime. The suggestion has met with a favorable reception from the trustees, who probably will investigate the mutter, and If the plan seems feasible recommend to the city, that it should undertake the establishment and maintenance of such an Institution. That there is a demand for a night college ia the opinion expressed by many who have given the educational situation in this city careful study. In the first place, the opportunities for instruction at night are limited! Of the three Institutions engaged in the work, not one oifera a complete college course. Cooper JLTnlon has scientific courses, and Columbia and New York universities have special or professional courses. Cooper Union, the only . If you need anything in L HAS been ITtees of the ! TOT h 114-11- ( Ymt entrants. FREE It is said that Andrew Carnegie is Men and women to learn harl-e- r trade ubout to make a gift that will cause Mr. Rockefeller's $32,000,000 to look In 8 weeks. Wages paid every night like thirty cents. By the time this earn to Graduates week. $15 $25 per cruel warfare. Is over, we fear the Cat free. Write us. Mohler System price of oil will be about $1.98 a of Colleges, 62 B. First South St, Salt s A Chinaman came very near being all City. Utah. his lynched In Wyoming, because believed they had protected their with the windows' homes. They were confident laundry Interfered union. 'The race problem and washing to lhat the block from the color line tlay no particular Eighty-firs- t street dotild be held under HUDDART FLORAL CO. close residential restrictions, because man should eat one Dr. Wiley says E. 2nd So. the property was owned almost entireper cent of his weight every day. ly by the trustees of Columbia college (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Rut the business boom along Fifth But how can Secretary Taft afford avenue could not he held In check. So that at hla present salary? Cut flower and floral work for many business houses during the re Mrs. Thaw has had a respite from all occasions. cent years of the countrys great pros the witness stand, but what about the We make a specialty of shipping T of Fifth a rest of the country pcrlly wanted the prestige avenue location that land values confuneral designs. Write , telephone! It looks like a race from now on, tinued to rise under their concentrated for demand. Trude broke through ' the between Rockefeller and Carnegie, v telegraph, which shall live the longest and die street gateway at Phones 106. P. O. Box 443. the poorest. Lund was worth the higher prices 3 s in the market. Columbia could not afFrom the language used on both ford to lose the money, so the trustees sides, it is evident that the revolver decided to remove the restrictions has fallen into Innocuous desuetude CUTLER BR03. CO. against business. They closed leases in Texas. on the aggregating $400,000 recently Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. Chancellor Day aaya that the poor new trade basis of business occupaare lazy and drink too much. The Best pants on earth, to order, tion. That gave the business hordes a Chancellor la energetic and talks too $3.50. much. clear field to the doors of the VanderMain St, Salt Lake City, Utah 36 t bilt mansions, at street. AlA can of asparagus recently explodthough the mansion holders between ed In Washington and raised anarchisFifty-firstreets are tic fears. Is this a Joke on the pure R(WRWXSrWjritMesiwrVSEKKKK and DONT MISS THE LARGE standing together with much determi- food law or not ? UT nation, it Is evident that the trade ocMOBILE A Chicago office hoy looking for a cupation at their doors will soon fill Job, was asked whether he used pro- kthat runs to all points of Interest, j the avenue with an unwelcome throng. fane He replied "O kin, with a good guide. Fare $1.00. language. if necessary." He got the place. Seeing Salt Lake Car and Autos., 40 E 2nd So. Millions for Education." says Rockefeller, not one cent for the small WtfWSil NIGHT COLLEGE MAY BE competitor. Forty-sevent- n4 nUe) him (l-- b Bridge -- NEW Branch Offices at PARK CITY, PROVO and LOGAN. BXda 2 g 6254 W. Sulphur Brought Right to the very Heart ot the City. 4 NICHT. 3rdS. St, SALT LAKE CITY. BMItltStSttS(ammRP.SCXXRXXXXXXrst FFXXKKSrXXXWVXKSUtXRXSIWSUWN Grand, 8L Lou I Send ' coupon below, filled out,' to isMaiMMMiMMmaMaiMaiarta our nearest dealer or to us and get our Free Trial and Easy Payment Offer to responsible parties anywhere Chiropractic Treatment will our la a new science of healing In the United State Dont delay. without It Is In harmony with natures laws. Selthe us of drug This la your opportunity to secure abdom falls; never doe harm. W ua ne drug no knlvee. Chirosolutely the beat Talking Machine It will bear investigation. It la the only practic la common sens made, on payments that will not be mode of healing which exactly locates the cause of sickness and refelt We accept old machines In part moves the earns. It la not Faith Cur Christian Selene Magnetic, paymenL A written guarantee from Photo-Therapor anything els but Chlroprao-tic- . Maaaag Osteopath, the oldest, largest and moat successIt ia baaed on a correct knowledge of the nnrve It ad Juste ful manufacturers of Talking Mar all displacements and allows the Innate builder to reconstruct the chines In the entire world. broken down tissue Cali and get a book that explains our Columbia Phonograph Co., Geni mode of treatment Consultation and Examination free Lady Assistant. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. M. R. t Columbia Phonograph Com-anName & Main 8t Balt General 117-2- 1 THE CHIROPRACTIC INSTITUTE AND CURE City, Utah. 64 W. 2nd So. SL, Salt Lake City. Utah. Bell Phone 1232y. I'leaie send me your Free Trial and 8treet and No. easy Payment Offer with Illustrated 111. State rature City .., y, 16-pa- y. ik |