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Show Irishman's Patriotism Greatar His Courtesy. ELECTRIC SPARKS. TOURISTS WELCOME IN SPAIN. EVER TRUE TO GREEN ISLE. An Indiana man threw a handful of New giant powder into the stove to clean Bought, Sold and Exchanged. out the pipe," so we are informed. It for Home Comfort Ranges Agents did also' the chimney and the roof and Supplies of the house. Gsvarnment to Systematically Encourage Foreign Visitors. Than The 8panish government has created a national commission with authority to expend generous sums of money whose sole duty It is to "encourage, by whatever means are at its disposal, the visit of foreigners, either those coming for pleasure or for Im- Stories regarding the various representatives of the British Isles who are frequently made the butt of Jokes were the order of the evening at a gathering of Scotchmen at the Fourth Presbyterian church recently, the occasion being a Hums meeting, llev. William McCaughan contributed this m ftk Bfijn im Mai yaM AM at Dr. Wiley says man should eat one per cent of his weight' every day. But how can Secretary Taft afford that at his present salary? , Mrs. Thaw has had a respite bom the witness stand, but what about the rest of the country? It looks like a race from now on, The commission will also invoke the and Carnegie, aid of the railway companies and seek between Rockefeller and die live shall the which longest and the Inauguration, by systematic the poorest methods, of special passenger rates, comfortable trains and From the language used on both other conveniences of modern travel, sides, it is evident that the revolver so that the traveler may arrange his has fallen into innocuous desuetude tour from the seaports through the in- in Texas. terior, on the most attractive routes, Chancellor Day says that the poor even before he leaves home. The expenses of tpe commission and are lazy and drink too much. The Chancellor is energetic and talks too 114-11- lUun Phones Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. Best pants on earth, to order, $3.50. 36 Main A CLEAN MOUTH.. ....IS 64 Market PETERSON'S St DETECTIVE SERVICE COMPANY, 328-32D. F. Walker Bldg, Balt Lake City, Utah. 9 200-30-1 Oil comThat Henry Clay Pierce, former president of the Watere-Plercpany, Is virtually an exile from Missouri was proven when his son. .who succeeded to the office In the company announced that bis father hereafter will a member of the best live In New York. H. C. Pierce is a ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE Set of Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural In appearance restores lost expression .,$5. 66 A Gold Crown, made of the vary hast gold, will not corns off, or $4.00 to $5.00 wear out Bridge Work, the kind that lasts, made of the bast gold, will not $4.00 to $5J0 brsak and tally guaranteed Gold Fillings, absolutely purs gold, and guaranteed not to cone , ,. , $1 A0 and ub out ,,,, ., Alloy Fillings, the next heat fillings to purs gold and guaranteed T5e to $1.00 to preserve the teeth from further decay 60c aad up Hirer Finings, guaranteed not to eome out If YOUR teeth are crooked, decayed or broken the ELECTRO DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They have throe doctors each an expert In Us branch. A Both Phones Land Attorney. South Street 3 Salt Lake City Vtsh OUR PRICES, E. H. EARDLEY A BROS, Everything ELECTRICAL. RS!RNStiutirww statement Eui First 1 CO. St, Salt Lake City, Utah. MriaMlalala'eiaeeMMk'eUMrel 16-pa- j MVLVEY AW Stale Engineer t Lend scrip bought and aold. D. F. Walker Bulling, Salt ake City, "Utah. I. in Pure Wines or Liquors, mail us your wants. . . . We will do the rest. 14-1- DONT MISS THE LARGE oilTOf MOBILE that runs to all points of interest, with a good guide. Fare $1.00. Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autos., 40 B 2nd Bo. TO ANY LADY Interested in Fancy Work that will send us 12 cents and the names of two other ladles, we will send our catalogue and a set of six Standard Dollies. Standard Nov. Co., P. O. Box G64, Salt Lake City, Utah. H. Clay Pierce made an affidavit May 31, 1900, as head of the Pieree Oil company In Texas, alleging that he was not connected with any other corporation for the purpose of controlling prices. He was Indicted In Travis county, Texas, November 1 of last year, charged with 'making g false zrafiar 443.' P. O. Box 106. CUTLER BROS. CO. "Millions for education," says Rockone cent for the small eyor-Oeners- Vm lMSlSM3Sw,rilWSMllMMalSWsMiSSMl efeller, noj. competitor." sum eee 01oM MMMfielN It 60S or telegraph. A Chicago office boy looking for a Job, was asked whether he used profane language. ' .He replied O kin, If necessary. He got the place. Attend to all business before Lend Office, United l, U. 8. Sur SUte 1 and Board, MMiei el MS6S600M MOM If you need anything all occasions. We make a specialty of shipping funeral designs. Write , telephone A can of asparagus recently exploded in Washington and raised anarchistic fears. Is this a Joke on the pure food law or nut ? L. H. GRAY, im as WITH YOU. (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowers and floral work for much. PIERCE TO MAKE HOME IN NEW YORK. nkle) IMilOOflSSI iMf6ll6666666M MM l&Mlfi IM6966666SM 16 9e E. 2nd So. 6 a snmmtAs. km. WMhw raia. 13 Yoar CaarantM. Men and women to learn barber trade Mr. Rockefellers $32,000,000 to look In 8 weeks. Wages paid every night like thirty cents. By the time this cruel warfare is over, we fear the Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. Cat freo. Write us. Mohler System price of oil will be about $1.98 a of Colleges, 62 E. First South 8t, Salt Ah CJty. Utah. A Chinaman came very near being lynched In Wyoming, because his laundry Interfered with the windows washing union. The race problem and jWNNNMMWWR StHWBMtSWtsmswjgW the color line play no particular secHUDDART FLORAL CO. tions. d xtm. W4 SALT LAKE CITY Bell 1287-Phones, Ind. 763 (Mention this paper.) 3B1 Dental Co. FsNMvAy bsmm fee M k (S n4 It Is said that Andrew Carnegie la about to make a gift that will cause and success of America and Swttxer-lanthe Spaniards are beginning to appreciate the commercial benefits resulting from a thriving tourist trade, tbls anthus furnishing evldence-thcient nation, which has heretofore held has Itself aloof from foreigners, awakened to the need of cultivating a wider intercourse with the outside world. Among the methods to be inaugurated by the committee is the preparation and circulation in other lands of itineraries for travel which will best give opportunities for visiting the principal natural and artistic monuments, landscapes and marine views and other points which may most . readily and profitably interest foreign-ers- Horses with Snewsnoes. Horses wear snowshoes in Dakota in winter. Thus equipped, they trot lightly over drifts wherein they would otherwise sink out of sight. In many parts of Dakota the snow lies all winter long eight or ten feet deep. But a crust forms on it and i uSylltah West First South 33 If Mark Twain doesn't quit chasing around this country In a white flannel suit with the thermometer toying round zero mark, some of those alienists are going to get him. provement' Taking their cue from the example 4ine: "An Kiigliehman, a Scotchman and an Irishman were conversing together, when the Scotchmau asked the he Kngllshman to what nationality would belong if he could not be an Kngllshman. Td be a Scotchman,,' replied the What would you be unEnglishman. der the same circumatances?' he asked his questioner. Not to be outdone lii courtesy, and wishing to show his great admiration for his English friend, the Scotchman replied: Td be an Englishman if I couldn't bo a Scotchman. Turning to the Irishman, who up to this time had boon left out of the conversation, they sought his answer to the same question. In dad e,' replied their friend from the lale across the water, 'if I couldn't be an Irishman I'd be ashamed of A. D. TOBIN, Furniture House and Second Hand Furniture We are prepared to undertake all proper detective business intrusted to us for corporations . and individuals. ConsulUtlon and advice free. Call or . write. Thonea: Ind. 3988, Bell . We want three good; capable, Write for particulars. 1S16-Y- deteo-tlves- DENTAL ORB. WARD AND EDGE, M. 6 until P; Open dally Galana Block. 170 State Street Rooms Sundays 10 to I Ihd. Phono 2900 e WASH IT AWAY. multi-millionair- e, Musia known clubs In St' Louis, and connected with many leading financial institutions there, but since the anti-trufight began In Texas several months ago he has not resided In 8L Louis. r with snowshoes men akim over it easily. Lately their anowahod horses have alio skimmed over it The equine snowshoes are made of boards 20 inches long and 14 Inches wide. An Indentation to lit the foot la branded on each board with a hot horseshoe and the contrivance li fastened on to the hoof with an Iron clamp and bolt. After a day or two of practice a Dakota hone becomes an expert PIANO Organs And AB Musical iMluwla J its work will be borne by the government, and the members are Instructed with municipal author!- to ties, town councils, commercial and other bodies in doing everything legitimate "to attract and retain the subjects of other nations. Beesley Music Co.' 46 i AMERICAN i- rri AUTOS TO TOUR For cl Nice Room in a go to O Ik A. HASBROUCK. Utth HqwM l and Burgeon, MBm 66 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Phones 1412-- Z sad 1419-K- Hotel First-clas- s the ( ti New Southern rfbtel. South Main Salt Laka Anticipating a Need. I aaw a strange thing the other night," said the bachelor girl. I waa with a friend at a cafe when another friend, a tall, handsome, bearded chap, came over and asked me If he might have his dinner brought to our table Something in It. He was an amateur author, and waa and sit with us. We Bald Of course in the seventh heaven of delight, as and It waa done. When he had nearhis last effort at playwriting was in a ly finished his dinner he took the last fair way of being accepted. There's chop, folded it up in his napkin in of the waiter, too, and something In It, the manager had the presence In his it pocket. put followhim and told to call the said, I always wake at about three In ing week. the morning, he explained, nearly He did and was ushered In. to death, so every night of "Yes, said the deus ex machine, starved wrap up what is left of my dinner to "the play's pretty good, but" Then he took out the manuscript eat at that hour." and told him to cut it here, slash it The Reason, there, and obliterate it somewhere In a Fifth avenue Sunday school. else, till little was left. The author Teacher Why must we always be was flabbergasted. kind to the pdor, Ethel? "But," he objected, you told me Ethel (slightly mixed) Because there was something in it" among the sundry and manifold Yea, I know I did, blandly replied changes of this wicked world we don't the manager, but it's got to come know how soon they may become rich. out Lippincotts Magazine. WttiuWRautatitststaitstitatawtKRR Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at its touch. For rate apply to C. H. South worth, Manager, Room 222 Commercial Club building. Salt Lake City. 1 ti Hot and cold running water and steam heat, elect rl lights bell service in every room. Rooms under direct charge o: rs. land. Hotel centrally located at NO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH 8TREET, SALT LAKE UTAH P. H. C AND, SN it it fswwRsmnwmwRmwRWFJurwaMwscststRRsmitammstKatRlwmatatar frfrfrfrfrfrKKKfrfrfrfrfrfrlalaKflfrfrfrlafrVihfrlal4kfrkfrfricfrfrfrfrw4Mfrfrfri' . K wMMWrtaWMWaisNiai-kartswsins- v -T- RAINS- 4 DAILY Trade Marks Dcsions An yon Mtidln R5SS tmyMjww fa !C3.''WKTtRSi. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION VIA criai aat Ic. without chirm, ta tka MOTORS, CHANDELIERS, Scientific American. A handmaid- - flhKtratad wMkljr. eolation of anr mt,ao fcmrnal. mar; four months, L aoMbyall larmt OVERLANO LIMITED and the new LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vest! buled, Electric Lighted Steam Heap ed Trains operating Pullman Palace Bleepers; Incomparable Observation-Libr- ary and Dining Cara of the very latest manufacture. RubberGoods line Fresh Stock. All gooda guaranteed. Send ue your EUR )PE. mail orders. - ELITE ONLY 41 HOURS. SALT LAKE TO CHICAGO DRUG CO. 338 Main St, City Ticket Salt Lake City, Utah. Office. 201 Main St SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. 1906 MODELS. 59 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH MMMWMHWIWIlWtlWWWlMtWmitltWt This Includes the famous In the irvnnnnartrvmjTjuuLruuut-wji-i GLOBES AND SHADES S3 W. FIRST SOVTI STREET nowawim EVERYTHING frMsfrfrfrttMfrfrMlMMlMSMlMlMsMi Salt t: Lakes Greatest All Year Aitractioh si Swimming Pools! si Turkish Barths! i 5 Private Baths! S 2 PEN ai k 2 5254 DAY NICHT. W. 3rdS. St, SALT LAKE CITY. Prize, Paris, 1900; stsvwstieiwmRimitRawwPRPPRPPii Grand, St.' Louis, 1904. Send coupon below, filled out to our nearest dealer or to us and get our Free Trial and Easy Payment Offer to responsible parties anywhere Chiropractlo Treatment will cure, Is a new science of healing In the United States. Dont delay. without the use of drugs, It la in harmony with natures laws. SelThis la your opportunity to secure abdom falls; never doss harm. We use no drugs, no knives. Chirosolutely tbe best Talking Machine common conic. It will bear Investigation. It Is the only It practic on will not be that made, payments mode of healing which exactly locates the cause of sickness and refelt. We accept old machines in part moves the same. It Is not Faith Curs, Christian Science, Magnetic, payment. A written guarantee from or anything else, but Chlroprao-tlc- . Maatage, Osteopath, the oldest, largest and most successIt la baaed on a correct knowledge of the nerves. It adjusts ful manufacturers of Talking Maall displacements and allows the Innate builder to reconstruct the chines in the entire world. broken down tissues. Call and get a book that explains our Columbia Phonograph Co Gen'I. mode of treatment. Consultation and Examination free. M. H. I Columbia Phonograph Com- Lady Assistant. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. a I THE CHIROPRACTIC INSTITUTE AND CURE ' Please send me your Free Trial and Street and No. 64 W. 2nd So. St, Salt Lake City, Utah. Ball Phono 1232y. Easy Payment OWer with illuatratcd lit- erature. Ptnte City ' Photo-Therap- 16-pa- s ice- artu"- ' af s? ft 8 a a A a a a a Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is a a a Brought Right to the very a a Heart ot the City. a fThe Sanitarium Baths. SS For the purpoqp of proving to Europe that American machines are as good as any of the foreign made, an automobile invasion of the continent la planned. The business possibilities of such a trip are, of course, enormous. Sixteen American cars have been pledged for tbe Journey, the comprehensive-Lesof which can be seen by the i jute depicted above. is the Slate. E. G. HOLDING A S T fersinun An. WW match nd arnwWhw umruin our qntcklr " opinion Incan M hi Established 1017 The Oldest Electric Supply House a, a ta i |