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Show 7 v i EDITORIALS THE SITUATION. 3 This paper has been foremost In showing ths Republicans here i bout the necessity for reorganisation. Some few people seem to think that the position thus taken was because of 111 will or dislike for some of those at or near the head of the party; some hare gone so far as to hint that there is some measure of spite existing because a small number have gone ahead while others remained behind in the onward march of Republicanism from All consummation to consummation. of which Is sorrowful because a sad mistake. As a business, social or moral proposition it would be quite Impossible for such or any people to point out wherein or how we could by any such tactics or motives derive any gain, or that we are so densely Ignorant us not to know that there is no such gain to be had. The plain truth la that g in the busithere la no ness, no arraignment of others to accomplish their discomfiture, pnd no hope of reward other than such as comes from the proper performance of duty as we have been given to Bee duty. We have aimed and are aiming at the attainment of good results for the great Republican party, not merely the carrying of elections, but such moral and material advancement as make a cause worthy of success, whatever the changing moods of the populace may decree. In furtherance of this design we have taken the liberty to oppose some methods and to criticise those who employ them, .In doing which we have been encouragingly upheld by those who, like ourselves, think the party should amount to and be used for higher and holler purposes thin putting the favorites of a controlling ring Into position or keeping or throwing out those who do not come self-seekin- OUR MOTTO: within Its favor. It would, for instance, be quite idle for the rlngstrrs to deny that the last legislature was cne of the sorriest Job-loever huckstered and bundled together for the accomplishment of a few people's gratification and gain. Why, the roll of that unsavory body could have been made up by half a dozen political bosses In this city, before a county convention had been held. Just as accurately as it was made up officially some weeks later by the Secretary bf State. The same as to some other places that went out to the selected favorites, so that delegates to the conventions in most cases became so many stalking horses so many herded steers, with Tom, Dick or ts Harrys bell fastened to their necks. This Is not Republicanism; it is but a feeble imitation of the very worst practices of that political ..Jugglery which constitutes the lowest anf most despised methods of the slums elsewhere, and which seems to be about the limit of some of the ringsters political Information. It is bad and must be dropped out. No, there is no personal ill will. As good citizens, as upright men apart from bad politics, as men of 'affairs and consequence.. Those spoken of are in most cases equal to any in our midst. That they are in some respects out of their proper calling does not alter the foregoing facts or diminish them in the least. What has been said as to them has been more in sorrow than in anger, and we hope they may all prosper personally and live long long enough at least to learu that all who' disagree with their methods are not wholly bad. It seems probable that the clearings for 1906 will be four times as large as those for 1895, only ten years previous. We are now Just four times the Our bank clearings during the cab business we doing were doing under free endar year 1905 were not only the trade. It would be folly, yes, a crime, greatest in our history, but show a to Interfere with a tariff that brings most remarkable gain over any pre- such results. ceding year. The total amounted to the vast sum of 9143,874,902,598. This EXIT DEFICIT. is 931.000,000,000 more than the preceding year and more than $25,000,-000,00- 0 March l.saw an end to the deficit In excess of any previous year. When it is considered that our average and a surplus of about a million dolannual bank clearings under the lars. This may vary somewhat, but tariff were only about now point to a very 950.000.- 000.000, It will be seen what the probabilities wonderful strides our business trans- substantial surplus for the year. Again the revisionists put to rout and actions have taken since the Dingley are successful the operation of our tariff our effect. Should law went into is maintained. The Dingley law la clearings for the present year continue as they have begun they will exceed proving to be more perfect from a tariff law 9200.000.- 000.000, the clearings for Jan- revenue standpoint than any enacted. Increased expenditures ever 915.321,500,279, uary being nearly are met by Increased customs duties month 92.000.- 000.000 1, more than the and Internal revenue. Year before last preceding, which broke all records. it was the Panama canal payments that caused a deficit, and last year the Cuban treaty and great increase in StmtmttttttltRmttRmtltStltltWtWtWtKF,tSWWWMWMtKkJRIMtltltitW appropriations for rural free delivery caused a lesser deficit, but now again our receipts exceed our expenditures, and the surplus of 1906 will probably equal the deficit of 1905. Our imports, considering our tariff, are enormous because of the prosperity of the people, because - of full employment and high wages.- It would.be folly to think 5 A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE, 19 West First South St, Balt Lake City. Nice homes on easy . payments. Be sure and call on me If you want a home in Balt Lake City. lots any part of city. Farm mod-Cheap j them from 9700 up. For 30 days a brand new J Have loans. era 2 story light pressed brick residence on Eighth East near B Second South, 90,250. . C. J. BOWMAN, J A. RICHTER, 19 West First 8outh'8t, Phones 641. Room 5, Eagle Blk., Balt Lake City, Utah. I THE ASTOUNDING BANK CLEARINGS OF 1905. of revising a tariff that continues to. bring such beneficent results both to the treasury and to the people. A. 'Richter, REAL ESTATE. We have all kinds of Investments in real estate and we write all kinds of Insurance. . Quick Sales in Real Estate. If you want to buy or sell Real YOUNG A YOUNG, Estate, list your property with us lor General Insurance, Real Estate and quick sales. We have the buyers. Loans, 202 Whitlngham Blk, Balt Lake City, Utah. Iid. Tel. 1077. Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. , ALFALFA A8 A FOOD FOR SWINE. t By R. W. Clark, Prof, of Animal In- dustry. Agricultural College of Utah: During the summer of 1905, an experiment, consisting of 124 days, was carried out at the Agricultural College to determine the value of growing alfalfa for pigs. The pigs were farrowed in March and April, were ten weeks old, and weighed about fifty pounds each when weaned and turn- ed on the alfalfa. There were twenty- -' four of them on one acre, and they, were a choice lot of grade and pure Tamwortha, Poland Chinas and Yorkshires. In the early part of the season, Immediately after weaning, their food, aside from pasture, consisted of five parts of skim milk to one of. shorts. Later In the season the pro- portion was reduced to one and two parts of skim milk to one of shorts, and finally the sklmmllk was dropped from the ration. They were provided with plenty of good pasture by moving ' them about These pigs received very little of the first crop of alfalfa, as they were not put upon it until the fore part of The first crop was largely June. ' grazed by the older swine. On the . - HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. Homes for rent and sale. prices. Easiest terms., Lowest 251 Main St, Salt Lake City. DEAR READER! Will You Assist the Business Men of Sn.lt Lnke City in A for Greater Boosting to Build a. up Help GREATER SALT DONT USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From aJJTAH DEALER! THIS IS THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH. if in this List of Bnsiness Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. . WK; A 142 ACRE FARM 810,500. EVERYBODY Located Big Cottonwood, 6 room Now is the time to invest A rapid two story brick house, barns, 5 horses, advance is certain. Choice building harness, 8 wagons, mowers, rakes, lots all parts of city, 9100 to 9500, etc. 15 head cows, 85 seres alfalfa, 30 acres grain, 500 peach trees, 40 apple 912.50 cash, 97.50 per month, 7 per trees, strawberries, raspberries, black- cent. berries. A first class water right 58 HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., hours per week. 78 West 2d So. SL BOOST Address Meeks and Lynch, 315-31- 6 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. teorological feature we can depend on here. second and third crops of this acre, with skim milk and shorts as Indicated above, a net gain was made of : 2500 rounds. In addition to the Das--y- Morocco eem to be satisfied tore, one pound of grain required 24 pounds of shorts and 5.2 pounds or J Thp whole Philippine tariff scheme skim milk. Shorts worth 916 a ton 's a political and personal game which and skim milk 15 cents per hundred does not eeem to have been played qounda, one pound of gain, exclusive with the highest skill in the state ot of pasture, would cost 2.7 cents. In Connecticut. Hartford Times. making 2506 pounds of gain, 13,12i of shorts Those who thought winter had reof akim milk and 6113 pounds were consumed In addition to the pas- tired from business for the time beture. The gain per pig per 'day was ing have been subjected to a rude .84 pounds. Larger galna would have awakening. In this country winter been secured had more grain and never goes till it goes, sometimes not to milk been given, but the Idea was even then. restrict the grain and milk ration In order to get a larger consumption of All the newspaper people within the alfalfa. Whenever the hand feeding fold of the Utah Preas Association, was liberal, they took less of the pas- with their wives, husbands or sweetture. hearts, are expected to show up at The Tamworth pigs proved to be the banquet at the Commercial club especially well adapted for grazing. on Monday evening Notwithstanding the tact that they The destruction on the San Pedro were the youngest of the bunch, they made far the cheapest and larges; seema greater than was thought and dally gains. The writer believes the Is delaying traffic badly. It will be Tamworth to be the ideal hog for the means of postponing the Press profit for sections where grazing Is Association's excursion to Los Anplentiful and grain foods high priced. geles, but not for long. The greatest profit is secured by givIt seems that the county attorney ing the pigs a good' start and having alfalfa pasture form a part of the ra- of Salt Lake County holds substantion. Crain food should be reduced tially that a collection agency can run to a minimum, but not at the expense a branch sheriff's office by merely of steady growth. Swine, especially putting up a bond; and that thereupon on al- no accounting need be made, and it growing pigs, will not food, 'some grain, doesnt matter whether illegal process falfa, as a single or grain and Bkim milk should be is served or not The fact that the statutes are the other way doesnt added. Alfalfa is not a fattening food; its figure at all in the presence of an opinprinciple use is in tne formation of ion from a protective concerns probone and muscle. Mature hogs, fed tective attorney. on growing alfalfa or on well cured Truth .makes a cross-buttoc-k nlfalf:i hay, will only sustain their movement as to this papers support of is for fattening, grain weights; A. L. Hamlin for Republican committee chairman, by suggesting him as available timber for a county EDITORIAL NOTES. Sure enough! . We concur. Hamlin is able to fill both places I.ot8 of country people arc seeing acceptably, although if both were paying places we would be dead ag'ln this part of America first. ' dab-muc- commis-sionershl- The conference Jam Is upon us, but, like Jam of another kind, it is The Conference precipitation came along on time. That Is the only me- Do You Yant Work? WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Teamsters. Laborers, Always Wanted. We Furnish All Kinds of Help. DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 62 East First South, Salt Lake City. Bell Phone 1872-X- . Ind. Phone 923. Salt Lake! GEO. HINT TO THE INVESTOR. i MEEKS A LYNCH, 4 SIS Atlae Block, salt Lake Real Estate is toe sareat, surest and best thing to buy In the whole wide west It la cheap, too far cheaper than It sheuld he. considering resources, geographical location, rapidly developing tributary region, climate and the attractions of Salt Lake. The country around about is far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must snd will catch up, and while it Is catching up is when values will double Salt Lake City, Utah. Vacant lots, modern homes business Investments. Real' Estate and Loans. Investment, Securities, Trades snd Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. 41 West Second So. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. $7.50 to 925 00 In rent per month when you can buy n home at the same rate of me? .. American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. Real Estate and Loans. 823. Established 1887. 14 W. Third South Street', Telephone Lots. Why pay from and . , . W. J. HALLORAN, 9350.00 - cialty. Farms snd homes for sale or trade. Money to Loan. Horses, Buggies, Etc, Bought or Nineteen years in Real Estate BusiExchanged,. ' ness in Salt Lake City. Room 8 O'Meara Block. No. 63ft W. Second South Street, A disgusted resident of Iowa, wants Salt Lake City. to resign" as a citizen of the United Mr. Jerome disapproves of sensaStates. He should Immediately take tionalism, as his sensational remarks up his residence In the District of on the subject make plain. snd good money be made. M. McCONAUGHY, THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Homos on Installment .. Plan a Spe--t 815 . European Plan, 50e up. HOTEL HALLS. Salt Lake City, Utah. buys very choice Main SL 8. M. RIDDLE, Manager. Corner Third South and Stats Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. it. This Js not saying the chairman- Board; Auditor Tingey is Secretary ship has not been profitable to others of State; and Attorney General Breefor it has; but Hamlin is a square den and School Superintendent NelTheyre High Grade and Union! man. SMOKE LAPALOMA CIGARS! son, like the flag, are still there. Made. The result of the special election In M. MARCUS, Manufacturer. to After the of trouble going blowing to which both sides looked Chicago, 155 East Third South Street. forward with great expectations, was open four iron doors on a bank safe, SALT LAKE CITY. a "disappointment to both, although a gang of North Dakota bandits failed each gained some measure of what it to find enough booty to pay for the dyworked for. The real issues were mu- namite used, and the cashier wasnt nicipal ownership and further restric- taking a vacation either. tion of the liquor traffic, political pay ties being lost sight of. The necessary money to acquire the desired ORDER OF US. and Ownership was voted without the powlier to make it effective, and a low Bridge, $2.65 cense council which dare not act that Goods .delivered at your home at way waa chosen. It ia best 8a It Lake prices. to aeek a Those who held elective state offices Reliable our Mail Order Department and until tho present regime took charge, beTry" Firm. satisfied. on January 3, 1905, are not'tjulte so We offer the greatest value ever known In Artificial Teeth much in the public eye as then but are Groceries, Dry Goode, Hartiware still quite conspicuous in our midst Everythlpg. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Our famous $7.00 Set of Teeth. $5.00 for the next Governor Wells holds down a desk in thirty days. . BARNES GROCERY CO, the Commercial SaVlngs Bank, is enPOSITIVELY PAINLE8S. AMERICAN DENTAL ROOMS, gaged in mining and is doing quite 143 North First West 8treet, 159 South Main Street, Salt Lake well; Secretary Hammond has an s City, 2 S over Western Union Telegraph Office. appointed law office in the 8ALT LAKE CITY. McCnrnlck block and has already built up a practice which is doubtless worth more to him than any official station the people may bestow; Treasurer Dl$fgi is a member of the Land gold crown .KSBSBasSBSEB&BBSSBS p. To All Suffers of Disease UTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. H. N. Winter, Manager. Campaign, Society, Advertising and Photo Buttons to order. We copy from any else or kind of WE ARE 8ALT LAKERS. picture return same uninjured. PhoWhy trust your treasured pictures to tos on Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Pins, Ixckets, etc. Why trust traveling strangers? choice photos strangers with Ours is a Utah firm, managed by Utah when permanent your residents guarantee men. satisfaction T Cabinet Photos, Stamp Photos, PhoPictures en- g In India Ink. to Buttons. 49 Main street, Sait Lake. larged, mounted Sapla, P. O. Box 130L on cardboard or Telephone 967-Water Colors Enlarging, copying, reducing, etc, stretchers. or Oil. Pictures sent by mail are as safe as If any kind or size of picture in photo, crayon, sepia, pastel, oil, etc. Finest brought In person. grades consistent with price. Every grade of work absolutely permanent-w- ill FRAMING A SPECIALTY. not fade. Frames and framing. UTAH ART CO All aisea and grades made up to order. WEDISH, GERMAN fLELR,C Scientific and best ' apparatus call Ln AND VIBRATION MASSAGES. In City. "weuilaNrlw ADVICE FREE: 4-- "d Chr0n lny A,LMENT or DISEASE give us a PERFECT cure refund money. di,eMB our pecialt CONSULTATION and or the 4 4- - 4 4- - 4 4 0 4-4- 4-- 4 4' 4 4 4 44 63 The Natural Cure System Hydro. next East Fourth South Street, to Labor Kali, Salt Lake City. 44 4 44 44 4 tmtmzittnmtimtttnttttutttiuxtnxt&ntttix 'A 4- - |