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Show 7 I . T.H S- 3mks! Corses RiB isQAiCsLifti lFfMXM - aa1l pg"lHa Mass , an that thereis Iw '' 737 Lowell; trea which never bios sojns i dnnuall. . " TBEO BUJLBl -- AC. and jrel is pje wlth . inT ewsrabers: furnish a.goodsubstU ..' Answers to Enigmaii fcc., Iblndbpies colleethnrrrf FRUIT V s.r Number. i in making bed comlost lute for cotton-bhttlt- tg QKNAr ft'-fechootmiittirr'.Nc 110, Thei- - forter!. Vv I :.f MENTAL andTIMBBB TBXE8, hardy ad f No 112, Tbrf tender GBABS-another rine FBUITING tra.,No 111. Man-ag- e. never nut pine. in BHBUB8,-bes- t rarietibarof.STBAWBEBBT hearts Ko 113 A, Primrose; 2,Cowslip; flTtadiei- - tbonld roses should be , theirmouths.; Their. lipa PLANTS, BOOTS hod SEEDS of a great-Tawithout thornsW ahoW ihel jr .faith - bythSlr Ugrifthemen would 'faith of! goOd , many works, ban potted of bqth-,aend old Varietes, ' ' no lnthederil. to ore einfee newiif tkfqTerri-- ; manyg v' vmVi, jphkh , j . . to , 'i. jftape, a,; tory. lycymili will' bp taken iq packing, - ; pg" There is aapurple half-n ordered frour k distance:' are said to fetimsouhalfto peach, ennny half to and sending ul L1' ffry Seten thousand poisons re i 'k J v..? to r v half bettef man, a and the JE, 'JOHNSON."!, globe., V degth oa' the Island of the r;.Ti : :RMhp Is' itottbe place which Jhahw the It r. fin person bbnerabte put the person- makes From iMsi.iUafseta yesryAfla'. , crops, hepaeeso.,jfj-fv'.V.?;.va-vfi.'z COWr HbnS akiea and White rrpli ; Atrftartt jrrayp&ytjr orfiitjr ttydmg one btindle u frmn eeren to nine, yeSrs be shaped; short Erigente, wears jpg-JEmpress red six or eeren yean old..- - Each eow-- ; i daUj.. t Jy shirts so as hex odists and. tae display shoulder a brand pfwh or 8 : , " T haring oft;biaft. are wohder where ':.v. V:.'" sell, inch with in the eentre.-1- . V eirelty J asr she going?: sighedherFlora, pensively. tub-yelsVenf olds; arltW sanwrCQd Alhq. finger to ' (pThrre tTp bdt two married.wemen. thin,, delicateBoated Jolnted-wittoad four years eld, Also, COW, rpeckled ?.'Arizona la.tbit in funeral masses Tkwttory. 4 im branded E I oiT the. left hip. ;t 1 think. they are going in tbs v sky.'stly Ati aVengs' of .300,000 ibs, of meat Any- penoui .giring information ei tpB ' her to thunder! replied brother, consumed in New.Tork city dailr. Vy- - any of the.aborf stock to 1he,Editor,.'wili be li berally rewarded. ff.V .;c i her to er little TAjihotb try! ngget ctU ons JUl alsep daughter vsi.lhreayears, OfT, STlUvE D iii iTOLlK! whydohSyou 'night. Hid to hii "Anna are appearing In Wiscon-b- y try to xo to sleept' MI am trying, eh sin replledl-- ( "Bat 'you luVnt shut your eyes! millions; they appeared last ia.1849- F. JUUflSOg and O, Ty JeBAJRON, togetbet' i ' , 1 I 'I. " fgSFVfbj Is life the riddle of all riddles? '1 At ' t I' jf to with pome COWS and OXBN, har lets thef v.--i- . , to It Because all ws'muat up. etay, .glea youre going gire - .411 Summit Greek' and jQosheu-range- c ' .:' :V! " : ...1 the'j. I W", to a. jtlWT tfa this sftepiooDweaid little, boy a s cattie wallow marked a the with an fork is four the in, among turkey legged maternal of his parent.. Why, laieat - WJ' left ear wh S part bare a crop ojf add pait ady yisitor - so. my we always get btft apli in . the , right' ear.-.- The older catilo aiqboyfiCause, o Ua. is. when.there .! icakee company branded on thehorn Jj pr D T L-- while a ' L the lady MlVMlj y r- Didnt. that boy .catch1 ; bare fi V J branded on tbe left aide.' !'. fiX-t':.'- 1 f the abore deseribed we are. particnihe to inir-new articles to generally, prefer fb'r ai&riyh old.Bed .COWlbHto'ded.V quire to the old malde. T? Lon theChorn ahdnd-ypinigracious! ezelaimed an urchin oldbh the I a r d Boah STEElt, ; ah' on English beholding la Netr ork; footmen A Ooshea-VailiSsbifiSSS! ; also a yf y It is well, Very. parrlage'wlth)thtea - ikamensd'-lhftSTIEB thakhkf, . latelyto make ' Britts&eret take1 three if It don't, about lUnche. Cheney. a ' .jv bn: bigger 1 Wh90ec.wift produce, any of oug Sltrajs,bf i ' ? woman in Powtiai VI Jdeolaiii gie ipifbrltioq .pf . thpir whynabonU, shall ' tT .'' oi. y; t ft y- . ;' V -- -- - -- w miscellaneous. 1 mt -- it py ,,,TBATEm; :j - ,r 5 ? a - . -- - - . Itsh-yearojd- r. rein1 r. those-elouds- : ar . h - r;-vr- r- l . i r. - . fCg-XOc- . usts v- S - j- -- . r - it-wh- - i. . en v 10-ye- ar new-mad- es a t : 7 : s y a NewAdVertiseinents. isA I ; r parte of pyA neW? ntlf. madei of eaoal with a glass fun and freih airHd-take- u of cold three times djdayle -'raid to . be . a sere r emedy for - melancholy.'1--'- n ;boy. who undertook a,ridsya is, nqwt;actis logon a saddle , of mat ton without' Any atlrrtpsri?',f:' ' i i bj r :tt it J 11 rhddod endfons are tiie t- EyAmericau horse-radis- h, V jiridt e( tbeVBrititMnpmMriil.E.: The I icr hataan hoUi-man- a nets. or eipon v sae-vo- ' full pHce for hia kind ,f' .. j' ah Scales! vjcoexbebI ,lot.:of any him to sni either bj pijuef gadlens, ro'r Single' gmllon--i- a tinegar.1; Also' tomatoes by the salt hol&aOaV.. : r now ready tbg, saiey orexehange for I hare, .well'.aelseted Gnoumber a fine grain, in Sickles, ' ,. ; '9 is' Vieerlpt-Tariet- . HAVE in my possMslon, one light ifop grey db 0 rT. LefiAftONrr rB, FJOHNSONi HOBSE; six yearsold, branded.lt B : Lake Spring Villa, white and. Aug.l2. A left fhoolder. pacer. Oneltie OX, siX years old, : branded , axuiA pa fiiSimfczfffc-- ) left here; dahp eninp.' One ted QX.' ten yean . .. . the rump bng faorns, bob tmL old, white The pwqera are requested to ceae immediately and vbay damage and t niodr. , themfawf-.!-pnpirtjr; ' f W. 1IENDRNHALL, owner gel and taka aWa.y: vpjibgTiUeUtali cou S - AY N OT i. EST-- 1 I'-'.- .. Or nhl, fresh seal of any sise Alto Pdnndkeepez SantoqnipVAngir..'!? tuj5usdx V '...7 df'e- i- FBOM Bash Yalley ot ler aboat lba .es2h.lMtaf June; two BAFHQ-BSBS- ; one sersathe other eightyears .aobrinded B q andthojluspe qf ion.hivtbn left. ahonb3. other with a. fwbi,t spot- - in the, fore- dfr, tiie hbad;-- atid both had Hebodl air ineb. in aiae V: ' or iiher mitically tealed . a few bhoicO MeionSj'neWin time; together with -. ;' other, regetablel suited to the'SeasOn J-- ; 'v-'i '. JyHXSoir, - 5fde4L 'ft. frrqfth'ooL.ji:Snere Wpton if --.V Lakh ' Utah w,'..- -! ,, bb?y vhay . Pony: and e Waek; Aiql yrUh- - v Oardens, r rt r sv ; jr v hxfonnatioh Vqf .their. ; ,. ; -- - s " :V.i -- : B3TA. 'r v'w - - Jpgthefadmen vsmell . hbJTpbeecoj , ypmei .8? r'?. rt - vV V ' J i! QAitDi'T lieisWt --A';!1': y of; wblskeji ; Of v j ofthkACn; S!!! fie Aug. Id::; y.-A- - II -- mi li. - SW-nyud- si CA8ANOI I'lfjl ; sh A tto o hslinei-v,emoking and ed rarietiMgabnine; CaielUBy-toawehew, yjdvaa flue as oouid '.by shift'. :bx- - znrj.:.Tvw Seadsinan and r dealers . farhiskad an' Wowwadyftr. sleeping rooms aloft. nvUarL'a - ssttshpUt lN,Cmjp, t Wnriw nadyihtiine, a AfrgS. assqrtmch t hWTjghtto (he prsaent ' seasons gfowffi;of.ths seeds of &' r. ix chebwegetables.id ,4Srs,r gioW wjth hteinTenteda tgy.iJsitoBmisliaate car with: kaniatory-railwa- rr. -- nd A-i-ua , fbirtenne ' ' HivO ' V;.'-- te ?s- isrf.ef 0 i , j i:6iPtiw Lekt b. ;.. v-- , - - . y r - v' . v - . V N: i ,W -- |