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Show There ere tlionsandM of dollar worth of Jewelry in our mm, but should we iut have w liai you want, we can make It. Our wetory hi the largctii lu the went aw 1 1 THE ARTISTIC WALL. One of Solid Color Will Alwayo NORDICA HOMESTEAD Glvs Best Effect ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. HAD PLAYED GAME BEFORE. Little Clarence and Gwendoline tonished Wniat C!ub. The Friday afternoon As- whist club at the home of one of Ita leading spirits when It wag discovered (bat two nittiuhera were. absent, and therefore then; were two handa ahort The ladles were In a quandary till the hostess announced that her two children t'larenee, aged 11, and had asHombleil Gwendoline, aged a little knowledge 13 had licked up of the game from watching their elders. She suggested that as It wouldn't do to cull the game off after so many had taken the trouble to coine, and as she oould think of no other way to get two substitute hands, the two chll dron would at least help to fill out the tables that Is, If everyone was perfectly agreeable. "Just the thing!'' declared all the ladlos in chorus. The hostess was urged to bring them In at once, every one would be Just delighted. . Clarence and Gwendoline were duly summoned and Introduced. They took their seats modestly, the ladles promised, to assist them on knotty points, and the game cotntnonced. There, were two prises offered and both were of considerable valuei livery woman present made up her mind to have one of those prizes at any cost The game was entered Into With abandon and no quarter was shown to anyone. Bo far from needing any assistance Clarence and Gwendoline seemed to hold their own pretty well. In fact, they neemed so perfectly at home that when In the stress of excitement a member failed to adhere strictly to the rules Clarence would call atten lion to the error gravely and Gwendoline with ladylike dignity. The upshot of the game was that when the afternoon was over and the final count was made Gwendoline and Clarence were in the possession of both prises. The ladles took leave of their hostess in a body with profuse thanks for the pleasant afternoon, all declaring they had had Just the loveliest time, and she had been so eweet to them alj, they really must thank her again. ' But as the door closed after the last smile and goodby, there was an ominous silence In the ranks of the Friday afternoon whist- club. How nice to hare children who can play whlat so well," said one lady . sweetly, with a small gleam In her eye. "Isnt It? agreed another. It must must be so nice to be able to buy lovely prises and then keep them in the family! And there was scarcely any sar casm in her voice at all The dearest, daintiest, most artistic a solid colored wall. It furnishes a period background for all kinds of pictures, It throws them out In their correct proportions, and does not detract from their artistic value. The solid colored wall Is also much hotter as a background for furniture, and harmonises much more artistically with carpets ami rugs than any other method of wall treatment The leu breaking up of color on a wall the more artistic it In. The most successful form of the solid colored wall la an alabastlned wall. There Is as mneh difference be tween tinted walls, as there Is between shoddy and gowns. The shoddy gown holds Us color for v few keeps Its color days, while the to the very last thread, so also In solid colored walls, there are shoddy walls and permanently colored walls which retain their color down to the very last particle. The ideal wall coating never rubs off, never flakes nor chips off and Is always ready for a fresh coat If there la wallpaper on the wall, soak it off with warm water, then go over the plaster after you have removed the paper with warm water to remove every trace of paste. Have the wall thoroughly clean for a clean wall cannot be built on an unIf there are any clean foundation. particles of foreign matter adhering to the wall scrape them off with a putty knife. Then If there are any discolorations on the wall, size It with a material made from cheap varnish, thinned down with benzine and Japan added for a drier, then cover your wall, with your tinting material. lie sure your man uses a tinting material mixed with cold water. If be comes to you and asks for warm water, you can make up your mind that there Is glue In the material which he proposes to put on your wall, and you can be certain that you are going to have a shoddy wall, for glue means shoddy. Glue means that It will hold Ita color long enough for the man to collect hla bill and not much longer. Insist on yonr tinting material being mixed with clear, cold water. Be sure that your wall is made from pure materials, then yon will have a permanent, artistic, sanitary wall. A wall that will be a "thing of beauty and a Joy forever. PRIMA A Comes Into Possession of Her Childhood Homo at Farmington, Mo Through Generosity of Her 8istor. There is never spot quite so dear to the heart of an American who has had a happy childhood as the early home around which so many fond memories cluster. Riches and honor may come, and the world's plaudits may ring In i he ear but the heart cannot forget the old home, where perhaps the first vision came of the possibilities of life. Such Is the case at least with Mme. Lillian Xordtca, who through the gracious gift of her sister, Mrs. William Baldwin of Dorchester, Mass., has come Into possession of the old homestead at Farmington, Me. The gift of thla place with Its 60 acres of wooded slopes was a welcome all-wo- Birthplace of Mme. Nordics. In fact, the giver one, and the recipient rejoicing equally that the houBe built by their own father on land long held by their an-castors Is now Nordlca's to have and to hold for all time. Mme. Nordlca was only a little girl when her parents moved to Boston, where her musical education had Its under James thorough beginning O'Neil at the New England conservatory. Her father died In 1880, and 17 years ago hla cousin, Alexander Forsyth, a diamond broker of New York (whose recent winters were spent, in Chelsea), purchased the farm and continued ita owner until .he time of Mrs. Baldwin's acquiring It, a few weeks prior to his death. The latter was very glad to pay the price pet by Mr. Forsyth 83,000. Much money will be spent upon im twice-blesse- I ' rf American Duchesa. Triumph Helen, duchess of Manchester, Is to Queen Alexannow dra, and the first American to receive that honor. So much for marrying the only son of the most popular duchess at the court of Edward VIL Other American duchesses may shrug and say they wouldn't be a lady in waiting on any account: hut dont yon believe them. It Is a royal distinction tremendously valued by English nobility, and the next step la the political plum to be made mistress of the robes. Boston Herald. ! to-da- y run e Seed and Tool Our mammoth Catalog ia nulled free to all Intending buyer, or lend 6c in stemrs and rereive free sample of new Two root Long Oati and other cereal and big catalog free. John A. Salzer Seed Co Box W, La Crowe, Vi. To Be Refilled. One of the suburbs of Chicago Is the Bcbool of theolsite of a ogy, from which go out each weekend many members of the senior class to try their voices as "supplies. A passenger on a Monday morning train was surprised at the number of them who got off at the station. "What are all these chaps getting eft hrreT he asked the brakeman. "Them?" asked the braheman. "O, they're returned empties, for the colYouth' Companion. lege. well-know- n . SICK HEADACHE Positively eared by these Little Pills. They also rSUsrs Us-trafrom Dyspepsia, end Too Hearty Sating, A perfect rem-ed- y tor Dbrinesa Houses. Drowsiness Bad Taste la the South, Coated Tongue, Fain in the Bid. TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowda Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Musi Bear CARTERS Signature Fac-Sim- ila - If Ever REFUSE SUBSTITUTE!. .WET? I You maybe able to get along without a to-da- y Citys Death Rate Reduced. The London death rate Is now nearly 30 per cent lower than It was at the coming Into operation of the public health act in 1891. In that year the death rate was 17.1; In 1905 it waa 15.1 can be reached only by winding and confusing passages. ' In this palace lnclosure are also eight deep, lightless dungeons, Into which prisoners were lowered b That of ths Archaeologists Hopes means of ropes. Many of the curiosiths Ruins and Inscriptions Will ties unearthed1 at this place have Reveal Story of the been assembled In a museum at Hera-cleothe most valuable being about Past. a thousand. ,v. WATERPROOF SUIT OR SLICKER Dut can you afford to? THESE GARMENTS ARE GUARANTEED WATERPROOF LOW IN PRICE orron.ua a. ajtowcscs LitotTEP Toronto m TowtR Xf Rfltetsd vftfc W. N. U CMeAQiaei CO TkOMjKMi Eya Wafer Salt Lake City, No. 12, 1907. WOMEN IN HOSPITALS Experiences of Mrs. Rockwood and Miss Tierney n, c Zelt-un- -- g. -- Ut - u... Plant WESTERN FOR ipdl-enc- leaf-shape- d i Lead-ills- . Price 29c and 90s Stood the Test. Allcocks Plasters have successfully stood the test of sixty years' use by the public; their virtues have never been equaled by the unscrupulous Imitators who have sought to trade upon their reputation by making plasters with holes In them, and claiming them to be "Just as good as Allcock's. in.Allcock's plasters stand dorsed by not only the highest medical authorities, but by millions of grateful patients who have proved their efficacy as a household remedy. who knew her. Probably no operatic star has ever managed to keep so Intimately and associated with her own people as has Nordlca-- During the early years of her career her mother traveled with her constantly, remaining with her even after her marriage to Mr. Gowed. Her vacations have been so arranged that she and her sisters could be together, and since her mother's death some of her sisters or nieces have Invariably accompanied her upon her operatic tours-- . knlfe-llke- SEEDS DCCIII TC Penetrates to the Spot Right on the dot. woooeoeooooQQQooooooooesi literature. While her profession baa hindered her from paying frequent visits to her birthplace she has kept a warm spot In her heart for her mother's old friends ibere, and waa glad to have the opportunity, some years ago, to give a benefit concert, the proceeds of which went for the lighting of the streets In Farmington. Anecdotes without number are told of Nordlca's grandfather, Campmeeting John Allen, a Methodist preacher, whose piety, sunshine and sparkling wit made him a popular and beloved character. There are only the pleasantest memories connected with Mme. Nordlca's parents. Her father, Edwin Norton, was a man of gentle courtesy and refinement, ambitious for his children and a citizen whom Farmington waa loath to lose when the removal to Boston seemed best for his family. The mother's church Binging, vivacious ways, patvlcMn beauty and womanly character endeared her tu all EXCAVATING WORK BEING CARRIED ON AT ANCIENT CITY. CT JACOBS OIL Oats Heads 2 Foot Long. The John A. Salzer Feed Co., La Crocce, are bringing out s new oats this Wi., with heaua 2 foot long! Thats a year Their catalog telle! wonder. Spete the greeted cereal hay food America ever oaw! Catalog tells! 2,000 tablet! containing There Is something fascinating In which comes to mind is that of a Calan ancient ruin. It brings to the presifornia cowboy. He was taking steers tons. ent n story of the past and archaeoloto Leadvllle, and had camped for the gists are always eager to read the records of ancient civilization. The new night on Bear river, near Its conjuncSCIATIC TORTURE tion with the Little Snake. In the order of affairs In Crate which began ' middle of ttye night something oc- A Locomotive Engineer Telle Hmr in 1898 revived the hopes of scientists. curred to numpede the cattle. The In the troubled days revolution and He Wee Cared by Dr. Williams man mounted his bronco and rode discord stood in the way of scientific Pink Pills. hither tM thither on the flank of the Pain that seems almost unbearable work, and although operations had beherd Vf&itll their fright had died away. Is a characteristic of sciatic rheumar gun in various parts of the Island the Fou or live tlmea the rider felt hla tlam. In some cases the pain Is work was not carried to completion h'jne give tremendous leaps, and with , or shooting; In oth- at any point. Bourina, Hagia, Triads, sharp daybreak he discovered the cause. ers It Is dull and aching. Sciatica Phalstoa and Cnosus have all received of the scholars who have The cattle had climbed to a level la stubborn in resisting treatment and the attention plateau which is Intersected by e the patient frequently suffers for unearthed many evidences of ancient canyon four miles long and from 1,500 years. This was the case with Mr. Greek culture, but the workers In that to- ,000 feet deep. field hare always found their labors Its walls Incline Herbert E. Spaulding, a locomotive at Cnosus the most attractive. Even toward each other at the top, where on the Cincinnati, New OrSchllemann, the distance Is 15 or 20 feet. In riding engineer says the ''Ilustrirte leans A Texas Pacific Railway, whose tried his magic wand there, and the man had kept the steers circling home Is at Longview, Texas. Evans succeeded about this plateau. A dozen of them "While running an engine some the archaeologist he found had fallen down the canon years ego, he says, "I fell off and only after years of negotiations In se- Storeroom of the Royal Raises at and been killed. hurt my knee and spine and I have curing by purchase the Cnosus hills. Cnosus, Croto. to on cause the the wanderer him be to The showed the the considered that this highway Hoof marks , always site of this former metropolis of the inscriptions. Should these inscripgreat Jumps made by his horse were of my Illness. The sciatica took hold occasioned by Che animal's clearing of me from my heel to the back of Cretan Island will stand spellbound tions over he deciphered," said one head. The pain was the worst when a sharp dip In the road reveals the canyon each time It came to the my "tbe darkness which I ever suffered In my life and my leg to him the ruins of the city. Here archaeologist, off enshrouds the fate of Crete's spot taking and back were twisted out of shape. was the palace In which the lawmak- now InI was under a physician's care for ers of Crete and toe sturdy hero of the great palace and of Its mysterious be cleared away. habitants might Vaseline aa a Hair Grower. several months and for six months sea. King Minos, once lived. Plain vaseline, the yellow product, could not get out of bed. I also went The palace was three stories high. Ancient Greek Ordnance. a sev-In 1 beck came or Hot to but Springs rubbed Into the scalp nightly The inner walls were laid in marble Greek ordnance which waa adopted oral times a week will prevent your worse condition than when I went "It was when I was down In bed and were rich In decorated carvings tfy the Romans without any material hair from coming out and also Induce The latter preserve of toe case of a Mr. and paintings. alteration was, almost without exa new growth. It Is not a new remedy. ARlaon,I hexrd - their rich coloring to this day. The man mythan older a efdependent on. the handbow i wonderful uujeh a ceptions, has but. the petroleum flrat story, with Its reception and dinsciatica of been cured who had self, k.i. principle. In trying to shoot a larger h YrOW who come to this by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I began ing halls, Its audience chamber and bullet to greater distances, the elastic toe of taking toe pills and soon was able to bathing apartment. Is In a fairly good arms of tbe bow were necessarily Three staircountry with such fine heads of hair get out of bed. When I had taken state of preservation. so strong as to be no longer susowe the growth to kerosene, which id lx boxes I was able to work about cases connected It with the ffiiper made of tightening by hand. A ceptible for strengthening toe house and yard. I kept right stories. At one side of the palace a favorite remedy had therefore to be fitted the hair follicles In Ireland. But ad on with the pills until I was cured are the ruins of the temple In which melon shaftwhich shaft was of to bow, return the vaseline never I had have the and any to use, that Is unpleasant the gods were venerated. On the other with levers or handwheels. tightened aa Finally, been I trouble. have running comes next in order, possessing much the aide of the palace stcod the great of bows altogether failed since." ever the as power engine washsame the storehouses and the plants for properties. Dr. Williams' Pink mis are sold by oil. A gi- to Insure the efficiency desired, their all druggists, or sent postpaid, on re- ing gold and for pressing was col- bending elasticity was replaced by the In oil which the Her Position. of price, 50 cents per box. six gantic cistern ceipt was found almost Intact In tenalonal elasticity of neura, that Is ' "Do yon think your latest matrimo- boxes for $2.50. by the Dr. Williams lected from animal sinews, womthe oil storehouses were found ropes made one of or Medicine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y. nial venture will be for the better In emergency, horse hair. or. ans bslr, which also two great earthen pots the worse? World Technical Magaxine were provided with steps on the Inside "I cant say, answered the sensaof the accommodation for the persons tional actress with s look of resignaShina's Revenue Increasing. who had to clean them. tion. "Everything Is now In the Tbe Pekin correspondent of the Lonare the rains A abort distance away hands of my press agent. revenue of of a smaller palace, in which it Is be- don Times says: "The Art rear dealw tor lieved the heir to tbe throne lived. An China during this year (1906) Is said RELoUL I Os than. Write for eoi observation tower and n royal One View of It e to have been the largest on record, new illmlratri catalngu. fra. "But U ahe makes her own dresses Ths BARTELOES hall have also been unearthed. and the financial outlook is brightened SEED CO. SSE3& I should think she'd be a good wire In the latter there Is throne with a by the prospect that the United States for you. It shows she's industrious room con- may refund to China the unexpended back. T high HOWARD E. BURTOR.-c'Vm1:- .?."0 and sensible. b. Is the balance of the Boxer Indemnity, and with the nects royal BOMo4 epMfBMi imen. UoM. "Not for me, thank you. It simply m.Tli: which amounting to 4,400,000. of a clumbers of center uae.WiXMmiaprM.IL Cfwwa group omI'M- MaUias NnkeN M fall prise Iik mm dhows how poor her father must be, IhjM. Cmiiwl awl Lnpir work wUaMS. Cel. Mww ftriwiiiXiiinMiirA Pittsburg Ledger. Tbebest story of a horse's jumps LUMBAGO AND SCIATICA the-excit- ing UNCOVERING CRETE Tin Used In United States. The total consumption of tin in the 2,800 United States for 1908 was tons, with 2,132 tons In stock nt the close of the year. The shipments from Bolivia show aa increase of 3,000 tons, from Cornwall an Increase of from 700 to 1,000 tons end from Australia an Increase of 1,000 tons, making the total European and American supply for the year about 93,55 Something Like Jumping. provements, laying out of grounds, etc., and this estate will be known as Nortonwoods. One drives about a mile and a halt from the village of Farmington paat neat dwellings, line pastures and wood lands up a steady, gentle slope from Sandy river to reach this farm, always noted for Its beauty and ever the haunt of picnickers, artists and writ era. Mme. Nordlca has already decided to make It a sort of museum where shall be collected family, portraits, fur nlshlngs which were her mother's, pic tures of herself In her different roles busts, casts and correspondence of fellow artists, and perhaps her precious library which Is a rare and costly one. Not til of this great singer's time has been absorbed by her principal talent, or the invitations of society magnates. She has been a book collector for years and owns some especially valuable editions of Balzac and Brownipg. She la a remarkable linguist and an omnivorous student in PLANS TO MAKE RT OF MUSEUM. 80 DONNA IT all-wo- - pSMMOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOC wit-nesae- d wall Is 170 Scent of Japan's Success. Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton of tha British army wrote the evening after one of the great battles which he had between Russians sad Japanese In the recent war in Manchuria: "To bed! Although It Is with reluctance that I prepare to lose my grip of consciousness that I seen the most stupendous have spectacle that it Is possible for mortal brain to conceive Asia advancing, Europe falling back; the wall of mist and the writing thereon." Then as to the meaning of this retreat of Europe before advancing'' Asia: "The more I think the more certain I am that It waa not strategy or tactics, or armament or information, which won the battle of Llaoyang for Oyama, but that It was rather the souls of tha Japanese troops which triumphed over the less developed, less awakened, less stimulated qualities of the Russians. MISS MARGARET TIERNEY MRS.CHAS. A. ROCKWOOD A large proportion of the operations performed in our hospitals are upon women and girls for some organic trouble. Why should this be the case ? Because they have neglected them-selve- s, as every one of these patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning in those dragging sensations, paii at left or right of abdomen, backaches, nervous exhaustion, inflammation, ulceration, displacements, and other organic weaknesses. Allot thesd symptoms are Indications of an unhealthy condition of the female system and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous When these symptoms operation. manifest themselves, do not drag along until you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit to an operation but remember that Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, has saved hundreds of women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound baa cured more cases of feminine ills than any other one remedy. Such letters ae thefollowing Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female ilia Mrs Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that may help ycov Her advice is free and always helpful. Mrs. Ask PlikUas Advice A Woats Best Uadentssds s Wow'S Oh W. L. DOUGLAS AND $3.00 L V. D0U6UI SHOES $3.50 8HOES mwSu, IE EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES t 1.80. Raj1 Mum, St to SI. (5. Womra's 8490 WIT ED6E FOR IHOEt CJUM0T EDUALU0 AT ANT PRICE. Mm1 Shorn. 3 1 HhMi, 4 la Nlat)' A Chlldran'. KhoM, KLSS lo OI.OO. W . L Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear to both boot la style, fit and wear moducod in this country. Each part of the shoe and every detail of the making la looked after and watched over by akillod shoemakers, without regard to time or met If I could take you Into my largo factories nt Brockton, Maas., ard ahow you how carefully W. L. Dongloa would than en demand why they hold thotr sLapo, fit betterl boss are mod. wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes. W. I.ImerlM eam. and prti ih tot tow. wan n4 interv-- f iw. T.k, mH .t,((i.i,. W. L,lilkMawaMmmnvam mertw utltr MttkU utr4 tfrfcie. ftlite..MAi 01-5- 0. ya . . .. Ulilim... |