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Show The nrrlYul of a grandson so pleased that it was with difficulty he refrained from adding another half cent to the price of Mr. Rockefeller EDITORIALS ELECTRIC 8PARK8. Wouldn't It be qnlte appropriate punishment when corporations are guilty, Elitor.) to lock up their charters for thirty or If Mayor Dunne of Chicago Is a sixty days according to the slxe of the what la J. Ham crime? iwralleloplpedon, Lewi? Any other public library board that feels moved to exclude Mark Twain's Better lose no time In establishing books from its shelves. Is welcome to confident iul relations with your do so, but the books dont need the (By our Autkiclute Suing McCurdy for 13,370,000 Is a Probnbly Mr. Bryan will be more different proixxdllon from getting the surprised than anybody else that his money. correspondence from the Orient has The weather man Is certain to hit It not kept him prominently before the eventually, If he keeps predicting fair American people. and warmer." Gov. Folk of Missouri may or may not be a candidate for renomination, General Attorney Hadley has a way of extracting information without the but he will begin to suspect presently that Attorney General Hadley Is beuse of an anaesthetic. coming perniciously active. Where were you on the night of Mr. Archibald says there are 120 inMarch 19th?" is the burning question in Chattanooga, just now. dependent oil refineries doing business In the United States. If Mr. RockefelThe world is full of involuntary ler is sad as we have been led to bespelling reformers. EfTort Is needed to lieve, that may be the reason. adopt a uniform system, however. Charley Schwab declares that he The beef trust might show its ap- does not want that U. 8. senatorship preciation of Mr. Garfield by using from Nevada. That ought to satisfy his name on a new brand of ham. everybody, as Nevada has done nothing to Indicate that she wants Schwab. There seems to be a great deal of While the railway rate bill is young political insignificance attached to Parker's speaking tour. and unsophisticated, it at least, knows to wear a plate ot armor on Some men give the worst of them- enough Its back when It around selves to their wives, and others let where the senate iq feeling to be. happens their wives get the lieBt of them." It must annoy the life insurance Perhaps Mr. Jerome will compromise companies when they reflect that they and call It an unfellonlous felony gave liberally to campaign funds for that the Insurance companies the purpose of preventing history fronf being made of the kind to be found in If Milwaukee elects a socialist may- the present chapter. or, as It threatens to do. D. M. Parry The Washington Post in saying that will be tempted never to speak to it it will be interesting to note how again. Ohio newspapers will handle the next report of the lynching of a negro In The reports from Moundsville, Ft. some Southern State," touches humor Lenvenworth and Sing Sing show that in a sensitive spot very there is a strong feeling against a "second term." Senators Spooner and Tillman are The public will please consider Itself laying down the law to each other and elbowed out of the way. A coal strike brightening the pages of history with is a matter with which it has no busi- their merry quips and sallies. In the meantime the people are waiting for ness to meddle. some wholesome legislation. Mr. Eckles says that "common sense Is the greatest need of the DemMilwaukee doesn't have to elect ocratic party." Thought the greatest Dave Rose, even though he has reneed was votes. ceived the nomination. It isn't unconstitutional to elect somebody else alThe senate is done Dave may have succeeded in taking though in the Smoot case, which was the people of Milwaukee think making begun well within the memory of the it Is. tea-timo- earliest inhabitant. Ed- A Cleveland man wears money to keep him warm. Still, some persons whose clothes are lined with money, are chilly propositions. The new Rockefeller baby is said to be worth 1100,000,000 for every pound he weighs. Lots of us would be willing to undertake a load like that. Fear of the Lord, no doubt Is the beginning of wisdom, but just as truly is the fear of investigation the beginning of square dealing in various lines. A Butte highwayman wno needed the money, held up a. deputy sheriff known as a dead shot, and his financial affairs will not trouble him again. An Idaho paper says "a motion to adjourn congress Is a parliamentary method of turning off the gts." It's a wonder some of them do not blow it PROPRIETOR. When In want of help, call upx or write 8trocks Employment Agency, 45 West 8econd So.j Phones 464. NEW SPRING WEARABLES .Would you like to get a good suit of clothes, a pair of trousers, suit for the boy, or a hat, shirt, underwear, hosiery, neckwear and etc., etc., and to buy it for much less than it's worth? If you would. Barton ft Co., Popular Clothiers, for men and boys, are offering far more value than you will expect to get for your money. .. a Few of Our Offerings Which Are Selling Below Actual Cost . a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 . Mens regular 1.75 shirts Special at (1.25. Mens regular $1.25 shirtss. Special at 85c. Men's regular $1.00 shirts. Special at 65 cents. Mens regular 75c shirts. Special at 45 cents. Mens regular 35 cent Hosiery. Special at 19c. Men's regular Doc Neckware. Special at 39c. Men's regular 35c Neckwear. Special at 19c. Mens regular $2.00 Hats. Special at $1.45. Mens regular $2.50 hats, special at $1.95. Mens regular $4.00 Hatei. Special at $3.00. Boys regular 50c knee pants at 39c. Boys' regular 50c shirts at 39c. Boys regular 35c stockings at 19c. S . I I DONT MI88 THE LARGE AUTO- MOBILE that runs to all points of interest.l 8 with a good guide. Fare $1.00. f 'Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autos., 40 E 2nd So. f - iwsiiiiiysirsiiMaifti it , pieces of Sheet Music f 10,000 f 10c per copy.' FERGUS, COLTER MU8IC CO. 39 Main St, Salt Lake City. . , Catalogue Free. - We are offering exceptional values in men's and boys spring suits. Before buying it will pay you to call and look our extensive and beautiful lines of new spring goods. NEW SPRING GOODS! BartonS Co. SALT LAKE CITY. 10:05a.m.... Stations. Mercur Summit Manning Fairfield ' No. 2 ; Leave .1:45 p.m 1:55p.m. 2:35 p.m. ....8:13p.m. Arrives Leaves. OOOOOO.OAOO d, Inure elr eolation of an? MtontlSa tnamel. 01 1 rear: foermontke.OL md by all nowedonlor 48ftftftftft8ftftftft 8 8 . BilT Mi 4:1V MI LvTViHtle Mantl, Lv. Richfield 0 City MV Ji m. Ml a. ljo T: Maryevale. Ar. too. 1 TROUGH TRAIN. 1M6 Thistle 8 ns. Laaves-Prov.........IMS a. m. .11:44 a. m. Leaves American Fork Leaves IsM ,.H J7 a, st Leaves Bingham Junction .... Ill p. n. Arrives gait Lake City I J8 p. so. Leaves. BltoGHAW BRANCH. ArrtVea A. M. P. M. A. MTp.M. II JO M0 MS M4 Balt Lake City MJT MT Junction Ml Ml Bingham 1:40 1:40 Revere 10:4 M4 MT MT Lea Mine IJ0 1:4 MO 4JO Bingham fJO MO L A. BENTON. Jfcm. AsIml jMm Sent :l ON YOUR NEXT TRIP EAST ASK TO HAVE YOUR TICKET READ VIA 8 ft To the Beloved. Everything that I made I used to bring Was song., why, then twu a long to line to you. Was it a atory, to you I waa telling my etory. Ah, my dear, could you hear mid the Miaa and the glory T Did any one praise me. to you I lald lt all over: My laughter for you: how we laughed In the days past recover? My tears and my troubles were Youra; did any one ma. I carried It straightgrieve to the love that waa re Chicago, M il waiikee & St. Paul i8 Railway 1 e, for Twenty words submitted to a spell Ing bee In Springfield, Mass., In 1846 were given to the high school class at East Liverpool hy SnpL Rayman, and It Is reported not one In the class correctly spelled every word. Only ten had averages of over 90 per cent. The average of the 124 puplla was 731, per cent The words submitted were accident al, accessible, baptism, chlrography, characteristic, deceitful, descendant, eccentric evanescent, fierceness, feign-edlghastliness, gnawed, heiress, hysterics. Imbecility, Inconceivable, inconvenience Inefficient, Irresistible, Pittsburg Dispatch. y, 8 8 8 8 TWO TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO --OGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER TO CHICAGO. ANOTHER GOOD ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KANSAS CITY AND THE FAMOUS SOUTHWEST LIMITED. NO EXCESS ft ft ft iosmnde3ot Bpringvtllo iSfi ftft Try This Route East ! 8 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 : FARE. TICKETS OF ALL AGENTS, OR OF ft ft ft - C ft 8 S-- Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. tern 888ft U 88ftftftftftftftftftftftftftft8ftftft44448l itnim SHERWOODS MARKET IWRWIWIlWllllWRRir WWWWWWWWWWWWNWNWNNkrtNftrtrtr has moved from Main Street to our ova premises mi State Our trade is growing very We like the change, Street nicely, and we can give yon better service. T Our Lard ia guaranteed absolutely pure. Both Phones Illinois Central Iwtks Ar. fftfver ran, !&; to you I am turning. aught happens, how far you have traveled Forgetting Third South and Main Streets, Salt this day from my yearning. There la nobody now to tell things to; Lake City. your house la so lonely; And etill Im forgetting and bringing my All New But the Name. tala to you only. This centrally located and well known hotel has been thoroughly re- Tho old days are over; how pleasant the fine novated and refurnished throughout When youth and myweather. darling and I wars at home and together) Under the new management reason- And etill Im forgetting, ochone, that no longer youre near me. able rates and first class accommoda- And turn to you still with my tale, and tions will prevalL theres no one to hear me. Pall Mall Gantts. Can be reached by street: cars from all depots Fata of tho Old Presidents. In the autumn of 1901 Mrs. W. of MRS. A.L. MASON, Roxbury spent a few weeks with her Rrop. daughter In Nova Scotia, returning To be assured of a pleasaat trip home shortly before President McKinley was shot,' bringing her niece, Beseast, purchase your tickets via the sie F, aged 6 years, home with her. Of coarse the child heard a good deal of talk in the house about the shooting of the president One day Bessie said to her aunt: "Aunt Minnie, who is king of the United States?" Her aunt replied: We have no kings in the United States like you do In your British country. We have presidents. We have an election every four years and elect a new one." "Oh, yea, the child replied; "and from Omaha to Chicago. then they shoot the old. ones, dont First-clas- s service also between they? Boston Herald. Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and 8L Louis, aa well us all points la New City for Egypt. the South and SoutheasL Buskin, on the Red sea, has proved For full information call on or write an unsatisfactory port and la to be rival J. A. FOLEY, superseded by a brand-newhich haa been built up oat of coral Commercial Agent work and desert sand by the Egyptian No. 75 West Second South Street authorities. The rival Is Port Sudan, the latest addition to the cities of the British empire, and an enthusiast says that it Is destined to be a place of D magnitude and Importance In the days when cotton shall have made It the New Orleans of the east The place has hitherto been called Mersa Sheikh Barud. It la about 680 miles south of Westbound. Eastbound. Snes and la capable of holding a Stations. A. 1L Lt. At. P. m. A. M. dozen vessels of moderate size. The 10:00 (.11 1:00 Salt Lake City 0 600 feet aerpss, and the : 1:41 entrance Ml Murray Lv Ml' 1:10 Junction Bingham IS la aix feet above, aea around land l:M I JO Riverton I JO IJJ 1:00 Ml Lohl S:0l 0J4 leveL IJ4 MV IJ6 1:61 American Fork JO Ml Provo 4JI MO Scholars. Posers RT M0 CURE. Cured. Drunkenneee permanent rare MB A positive the opium diseases and inukenneee Thare la no publicity, dian trasted as privntaly as at tnaiv M6 own homos. The Keeley ButttoU,Utah. City, Belt Uio Bo. W. Temple. THt KEELtV Scientific Jlmericatt. A hmdiPwielT nieetreted weekly. O my dear, when CLIFT HOUSE. SJSfJO IS 10:80 a. m Trade Marks Deanna 0 M , 11:15a.m..... 11:00a.m...,. COPVRIONTS A& t a sketch and desolation mar . aateklr aeeerula oar sSitoc Ties whether ae taronuoa n probaMr polont ahlj MIDI HomctiiatgemadmtfiA ant freai OMect aaeoer for oeeuriiig. Patents taken U roach Maun AC without ohnwe, in the Fieh Know Colors. "Fish know colors, said a keeper at the New York Aquarlnm the other day. They can distinguish between red and blue, or white and green, as well aa you and I. Wait and Ill prove it. He led the way to a tank In which were some red and some yellow and some green flsb, and In it were artificial grottoes painted respectively red and yellow and green. ' The keeper rolled the water, with Mb hand, and the fish fled, the red ones to the red grotto, the yellow ones to the yellow grotto, and the green ones to the green grotto. They know which cplor shields them from observation best, said he. Now Ill change the grottoes, so as to provo my statement a second' time. He moved the grottoes to different places in the tanka and again rolled the water. The same thing followed as before. Each fish darted like a shot to the grotto of Its own color, where it knew it would be best concealed. thr-wer- BEAUTIFUL 8 8 summer resident of Dublin, N. H., while driving. in the nearby town of Chesham met a tiller of tbe soil driving a pair of oxen. The oxen were equipped with muxsles to prevnnt their stopping to feed by the, reason. Mr. X , not under standing why the muzzles were kept on the oxen, asked the native: Why do you keep those muzzles oa the oxen?" The farmer replied: Some of you city folks are so blamed green the oxen mistake you for grass, and I am obliged to keep them muxzled to prevent them from eating you." ' BLDG. Saving Opportunity! 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 What ths Muzzlsg Were For. A prominent over lt, too. My boys have been taking advantage of my Infirmity to whisper to each other. I didnt hear them before I began to wear this scarf, but now I know lots of their secrets and they dont know it Its a good Joke on them. 138 SOUTH H. E. BARTLETT, Arrives. - " STATE 8T, SALT LAKE CITY. 1.' d, NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ORPHEUM THEATRE No. 1905. 10, ed Vestl-bule- NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. RATES REASONABLE. RAIROAl Eastbound Westbound.. - NEWEST HOTEL IN 8 ALT LAKE ' Effective December , fruit-shape- MERCUR CO. TIME TABLE. n honey-color- ft BALT LAKE TRAINS SiK-- Pianos, Organs, Talking Machines, Out. Here are 4 E A S T 4 9 not the first time however, that Kansan selection of a governor has failed to meet the approval of itor Wm. Allen White. Those Chinese pirates who looted a LACE SCARF AS EAR TRUMPET. -Standard Oil launch near Canton, deserve medals. Here is another case Elderly Lady Has Discovered It Acta DAILY where the heathen have gotten ahead ae Sounding Board. of the Yankees, for no one else ever With advancing years a dear old obtained anything from the Standard lady has found that her hearing haa without paying a big price lor it. ' become aomewhat affected. She haa not found lt necessary- to use an ear VIA trumpet as yet but lt is difficult at A Pace. If one could hare that little head of her times to catch all that friends say. a bAckground nf pale gold, Printed Anything said In an undertone Is comthe Tuscan's early art prefers! No ahadc encroaching on tlie matchless pletely lost to her that is, it was unmould til she hit upon a novel Idea. Of those two TC. wmch shrold be swellWhile visiting a friend recently the ing soft In the purs profile; not as when sne hostess had pitched her voice almost laughs. For that spoils all; but rather aa If aloft to the straining point and her vocal Yon hyacinth. she loves so, leaned Its organs were getting tired, when "Aunt This Includes the famous staffs Burthen of Sis," si she Is affectionately termed, buds to kiss OVERLAND LIMITED And rapture 'twlxt the lips ajiart for this. ' and the new Then her lithe neck, three fingers might Interrupted her by saying: "Please, surround. dearie, hand me my lace head scarf." LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED IIow It should waver on the pale gold "Do you feel a draught?" anxiously Strictly Twentieth Century, ground. Electric Lighted Steam Heat lh Up chin It Inquired the hostess, handing over the perfect lifts! d Trains operating Pullman Palace mantilla. I know. Correggio loves to mass. In rifts Not the slightest, said Aunt Sis" Bleepers; Incomparable Observation Of heaven, hla angel faces, orb on orb Library and Dining Cars of the very Breaking Its outline, burning shades ab- - as she adjusted the head covering, latest manufacture. "Then why do you wear it? It will But these are only massed there, I should think. make ONLY 42 HOURS, SALT LAKE TO your bead tender." Waiting to see some wonder Grow out. stand full, fade slowmomently CHICAGO "Oh, I think not. You see, the scarf against the sky, acts as a sort of sounding board. It City Ticket Office, 201 Main St (That's the pale ground you'd see this - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. sweet face by). keeps out all other sounds except All heaven, meanwhile, condensed Into those of the human voice. When I one eye Which fears to lose ths wonder, should wear this I can hear even a whisper. K wink. 60 YEARS I cant explain why It la, but lt Is so, Montreal Herald. EXPERIENCE nevertheless. I have had lots of fnn Robert Sherwood. RmtfMtmtlimiWIlMMIIMUMUWRWWtRftMIUtltltltlWWWWWtlWtltMIBI 749 & 751 : f State Street, Salt Lake City. Why Pay More? We Gan Save You Money. Utih Dental Co., 234 Main The Moat Reliable Dmtlata la the City. Teeth extracted without pain by cur edentlflc methods. Free with other work. OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Bet of teeth (heat red rubber), 1 Gold crowns. .. B H to 15.00. Bridge work, beat, tt.50 to Gold flllinga. II and up. Other fillings, loo to 11a nn U-k- TWELVE YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. . Open till 6 p. m., Sunday 10 to 2. MM: Phones, Ind., Ball, 1711-EXAMINATION FREE 834 Ma a St DR ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. Good Service-Goo- d Companyj Good Meals. That Is the happy trinity that makes happy travslers on Rock It!-- . and through trains. Through Standards Sleeper dally Salt Lake and Ogden to Chicago without change. Arrlvee In! Chicago In the morning. Wc alao run' through tourlat cart to Chicago and St Louis. Steamehlp tickets on sale! to all points In tho Old Country. Lot uo know where you want to go. Wo will do tho rest "Nothing finer than the Rock Island Diner. Beth phenoc 245 N. L. DREW, General Agent E. DRAKE, Diet Paaa, Agent, 100 17th Street Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt,j 100 West Second South St, jji Salt Lake City, Utah. MMMMeMMMMleMMMyeleMMeielelMriririeMMeleieieleWWieWliawiawiamawp , |