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Show Complies with all requirements of the National Pure Food Law. Guarantee No. 2041, filed at Washington. EDITORIALS. 9- - i Thlg paper Is on (lift at me Minin Congreaa. Denver, Colorado. Aiiu-ricm- BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL. The Jamestown Tercentennial Fair to Eclipse All Other POPULAR Bids . As Indi Norfolk, Va.. March its name, the object of the Jamestown Exposition Is primarily to eelebrate the three hundredth anniversary of the first English settlement on the American continent, which, as history records, occurred on the 13th day of May, 1007, on a peninsula Juttlqg out Into the James River, about forty miles above its mouth. But, hb the waters of the James river have long since trana formed the mmlnsula into an island, and almost carried the island Into Hampton Roads, and as there is now but little left of the original Jamestown but the old church tower that is fast falling into decay, and a few foundations of fallen structures, and as the few hardy Englishmen who came over In the Godspeed, the Susan Constant and the Discovery, Unit landeda t what Ih now Old Point Comfort to rest and recuperate, it was decided that this point, or some point near it that was suitable for the purpose, should he selected for the place 9-- c&led by to celebrate Sewells Point, Point Comfort, deep waters of most choBen. For over thirty yean," writes I have gentleman in Loe Angeles, used Arbuckles Coffee. Many times my family has tried other coffee only to come back to our old reliable, unchangeable Arbuckles. No other coffee has this uniform never failing aroma, I care not at what price. I have often wished I could tell you this." Many other people have the same opinion. AifcuckW was lha firrt routed packaged cofee, end its tale exceed all the other, put Local & Nows the directly opposite Old with the broad and Hampton Roads, lying them was found to be the and was happily available, between- 6VE - ' held.'1 The fact that the government has appropriated over a million and a half dollars for the various government buildings, naval and military maneuvers and drills, and for permanent Improvements, and the further fact that most of the great world powers have agreed to participate with their best war vessels and best troops, in naval maneuvre and drill, is h guarantee that this feature alone will attract worldof wide attention. A reproduction the battle between the Mcrrlmac and Monitor, In Hampton Roads, as it was fought in 18G2, and which inaugurated a new era in naval warfare, is one of the features in this connection that will interest every patriotic citizen in the United states, and hundreds and thousands of people iu every other country. The govern-- . ment has appropriated $10,000 alone for the reproduction of this famous sea battle between the first monster. The historic interest that attaches to the site of the Jamestown Exposition and to the Immediate vicinity, covering three hundreds years from the founding of the first English settlement at Jamestown to the opening of the Jamestown Exposition, April 26th, next and closing November 30th, is so well known and la so widely discussed that only passing mention of it need be made here. Suffice it to say, that it was here that Jamestown, the first English settlement was effected, and which resulted in the English virtually ruling, or at least, controlling the western continent; it was here the first English marriage In America; here was solemnized was the first trial by Jury held, and here the first" legislative body convened tin 1819); it was here the the first English child was born in America; and within a few hours ride of Jamestown many of the important battles of the Revolution, the war of 1812, and the late civil war were Yorktown and Appomattox fought. , are close by. Among these foreign countries that accepted the invitation of President Roosevelt and declared their intension to participate in the celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of the first English seftlement in America, are, Great Britain. Germany, Russia. France. Japan. Switzerland, com-pettitiv- e iron-cla- d Itr-n- s I S wra wc siroroy rkmrt r SOLD Ul SCALED .. .WINTER RATES... PACKASES Qft FOR YOUR NS swncs uson -- OTECTIOn That k corf, yea lew i, dse amply to ms cofee buMaem being to much greater than aay eompetiton, is fact, k i, larger than the nest four laigerf final is lha world combined. package bearing his name. Dont taka h, aekher the look, nor the price We naturally can and actually do give better iadierte hi cup qudlfejr. No matter when you cofee in ARlSSA than for the price; Being die rtamjanj article k ie buy Aifaucklee ARIOSA, at what yon pay for it, ke the him old uniform Arhucidea old at die nanowerf margupcofit. ARIOSA Coffee. Shortest and best lint to Bullfrog sad Nevada's Mineral Belt, via The Las Vegaa B Tapak RaHreaLd. Ask tbs Agent, but specify Saa Pedro, Los Angeles ASali Labe ugrmNcaigr, Some grocers will try to sell you instead loose coffee which die roaster is ashamed to sell in a Bee On J. If your grocer will not supply, write to ARBUCKLE BROS., Manufactured by John Reeves Co., Balt Uk aad Indorsed by the M. A M. Aaan of Utah. Ask your Grocer. the the Labels. 100 at $6.40 and at 290 $6.50. Owing to the condition of the roads leading to Alta, several mining men interested there were turned bgck last week in their efforts to reach camp. Jl .w Wednesday last 200 shares of Columbus Con. were sold at $5.90, 600 at $5.95, and 100 at $6.00. The same day 300 shares of South Columbus sold at $1.65. Jl Jl Thursday the lowest price paid for Columbus Con. on the local market was $5.45, and the highest $5.90. ,ur SSM Jl Jl The directors of the Columbus Consolidated company met on the 15th, at which the second dividend was posted. oldCon- ; Mondays, MEDICAL LAKE 159 to I 6M Dl F. Welker BulMtk Belt Luke City. GEO. W. PARKS, Italy. Belgium, Spain, Sweden and Greece of the eastern continent and Brazil, Argentine, Venzuela. Mexico, JOHN HAWES, Chili. Domingo, Porto Rico, Salvador, Pern. Guatamaula, Mexico, Ecquedor, Marysvale., Utah. of the Costa Rica, and Panama, Dealer In western continent, and, while there J are no official figures as to the exact f GENERAL MERCHANDISE. number of foreign war vessels that will participate, it is estimated that there will be at least forty. Uncle Sam will have ten of his best and most formidable sea monsters In Drw P. J. Lywa, Hampton Roads, making a total of J) at least fifty of tbe most powerful 9 fighting ships in the wrld, assembled 3 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iu Hampton Roads, the broadest and Marysvale, Utah. deepest harbor in the world, and pernutnwhich in oae that the only haps o wwnewewwna agtMaaagfliffirtrt (Continue) in our nexL) f THE ROYAL GORGE. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. TO DENVER. AND For Foldera, Booklets, Etc., Address . . CHICAGO I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D, Salt Lake City. INSTITUTE, EYES IN OUR HANDS. Stop Those Haa (PAstrMtVJWtaWRRRlW If you want to aches. Those Dizxy That Eye Strain. Co. AJexander-Dlbbl-e 230-31-3- 2 i Formerly Alexander Optical Go. Atlas .Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phones 4444. hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP New House, New Furniture, En Suite.1 Elegantly Furnished Rooms, Single or talk with every town In Utah. Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL. Otherwise you CAN'T! Spells ! rvre uoia Kings nsvn t insiUL. "13 k" Telephones have thisOVTSIDE. fTuTEDOTJ Opposite Elks' Club, Salt Lake City, 44 S. State 8t Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Public and Prlvkte Bath. Rates Reasonable. Independent Phone 2117 M. T. MARKS, Prop. DOCTORS WHO CURE UT1MH Ml snrabla rfmb il. at a rw jJsvsra.HKLSteLSift: Lm aB Chuva, wto, Unuta, Srohin lutan, rrMtatl fl,,kia, Dim,. PllM, OkMli Narvna mI Private 4 ahlldraa. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Dl a Y.rl- - ttaokoo, and TnublM, 11 .f Map, Warn, lmteu.1 w ll hr a mu. for odiotooo tnm , $1 l ter all Math; fn CONSULTATION FREE ahntea Dn. Bboroo Kya Dtrtrioni ter tea gatek mi, of oh fa, XHmmm aad ter (ha of glaaaoo b aaoaoollod. boUg la ohargo af a Sparialiat aa (ha fai af Sropar IMag Handing- - Oaaanltettaa aad Advioo Vroa. A Special Department for Men. C buhl BLACKSMITHS, Marysvale, SPRINGS. 1 PLACE YOUR Berteleen Brea a MANITOU 8. XAOr ST., SAIT TACT CITY, UTAH. Salt Lake Clty.J Utah. GARDEN OF THE GODS. TRAINS. a. m. to U noon. Lend Attorney, Auerbaoh Building, MMlMfilMlimiWlBlIlMPBlttWa. CANYON of the GUNNISON. Sounds Big, but its True Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131, 8ait Lake City. Ind Phone 3806-7- . Counsel er. WAY. THROUGH S 1 GLENWOOD SPRINGS. THREE - th ,u,t for your local paper. 4k THE WHEEL GAP. WAGON BEAUTY ALL Bourn: 9 a. m. to dependent : 10 EAGLE RIVER CANYON. OF NATURAL t SALT THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT STONE CO. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MAN UPACTURERS. SOLE AGENT8 FOR Concrete Block Machines. Want to establish a plant In eveiy city, town and village in Utah. Block machine! from $100 upward Start a small plant and become in I T p. m.; evening, ' of the GRANDE CANYON PANORAMA We Want Every Man in the Country Who Is Afflicted to ' write Us About His Ailment. solidated company, was In Alta on a visit from his Michigan home last week. He says that his confidence In the property waa all the greater as time unfolds its developments. Attorney goods made np. 8CENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. of-rl- $56,-707.6- CYRUS Q. GATRELL Eagle Block, Salt Lake City. A Not only In Salt Lake City, but in tho whole Paclflo Wat The roaulta of our professional work art bringing to our mm from every state and Territory In the West. We use the mlseroaeope to make our diagnosis. If you want a permanent cure, consult ua. Wo cure all forma of Blood and 8kln Nervous Decline Fistula, Kidney, Bladder and all Urinary DUiES dw to WnataOM kndnin too result of .pacific dime see, and all Private Diseases of Men. OUR 8TSTRM OF TREATING is to any In this oountry. and our curse are the result of these methSfcT We navhr fall to fecta cureta uttw from neglect from want of money or from JLJSS! practice here Is an opportunity to get tho services of a skilled specialist a gnuluate physician, with Jreara of rip experience complicated and epeSai dUordere of MEN ONLY. It will cost nothin? to talk to ua. and may be the mesne of restoring you to health and hmonfea offices are very private, You sea the doctor WhJL.Mll,Jod,l5rT Ob- - Itenablee many who are afflicted only to procuiethe The seooqd dividend of the Columbus Con. Is 20 cents a share, which will give the neat little sum of 0 to the stockholders during April. This is only one of a series o fdlvldends which will continue Indefinitely. W6HSWlBMS$imiHW6 9 guaranteed all wool WWMMKm Leading Specialists Friday, South Columbus stock fell to $1.10, but recuperated In the after noon, and 600 shares sold at $1.32. The same day $5.60 was the highest sale price of Columbus Con. and 700 shares went at that figure. Subscribe 18-1- but WE ARE THE $1.32. Charles Chynoweth, one of the Nothing Consultation Free. Saturday 820 shares of Columbus Con. changed hands at $5.40 and 135 at $5.45, The same day 100 shares of South Columbus went at $1.25. 100 at $1.37, 3Q0 at $1,30 and 300 at est stockholders in the Columbus Every Garment Bears Thie Label. Rooms No ' Pay Unless Cured Jl Jl jl j only house in Salt Lake City placing the Union label on popular clothing. priced, custom-mad- e 8UIT8 FROM 122.00 UPWARD. PANTS FROM 6.50 UPWARD. IS We Cure Men For J Salt Lake City H. BURTNER D. P. A.. WORKERS s INDUSTRIAL TAILORING CO. New York Gtr. HISTORIC TER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE . . AnDTW Monday, 11th, 700 shares of South Columbus sold at $1.70 a share; 100 rviiumb'is Con. at 6.20100 at $6.25, land-locke- con-.flic- Anemon ecumwfTHcaun ALTA. - In all this broad land from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or from Maine to Mexico, it would be hard to fine a spot more favorable by nature and environments for a great international Exposition. There may be other bodies of water as broad and deep as Hampton Roads, with harbors as but they are not so accessible in time of peace nor so in-- ' acceslble in time of war. Nor can there be found a point elsewhere, surrounded by so many places of historical interest in which so many people at home and abroad share points that not; only mark the giant strides of progress made in the last three centuries, but that also mark the initiative and the final stroke of the god t. of war in more than one fierce Jamestown where Liberty was virtually born, and York town where it vertually reached its majority, are close together: Washington at the head of Tidewater on the Potomac and Richmond at the head of Tidewater on the James, are not far from here, and not far from here or from either of them is Appomattox, where the strife that centred in those two cities reached Its climax and Its close. All over Tidewater Virginia are monuments that silently but grim-- 1 ly1 remind us of .the post of this conflict, but out of it has come a great and prosperous nation, and it is to herald its greatness and prosperity, and to commemorate its birth, that Jamestown Exposition will be THD1 POWER THAT TUSnO) ThC W1LDT- S- Bra. Sharia kava a Dapartaart aadartvaty ter (ha (roataoa( aad anti f all Private Diaaaaaa af mob, wha(har mated by lguraaoa, szoossaa or oontagtea. who Young aoa who hara boa lad u(ray by bad aaMpaalaaa orfddla-agabava goat (a Manama old uan who dad (hair (anal vigor goao aafortemateo who hovo ooatrnotod dlooaam (bo viottaio af Blood Poiwa aad ail albara who laid (ha oaanad and aid af Mpariaaoad aad bladly ybyririan art aordlaUy lavlud to (bia doparlMtn( aad aa adviood FIQ Or OHAKOB. MODBBB XBTHOD8 la aO Private Bo oaro I (bo aaro uadar DBS. BHOBXS' Dinoonco, tba( yoa may arranga te fay (ha tea far a anra la woaUy or MBlbly aara iaitollunte, a, (ha atagnaooa, at yarn may PAX WHXX OUB1D. DM. BIIOBES Doa( advartiaa 'Satea'' ter aar "liagla ailBin( aad (baa abarga yoa tea (luoo aa ante a tho iaioan( advartited baeaan (bo ante Is "ssmbB Dn. Bboroo kavo (bat to (bo "Faka Madlaal ested. Dra. Shoraa guaraalte lhal aaa fan yaya lasdlutca. ALL for yoar ailmrnti if (hoy Iraal yoar aa,o -- wad (bal lha foo for a CUBE win ba chops thsa yaa oam bo earsd ter olsswhsra. Dn. Mam alia faralah yaar PBES (bora la mo "hold ap" for "Madirfaaa" afttr yoa bava arrangod lha tea. Qaaeka aad FnUra raaorl la nob trieka te rob lha anwaiy bal Lagiliaate lyr aialiite abhor sod donoanrs (hna. Bcwara of any fakir who hldoa fcahlad a "teka Iftdl-ra- l Inatitat." bream ,o ha dan mol advartiaa aadar bia wa anus. Thnra mat! ba a Kama ter 1 1. linn. T mat men t Cam. Write fur Fraa Byuptou UK If you rootiol roll. 'mimultatlnii frrs. OPFK'R HOURS: I a. a. to I p. a. Xvmlag T to ; Boadayo aad hsUdaya ie a. a. te 13. d TORONTO. QUEBEC. OTTAWA. MONTREAL. PORTLAND. BOSTON. mall And all principal points In Canada and New England, via Detroit and the . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Through car service from Chicago. Rates fare and further information from of A. C. SHAW. General Agent Passenger Department 232 South Clark Street. Chicago ua mil aud-leia- Drs. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialists, 249 Kit LalS'citoTutah |