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Show The Rural Republican Published Every Sunday, by the WESTERN PUBLISHING CO.. ' (Incorporated) subscribers every day of the week, but If we did, In all fairness and honesty we would also have to state that we hundred and ninehad lost ty; we might claim that our circulation Is Increasing so rapidly that we are buying imnple off to get them to twenty-on- e Declaration of Prinicples LEADS THAW DEFENSE of the United Republicans' o stop subscribing as we could not not we are But business. handle the Office of Publication Recognising that there now exists tabllahment of religion or prohibiting doing these things. We are giving a 402 D. F. Walker Block, In statement a the State of Utah a condition of the free exercise thereof; no religious clean, honest statement, Salt Lake City. that can be verified by the run of the1 affaire political unparalleled In any test shall bo required as a qualificaSubscriptions: press, which proves the numbers of State In the Union, which condition le tion for any office of public trust, or One Year, $1; Six Months, 75c. copies printed, and by the postofflee, of much recrimination for any vote at any election; nor shall which weighs them up. We are alin- productive Three Months, GUc. ing to get a hundred new subscribers among Its cltlxens and which has any person be Incompetent as a wity matter Entered as second-clas- s every week. The pH per Is only one more especially sundered those feel- ness or juror on account of religious 20, 1906, at thu post office at dollar a year, aud if the people will or amity which should and must belief or the absence thereof. Salt Lnke City, Utah, under the Act take hold wn will promise them the ings THERE SHALL BE NO UNION OF exist In a State and Its communities, of Congress of March 3, 1879. brightest, cleanest and snappiest week- we feel that the time has come for CHURCH AND STATE, NOR SHALL ly paMtr In the west. such condition to change. Business ANY CHURCH DOMINATE THE 8TATE OR INTERFERE WITH ITS Interests, the right of No public monAy or State headquarters, United Republi- and all those things which make com- FUNCTIONS. cans of Utah, 402 D. F. Walker DIook, munities and Individuals successful property toshall be appropriated for or any religious worship, exdemand that such change should applied Salt Lake City. ercise or Instruction or for the supcoine. The Republican party has ever been port of any ecclesiastical establish' THE PARSON." big enough and strong enough and ment No property qualification shall good enough to right every bold office, except as provided In this There is a man, a gentleman, Inherently out of the party and to Constitution. In and wroug MANAGER IP L. H. GRAY We believe in the equality of man you please. In this city, who stands deal In generosity with every menEditor nearer to these who know him than ace that ever confronted a State or arid the right to worahlp God accordJ. G. WEAVER, does even any other In this life of Hie Union. Believing that conditions ing to the dictate of conscience. We recognize that, as American citHordidnosB and 'selfishness. He Is un- prevail In Utah that Jeopardise the WHICH SHALL IT BE? assuming, one of those gentle natures peace, happiness and material welfare izens, church leaders as well as- lay that looks for the good In man, and, of the people of the State, the Repub- members of church organisations There is a law In nature that makes finding none, Implants some. lie likes lican party, to be true to its Ideals, have a legal right to aspire to and All to he one of the a slate of Inertia luiHisslble. and while lie must, meet and overcome these condi- hold political office, but we deem It boys" things are either going forward or re- will play a game of billiards with tions. Only action within the party unwise and detrimental to the best ceding. A glunec at the face of nature them, and while he will not chide them can bring about such results, and for Interests of the state for high churchboars this out. Slowly but surely, the at their barbaric language, a look of that, purpose this organization is now men of any denomination to become : man of science InforniB candidates for such office or use their us, continents pain gops into his eyes, and seeing effected. are changing. Islands are appearing that look, the boys wilt, and for the The party that tore the sanctity ecclesiastical Influence In behalf of such action In the oceans, where the mariners sake of the friend they love they seek of law from the fabric of slavery and others. We believe that ' chart show fathoms of brine, and lands to frame their unaecustomed lliw Into caused It to stand before the world .Is contrary to the spirit of the constiare slipping into the depths. Mniui- - scriptural phrases. But, while lie Is ns a crime against Christianity and tutional provision above quoted, and tain ranges are being pushed up and one of the boys and Joins them In made of the entrenched doctrine or further that It endanger? the existoat of the plains and even the ele- their Innocent iiHBilnies, and Is a State rights a glaring heresy and es- ence of political parties and tends to ments of certain quarters of the globe good fellow" with them, yet the poor tablished in lieu thereof an Indissolu- disintegrate the churches themselves arousare undergoing a change. and the needy and especially those ble union of the States, without aid of and array man against man by Once In awhile these changes of who need spiritual consolation, seek outside agencies is able to cope with ing to the dictates of conscience. To the end that the Constitutional conditions become a menace, when the him. And they do not seek In valu. any evil that may confront the Repubabove quoted shall become Provision of it. or shatter cities tidal lic and His heart expanda at misery, whether any portion earthquakes law a and that the principles and living while waves engulfs the land. Everything spiritual or temporal, and if It Is a reaffirming Therefore, actions of is moving. The movement, as wo said question of money, his pockethook declaring our allegiance to the prin- therein shall govern in the the State of party before, la either forward or backward ojien in a second and Its contents given ciples of the Republican party,, we af- the Republican UNITED REPUBLIwe. the and It must be so. to the other with the glow of love firm Biufendoree Article 1, Section 4, Utah CANS OF UTAH, in pledge our every of 8tate of the Utah, Constitution a in world of change, man behlud It that comes only from a heart Being of such to the effort accomplishment follows: as Its kind must conform to this immutable Implanted with the divine seed of His entirety, conscience purpose. of 4. The Sec. rights law; they must be subject to It Master's spirit. If It Is spiritual comUNITED REPUBLICANS OF UTAH. Whether forward or backward is not fort the weary Beek, the hour Is never shall never be Infringed. The an8tate es-- r Briar 8. Yonng. Chairman. the question of the Divine plan, but It too late, the distance never too great shall make no law respecting Is a matter of deep concern to the In- but that It is his pleasure to respond. dividual or to the men who occupy the God alone knows the hours of pain QUE8T OR BY CALLING AT Any bnlldlng. Salt Lake City, Utah. earth at a given time. Of a deeper and woe that have been lightened find STATE HEADQUARTERS, stock upon which this assessment to Is shortened In man all them from the .significance it who, by this 402 D. F. WALKER BLOCK, may remain unpaid on the 10th day fact that they are Intelligent beings, things represents the spirit of God; of April, 1907, will be delinquent and UTAH. LAKE CITY. SALT partaking thus of the doings or na- only He who knnweth all can record advertised for sale at public auction, ture, of moving forward or moving the good that this man doeB, and there and, unless payment is made before, backward. They are as much respon- is not one of his associates, one of his will be sold on the 30th day of April, sible for the one as for the other. Intimates, or one who knows him best 1907, at the hour of 12 oclock m., at They cannot escape the law, but they or knows him at least, but, feeling the NOTICE. 14 Eagle building. Salt I.ake City, DELINQUENT : have the choice as to the direction In end Is near calls for the Parson," Utah, to pay the delinquent assessfor Dear Old Peter Simpkins. which they are moving. It Is Dugway Copper Mining ft Smelting ment, together with the cost of adof so not much men business, do as the way company. Principal place what Taking this as a text, the question expense of sale. ot vertising and bocomes a pertinent one in Utah. Is In which they do It that helps. With Salt Lake City, Utah. Location L. H. GRAY, Secretary. m ' the state to go onward and occupy the Parson Simpkins as the boys fond- mines, Dugway, Tooele county, Utah. Office, 14 Building, Salt Lake Notice. There are delinquent upon City, Utah. Eagle place in the sleterhood of states which ly and lovingly call him It Is both the It may attain and to which it belongs, way he does and what he does that the following described stock, on acFirst publication March 10; last makes them respond to his advances. count of assessment No. 3 of one-hal- f or will It go backward? March 30. levied on the The Idea of government In the United-- Dear Old Parson, it is such as he (Vi) cent per share, States has taken hold of the that helps show the narrowness and 28th day of January, 1907, the several NOTICE OF AMENDMENT hearts of mankind. The Idea of a frailty of humanity; It such as be, amounts set opposite the names of the of as follows: government by and for the people has ever gentle, ever charitable, with a respective shareholders, OF ARTICLES No. No.. INCORPORATION broken down the despotisms of earth good word for all and malice for none, of the Name. Cert Shares. Amt. and Is liberalising even those mon- that helps make this world the bright22 1,000 $ 5.00 MORGAN GOLD MINING ft MILLarchies which are founded on the an- er and better; It Is such, as he that Wm. A. Deke 23 1,500 7.50 A. ING COMPANY, Deke Wm. Is so found so and little much. wanted tiquity of the divine right of kings. Marcus Jones 2,000 10.00 In another sense. Its declaration of A Corporation. And Jn accordance with law and-a- n State headquarters, United Republifreedom of religious beliefs has been Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 28, 1907. board made of of the directors order a means of purifying religion Itself cans of Utah, 402 D. F. Walker Block, Notice le hereby given that a meeton the 28th day of January, 1907, so of the stockholders of the Morgan by placing It upon the broad plane Salt Lfcke City. ing many shares of each parcel of stock Gold Mining and Milling Company is of toleration for all. as may be necessary will be sold at called for March 30, The question Is, then shell Utah THANK YOU! 1907, at public auction at the office of the m. at the office of the company, 14 be the one spot In this great union of 830 So. Main at Salt street. treasurer, states where the Initial movement of Eagle Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, for Lake City, Utah, on the 7th day of the House of Representatives. purpose of amending the Articles retrogression shall be found? Shall Salt Lake City, March 18, 1907. April, A. D. 1907, it 2 p. m., to pay of Incorporation of said company by suspicion of the uniting of church and the delinquent assessment thereon, adding an article to make the stock state be allowed to remain, or are the Rural Republican, together with costs of advertising and of said company assessable, said arbroad-minde- d City. to to be people enough expenses of sale. ticle to be Article XVI and to read aa Dear Sirs: grasp the significance of the hour and O. P. PETERSON, follows: In view of the opinions expressed In declare for the broader freedom of polTreasurer. ARTICLE XVI. itical action and the free use of re- your editorial of March 10th In re- 330 So. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. of this corporation (exThe stock to lation SENATOR Reed Mr.) (not ligious liberty? First publication, March 17, 1907. cept as may be exempted for serThe Charge has been made that the Smoot, and for other good and suffvices or In payment for property by state le retrograding in these particu- icient reasons, I wish you to disconthe Board of Directors) when Issued lars. Let us hurPback the Imputation tinue sending me the Rural Republi- NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 2. le assessable, and the Board of DiInto the teeth of a states detractors can from and after the above date. rectors are hereby authorised and emCITIZEN SALT A COMPANY Yours respectfully, and by a new declaration of Indepento levy assessments upon the Location of powered principal place wm. mcmillan. of business, Salt Lake dence place thla mountain state In the (bishop) City, Utah. . said stock in way and manner providcivilisation. of vanguard Notice la hereby given that at a ed by the laws of Utah. State headquarters, United RepubliA useless fight Is being waged, a Also to add Article XVII, as folof the Board of Directors meeting 402 of cans F. Walker Block, held on the D, Utah, fight that does not call for progres8th day of March, 1907, lows: sion, that does not call out the brains Salt Lake City. ARTICLE XVn. an assessment of Vi cent per share fvat bring enlightenment. It is a fight of the board of directors Three was levied on the capital stock of the 1st tuat bodes 111 for the state, a fight that IT WAS A SCARE. corporation, payable April 10th, 1907, Vhall be necessary to totm a quorum, will surely bring about the retrogresto L. H. Gray, treasurer, at 14 Eagle and be authorised to transact the sion that true men end women are Salt Lake City, tUah. Any business and exercise the corporate building. from east The the lately stock dispatches fighting against. Recrimination and have Indicated upon which this assessment cowers, rights, privileges and franbeen a that has there abuse, are not the weapons of progres- tremendous financial on the 10th day chises of this corporation. upheaval; that may remain unpaid sive warfare; they are the relics of 2nd. The board shall have full auwill be delinquent and the thrones of capitalists were totter- of April, 1907, e to bond, mortgage, mil or for at sale advertised days. thority public auction, Let progression come, let Utah move ing; that for awhile it looked as If and, unless payment la made before, the property or stock of the to were into the be plunged country forward. It had started, but it has on the 30th day of April, corporation in whole or In part as may will be sold was This brought 1907. at the hour of 12 oclock m., at been halted on Its way. Even aa na- another panic. judgment be deemed best in It was stated, by the words of 14 K etheir ture removes ohstacl s, so may the about. of the company. Interest Lake Salt Eagle building, City, Mr. E. H. Harriman, the railroad king, 3rd. The board may appoint agents people of thla state remove the obUtah, to pay the delinquent assesson before Inters the stand the stacles that stand In the path of Its who, Commerce Commission with the cost of ad- for the management of the business, State said that, ment, together fix the duties and compensations and and of sale. glorification and onward march. Civexpense vertising d remove them at pleasure. ilisation demands much, but no more owing to the passage of H. U GRAY, Secretary. laws and the enforcement of fed4th. Notice of time and place of than Utah can give; progression asks state Office, 14 Eagle Building, Salt Lake eral laws, the railroads would be comboard meetings may be personal or Utah. City. little, but Utah can also give that. Proto change the pelled in First publication March 10; last, by ordinary mall, but omission to give gression and toleration must be the existing conditions of affairs and reach March notice shall not invalidate any action 31. slogan of the future, will be the battle-cr- y a plane whereby their own protection taken If a majority or board quorum that must bring peace. and salvation would be the first conIs present 8PECIAL NOTICE OF STOCK HOLD sideration. qqMER THOMAS, ERS MEETING A GOOD 8HOWING. President. For awhile It looked very gloomy, of the 8. 1907. but with the usual promptitude of our March First pub., Gold Mining and Milling Co president, matters have been adjusted, Morgan A Corporation. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Though not much given to blowing the railroads have been notified that Feb. 25, 1907. our own horns, we cannot refrain from the government is watching and safeIs Notice l hereby given that a speo-iaThe Dugway Coper Mining ft speaking a word on behalf of the Rural guarding the Interests of the people meeting of the stockholders of gwiaiHng Co., place of business Salt This paper Is only pub- and that the railroads will be protectRepublican. Mining and Mill lished each week, but It has been the ed In all those things that pertain to the Morgan Gold City, Utah. Is called for March 30, Lake Notice Is hereby given that at a aim of the publishers to so Improve It their proper regulation and manage- lng Company 12 oclock m.t at the office at 1907, of .the Board of Directors of that It would be looked for when due. ment. but that they shall not be per- of the company, 14 Eagle Bldg., Salt meeting That aim is being reached. The cir- mitted to strangle the country at thetr Lake the Copper Mining ft SmeltDugway City. Utah, for the purpose of on the 28th day of Janheld culation of this paper was increased sweet will. Co., ing directors and officers for the The promptness and firmness of electing 1907, an assessment of one-halby over one hundred and fifty subuary, year. same being asscribers the past ten days. Not a President Roosevelt has undoubtedly ensuing This meeting Is called by reason (Vi) cent per share,levied on the cap-ta-l a a in for saved bad showing the country from a serious Jeo- of failure to hold the regular annual sessment No. 3, was weekly city 1A which there are so many good pastock of the corporation Issued pardy, by his firmness and executive meeting on the 1st Monday In Januand outstanding, payable immediately pers. But that Is not all of it. With ability he has restored conditions to a ary 1907. to the treasurer O. F. Peterson at his the new subscribers comes words of normal basis. . The people may now COMER THOMAS, Pres. cheer and encouragement Those who breathe easy again the worst Is past. First publication, March 3, 1907. office 330 S. Main St, Salt Lake are taking the paper are outspoken In City, Utah. Any stock upon which praise of it. They like Its editorial NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO 21. this assessment may remain unpaid policy which never abuses, only arBLUE JAY EXTENSION MINING on Friday, March 7, 1907, will be degues and aims to build up a city and R U Loca- linquent and advertised for sale at Company, Ltd a corporation. for it a state; they like its make-up- , tion of principal place of business, public auction and unless payment is FOR GREATER UTAH? Is clean and crisp. They like it bemade before, will be sold on Monday, Sait Lake City,- Utah. OF COURSE U R. cause it Is beginning to show that it Notice is hereby given that at a April 7th. 1907, at 2 p. m.. at the office THE SUCCESS OF THE U. R. Is a healthy young paper; they like meeting of the Board of Directors held of the Treasurer to pay the delinquent and encourage It because it Is backed (UNITED REPUBLICANS OF UTAH) on the 8th day of March, 1907, an as- asaeasment there, together with the by principle and honor. They aid it MEANS cent per share was os ti and advertising and expenses of A SUCCESSFUL AND sessment of and read it because they like It all O. F. PETERSON. Treas. on levied stock of the cor- sale. the capital over. We might claim that we are get-- , GREATER UTAH. First publication Feb. 3, 1907. poration, payable April 10th, 1907. to FULL ON .REPARTICULARS e hundred and n!nteen ting twenty-onL H. Gray, treasurer, at 14 Eagle Last publication Feb. 24, 1907. Publisher. Feli-ruar- nt 1 . i 444444444-444444444444444444 . ...... ...... - COR-poratlo- n. - anti-railroa- self-defen- SKETCH OF LEADING LAWYER OF the position of general counsel of the Southern Pacific railways hut deTHAW DEFENSE. clined. While he never jWLed as aTJtnlnal Napoleon of tho West Already Has lawyer, some of his grestesabmtorles Graat Record in California Has hare been won In such cases. He has had 18 clients accused of homicide, No Desire for Political Office and all have been acquitted. An O 8chool Orator. Mr. Delmas belongs to the Chester s New York. Deljikln Mlcbael fleldlan type of man. Hls suave speech, waa brought into the limelight of rounded gestures and measured perimetropolitan life for the first time ods, all framed In fine English, Imwhen he assumed active charjb of pressed those who have seen him at the defense of Harry K. Thaw. Every- the Thaw trial. Californians said they ' thing seemed to be against him. He had helped to make him famous on was called upon .to stay the tide of the Pacific coast The law seems to be a consuming adverse circumstances that was Jeopardizing the life of the young Pitts- passion of hls life. Next to that he Is Mr. Delmas was a burg millionaire. stranger to many details of the practice in the New York courts. First he showed his daring by ruthlessly cast lng aside the debris of Thaws case and arranging a campaign of his own. Then he won a point and surprised District Attorney Jerome by Introducing testimony tending to show that Stanford White had threatened to kill Thaw. Mr. Delmaa Is a "Napoleon of tho west In more sense a than one. Those who know him beet say he rather prides himself on hie resemblance to the Corsican conqueror. There Is a suggestion of Napoleon In the poise of bis head, his profile and the shape of his temples. His facial resemblance to Napoleon Is emphasized by his habit of wearing a pointed lock of hair over hls forehead, like that seen in the portraits of the French emperor. Hls friends in San Fran- (California Lawyer Who le Conductcisco have twitted him on a story that ing Defense of Harry Thaw.) he was, Indeed, a descendant of Napoleon. Some Californians even be- a shrewd financier. Hie love of relieve that, Mr. Delmas being of French tirement has been emphasised In reextraction, there Is some kinship be- cent years, since a personal episode In tween the two men. When the story hls life made public In San Francisco. is mentioned to him, the lawyer as- Much of hls leisure was spent at hls sumes an air of gentle deprecation. country home near San Francisco. He The most striking of hls manner- delights in books, and Is an omnivorisms are hls flowing gestures and a ous reader. Political position has no habit of looking at a witness or into allurements for him. He Is In demand the jury box with hls head bent for- as a speechmaker at banquets and ward and hls eyes cast upward. He other public functions. On these occahas a habit of holding hls eyeglasses sions, however, hls attitude Is distinctIn hls hand while gesturing. As he ly a dignified and courtly one. throws forward hls head and turns To his skill In the examination of up hls eyes he raises hls glasses hori-zo- n witnesses he Is said to add the gift of tally and looks across them, form- eloquent argument, in which incisive ing a picture that Is distinctive and analysis of evidence Is mingled with striking. oratory of a sort that appeals to the Mr. Delmaa Is 53 years old and prac- emotions. He belongs to the old ticed law In California for thirty-odschool of orators, as distinguished years. Most of his practice has been from the strenuous, the casual and the In civil cases, and some consider him colloquial speakers in the more modat hls best In that branch of hls pro- ern fashion. Yet, as one of hls acfession. The suit which carried hls quaintances said last week: When fame all over the country was the con- Delmas wants to be sarcastic hls test over the millions of the late words are like vitriol In a cup of Senator Fair. He representetd the honey. His fee, according o the estimates contestant, Mrs. Craven, and met one of hls Infrequent defeats. He also de- of eastern lawyers who know Mr. Delfended a libel suit against Claus mas abilities, cannot be far short of Sprockets and was recently sought for 8100,000. ) Del-ma- . d WOMAN IS LAND BOOMER. left the school room for the real estate business and has made a remarkable success of It. Miss Hawkins Is well acquainted with South Dakota, having taught school In the town of Spink In that state and later been a principal In the Sioux city public schools. She became Interested In real estate in a small way, and, meeting with success, she later turned her attention to large deals In Dakota lands. Her first sale was a farm at the end of a drive In the heart of South Dakota. A year ago she went Into partnership with her brother and another man, and while her duties are connected with the office In the main, she is able to go out and make a sale as quickly and with as much ease as some of the veterans In that line of work. Miss Sue-cees (She Has Made a Remarkable Hawkins says that the majority of ae a South Dakota her customers come from Illinois and Land Boomer.) Iowa, and her enthusiasm over the future of the Dakotas le such that Sioux City, la. Mias Ella A. Haw- ahe has no trouble at all In making kins of this city Is a woman who sales. e STONE RESEMBLES SPHINX. Ing the winter months there are few Wlssahlckon rocks apparently so littlo Odd Formation of Rock Noar City of known. While thejoik does not exof the Philadolphia. actly resemble aifjm Residents of this city Philadelphia. need not travel to Egypt to view the Sphinx, according to the Imaginative admirers of the Wlssahlckon. Of the many curious and famous rocks found e along the length of the Wisesblckon drive none le more proml- - 1-- 4 s, it 'has ely named the Sphinx evated position keeps hent view from many sec-- e hilly elopes further up the ten-mil- A HA Six thlnge art offsite to create a happy home. Integrity must be the architect, and tidiness the upholsterer. It must be warmed by affection, and lighted up with cheerfulness, and Industry must be the ventilator, renewing the atmosphere end bringing la fresh salubrity day by day; while over all, as a protecting canopy and glory, nothing will suffice except the f 44444444444444444 mythl-lgyptlan- blessings of God. N. Y. Weekly. bibed some of the traditional bo ern politeness. He wee sitting I nent than the Sphinx-likprojection crowded car when a lady entere near the mouth of the creek, near the and looked about for a seat He pot where it empties Into the Schuyl- mediately arose and, bowing, offi kill. her hls place. Scanning bis Although this le not one of the most figure and white hair, ebe said: But 1 do ad wish to deprive prominent points along the creek being Just below Ridge avenue where it of your eeat crosses the Wlssahlckon, from which With chivalrous tone and a t glimpses of It can be obtained during bow he replied: the time of summer leafage and a disThere's no depravity, tinct riew for trolley passengers due i depravity e |