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Show FADED TO A SHADOW. Worn Down by Five Yean of Buffo Ing from Kidney Complaint Mrf. Rfmethe Myers, of 180 South I ronton, O., ay: i have worked hard in my time and have been exposed again and again to changes of weather. It Is no wonder my kidneys gave out and I went all to pieces at )ast For five years I was fading away and finally so weak that for six months I could not get out of the house. I was nervous, restless and sleepless at night and lame and sore In the morning. Sometimes everything would whirl and blur before me. I bloated so badly I could not wear tight clothing, and had to put on shoes two sixes larger than usual. The urine was disordered and passages were dreadfully frequent. I got help from the first box of Doan's Kidney Pills, however, and by the time I had taken four boxes the pain and bloating were gone. I have been In good health over since. fyers. 50 cents a b., Buffalo. N.Y. LONDONS NEW FAD mahatma pope just now LION OF SOCIETY. Teth-Sk'- , the Wonderful Philosopher from India Preaches Strange Doctrines and Rebukes the Follies of the : Clients Who Visit Him. WILLING TO LET a lle-sa- nt g Yon can do your dyeing in half an hour with PL'TN'AM FADELESS DYES. Ask your druggist. DIE. Stinging Message Sent by Farmer Worsted in Business Deal. OXLTORB . Did you ever observe the look of contempt uu a plump girl's face when she sees a thin one crossing a muddy money-m- on arm-chai- Ths Sanitary Wall Coating By having your walls decorated with Alahastine you will make them more artiRtic, more durable, more sanitary, and will make your home a more cheerful place to live in. Let us show yon how easy and economical Alahastine is, and how thedif-feretints and stenciled de signs can be combined to duce 'exactly the effect ' you want.' Write ua today. One trial will convince you of (lie peculiar lilneaa of Nature's remedy, Barfield and Tea, fur liver, kidneys, stninm-bowels, for impure lilouil, rheumatism and chronic ailment. Iceland Ponies Popular. Iceland ponies are a fad in England. They are in great demand among the British who can afford to Indulge their whims. nt in a Pinch, Usn ALLEN'S FOOT-EASA powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of, the age. Makes new shoes easy. K certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no substitute. Trial package, FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. l.e Roy. N. Y. Purely Experimental. '"Why in the world did you order a Welsh rabbit in this French place? they asked her. "Of course, the cheese is about the same as you get everywhere, but bow can you tell what a French Welsh rabbit will do to you afterward? I'm not afraid." she Informed them, 1 placidly. just want to see what sort of rattan nightmare French It will speak. My three children had eczema for five months. A little sore would appear on the head and seemed very itchy, increasing day after day. The baby had had it about a week when the second boy took the disease and a few sores developed, then the third boy took It. For the first three months I took them to the N Dispensary, bnt they did not seem to Improve. Then I used Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment and In a tew wjeks they had Improved, Rnd when their heads were well you could see nothing of the sores. Mrs. Kate Kelm, 513 West 29th St.. New York; X. Y., Nov. 1, 5 and 7, 1906 aking JMabastine street? Did Net Months Five Suffered Improve Perfect Cure by Cutlcura. f bt LaXATIYS HIIUMO qsiBine. sirallarlr ssiiied reiBfdiM MMieilsies demur. Tha Bra and CuM Tablet la a WHITE IAl'KAUa with ormal blarh and id leiienne. and heard kUa alt Bain re of IkWittHOVK. Us Were Treated at Dispensary . Yon know that there are colors which signify sadness, others which Indicate happiness but do you ever stop to think how often people are made sad or glad because of the colors? You know that children and flowers thrive in the sunshine. Why not have more sunshine in your own Koine, then why not lot us show you how to get it In the walls by using KOMOtltTIKIKB Thalia THREE BOYS HAD ECZEMA. obT Happy Colors All philosophy lies In two words "sustain" and abstain. Epictetus. In the old colony town of 8cltuate, . who Mass., once lived Deacon J had a yoke of oxen he desired to tell. The newz reached the ears of Fanner T , who lived In another portion of the town, who was in want of a pair. So he visited the deacon, who met him with a gracious smile and led him to the oxen, whirh were chewing their cuds and to all appearances ready for any amount of toll. After some bargaining a difference of five dollars remained. Finally tha 1 am old and feeble, deacon said: and shall not live long, and five dollars will be of no account, so the bargain was made. Farmer T took me. the oxen They proved worthless, could not work, and had been healed. He felt provoked at being sold, and, seeing a person the next day who wan going to the part of the town where the deacon lived, said: "You tell Deacon J he need not live another d d minute longer on my account." Indian Society's latest lion is ascetic, with a name composed of many consonants and numerous divisions. says a Kng., correspondent. He is the Mahat-.uuipe, a great man in India (not the sort of Mahatma spoken of by Mrs. or Col. Olcott). a ruler of rajahs and a sort of king bf philosophers. He was rich once and a member of a high caste family, but he flung his wealth aside he says money-makinla the occupation of pigs divested himself of his Worldly splendors and lived eight years in the jungle, communing with his soul. From this seclusion he emerged, shriven, as U were. He can cause his heart to stand still for a quarter of an hour and yet his spirit does not leave the body. He says he has seen the soul of one animal leave its earthly body and te Output. go into another. If we lead bad lives . . Cput of 4.368,729,015 on earth we shall lead worse In the cafUndarear 1906 of must have next Incarnation. In the We are all atoms come as a surprise to the teAMatthe. in the ocean of atoms which are creamore but stun nine trade, and his object in coming here 9 crease In one year Ra3n tion, Is to teach us to control our minds so increase by neagbu that the mind shall control the body, than the lncreajfeof our cigar Indus- after which there will be no pain, no year. This Jump try during tfamss no mean actions and no unhappiness, more In the face is remarkable of use for the money. He does not touch the pronounced and unrelenting hostilthere are plenty of his money, though ity of a half dozen state legislatures who are only too glad to disciples" which have ostracized not only the the cost of his lodging. And to manufacture but also the handling pay this prophet a grand, forceful speciwithof and consumption cigarettes men of an Indian, a man of 62, looking in the confines of their respective terthe hour, day ritories. United States Tobacco Jour- 40, society trundles by by day, to listen to his wonderful nal. philosophy. I went to see him one TACKTHI8 UP. day last week, and In the room, sitting in front of the turbaned, full robed 8imple Advice Which May Prove of Mahatma, 1 found - a young British duke and his American wife. The Untold Value. pope had apparently said nothing to At the first sign of Rarksche or pain them, but had contemplated them in In the region of the Kidneys, or weak- silence. Suddenly he turned to the ness and Urinary trouble, the follow- duchess and said: You are a duchess! ing simple prescription should be What good is that to you? Does it used: , give you more to eat than formerly? Are you not prouder than you were Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-halounce; Compound Kargnn. one ounce; when you were just a miserable millionaire's daughter?" Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three All this in a torrent of words and ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each the embarrassed duchess meal and at bedtime. shifting Any good prescription pharmacy from side to side. "I'll tell you what will supply these three ingredients at I think," said the Mahatma, pointing small cost, which can easily he mixed his finely shaped hand at her, You by shaking well In a bottle. This la have a monkey mind, yes, a monkey said to force the Kidneys to filter the mind. It is like a shuttle change it sour acids and poisons from the blood, by thinking of good things! And you" here he addressed the duke-r-yovercoming the worst cases of have a bad mind, a bad character; but I will reform you. Put Bismarck in Hole. Then he dismissed them and he told When "Bull Run Russell, who died me after they had gone; He will a short-timago, was with the Ger- come back. She will not She Is man army In 1870 he reported a long afraid. She la a good woman with a Interview with the crown prince (Fredmonkey mind. I will make him a erick), some expressions in which leader of men. The duke came back gave umbrage to Bismarck. Bismarck and is now a regular disciple, learnsent for him, lost his temper and said: ing how to discipline his mind. The 1 suppose you couldn't resist showing duchess did not. return. She was your importance by reporting all that afraid. But other great social leaders that 'dunderhead' confided to you go daily to this wonderful man, who Your excellency Russell replied: refuses money or gifts, who eats s confiknows that I always respect handful of curried vegetables a day, dences; there is much that you have sleeps three hours a night, sits the said to me yourself that I have not re- rest of the time in an r Bismarck: Pouf! Anything ported. preaching, preaching, preaching in a I say to you you may bawl from the clarion voice that never tires, and yet top of St. Paul's." I thank your excel- if he likes he can walk 50 miles with1 shall use that lency, said Russell. out stopping for a rest. No wonder he permission to record your opinion of is lionized. the crown ifirince. a-- i HIM Accept no substitute Insist ca gatliiis Alabastinm Tho Alahaatine Company, Creed Rapids, Mick., or 101 Wader Straot, Now York City, NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITAN- CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRI- CE COLLAPSIBLE TUBES -- AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR I Sc.-- IN BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF I5e. IN POSTACE SI AMPS. DON'T WAIT TILL THE. PAIN KEEP A TUBE COMES pain-allayl- Hows This? Wf offrr One Hundred Dollars Reward any area of Catarrh Ihai caninit he cured hrfurHall's Catarrh Curs. V. J. CHENFY A CO., Toledo. O. We. the nnderalicned. have known V. J. Cheney for tUe last IS yearn, and haileve him perfectly honorable is all nualncaa Irannai-llousad Snani-lalable to carry out any ubllxailuus mad by hla Arm. Wamiiuii. Kinsas A Maims. Whnlsanl Iru!(Uu, Toledo. O. Rail a Catarrh Cura la taken Internally, aellus tha bluud and mucous aurlara or the directly upon gysfem. TatlinonUli cent fro. Trice n cents par buttle. Sold by ell Drumdata. Take Hell's fauillr Till for eoadlpaUoo. A trial and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouly complaints, will prove what wa claim for it, and it will be found to be Invaluable in tho household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many Accept no preparation people say it is the best of all your preparations. of vaseline unlesa the tame carries our label, as otherwise it la not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUK LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CO. 'Jl -- Personal Knowledgi The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledge b really essential to die achievement Important to Msthns, bottla of C ASTORIA, carefully asqtaapd sure remedy for tafsata sad children, sad ass that it itirj highest excellence in any field of human effort. . of die , A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of functions and Knowland in questions of life and health when n true and wholesome remedy b desired h should be remembered that 3yrup of Figs and FJair of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., b an ethical product which has met wiih the approval of die most eminent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it b a remedy of edge of Products we Bren the Signature of J Coldest European Winter. In the-- year 1814 the Thames froze and the Rngllsh channel was for a time Impassable because of icebergs. The coldest European winter on reo ord was that of It began early in October. In 1740 also the. cold was so intense that birds fell dead to the ground. Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component. and has won the valuable patronage of miBsons of theVcD Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it b the first and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made Thb valuable remedy has been long and favorably known and has attained to worldunder the name of Syrup of Figs wide acceptance as die most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians ana the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Fiiviv of Senna ns more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syiup of Figs and to get !) beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing the fill California Fig Syrup name of die Company Co. printed on die front of every package, whether you call for Syrup of Figs or. by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. Large District. The Rev. W. Arthur Noble, of Korea, has one of the largest districts Adventurous Physiological Mystsry. Lambs. Fleeclng 300 Not long ago the sole and absorbing la Methodism. Recently he walked According to some curious Investithe churches in one section of gations conducted by English scien- mission of Edmonton, in a commer- 'Qlies, district being near enough for him tists, eldest sons tend to be criminals cial way, was to bilk Ignorant Klon- hla and youngest sons paupers. A great dike adventurers poor fellows who to do tbla. many thousand school children and thought that Alaska was perhaps 100 Garfield Tea, the herb remedy that many family histories have been ex- miles west of Winnipeg into outfitting naTake fur it object Good Health! It puri-iamined to yield these results. First- there for the land of gold, writes Emthe system, makes the blood, clean born children were found to be, aa a erson Hough in Outing. Thera were leople well. Guaranteed under the Pure Fowl law. rule, taller and heavier, with greater Englishmen bound for the Klondike ability and endurance than the others. who brought with them as far as EdTrue dignity la never gained by Thin is In accordance with the popular monton their own baled hay a fact, feeling In many countries that the though It seems impossible, even for place, and never lost when honors art withdrawn. Massinger. oldest child is superior to the others an Englishman and others who and deserving of special privileges. brought traction engines to carry PILES (IT SI ED SSI a TO 14 SAYS. OIMTMKNT ti in ire an. raw It is a well established fact that them thence merrily over the Rockies PAZO (uniats il Imh na. Hllnd. Biwdlna or Pmumdla Pilas la among men of genius an undue proto the Klondike, and yet others who a to da,, or nun, refunded. He. portion are eldest sons. Detroit Free had barrels rigged with axles and We are ourselves served heat shafts for horse draft, which In tranothers. C. G. Ames. serving FOOLED sit nicely mingled nails, sugar, baking powder and other goods into one For Mrs. Wlnd!ows Asothlar Sjna. rhlldrra lerthla. aoftana I be furaa, rwoeea A Doctor's Brother homogenous fabric, and many other daMBUaa.BliBjapBlB.caraawtadeoUu. sscBbotUa. Wao Coffee. sinillariy crazed and wholly idiotic men. who thought they knew where Sudden wealth is apt to bring und out coffee was the frontier was and how it might luA wii to Its owner. mas terad. quit drinking it. busting all of the utmost value Parts 1708-170- Missionary's VASE- tieVsiaje OF half-froze- n Has For Ovrr SO Years. Ska Kind Yon Hava Always HANDY. or any other plaster, and will no! and curative qualities of blister the most delicate skin. The the article are wonderful. It will stop tho toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and aaieat external counter-irritan- t known, also as an external remedy for pains in the cheat A lubstllulo (or and superior to mustard Penny Wise, Pound Foollah. CHESEBROUGH MFC. Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, Pennsyl17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY vania's noted health commissioner, is The surest way not to fall is to dewaging a fight against the public termine to succeed. Sheridan. drinking cup. Dr. Dixon said one day in Harrisburg: "I have seen people clean their teeth with tooth powder and dental fioas, rinse their mouths with Usterlne and other antiseptic washes and then from the public go and drink cup in a railway station or a theater. Such iieople remind me of a school boy of Ardmore. Seeing this boy wadpuding ankle deep in a dle one day In January, 1 said sternly: "Tommy, why are you not at school? . Personal knowledge b the winning (actor in the ndmmating contests of Tve got the whoping cough,' he thb about competitive age and when of ample character h places its fortunate answered, splashing possessor in the front ranks of la T. n 14 SAN FRANCISCO. CAL., I th his practice, He was fe had to write however, how he fooli irother, a clergy- man, one day at dlnlfer. She says: "Doctor found coffee was injuring him and decided to give Postum a trial, and we have used it now for four years, with continued benefit In fact he la now free from the long train of ills that follow coffee drinking. To ehow how successful we are In making Postum properly I will relate an incident. At n dinner we gave. Doctor suggested we serve Postum Instead of ordinary coffee. Doctor's brother, a Clergyman, supposed It was old fashioned coffee and remarked, aa he called for his second cup: 'If you do preach against coffee, I see you haven't forgotten how to make It e This goes to show that much the has boiled Postum folly flavor and richness of good coffee although It has an Individuality nil lta own. A ten days' trial will prove that It hsOoie of the poisonous effect of ordlhiuy coffee, but will correct the troubles caused by coffee. There's a reason." Nsrae furnished by Postum Co., Ltd, Battle Creek. Mich. A Great Institution. What are your views on the Iff? Inquired the interviewer. "The tariff, answered Senator is a great institution. Sorghum, Whenever you want to impress your constituents with your profound wisdom you can always use it as a text for saying something that nobody understands. Washington Star. Envy. So you're Just five years old ? Tommy Yes, sir. Uncle George Well, well; I'm 50 think of that! Tommy My! I wlsht I was; then I'd get 60 cents fur my birthday 'stead of five. TJncie George well-mad- The Great Uncompiled Lexicon. Johnson was compiling the first of words with meanings. list ' "But," we Inquired, "why don't you get up a dietionary of the things people didn't mean?" Glimpsing the enormity of the task, he incontinently red. . LOUISVILLE, KY. Lminveivt PC For Cough, Cold Croup, Sore Throat, Stiff Neck, Rheumatism and Neuralgia At all Dealers Price 25c 50c 6 1.00 Sent Free Sloan's Book on Horses Cattle. Hogs f Poultry Address Dr. Earl 5. Sloan Boston. Mass.; 615 Albany St: t A 1 londonngland. NEW YORK.NX |