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Show Official Paper of The United Republicans of Utah. nrdl'K Vol. Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday, March 24, 1907. . MfeTAL No. 7. MARKET. eta) wouldn't hurt the earth If it bumped right up against our sphere, Silver. G7c; Thursday, which It won't Besides,, this particuper, 24367; lead, $8. lar one won't be visible till the middle 4 Friday, 15 Silver, 6734c; copper, of 1910. 14 TEN MILLIONS cop- - ?4Kc; le&dfl $6. Saturday, 16 Silver, 6736c; 3436c; lead, $6. Monday, 18: Sliver. 66 per, 25c; leud, $6. Tuesday, 19: Silver, 66 per, 25c; load, $6. Wednesday, 20: Silver, copper, 25c; lead, $6. 1ut Courant. Whether pending movements In that direction accomplish anything or not, it is sincerely to be hoped the coal situation will be no worse next winter. That one thing' is bad copper, copcop- LOST BY FLOOD enough. Milford Times. The Thaw case being now practiSALT LAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. cally ended, if not actually so by the time this reaches its readers, we can look forward with interest to the next , County Seat, Salt Lake City. criminal sensation with wealthy actors. 'Clerk J. U. Eldredge, Jr. Treasurer J. A. Groesbeck. "Recorder P. O. Perkins. Piute Courant. Harrlraan's testimony in the railSheriff C.- F. Emery., way investigation would In places Assessor C. M. Brown. read like that of a crank. If he were Auditor F;" Heglnbotham. not .so wealthy and powerful as to preAttorney Willard Hanson. clude such a conclusion. Surveyor J.B. Swenson. Commissioners J. C. Mackey, J. E. . Milford Times. Clinton and Cosgrlff. .. Hurry up some of those big prise is becoming stagnant fights! MILFORD IS ONE OF THE HUM- for want Society of that particular form of diMERS. version. . 66 High Waters in Pennsylvania Causes Much Damage to Property. Ten . - Miles Inundated and Put Out of Commission Suspension of Furnaces Will Cause Scarcity . of Iron. , Square Thirty Blaat Furnace J.-B- .Mute IN8IDE INN - Courant The swelling; tide of general prosperity for Utah is humming and bussing from every point of the compass. The State itself is participating in a forward movement which all Its parts are contributing to, and it is the proper thing to say at this time that the beginning lias but fairly' been launched. With the outset so anuspicloua, so active, bo 'full of premise, what must the continuation be? And to what heights of commercial and industrial superiority will the consumma lion head us? Certainly no commonwealth at any time or place ever contemplated surroundings more gratifying, resources more abundant, or a vista of the Immediate future more full of the ways and means by which, kind becomes wealtler and more progressive, thereby stronger, better and happier. Let the procession.' - w As though Pittsburg. With the rapid receding of' the waters in tbe Monongahela, marysvaleJK It had dropped down above and occupying a position on the lap of eartb'Wblch might by the fanciful be called idyllic, the town of Marys-val- e presents an attractive appearance to the .wayfarer, while to the sojourner It is as comforting to the physical being as It is gratifying to the visual sense. , Here the adjacent golden wealth constantly ooslnl traps' the poses of Odd Mountain flndrits way In trapsirto the marts of mankind, and wonders to perform. noi There is enough Walt till parliament jutav Swetten-hain the sweatbox. -- The only; Wotol on the Grounds. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. - The democratic senators are said to be. considering the advisability of trying' to get along without a leader in the senate. It would seem as If they might, the party not having played anything more . than trailer therefor a good many years. 0 1 ttermany. It is announced. Is unwilling to discuss disarmament at - the And Germanys Hague conference. no" will offset all the dther talk. For information nations They are going to. convince .Thaw of Insanity. A witness testifies that Thaw reported tq him the existence of a den of vice and urged that it be closed by the police. Senator Fo raker is probably sorry carried war by this time that he ever - - Into Africa. V- - We will inform A'M Total, 's' . youbf stocks in good properties now selling for a few cents per C. sharethAt will sell for dollars in a short time. rfldfiitfgMnMr 1 t; Mil-plac- ALTA. How properly named is Alta! Occupying the loftiest spot of any regular abiding place of civilised mankind, among the external snow which crown the crags like fadeless halos, Its situation Is most majestic. In the days gone by, It was a wonder of the world and that it is less spoken of now than then Is not because It has reached any stage of decadence, but because Its story has become familiar to the people here and elsewhere. It Is still repository of wealth Incalculable, as the work constantly going on and the product steadily pouring forth amply attest It Is a safe prediction to say that Alta has yet to reach its xentth, but is moving toward It with giant strides. STOCKTON. In a picturesque spot near what was once a considerable lake, and flanked on two sides by natures great upheavals, sits the pioneer mining and smelting town of Stockton; Utah. Founded by the stalwart soldier. General P. El Connor, soon after leading his command hither from California, the place has ever maintained some of the characteristics which brought it Into being; push and pull, advance and climb, keep doing and planning ' and never give up the ship, no matter though it be becalmed at times and not able to make much headway. The worst is past now and the best Is Stockton has caught the to come. gait and will be seen, heard and felt communities of among the 4 go-ahe- this prosperous state Pluta Courant. Some of the papers occasionally mention the coming of the big comet In a scary sort of connection. Fudge! Those heavenly tramps are, next to a Deseret News editorial, the thinnest things going; one of them (the com- Utah State News DOINGS IN SOUTHERN UTAH. - ji j Farmer" suit at Marysvale Is destined to see better days ere long. Jl Jl Coughs and colds attack old and young, few escaping. Ji Jl L. H. Gray, of Salt Lake, was In Marysvale the latter part of the week. Jl Jl Look out for the Cou rant's new building, and plant at tbe Vale." It Is going to materialise before you know It. . Jl That yruiig man who i.tood at the hours the other gate night declares he never was there before," but we doubt It. lf Coombs R CLEVELAND. Secy. SALT LAKE CITV, UTAH MARBLE Bulk .it gaining Won't you SPRING .WHISKEY, (In In Bond) new friends eVory day. try Itf For Bale Every- Sherman for your local paper. Do You Yant WorkT WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted We Furnish All Kinds of Help. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. First South. Salt Lake City DIXON 62 East of lacobs and Nora Torgenson. Both Fifteen assays or analyses for $3.00. young couples have the good wishes of everybody. Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper. Iron. Zinc, . 1 Slid. Calcium and Manganese. John Johnson, of Monroe, was found Write for particulars. dead in his bed on the 13th Inst. He THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL has been living the life of a recluse RESEARCH CO, for many years past was Inoffensive Analytical and Consulting Chemists and respected. He was drawing sup54 Railroad Building, port from the county. Dsnver, Colo, U. S. A. Boston. 'ji Ji - General Manager George H. Dern of the Con, Mercur was in Salt Lake on Friday and Saturday on business. 4 i J Several men) are at work cleaning up the Ingot mine preparatory to commencing operations. jl Jl Ingot got to 10 cents on Saturday. 500 shares going at that price. Forerunning this sale 600 shares were sold cents a share. high-grad- e er on lu Reaver county is described by Ji Jl One thousand shares of Sacramen- Mr navi as permanent and the beto were sold at 9 cents on the Salt ginning of a new era for that portion Lake exchange Monday, the 11th; 215 ot tbe state. Deseret News. 4 . Ingot at 5 cents and 1500 at 536 cents. The Horn Silver Mining company baa posted a 6 cent dividend for pay BEAVER COUNTY BOOMING. ment on the 28th to share holders of The distribution A. J. Tavis has returned from a trip record yesterday. calls for an expenditure of $20,000. through San Francisco and Star districts In Beaver county. He Is interest We will duplicate any piece of work ed In a number of properties la that reputed best dentist in papt of jhe state and his trip waa one done by the of luBfection and Investigation. Mr. Utah for 30 per cent less than the Davis says he Is really surprised at the price charged by him. All work done a written guarantee. activity being displayed . throughout under MECHAM DENTAL CO, Beaver county, especially' and partic65 Main 8t ularly lu a mining way. All the camps Salt Lake City. are busy; no mines are idle, and some of the old timers have become ship-jierA HINT TO THE INVESTOR. Mr. Davla Bays tbe difference between tbe present time and a year Bair Lake Real Estate la the safest, ago in this regard is most noticeable. Bell Tbone 1873-X-. Ind. Phone 423 The one great trouble heretofore with surest and best thing to buy In tbe the Beaver county districts was that whole wide west It is cheap, too they are of a peculiar formation which far cheaper than It should be. considlead the Independent operator to be- ering resources, geographical location, lieve he had no mine. Mines would rapidly developing, tributary region, be worked to a depth of 30 or 40 feet, climate and the attractions of Sait and as no indications would be found Lake. The country around about lb the properties would be abandoned. for ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake Recent .study has proved that there Is must and will catch up. and while It la a zone of dolmite line from 75 to 90 catching up Is when values will double feet deep below the surface. This la and good money be made. a. at act British mineralized but carries no values. Be low this bed of lime lie the big ore bodies. The Cactus was the first property to carry work clear through the time bed to ore below and subsequent development on the ore bodies Other mines have been successful. have since dropped shafts to depths around 100 feet and these, too, have been successful. Two properties about about a mile troiu the Cactus were ex amlned by Mr. Davis. One Is down 126 feet and the other' 210 feet and the bottoms of both shafts are now cutting through bodies of ore. The four walls of coper-silvthe sumps show ore so the size of the veins are unknown. The activity now - antl-tru- TRIBUTE TO ADMIRAL DAVIS. where. , A. Reeves, secretary of the Consolidated Mercur company, haa been moving only upon the higher places since the 11th, on account of the arrival of a new daughter at his borne. Mr. Reeves was doing the honors nobly at his office in the Dooly block. . The Consolidated Mercur company has decided not to pay its regular quarterly dividend this month. Coal shortage and trouble with power and changes being made at the mill have trimmed production considerably during the past couple of months, and It was decided to wait until things assumed a normal condition. ; , A Bottled Joe Saraceno was Injured at the Sacramento mine Friday evening by MERCUR ITEMS. being struck with a piece of timber. Drs. Thayer and Barry attended to his injuries and reports him painfully Monday, the 11th, 400 shares of Con., Mercur sold at 44 cents a share in but not seriously hurt. Subscribe 1111- note. In addltibn to a complaint which, as a result of the conference, Is to be filed with tbe commission, It is probable that the attorney general will be be urged to institute prosecutions against officials of tbs railroads In Indiana and Illinois for alleged violation of the RIEGER A LINDLEY, The Whiskey Merchants. Salt Lake City. Sole Distributors. Wednesday last 1,000 shares of Inat 536 cents. Thursday, Tbe 4,000 shares sold at 6 cents. same day 1,000 shares of Sacramento went at 9 cents. ji ' g got sold Jl Thurber. Wayne, were married In the Mantl temple last week; also Johnnie hair During tbe latter part of February beautiful spring-lik- e weather prevailed which the farmers took advantage of in putting In grain, the most of which now planted. For nearly a wqek it has been raining and snowing almost incessantly. The streets and roads are almost Impassable in consequence. Tbe farmers, however, are rejoicing, as tbe moisture will bring up their grain and secure good stands. Rock hauling for jlthe new county schoolhonse. work on the canal to get the water In town, and a rusting of the carpenters on the new tithing office, make things lively at Thurber. Ji jl Fred Baker and Lida NmiIm This .it Will that baseball team materialize. Does the "American you.? BOX 1511 ; j Aainst representatives of the coal operators and coal miners organisations in southern Indiana and southern Ex-Jud- G. ACT.. T Coal Complaint to Be ' Filed Carrying ftailroads. Washington. An Important conference which la likely to havdTar-reach-lo- g results was held late Saturday afternoon between members of the Ih- - Saif! TOM D. PITT, Pres. ANTI-TRUS- ' ... coin-cx)f(to- r, $9,337.01)0. Various other estimates are being made ranging from ten to twenty millions of dollars. Reports from numerous western Pennsylvania points are to the effect that the flood haa subsided. Thirty large blast furnaces In .this city are out of commission. It Is said here that the suspension will cause a scarcity of Iron. Ifhion Trust : ... Mrs. Thaw on the stand which of her vf The Seven VIOLATED .iY It la hoped that some one will ask - , pictureriB Its a plty-thfiddling mayor of Francisco was . best investments in the new M Gold Field." Troughs Mining District, Humboldt County, Nevada.. coi The new camp that is only a few months old and now shipping car after car of ore going fi ve' to ten thousand dollars per car. A M. Gong has Just married in Kan-'- ! as. It la understood that he 'Was' much struck with his wifes beauty, Alton D. Parker moves auriferous treasure reposing beneath the flinty ribs of that majestic upheav- that the last election be made unanial to enrich every man, woman and mous by saying that Roosevelt Is all child in this splendid State; and as It right comes along Marysvale will grow and Thaw's lawyers Insist that he is the rest of Utah will grow with her. conducting his own defense, probation the theory that a man who is MILFORD. own lawyer has an insane "The child of thejjilaln Is his client. applied to the towNt Mllforli a fanlcful writer when the place was In The King of Italy Is a great Its Infancy; and In Its more mature but unless he has a few years it has become the child of the trusts and life Insurance companies, n no part of Utah, if on the side, he can never become a Is there a commun-- s real captain of industry. ' to so nearly a and wealth-1The complaint Is made that it is dings; and costing Texas $50,000 to Investigate It is easy to Benator Bailey. Well, they cant hold understand that with the mines of the that against the senator, he did his adjacent hills being drawn upon for best to prevent it something more nearly approaching A Milwaukee contemporary says their capabilities than formerly. to follow. The town has caught steamer ought to be able to get out the Impulse of the times and no more of the way quicker than a schooner." will be dull or slow or out of step with Nothing in this world can get out of the great march of prosperity now go- the way quicker than a schooner in Milwaukee. ing on. Watch it grow! reason-effec- Allegheny and Ohio rivers, conditions are resuming normal proportions. Th approaches to the bridges are now' clear of wat$r and siretft car ser vice in the flooded district has been resumed. Ten square miles were inundated The loss Is summarised aa follows: Loss in output of steels mills, $3,000,-00Los In output of other Indus, tries, $2,0U0,000. Losses In wages of employes, $1,837,000. Estimated damage to industrial plants, $2,500,000 SJ Foreign Secretarys Opinion of Swettanham Affair. London. The Incident Involving Governor Swettenhvn of Jamaica and Rear Admiral Davis, U. S. N, came up In the house of commons Thursday In a hypothetical question by Jesse Collins, liberal unionist, who waa in Kingston at the time of the disaster. Mr. Collins aaked .if It waa in accordance with International law for an admiral of a foreign country land an armed force in British colonies without permission of the governor. Foreign Secretary Gray said: No, and I may add that no such rights were claimed in the Incident referred to. What I am convinced of is that while in the presence of such a catastrophe there naturally was a certain amount of misunderstanding. the American admiral was motives inspired by single-mindeand a desire to relieve suffering. Any other construction placed on bis motion Is most unworthy and untrue. d INFLUX OF JAPANESE. is Now Troubled With the Littls Brown Men. El Paso So great has been the In--, flux of Japanese through this port that hundreds have stopped In El Paso, readily securing employment as house servants, displacing Mexican help. Tbe result is that tbe Mexican authorities are 'aklng cognizance of the matter and propose aqjlon looking to the abatemen of the Japanese Immigration unless the new amendment to the United States immigration laws brings relief. Reuf Trial Postponed. San Francisco. After the .names of four talesmen had been drawn from the jury box, the trial of .extorting money from French restaurant keep-erwaa continued In Judge Dunnes court until Monday morning. Counsel for Ruef objected to the drawing of any further namea during tbe absence from court of Juryman Dumbrell. who has been temporarily eicnaed, and Judge Dunne thought It well to a a recess hntll Monday. |