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Show AErrm IL0OTSIANA. BY WITH gARY gEVEREUX ILLU3TPATION3 it, Srom & &tH Awwwil (Oyjr&M, &Q3. C4Jf C. WILSON Caw) by the enemies of Fiance, who thus rendered me unlit for hard service against them, and I am now Monsieur Felix Grelolre, attacks of the emperors household. As such I go upon various mis dons; and my business here relates to the settlement of some matters connected with certain property belonging to her Majesty the empress, who, as you know, Is a native of this fair Island. A fine place It is, both as to climate and people; but Louisiana Is far more to my taste. Lafltte appeared to observe the Irrelevancy of this last remark, for, with a keen look at Grelolre, he said, Louisiana! What do you know of Louisiana?" Much that Is. of New Orleans, for I was there several months. In the autumn of 1803. I was then absent from Louisiana, said the young man. So I learned, when I made lnqul rles for you. But I heard something of you, and still more In regard to that Spanish rascal who took you away from Toulon, not long before 1 went there to get you myself." "What mean you by that? Lafltte demanded, almost as If resenting an CHAPTER IX. It BY DON wan late In a sultry, almost breeze-les- s evening lnr September, 1811, that the ship "Condor, belonging to Laro and hla associates, dropped anchor In the harbor of Fort Royal, Martinique. She had but a single passenger. If such he could be termed; for It was Jean Lafltte, returned recently from a mission which will be referred to more particularly later on, and who had come from New Orleans for the purpose of meeting Laro, whom be expected to And waiting at Fort Royal. His search proved unavailing, although he ascertained that Laro had g been seen in the town; and after several of the places where he you mop rk, ' declared Grelolre; "and I will answer It upon my honor." , Lafltte appeared Irresolute, as If the question were of such grave Import that he dreaded an unfavorable a reply. Then, laying a hand on shoulder, he asked, "What said he Bonaparte, when you told bis that I had departed from TouionT "Nothing. "You have told me all I wished to konw, and I thank you, said Lafltte again holding out a hand, which Gre lolre clasped firmly. "Adieu, and bon voyage." "Adieu, and bonne fortune." With this they parted and Lafltte, returning directly to the wharf, ordered the boats crew to row him back to the Condor. Mother, laughing eyes Z see. kjr; Brightforand blueforaa yonder Ah! them I die; them, And they mock at me. Blu'o or men, whichever they b For disdain can change their hue are Mu Hope revive when When they're green 't ihey la jealousy, v revives when Ufa them I r Death succeeds when they go by; ' Ahl for them,, for them I die; And they mock at me. I Who could think auch eyes could prove I.utes to dasale and deceive? Who Indeed would not believe. Save the heart that knows not love? In their light lost utterly Me thouTt find when the:y era nigh, Ah! for them, for them 1 die; And they mock at me. From the Spanish of Lop L Vega. Gre-lolre- - thank you for the happiest evening In my life." And Mrs. Smyths catching the dh vine light In both their eyes remarks tactfully: I think I may call this party my greatest social triumph. It certainly was much talked about MADE THE CHALLENGE DIRECT Lawyers Insinuation Something Court Could Hardly Ignore. Charles H. Hudson waa a lawyer of remarkable kednness and ability and well known also aa a student of Shakespeare, but he waa not a strict and offensive teetotaller at all hours of the day, aaya a writer In the Boston Herald. One day he appeared before Judge Ladd of the police court of Cambridge In a case involving no dlffloult questions of law, hut aa Mr. Hudson had little confidence In the Judges legal acquirements he criticised hla rullnga very sharply, and In a manner easily understood by all present The Judge, with a Judicial look of sternness, raised himself from hla chair and aald: "Mr. Hudson, If you do not apeak more respectfully of the decisions of this court I shall at once commit you for contempt of court" Hudson arose, with a great assumption of dignity, and, raising hla voice and head, aald: Tour honor aaya you will commit me to Jail for contempt of your court I'll bet $5, and put the money up, that your . honor cannot make out the papera correctly in three weeks. Jean had, up to this moment, considered himself deeply aggrieved 7 Bonapartes apparent neglect; and, looking at the matter from the standpoint of youth, his ardent. Impulsive nature, and his unstinted love for the young officer, his feelings were without warrant. jBT &2T JfiZ&WlT But, In the light of Grelolres expla(Copyright, 1106, by Dally Story Pub. Co.) nation, the man o thirty could well see how unreasonable and hasty bad Mrs. J. Arthur Smyths waa easily hla love, but she had felt It her duty been the boy of-- fifteen; how unthinkthe leader of Huntingdon's Four Hun- to remain with her father In his miswas liable to be found, Lafltte went ing and rash; how utterly lacking in dred. She had established her right fortune and had resolutely refused to to an Inn not far from the wharves, a proper appreciation of Bonapartes to the title on a hundred battlefields, and ordered supper. permit an engagement or even an unregard, and of how the manifestations and while certain captloua and dis- derstanding, remarking that It would Here he sat enjoying the coolness, of this was subject to conditions and satisfied persona still while he sipped and smoked, when persisted in re- be unfair to spoil hla life by holding influences beyond the latters power ferring to the origin of her appear- out a there came to his ears the sound of hope which probably never to always control. ance In the social whirl, all such cap- would be fulfilled and would further a voice whose mellow resonance and of He thought her tloua critics found themselves moat keep her mind In a state of distracMargot, thrilled him strangely, sending his words returned to him when, upon embarrassingly placed and Invariably tion. Sherry had taken it hard and thoughts whirling Into the past that last evening of her life, she bad became exceeding sorry that they had abandoned The air was yet vibrating with the society for business and ansaid that Bonaparte was his good hooka. The shock he received at Mrs. spoken. hearty tones as the speaker came gel, and Laro his evil one. In vain waa It that those enemies of Smythea disclosure that Florence waa ' Her Tribute to 8pring. through the door; and a lamp hanging Truly had her words been proven; Mrs. Smythe or those opposed to her to he there and In auch a role waa sefrom the celling of the balcony affront It one of those recent balmy was for now he knew the former as he .away, recalled that after all she waa vere and flashed its rays into the face of Ore-lolr"This, mon ami, was the slowly and brought back a flood of mem when the weather waa afternoons while have and the would was, been, only the wife of old Jake Smith, and orles. distinctly uttered reply. "That when for Itself by setting making history or that the foundation of Jake's fortune Hla reverie waa cut abort by Mrs. The recognition was not mutual; Gen. Bonaparte, late In October of passing years had either Increased, down In the lap of winfairly spring coarseness more made Laros onapparent waa the laid in the tavern down for Grelolre, after a careless glance 1793, sent me to Toulon, In order to ter, aaya the New York Press. Down-Fiftcross-roadIn vain waa It that her at the younger man, crossed the bal- bring you to him at Paris, I found and cruelty, avenue ahe came, a walking emIt was only to the boy Jean that he opponents pointed out that the origin cony and seated himself near the rail. that you and Pierre had already gone blem of mourning from the fluttering had ever been otherwise; but latterly of the fair Mrs. Smythe herself waa Lafltte was, tor the moment, unde- with Laro, bound for Louisiana. folds of her crepe veil to the tips of cided as to what to do, whether to "Who told you this? Inquired La- something of a change had taken clouded In rumor and surmise. For her dull black ahoea. But when ahe place la this respect toward the man, after all question and rumor and surreveal his identity, and risk hearing fltte. came to a muddy crossing and lifted "A dozen people Thiel amongat especially after he had refused to ac- mise had done their worst the great whatever comments Grelolre might up her black skirt to keep It from becherished In made had the remainedold adventurers that to Jake fact Pere Huots quiesce make upon a name and career which them. I went first ing soiled a woman acquaintance huralready' had become known In two house, and there ascertained that the scheme, that he, Jean Lafltte, should hla millions and had left them to hla rying along to overtake the mourner Also waa It true continents, or to remain silent, and good priest was dead. I then visited take as his wife, Lazalie, the former's charming widow. waa horrified to catch something more r unlooked-foand evident that whatever her origin thus forego this Le Chlen Heureux, and learned what niece. opporthan a glimpse of a pair of ankles clad But the young man had, all through Mrs. Smythe waa a woman of moat tunity for knowing something definite I have told you. In grass-greesilk stockings. and her to talent and charm man was who Lafltte from the still turned again in regard Grelolre, his wild life, held within the Inner conspicuous she whispered, as she Oh, Jessie, dear to him he who was now Emper- and settled down Into his chair; and most depths of his soul a sacred executive ability waa auch that all the caught np with the woman in black, or of France. . the latter saw the quick rising and shrine, kept closed and pure, where other daughters of Eve In the town of "have yon any Idea of what youve never the love for woman had en- Huntingdon had reason to fear and recome out In? Youve got green stocktered. Over ita altar, faded and in spect her. In vain waa It to Inquire ing! on. distinct, yet his life, lingered the how tho good honest old name of Jake know it, cooed the offender. and Smith had developed into J. Arthur teachings of his foster-mother"You see It was auch a lovely day that Those had who had Inquired Smythe. sunny-faceof a remembrance the I simply had to put something bn that blue-eye- d glrf, who had promised the found out even unto the fullneaa at Besides, suggested the springtime. Inboy to pray that he might be thal their several desire and never show at the crossings. only they to which, he had so woefully failed be, quired again. Her parties were charming. So deor had even sought to attain. Pasting of Philadelphia Elms. The past rolled In upon him like lightful waa her tact and ao great her Another of the ' old trees In Indeto waa resources that glad a smothering flood, until. In a wild everybody pendence square has succumbed to the They always were entertained tumult of despair, he left hla cabin go. dry rot of age and been felled by the and moreover, always they and went on deck. There he heard perfectly, woodmans axe. It Is believed that It one of the watch whistling to 'hlnv heard the very latest bit of gossip and waa one of the 100 trees planted by so- Gaxed upon the woman of hla dreams. were Initiated into latest the man very broke' the and self; presently Morgan in the square In 1785. a cial fad. on waa Hence it that cep Smythe, who discovered him la the George softly Into the words of the air: were All elms, brought to this city ; tain evening Richard Sherry found conservatory. Cest 1amour, 1'amour, l'amour, from New York state at the suggesIn over himself hand fair her bowing Qul fait la raonde a la round! Come, come, this will never do, tion of Samuel Vaughan, who took drawing room. ahe cried, tapping him with her fan. an especial Interest In the square. The song brought to mind again the the Smythe "Why, Mr. Sherry, thin la a complblue-eyeWhen the hermit comes to Rome he The number of large trees in Indegirls face, and also that of Indeed," exclaimed the hostess. must do as the Romans do. Come and her daughter, the little Island Rose, iment square has of late years pendence a woman "To beguile recluse and a whom, late the previous May, he had hater from hla lair la a feat Indeed. have your hand read. been much reduced by death, decay piloted through the woods, and down The party la assuredly a success. Unresisting he followed her to the and atom. The laat algna of life In where the entertainer waa the elm which haa Juat been felled the rivers, from her dead mothers library, The man smiled gravely. home among the Choctaws. were noted last summer. It waa a "One la always aure to be bright- reading the palma of all comers. The long, rough Journey had given ened noble specimen of ita kind, being about I found have a wits splendid subject, and have onea sharphim rare opportunities for sounding ened up three feet in diameter and between Mrs. Smythe, Mrs. Smythe, he aald. aald triumphantly. here, the depths of the childish soul so "What la It to be alxty and seventy feet high. It will la town. Here We the of the enigma theosophy, close to nature that it seemed to won a new require many years for the majority to want know so a why fascinating artist a musical prodigy, vaudeof tbe trees in the square, among ship the mothers God through nature ville or a woman-hate- r. man should a be a recluse and lion. literary and nature through God. which la the young elm planted by to We want hie know also fate "A poor gneaa, she responded, He was known as Captain Jean,' Gen. Grant to reach this size. Philhla love affairs, past and present' would you say to "What brightly. "You will deliver him a message from me? a friend of her grandfather as "Cap adelphia Public Ledger. woman of hla the palmistry? Sherry gazed upon found whom such a she tain Jean," I he U h,s I Ah, decision was soon rout- ( falling of the young mans breast repeated. Palmistry, dreams, and ahe looked up straight Incharming' companion, and whom hla Hae Too Many Visitors. Dark-eye- d ed by the realization of what was rep- he folded hla arms across it gypsy girl and all to hla eyes, grave and unresponsive. of white men and Indiana re escort Luther Burbank, the California natwaa ao not She a gueat and knew her that resented by the face and form Presently Jean, without lifting hi pected and loved. She trusted him ahe replied. Ive place. He also knew hla. But he was uralist has been overran with vis"Still close to him, and come to life, aa It eyes, asked, In a stubborn, dogged wrong, and their Intercourse waa free found auch a darling. Do you remem- startled at her unchangeable beauty, itor during the past year, taking were, from the dead. The living pres- tone, aa though expecting an answer fully, from restraint the Raymonds who used to live The years seemed not to hare told at much valuable time from hia experient eeemed to animate the dead past; he did not wish to hear, Do you her now, while he pacet ber moved south or somewhere all upon her. here the reality of Grelolre gave actual life mean to have me understand that he theRecallingwith the Indeed in the short mentsto and scientific work, and has water oi five and. troubled deck, call a halt .A circular haa I Yea, you to the ideal Napoleon. skirt and with her hair down had thought years ago? Gen. Bonaparte sent you to Toulon hla soul casting ashore auch woeful knew them. Well, Dr. Raymond lost gypsy Just been Issued by hla relatives and she her seemed back me? he than after younger . said he bowing "Pardon, monsieur, wreckage for hla contemplation, tbs friends, calling attention to the anMoat assuredly. He, as I have al- thought of her white purity, her all his fortune and died and Mrs. Ray- had ever seen her. And yet there waa lightly as Grelolre looked up; "but 1 are here back her mond and an Indefinable something In her eyes noyance to which he la subjected aldaughter think I had the pleasure of meeting ready told you, sent me In the autumn very voice, her childish confidence to themselves. support which made her seem more mature most dally and requesting the distrying again In France. monsieur many years ago, of '95. He supposed you were still brought to him a blessed peace. a genhas The developed perfect and womanly something as though a continuance of visits by the public. girl Ah, said Grelolre, aa he turned to under the charge of Pere Huot, being (To be continued.) In the year 1905 over 6,000 visitors a and bit does for ius quite palmistry when? great sorrow had chastened her. I ask the speaker. "May fitted for the career he our general were received on the Burbank grounds to I her line. have that engaged Ton-leIn along hers. He his hands She placed had planned for you one that would Long ago in Languedoc, and A DhOP IN VALUES. Santa. Rosa and Mr. Burbank waa at come read and here palms' followed the lines Intently, looked at replied Lafltte, fixing hla black keep you dose to him, and Insure were answer. absolutely no opportunity to not Hla did given He eyes the and of the met at fingers We general shape eyes upon Grelolrea face. your future. Changed Conditiona Affected A rest he and the warning sign has been placed thinking hostess, (Sr away hands. Le Chlen Heureux, In Toulon; and the . Lafltte had now recovered apparof Love Letters. waa bored with the conversation, will live to a very old age,", on each gate at the residence declar"Tou last time I saw you was at the Con- ently, at least from the effect wrought .Henry Clews, the banker, waa talkshe aald. "I do not see much sick- ing that any one entering or trespassvent of St Sulplce, where you were upon him by Grelolrea surprising Inabout a stock that had dropped la ing ness, past or future. Your head Is ex- ing on the grounds will be prosecuted. recovering from wounds In the final telligence. value. No mental trouceptionally strong. assault upon the city. Ton will deliver him a message Great waa lta "fail, he aald. It Gov. Dale's Small Potatoes. ble will overcome yon. You are inGrelolre. exclaimed Mon Dieu! waa pathetic. It made me think of from me? George N. Dale of Island artistic and a money tellectual, fairly What means all this, monsieur? Can an Incident that happened the other "With had an account against a pleasure. VL, Pond, La-fltmaker." It be possible that you are Jean Give him my homage for hla own day In an express office. "And hla heart?" put In Mrs Frenchman named Felix, for whom he Lafltte, the pi To this office a burly, kind looking and for the splendor he had rendered some legal service.' The Smythe. The word was cut short by a flash greatness, unFrance. came with man a to has upon brought young Convey package Hla heart la well under control, bnt account had run a long time. Felix, from this young man's eyes as a sa him all my heart's gratitude for hla der hla arm. la capable of a great and abiding meeting the governor one day on the he raised hand off the might lop I want to express this package,' when I was and kindness protection street dunned himself In the followlove for a woman. for a blow. a boy, and for what he would have he aald. ing manner: "Meeater Guvner, I owes Is hla passion passed or to come? The first la the name by which I tried to make' me aa a man. Tell him The clerk, aa usual, asked him: you beeg bllL When I dig mar Mrs. relentlessly pursued Smythe. waa known in Toulon, and my friends that I love him, and will ever la the nature of the con"What nex fall, bar gar, I pay .you. a I see strong line about the age till use it The second la a title love him, and that no sacrifice he' may tents of the package? In the fall the governor waa Late said of the and 30, very slowly which girl me by my enemies, and given to " It la, aald the simple-minde- d wish or accept will be too great for In the neighborhood of Felix seems low. to ent riding be barred. and "It I do not recognize as appropriate. me to make In hla behalf. Can yon youth In a sad tone, bundle of let home, and again met him. Stopping It looks like some obstacle." He spoke with stern composure, and remember this?' tera from a young lady. I am returnhla horse, the governor aald, "Felix, And future?" Insisted the Mrs with a dignity well becoming hla tall, "Every word; and I will repeat it ing them to her. how about tbe potatlea? Smythe. while refined and face, figure straight "Their value? aald the clerk. faithfully "Bar gar, Guvner, those pertaters looked long and earnestly. The girl Grelolre stared at him In silent astonsaid "Adieu, then, old comrade, The young man swallowed. turn out ao beega you apected, dond waa trifle She a faster and breathing ishment " 'I dont .know what their value la Jean, grasping Grelolrea hand. "This dam sight, bar had Into come color face. the her Which of the two, monsieur, do you may be our laat meeting, but It will now, he aald huskily, but a week age I cannot see the future, she aald, I thought they were worth about hall prefer to use? Lafltte added, now not end our regard for each other.' Springtimes Coma Again. and then dropped hla hand with a gesrenot a step backward, but Indeed no, nor our thought of a million dollars. taking O catflsh In de eddy. am exhaustion. "I of ture tired very When da moon Is In de full! one another, waa the hearty response, moving hla eyes from Grelolre. Mra. Smythe, and really mnat beg to O watermllllon ready To call yon Jean, as I did yean accompanied by a tighter clasp of Family Aided. Monas Y dowy leaves, to pull! be excused from any more work toO chortles, sugar rooted! ago, Grelolre exclaimed Impetuously, Lafitte'a slender fingers; "and I trust Andrew Carnegie jsb sent a cheek with Alone his women en us men Uo thoughts, night" extending both hands, which were wel- It may not be tbe last, by many, of for $5,000 to the committee controlling Is all done back barefooted, back Into the crowd him drifts The the and changed subject passed comed by the firm grip of the younger our meetings. Case de springtime's corns again. the fund which la to be used for the along to the bevy of pretty girls al- drawing room and the palmlat slips mans sinewy fingers. of late the "Adieu, old comrade. K. Robert support Da bullbat 'gins to heller to be found at her right hand. Into the conservatory. Sherry follows Let It be Bien," the latter said. Across ds ahimmery hill. This brings the ways "Adieu, mon ami." Pattlsona widow. a unobserved. his remade time After He her toon a feller however, escape, they hand-clasTaint long befo' so. And you what shall I call you, One final and Lafltte fund up to $13,437. Pattison and Kin hyuh de whuppoorwilL passed Into the conservatory, appear In the drawing room, where hawk sets roun' en watches marquis, duke, or marshal of France?" turned away. But, after taking a few waa the only man who ever carried De De biddies wld da hen. Tell me of yourself, and of Napo- steps, he faced about and went hack Pennsylvania twice for the governor where he could straggle alone with Ms Mra. Bmytbe la receiving the congratuIn de doodle-du- s lations of her laat departing guests. leon. to Grelolre, who stood aa he had left ship. As he was e democrat this thoughts. Ca'se re springtime's coma Remember Florence "Mrs. Smythe, aald Sherry, "I will Raymond! fact Is all tbe more remarkable. When The first will taka but a short him. Dirt daubers soon ho squealin'. "One thing more," aald Lafltte hes- William Singerley was wiped out What else. Indeed, had he been doing finish the reading of my own palm. time, Grelolre replied laughingly; Shapin' up delr mud. five yean, since he had The barrier has been removed and the the for past Bn a sort or sleepy reelin' "for I am not a nobleman, nor yet an itatingly; "one more question, which financially Pattison. whose friend he thrown himself at her feet and asked one Ufa 'Ll git gwlne along y & blood. of for the my great passion officer. Indeed I left the army six you may answer or not, aa you was. was wiped out also. When he TUI you looe jro' holt, en dose rewoman In la to wife. world one his be to be been the the had her It En Jerk, en wakes up den died he left his family nothing but years ago, on account of sundry at- choose." De fus thing dat you knows la one great passion of hie life and he alised. Mra. Smythe, permit me to I will answer whatever question mortgages on his home. tentions paid to my body and llmba Dai da springtime's come again. had always felt sure that ahe returned preeent the future Mra. Sherry, and to Charlotte Observer via-ltln- s. - n 'I ,' d d n, Ex-Go- te bo-stro- per-tate- ra ex-Go- Ex-Go- 1 l |