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Show I a Three Thousand Varieties of Intoxicants in Use Throughout the United States Thg Lond Diatanc Rscord. While we as a nation use and appa- serrsnees of the defenders of any flag. "Sweethearts and Wives keeps the rently enjoy a little more than three thousand more varieties of Intoxicant! memory of home bright, and often the 2,265 Miles Over Mountain and than any other peoples, we also rank lp of wine is met with a lump in the Wains In leae than 45 houra, demon among the temperate folk of Christen- throat of a grim old warrior, who dom. through tear dimmed eyes above his Stratlng that Santa Fa" track, equipThere are more about six thousand, gets a glimpse of his loved ones glue ment and employeea ara of the deor less, generally need kinds of intox- at their faraway fireside, and the kind. pendable icating drinks in the world, and we, world it better for a noble sentiment. Wine growing has steadily .. iniwing to the picturesque variety of Probably YOU wouldn't care to rida our citizens, use a fairly liberal al- creased with the growth of the counas fast. You prefer the luxury of 3 lowance of nearly each and every try. The few vineyards of the sunny ' Regular Trains from Utah and Colo, brand of liquid erhllarator brewed, hills of Western New York were folredo to Everywhere East and South. fermented or distilled for the tem- lowed by the many great vineyards of Ohio. The Carolines and Virginias porary inspiration of Jaded man. While it is an historical fact that have made wine since the Colonies all nations hare considered spirituous were practically penal settlements and Ask me Ticket Rates and Life liquors a proper subject for heavy tax-- the labor outside the slave lids orature. . C. F. WARREN, General Agent THE SCOTTY? SPECIAL. . . The Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Railway Company. 411 Dooly Block. Salt Lake City, Utah- - NOYHING IS CONCEALED. Psychologists and Phrenologists. Consult Prof. B. N. Matthews. He gives you name and tells yoq .what you need and wish to know. Hq Asks no questions and confines him. elf to the truth. Prof. Matthewq holds the secret of power and pen sonal Influence. He reveals your post elblllties and enables you to realtxq them. Everybody he reads for is aat sored of success. His advice on love, marriage and business is sound anl reliable. He settles all disputes axu helps you to get the money or prop. rty that Justly belongs to. you. He tens you when to make Investments and what to Invest in. If it is not convenient for yon to see him, it will pay you to write. This gentleman lq truly gifted and the wonders he has accomplished form the topic of coo. venation in every city he has visited. The sceptics and the helpless are especially invited. He locates friends and relatives and anything lost on stolen. Reading, 31.00, Room 25, Gladstone Hotel, 119 Main St, Salt Lake City. minimi mi n mum -- i THIS ; BEAUTIFUL URBAN j We have Just completed ar- -. with the largeet rangemente i manufacturer of Organs In the world, whereby we can now offer , j to our many patrons here an In- -, strument delivered at your own station for what has ordinarily been known as FACTORY COST. This is an arrangement that . should be Investigated thorough-- . ly before you look elsewhere, as we ere sure it will appeal to you. REMEMBER we save you from . $25 to $75.00 on one organ. This Is . certainly worth saving. EASY TERMS. You can send . us $2.60 to $5.00 per month, to suit . your convenience. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. We I) will deliver one of these organ at-. , . any R. R. station In Utah or Ida. ho without any additional charge to you whatever. Do not lmag- Ino that it is impossible for us I to do as wa say. Our system of , . handling our outside business is . . so perfect that we can without any trouble whatever make de- livery to the smallest town In ) this western section. . . WE BUY IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thua enabled to make the ridiculously low prices that wa do. YOU GET THE ADVAX- i i TAGE OF THIS. Writs us'st once if Interested. If not, see that your friends hear ' of this great money saving op- . portunity. REMEMBER wo have bten In j business here for FIFTY YEARS the oldest house In the State. OUR GUARANTEE on an In- strument la absolutely rood. We , fully warrant everything we sell. If you doubt our financial rat big look us up. Wa refer you to any Banker or Commercial agan- -, cy In this State. - : . Clayton Music Co., Leading Music Dealers. A Main Street. Salt Lake City, Utah. 1M-U-- 1I tiHUiiiiiiiuiiiimw New Onee. I FREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. The new IMS models of the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES embody all of the latest Improvement! In the talking machine vorld and ara the standard of perfection. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT In exchange for the latest types, and don't forget that I in quality and liquid refreshment produced under the eun. S' The wine merchants of Europe call us a nation of label drinkers, and tht reason is apparent. Thousands of Americans Journey to Europe yearly and, owing to the phenomenal advan- v tages offered, have large sums of money to spend, and as a rule they contrive to spend It in whatever manner will attract the most attention. There is no keener student of human nature than the European hotelier. He will, with the most servile how and extravagant send gymnastics, away a bottle of choice wine, that has not found favor In the serving to s party of diners, whose knowledge of the beverage le based on the price opposite the name of the wine on the card, and substitute a cheap, strong liquid, with every assurance that had he known the gentlemen desired the best they should have had It at first. New York, Ohio and California now produce some of the choicest wines produced In the world and find it a very difficult matter to market them against the foreign wines. An early fault of the American sparkling wine was its sweetness and its alcoholic strength faults now overcome. A dry wine is an imperative condition to popularity now. The Latin palate is adjusted to sweet wine, but the English and American champagne wants a "brut oonBumer of wine. While some writers credit the origin of champagne to the Benedictine monk Dom Perigon, the careful students of the subject know him for a blender and Improver of wines, while the production of champagne dates from the MATHEWS A FLEGAL. j SllUMR5ttlWRRWRRSRItFVrjsaWStltStStS(FrsriWWWWRRItltimmWltN NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. Old or broken Disc or Cylinder records. taken as part payment far Gallo-Roma- days; but the n A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Backed by the Largest Tall ting Machine Company In the World Goes With the Machine. FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER: CHOICE OF PULLMAN THROUGH u, u r Hippocrates records that wines were made in hie day from medlars, mulberries, asparagus, orgsnum, thyme and many other herbs. The liquors and cordials of the Latin American countries owe their origin to the bark of. trees, leaves, flowers and fruits of the tropics. Chili produces a champagne quality of wine from the apples of the country, while British Guiana obtains the same result from the undeveloped flowers of the palm. Six thousand separate and quite distinct Intoxicants now find a market here. The obscure drinks in use in the odd corners of the world are only to be found in the cafes or boarding houses frequented by newly made Americans from those places who have become residents of New Work, now the most cosmopolitan city In the world. In the history of the globe there le no great name that is even suggestive of total abstinence. After the fatigues of battle the great captains of the past were refreshed with a flagon of wine. Before great mental or physical effort the great men of the past were prepared for the ordeal with a stoop of wine. and Napoleon drank even now whenever a French regiment marches past that vineyard it halts and presents arms. The greatest of all ceremonies of welcome and the crowning honor of the festive board la the "pledging a It Is Saxon memento of the health. times when the drinking horn had to be raised with both hands and the drinkers "pledge stood beside him with drawn sword In order that no enemy might stab him while drinking. The time honored toast of all navies is "Our Country" or "Our King, and when the wearers of the uniform of any nation stand and give this pledge it does more to endear home and country than all the other oh-Clos-Vouge- uoum AND TOURIST SLEEPER FROM OGDEN OR BALT LAKE TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS . Free Reclining Chair Care, Dining Oar Berries a la carte oa all through trains For Folders, Iltastrated Booklets, eta., address ...o....o. L A BENTON, 0. A P. D. EALT LAKE CITY, UTAH J culti- vation of plantations required for tble wine did not become properly developed until the fourteenth century. Several New York club and many private residences have what can safely be classed as among the choicest collections of wines in the world. There are also many wine buyers who visit the leading sources of supply in the interest of their clients, and keep their cellars stocked with the choicest When and oldest wines obtainable. the late Queen Victoria sherries were sold a large percentage of this wine came here.- In one cellar there are nearly ten gallons of Madeira brought to this country by Lord Baltimore. and 1820, There le port of 1775-181- 1 stored away in one cellar. New England urm in the days of the Puritans, Saxon Custom. brandy and whisky long past the 100 was supplied by social or political year mark In many places and choice outcasts and poor' debtors. Elections of champagne. - Old colWhile the Sunny South la better lectors have quantities of every adapted to wine growing than almost known brand of sherry fifty years old. New York Herald. any other section of this republic, it has made lees progress in the inA 8on of Beecher. dustry than the more recently settled A son of the late Henry Ward. districts, and the average Southerner is content to ,81? the heavy, rich, Beecher la, we are told, holding a fruity Scuppernong, which hae much minor clerkship in the Seattle city of the quality of port, with no ambl treasurers office. The only question tlon to improve the vineyard or the of public interest in a cage of thii vintage, and thus it le that the hos- kind la based upon the hope that he pitable South will offer the visitor this will be competent and honest in hie as it was produced many calling. There la no reason in the wine y years ago. To be sure, "the wine of world why a Beecher should not earn the country, as far as the South is his living In an ordinary vocation, and concerned, has corn or rye as its no reason why he should wish, In so basis, and the dispenser of planta- doing, to conceal his identity. The tion hospitality expects the guest, to older Beechers, men and women, partake of either toddy or a mint worked diligently and were not julep early and often, and these sa ashamed of work. Harriet Beecher REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TUP EAST THAT THB Line Short Oregon Fa RAILROAD b im nucr D. E. BVRLEY. 6.F.AT.A. Bt A to-da- oonNBcnoN vmi iw UNION PACIFIC SPENCER. A.G.P.MT.A. THE OVERLA1.D ROOT - "Pledging atlon for the support of the realm, it is also a fact that the liquors of two' centuries ago were almost without exception produced by and "invented by the dwellers in the mountains. The natives of North America are almost the only uncivilized races without an intoxicating beverage of their own invention and production. The Kaffir and Zulu have their beers, the Hindoo and Malay their palm toddy, the Japanthe Chinaman his sam-sese hie aakl, Central and South Americans have their caraBha, Mexico has its pulque and mescal, either of which If Introduced extensively to the American throat and nostril would do more in the temperance field than all the bands of prohibitionists in the land, the former resembles liquid limbur-gecheese, while the latter can only be compared to hydrated alcohol In Southern Russia they distill the Juice of the watermelon and produce a very fair brandy. Wine has been made of currants, gooseberries, plums, elderberries, curries, parsnips, rhubarb and potatoes. The natives of Siberia prepare a strong intoxicating beverage from the field mushroom. SALT LAKE CITY. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTS -- Health GENL. PHONOGRAPH CO., COLUMBIA So. Main St. Both Phones. 527-S- w wmch b m icruAi goun to ail icMmtaav SPEED COMFORT CnTHCKTOrca ev BAFBT V i 201IT. TTNION PACIFIC R0GRESSEV8 UnBXCBLUD NAM X ALT LARB OTT. VTAN. (TO OVHUXND R0UI1) 44 44 4 44 44 4 4 4--4 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 4 OCEAN BEACHES. 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:80 p. m. daily. Ob-- 4 serration, Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and Dining Car. 4 4 J Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or write to J. L. Moore, Diet Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles A Balt 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. t V FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. 4444444444 4 44 4- 44 SS444444444444444 4i4et444444444444444 THE DOCTORS WHO CURE Bom and throat tlM. Hcrvotu D1 .00.000, and Llvar Disease., Bladder Troubles HMit Diseases Dioraoco of tha Stomach and Bowals Pilot. FloPtmala tilla and Roetal Plooaoon Complaints, Chronle L'looaooo of Women and ChSdm, Rickets, Spinal Skin Dissams Deafness, Troublos, Asthms Bronchial and lens Troubles. Rheumatism. Hajr Fever. Hyslorla. Eye and Ear D:o-inOoltro (or Us nark). Varicocele, Loot Manhood, eta., Blood Dlooaooo. Private Dlooaooo. Scrofula, and nil forma of Narvouo ud Chronle Die-oWe euro poo, (that ara curable.) the liquor habit In I dayo or no pay. A low foot quick OUR MOTTO: cuts, mild and palnleoo troatment. DR KMncr Neu-ralg- ls n Whenever a French Regiment Pastes That Vineyard It Halts and sents Arms. ductlve beverages form the liquid underlay of the country entertainment as they did when silk clad cavaliers escorted stately dames in the days when George III. was King. The early Californians found the Americo-Spsnis- h hasendao producing a fine wine from the vineyards on his hillside, and as the guest for gold brought out and established the families of the gold seekers the ranches changed owners and the enterprise that caused the habitant of the Eastern coast to Journey to the Pacific spread out from the mining camp and found (what always follows but never precedes an adventurous advance) an agricultural outlet Now the vineyards of the Golden State produce wine which in quantity almost equals the entire product of the Old World and to-da-y Pre- Stowe, who may be said to have shed some luster upon the name of her father and brother, wrote her great book in the Intervals of household labor, the tasks of which she dally performed "with stained and battered hands." Oregonian. Gift for Columbia University. Mrs. A. A. Anderson of New York hae given $100,000 to Columbia university to start a suitable endowment to er:ati:h a pure science course leading to the degree of bachelor of science. . The other members of the board of trustees, who have asked to have their names withheld, have offered to guarantee any deficit arising from thla new course during the next ten years up to a total amount of S20j0M DR. A. a W. SHORES. Ceneu Italian In porooa or by lot lor ftoo to olL Call or writs. Ht despair because you lira at a distance MAIL Du from tha city. Dm Pharos- - now system of OUT to sot export advlca and treatment at homo. Their now ajmptom blank oov.ro ovary symptom of disease which cnablce thorn to diagnose your rasa and tall you whit your trouble la what can bo dona for you. and what tha coat of tha euro will bo. WRITE If you ranuot run, for their new symptom list and Whether you take troatment w not. taka advantage of tha FREE EXAMINATION. tha advtoe coots yon nothing. if c S BV DI UMtr rCIMIS rnakoo It TREATMENT HOME Pay Whsn Cared yoa salt or from any of tha wool or dlocoato soused by Ignarunrs eueoao or contagion TOU ARE THE VERT PERSON WE WANT TO TALK Ta our skill In aurins Wo huvu proven Iho dlooaooo by publishing CHRONIC homo many voluntary laatlmoolals from adand people, giving names plotaras If WE CANT PUBLISH OCR CURES Of PRIVATE DISEASES Because M would bstiay eoufldeurs Home wa have ta prove cur skill In thla elaca of ' way. This Is oar plant OOtoa hoars L a Ills & DRS. SHORES m. Evenings SHORE5, T Wo euro you first and tha uok A FEE whan you nip cured. Ton an depend upon our word, thousand! of mi NOW WE patients hare Indorsed WANT TO CURE TOU with the distinct uuderstandlng that wo trill not domanl a FEE nntll wa cure yon. Thla applies to Loot Manhood. Seminal Weak Dloos matorrhoaa. Varicocele. Prostate Gland. Unnatural those. Gloat. Strict urn, sis, Oontagteua Blood Poison and all WEAKNESSES of mem. Consultation and advlca ties Is I; Emdayu and Holidays Expert Specialists, Plea.se mention this paper. Hi s bU - I |