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Show JOIN US IN A SMILE ' ' On Field of Princeton I ( Skirmish That Played Important Part in the Straggle for American Independence HERE ARE SOME OF THE HUMOROUS HAPPENINGS IN LIFE. Cora's Unkind Suggestion' The Water Wagon In the Jungle Horae Batter Than Dog In Keeping Tramps from House. SRflp S RUtS IK THE GIRL AT THE1 fHALFWAY HOUSE Y C a. HOUGH, AUTHOR tttrigkttd, JfSf, tr OF D. THX BTOBY Afgltltn A OP THg COWBOY Ctmttur, ft m Ytrk affected, though with to. tune per" ape Impaired aa had been those of u.any Southern families,. Including all the Beauchamp line. To this strong haven of refuge had come Mary .Ellen Beauchamp from the - far-of- Western f plains,-afte- the r death of her other relatives In venture The no that white-haire- d old widow who now representpseaek ed the head of the Clayton family 3 (Special Correspondence.) foot of the hUL There were no longer her kin somewhat removed, but none CHAPTER XXVII. banners of dust where tbe wild game the less her "cousins, after the comFew realize thee residence in 1773. Tusculum, as It Southern . fashion had Give It a Wide Berth. Hill The Dreams. of 1 1 swept by, nor did the eye catch any prehensive an n a 1 nlflcant waa called, was also used as British Ellen to her' bosom, uptaken said "Yes, the Mary in anthe was lady wayside It horsemen. line of found himself distant Franklin swept along aklrmlah Jan. 8, headquarters in 1776-and In 1789 cottage, "I ..used to be annoyed - by with a tide of affairs other than hla other day. Yet, as did the candidate braiding her for ever dreaming of 1777, gave the bat- Washington spent a night ip the house a great deal, but now I have own choosing, ills grasp on the pos- of old, he left hla horse at the foot going into the barbarian West, and tlefield of Prince- en route to New York to take the oath tramps a that scares them away. dog listening but little to the plea of the sibilities of the earliest days of this of the hill and went up quite alone. ton more algnlfl-canc- e as president "A dog? laughed her neighbor. new civilisation girl that poverty had driven her to sat down. aa he waa afternoon so full and been had It' stone an old house "The Barracks," than any we have a horse that scares shrewd the "Why, company of those who, like herhim folded solitude now alienee let and The that he needed hut to other revolution- on Edgehill street is the oldest build- them away. were poor. Now, such had been , self, alow so sank aun foundabuild and house whose others the tbe fitly to In be about, Sarla It aave Princeton. supposed ing ary field, "A horse? Gracious! turn of the wheel, the girl waa Are the solemn tramps and laid.he York-towhad tion the he Stockton that mansion. It afraid of a hardly knew, the original atoga and horse? Yet ever a chill struck his soul as night swept softly on. Then he built nearly aa rich In money aa her older waa used for soldiers quartern both , Long "Yes, a saw horae. In the night, after relative, and able to aaume what lithe thought of the lost battle at the a little fire. lu the French war and in the revoluFort Wash-lngto1 and lifted np tle of social position there remained arose House. was now There C b a r e a tion, hence its name. Halfway grass many houra, he Queer Procedure. foot of the in her ambition. once At hands. the the hla grown trail that seemed at upon "It this dusty says: Lee'a treachery Leckey "A stranger came out on the train led to Mary Ellen waa now well past the house. hill The up the certain American that the and the retreat time almost pony stopped cropping grass, with Backlots this evening, Said twenty-sevea tall, matured, and and in of shroudlooked were and A Nature his would tossed have up green gray to revolution the left head, had collapsed." the through Jeraeya Bubbubs. Who la he, do yon know? somewhat woman, upon her busily the two lonely graves of tently at the summit ing American leader the merest wreck of march of ten miles, a skirmish of an "Yea," replied Naybor; thats a those who had fought the frontier was morning. The sun rose calm brow written something of the BorIt a beaten and dissolving army; and hour or less and the opportunity was man hea trying to sell hla place to." and been vanquished in that night and strong. The solitary figure upon rows and uncertainties of the homewhen the confident Cornwallis arrived gone; the Jerseys were cleared of "Huht How on earth does he ex- of terror, when the old West claimed the hill sat motionless, looking out less woman, as well as the record of and British at Trenton with his 8,000 disciplined troops, Englands empire pect to sell the to the fellow Its own. The Halfway House of old There might have passed before him a growing If Mary El-- . troops congress and the country ex- over the thirteen colonies had slipped if he lets him aeeplace beforehand T it were none might or not was len a but And Plains did of the happy WashAmerican Never the the memory. a past, that Ellen, Mary again away. perspective pected hourly the tidings Philadelphia Press. the stately visitant of his sleeping or peopled with their former life; the say, yet surely she. was dutiful .and-kind- ; ingtons little band had been captured cause appear so hopeless. Princeton, his waking dreams, no longer might oncoming of the wlllte men from beand gradually, with something skirmish though it waa, waa the trun-In- g or annihilated and the war ended. In the Jungle, Too. be seen in person at the Halfway low; the remnant of the passing Latin of the leadership she had learned in The disaffection of the troops and point, the Gettysburg, of the revoHouse. Recreant, defeated, but still race, typified in the ungulded giant her recent life, she slipped Into pracs lution. Of the abandonment of the the languor of both soldiers and were such os to prompt the re- Jerseys, the same historian says: A refusing aid, she had gone back to who, savage with savage, fought near tical domestic command of this quiet her land of "flowers. It was Frank- by, one brutal force meeting another but punctilious menage. By reason mark of an English historian that no fatal damp was thrown on the cause lins one comfort that she had 'never and both passing before one higher of an equal executive fitness Aunt great page of history is so little of the loyalists from which It never known into whose hands had passed and yet more strong.' To this watcher Lucy rose In the kitchen also to full stamped with heroism as the Ameri wholly recovered. at a' price far beyond their actual it seemed that he looked out from the command. The Widow Clayton found worth the lands of the Halfway halfway point of the nation, from the her cousin Mary Ellen a stay and House, which had so rapidly built up halfway house of a nation's lrresist comfort, useful and practical to a defor her a competency, which had lble development gree unknown in the education of ' Reared her of poverty, only to. reyoung lady of the time. enforce her In her pride. Of her life in the West Mary Ellen, Franklin had. taken with him a Under-al- l the fantastic grimness, small canteen of water, but be- spoke but little, though never with all the mysticism, all the discredited thinking himself that aa of old the harshness, and at times almost with and riotous vagaries of his insubor- young man beseeching his dream wistfulness. Her history had seemed dinate soul, Franklin possessed a saw neither ate- nor drank until he had too full of change to be reality. For ing common sense; yet it was mere his desire, he poured out the water at the future she made no plana It freaklshness which led him to accept his side as he sat In the dark. The seemed to her to be her fate ever to-ban alien, a looker-on- . Leo Hello, Monk; come down and a vagrant impulse as the controlling place waa covered with small objects, , The rosea motive at the crucial moment of his bits of strewn shells and beads and drooped across her lattice, and the have a sugar cane cocktail. torn medicine bundles Monk No, thanks; Im on the wa- Ufa pieces of blue grass stood cool and soft and To si very few men Edward Frank things once held dear in earlier minds, deep beyond her window, and the kind ter wagon now. lln has admitted that ha once dream- He felt his hand fall by accident upon air carried the croon of the wooing ed of a hill topped by a little fire, some small object which had been mocking bird; yet there persisted in Hla Brilliant Idea. her brain the picture of a wide, gray Cholly Would you er care to land, with the sound of an urgent change your name. Miss Scroggins? wind singing in the short, tufted Well Dolly Why, Mr. Nitwit! ah y yes, I believe I would." grasses, and the breath of a summons ever on the air. Out there upon the Cholly Well, it can be done, y know. You can petition the legislaPlalna it had been ever morning. ture or, by Jove, you might get marHere life seemed ever sinking toward , its eventide. ' can revolution. Recruiting waa imIt is, however, with the field of ried. Why dont you? This old family and the family possible; enlistments were expiring Princeton, as It now exists, and with Would Have To. house were accepted unquestlonlngly and. the country people hastened to the historic relics and memories still "And what are you doing In the by the quiet Southern community safeguard themselves and their prop- to be found in the old town, that we asked the Washington dti--se- n capital?" now, aa they had ever been, as a part erty by taking the oath of allegiance have to da The battlefield Ilea roughof a friend from the west of the aristocracy of the land, and as to the crown. Nothing but military ly in and around what used to be "Oh, I came to see congress make success appurtenances thereto. The way of called the Big Triangle that is, could, "even momentarily life had little change. The same stimulate the dying cause of American the section inclosed by Stockton and a few laws. Indeed! Then you Intend to re grooms led out the horses from the Mercer streets, from their junction independence. aide for here a number of years?" stables, the same slow figures cut the About half a mile farther east, in near the Princeton inn westward, and a ravine south of Mercer street, oc- aouthwestward to the Quaker road Cleveland Leader. grasa upon the lawn. Yet no longer were the doors thrown open upon curred a second engagement Here along-th- at la, the section inclosed by Wild and Tame Ducks. sea of light and color The horses fragments of the 40th and 60th regi- Stockton streets from part of the old Out gunning, eh? Get any wild were groomed and broken, .but they ments, having escaped from the rout turnpike between New Brunswick and brought no great carriage of state at Stony Brook, rallied and opposed Trenton, the scene of so many march- ducks? No; but I shot some tame ones. sweeping up the drive between the the American advance tinder Gen. es and countermarches In Washing"Didnt you aw any wild ducks ai pillars of the gateway. Sullivan. The scene of this action tons Jersey campaigns. About a mile When Mrs. Clayton feebly sought to was just a little southwest of the to the west this road makes a curve aiir Well the farmer that owned tht propose brighter ways of life for the present seminary grounds. The stand to the aouth, and again turning west tame ducks was the wildest duck I made by the English waa only momenyoung woman, the latter told her genpasses over Stony Brook by a quaint ever saw. On the Dreama , , tary. In a few moments Sullivan scatr old stone bridge, near Bruere's grist tly that for her, too, Ufa was planned tered them, the major portion fleeing mill, which was built in 1714, and whose smoke dlppeu and waved and wetted by the wasted water. Later, and dona the struggle over, and that over the line to the New Brunswick which has been run continuously caught him in its fold. In brief, be In the crude light of the tiny flame she only asked that she might rest, load, while about 200 of the 40th took since. got into saddle and Journeyed to the which he had kindled, this lump of and not take up again any questions Hill of Dreams. refuge Jn the college Old North. A earth assumed, to his exalted fancy, for readjustment ' You will change after a white, few shots were fired into the buildtnft Put the English to Flight. the grim features of an Indian chiefand the English surrendered. The From the crest of the hill to the betufted, with low honey, a aid her protectress;' hut The HUI of Dreams dominated the tain, wide-jaweAmericana proceeded eastward along west the English turned back to meet' wide and level landscape over which brow, great mouth, and lock of lifes Mary. Ellen only smiled. It was enough in this haven, safe from Nassau street, and their ear waa pass- the American advance, underMercer, it had looked out through hundreds price hanging down the neck. All the to rest hero seas of doubt and hops ing Queenstown when the head of who waa espied coming up the Quaked of alow, unnoted years. From it once fearlessness, the mourn fulness, the the surging t. Let main column reached road and along Stony brook. The latCornwallis rose the signal smokes of the red men, mysticism of the Indian face was and fear, of love and Mercer battleground, two miles to the ter had passed the Quaker church, and here it was that many a aentlnel there. Franklin always said that he it be settled. Let it be ended. FOf west When they reached Princeton, half a mile away, and, noting the had stood in times long before a white had worked at this unconsciously, her no cavalier should ever come rid mounted in a small a field-piecEnglish returning on the double1 kneading the lump between hia fin- ing up the graveled way, nor should face was ever Been upon the Plains. ever set dancing again the shaopposite the present site quick toward the bridge, Jhe succeedHere on the Hill of Dreams, whence gers, and giving it no thought other lights of the inn, was fired by some strag- ed In reaching the top of the swell, It felt cooling to hla hand dows in the great dining hall over the than that to the the eye might sweep fringed restful to his mind. Yet here, heads of guests assembled in her hour glers, and Cornwallis halted for an to the right. In time to form line ol sand hills on the south, east to the and hour or so to reconnolter, thus mak- battle. It was near 'William Clarka born ultimately of the travail of a or. It was done finished. And Mary river many miles away, and north and ing possible Washingtons escape. house, since demolished, that the 11 rat mind, was a man from another Ellen was not yet twenty-eigh- t higher of swell to cold the west almost the In whose gaxe sat the prescience time. Resisting the temptation to risk his colllalon occurred. The Americana (To be continued.) lead up to the Rocky Mrs. Boozer (S a. m.) Jnst getting steppes that of a coming day. The past and the Iwindling force by a march on New were driven by a bayonet charge men had sometimes red the JAPS GIVEN TO ATHLETICS. home at 8 o'clock. What have you Range, to Brunswick, where Cornwallis stores southward to the field, where a pyrafuture thus were bridged, as may be come ' lay their leaders when their done gnd military chest offered a tempting mid of ahella now marks the spot on Po say for yourself? the Art, only by enduring, the From day of hunting and of war was over. uncalendared, the Imperishable. Early Infancy They are Trainbait the American commander turned which Mercer fell. Here Washington ; Mr. Boose r As there la hie a Thus to came have extrathe place ed to Develop Their Muscles. off at Kingston on the Millstone road came to the relief of his advance, and, great deal to be said, I think Ill let ordinary and mysterious qualities Considering their size the Japanese, Edward Franklin, a lighthearted aaaumlng command, drove the Eng- yon any it for me. ascribed to it, on which account, in are undoubtedly the strongest people lish in wild flight, the greater part times gone by,' men who were rest man, rode homeward happily. The In the world. Time and again these A Kindred for and brook the Spirit crossing heading less, troubled, disturbed, dissatisfied, past lay correlated, and for the future little brown men have demonstrated Do you admire Shakespeare? there were no longer any wondering. their' Trenton; but a portion turned toward came thither to fast and pray. ability to endure fatigues that Yea, answered Mr. Cumrox. He Princeton and were accounted for Hia dream, devoutly sought, had givdead. bore It the Hither would break down the moat sinewy great they has There house my was Mercer en peace. profound approval. carried to the later. Dreams of Hill hla that the was In any Japanese town upon Europeans. if Thomas Clark, where he died ten may be some question as to the auburled White Calf, the last one cannot walk far without being people of hla no la but there intense plays, CHAPTER later after thorship XXVIII. suffering. lays confronted by athletics in one form or doubt whatever that he waa a mighty great leader of the Plains tribes, who Vhat are said to be hla bloodstains with the not combat less in the another. In the streets you can rare fell :n the floor of the room where he good business man. At the' Gateway. savage giant who came with the white escape the painted and gaudily . ly sras first laid are atlll ahown to visitIn a certain old Southern city there near the in the hunt to country men dressed tots who turn baby handAs They Viewed It ors. Hill of Dreams. Since that time the stands, as there has stood for many springs, execute somersaults and do Its a fine day,. Deacon. The fight in which Gen. Mercer fell of the Plalna tribes had waned, generations, and will no doubt endure other infantile stunts In a wheedling Yes; but we're all miserable crea- power occurred with the lines of the opposhad scattered and passed for many more, a lofty mansion whose effort to secure the hairy foreigner's and they tors." architecture dates back to a distant wealth. A drawn diagonaling detachments The swarming white men matsurl were not Well, thank God, we're still away. ' out day. Wide and spacious, with lofty the fair It Japanese ly across the present line of the new found had Visigoths, Vandals without the bepurports which did street Mercer with stories, and turnpike deep wings many spangled tlght-rop-e for centuries held mysterithe performance, Yes, groaned the deacon, but our this spot to narrow not then exist. The route of the main windows, it rests far back bamboo ladder first peoples of that climbing youngsters, times cornin! Atlanta Constitution. ously dear thetore the ancient among a body of the Americans was northeastoaks, stately the wrestlers, tumblers, spearsmen or open the graves, country. They ward along a farm road, which, roughscattered the childlike emblems, pick- memorial of a day when gentlemen fencers. for Him. Lucky ly speaking, followed the direction of demanded privacy and could afford rooted is the native love What do you think of the man ed toandpieces the little atpackages which Mercer street now takes. Some it From the iron pillars of the great forSothedeeply "medithe claws. furs Jibing life that the no strenuous who stole Immense sum that of were to the of carried wounded the which In Its time had meant so gateway the white front of the house tlonal sports of other lands have been cine Quaker Meeting House On the Battle- house of Thomas Olden, on the old money?" much to the man who bad left it may barely be seen through avenues tried in Japan. The mikado, with field of Princeton, "Well, answered Broncho Bob, I This house la now the avi-ar- y made by the trunks of the primeval turnpike. there. and thence proceeded with hla men spose well have to go ahead and of Drumthwacket, the residence The tall white columns, reach- many of the imperial family, attends grove. Toward the Hill of Dreams Frankthe annual spring races in Yokohama, to the hills around Morristown. of M. Taylor Pyne. While men were spend time an money on a trial, its from gallery floor to roof without but lin Journeyed, because it had been ing tor him nothing In the line of imported hosa. a wasn't it lucky some to the repairs pause for the second lofty floor, give s recently making over the he As traveled written. long ao appeals to the Japanese as British. porta by Pillaged e grounds a cannon ball and several abode, which cycling and baseball. Cycling clubs miles he scarcely noted the fields, the dignity to this The battle of Princeton does not grapeshot were dug up and these are Spite. fences, the flocks and herds now cling- comports well with the untrlmmed are scattered all over the empire, comprise the entire revolutionary his- now in the possession of Mr. Pyne. oaks. Under these trees n Stock-tothousands of American bicycles spin town. of ing along the path of the Iron rails. patriarchal the on Morven, tory even there a deep blue-gras- s across the Island and the lies, of He the crossed the trails to Be departed Thankful For. Street, next the inn, was pillaged Something foreigners turf which never, from the time buffalo and of the vanishing cattle, "Had a good dayt said one stock experience difficulty In keeping even a by the English early In December. of Boone till now, has known the few of the records and but his mind looked only forward, and 1778, and was at one time Gen, Howea broker to another. trophies out he saw these records of the past but touch of ploughshare or the tool of of native handa The other shrugged hla shoulders The house was built '.headquarters. dimly. There, on the Hill of Dreams, any cultivation. The Toklo baseball team is an effvery early in the sixteenth century with a gesture of depression. It was the boast of this Old family icient organization and it frequently he knew, there was answer for him, sold went up, every"Everything I by John 8tockton, and has remained if he sufficiently besought; that an- that it could afford to own a portion drubs the teams from other ports and in the family ever since. In 1776 it thing I bought went down, he answer not yet learned in all the vary- of the earth and own it as It came cities. At the Yokohama cricket waa the residence of Richard Stock-jto- swered in a tone of deepest gloom. Then the bright aide of the situame of the signers of the declaraing days. It seemed aura to him that from the hand of Nature. Uncaught grounds excellent and aharply com Cora Yon should get him to alga he should have a sign. by the whirl of thinga, undisturbed tested games may he witnessed occation of Independence. The residence tion occurred to him. "Thank goodeeentlally even by the tide of the sionally between the Toklo native of another "signer la in Witherspoon ness, they cant go sideways, he the pledge before yon marry him. Dora But he doesnt drink. Franklin looked out over a deserted civil war, this branch of an old South- team and the Yokohama foreign street, about a mile north of where added, with heartfelt thankfulness. Cora No; but he may ho tempted and solitary land as he rode np to the ern family had lived on in station tm-.President John Witherspoon built a Stray Stories to later on. Comic Cuts j isssftie Wsws 7, n. d, n, low-eav- ed n, sad-face- d e. clti-sen- ' . s - lion-head- self-distrus- . e, old-tim- to-da- n, |