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Show ll. f- - -i l'r Ir Sj&E.V ;a ft ; jfVTe aar Come for pur Fajr i;' v ' . Pw ' 1 .v. 7 ' ' - ' o f 'i.l't - E. R A C L IPair. flf i i :r .i ' M itc r - yim Jr'i i . . r' i' - upon a time (so the story goes), Tbs Board of DTrcetoTsof!tbe Payso' We, are eorryto.? announce, that the oertiin man (perhapshis name was Board of the Deseret Agri Braneh oc the, D.-- A. &.3L' Society b.tiv - .3r'of Directors i i 'V .V j;, Sithor Brown), had been .making ?iis cultural vand Manufacturing v Society uecideaupon Tuesday, tuechinst.,a!. . i r : . . .mutton from his neighbors floekj free of expense, for; a long time. The sheep. ' f? iieellj. missed anil the owner' Watched the flock and saw the thief approach and commence talking to the old hell xam as ihqugk conversing with him t. and making a bargain for the muttph he was carrying off, admitting that the pre- sent was the tenth .he had taken. The owner said nothing, bnt thought how he would manage The1 next morning the lover of mqfton found the old king, of the flock rattling his bell j, tied near his 'door, with a bagon his heck containing' a bill for ten .sheep,' reoip ted, and the Ominous words, (1 hare come after my .paj. The" dealer in. mutton Carefully and aofelj placed the amount of monej for the sheep. in this bag, loosed his'ram ship, who hnstenod home, jingling 'his aonsj and bell with apparent pride, and thus one mad saved the scandal ofex-posur- s, and the other got even. ihs analogy is not just suited to our osition with our subscri p and jet we think we ean discerns ronnyandhope the parties alluded to .will bs equally laekv, for we. want our pays, bnt we are' Wittiintwinakw $2 greenbacks, when two bosbelsof wheat waa oar due, We shall expect to reoelv e personally, or through '.our agents one its equivalent in ; bushsl of ; wheat,.-oother payfi on each' subscriber, an d of neglcct we .that;! too aobn;v ,hall be obliged to resort toiomemea- -lures tb eollect the whole amount Origiv nail your due last harvest, .visrtwo -- bushels of wheat for each subscription, ' V 4: : (--Art tim Last Gait ! 7- -. Our ? agents will pUca' ds cnier'.hew pblign iions if .they will endeavor to offset' a settlement with our. deliDqunt;sub8cri-- , '; . non-payi- ng -- r - . ' I.:-- . Je8 J ... ; , ? ; here bycolleotjng of tkemaccording 'to iustructionr.abbut eontiuned.' We r are in need of bread. and bread is our " oar due, and we maathave it of .those who have raised it' this year, at leaat 'eiact resnjtow . i .only ler us know t whe& . d an wof may call much on band d If this wjont dowe have but a l. for. ili collect It by j.cho ice yof ; : prbcleas'of lavr, or go,w iihout and pub- too 'carries Vt 6 tUl b1thV faatnis 1 of thosV ' X fe- -- - - U; i5H- twp)-things-t- i.-- ; - j.o . i 4 :X newspaper. py for their .b j w Uts j of pgTraocl a 'Kay.spn' - Banner tba Star Bpa;nrled for'trsaaoqi h -- z's J . t author i of has betn ar-fsst-ed 4 'm " :! . have- - coDoludcd to hold no .State Fair " 'W' ."T V .r .J - .. t V the, day on whiob, to aboIdtih6rAQniufc ; 'i1. Exhibition.' ,It is ezpectcd thattall .. ' cles'jntehdedfor exhibition will ba Y hrougVt in pribf,to,iQ oclock on theday of .the fair andthe commiee ill .be V:r prepared to rVceije. them', theflay. pre- vipus. All persons interested in the fub- jeets connected withHhe Exhibition' are J. . invited ; and , requested to. be present, bringing any and. all .articles - worthy of note either of igrWaltc!rejmahafacVnre, art1 articles of 'obriosity;- - Lii i plo- - , A mas will be awarded ror azticles of tbo first and Second class, add Competi tidi opened for all wbo wish ta'atJehd? Y . . the present fall. ' Several reasons liavo conspired to this do terminatio n,'one of whfehis the iabk'of funds, in the trensu-ry.the Society, imd; another,' doubtis less, the shortness of crops from lack of water in Salt Lake' City and 'some other locantios: We hope mattera wtll bo mote propitious. by another season A We would suggest; that the' Assoeia 1 tion adopt measures for pordiasiBg a pTntt of ground in or near Salt Lake City .'for the uso of the Assbcia their use while it mnyi.hb obtained at reasonable figures,' that in time, it ihay !be enclosed and euitabte ball dings erec rTo Ccoii Ehxcxatisx. tbisjfrpu tedy that we. may have a ednvsnieiit and blesom e, 00m plaint is quite prevnlentu permanentr fair groiinds.. This coarse these latitudes and . . altitudes, wp apppnd will ienhanee'nnd increase tha in teres ts S'1 remedy-whicseldom fadla tp.rclipyei iYY" in this. direction va'stly ' and ;at.onoe a Fut draQbm ops of.sulpbuxiaaid in-tmake a permanent thiug of .the Aasoci-atioa pint of watery prepared-b" W; boilings Go to now, nd 4o itl, ? and cobling'' Pdt into" a- - battleand , 1 , - . w . . pf . . : j . . -- . , : r . 4. - i -- " As 7-- 1 . o: . n. y r- Garden .; Hints, X . -; - , ,j'c t Bnnnixdr-.lthanghit is late in the! season' f of such manipul ation thtre-i- s . r up" T akV th'a t ab es poo n fu , '. in Voter tbriceadayuriilallia takeiu shake , yet.tiraa"before the,2Pth of ttlua month to bud sueli trees'as iuaye been neglecfed. Let the time .bc'improv,ed &tv9ped' ' sh Potitina Plasts--X- o w'ia the time, io pMce jpurplauts in pofs preparatory to winterVtlodmmg ih' .the ,house.uch care should be j taken inf potting, which should bejdonV towards stemihg fh?n for well wetland jst'stand. in ihe-fjaseierUl dkym .Daclias, : taberpses,. . gladiolus and such likp til stems should be tied carefully tOAtatf stake set in tfip. ground to . ds 1 1 - s7. Meahtim0,hajjiVthe YV ; :30l!fi.i.; - . -! &qna am- i 1 Nxw a!ki Sbccxssrcr.TEKTrar- iAbout tbe first of lait Juner Mr.Ol-IIWbeeloek sorted ficpi Squias cfiunty with a wagon load& witb;a osgff ofJjOtl obickens.i Thisr VMs hluIed; by twq - 5 -- v ;! . yoke:of cattle: and arrived tbs Noithern Mines(with a Iqm of aboni 50 cbickens,) in:28 AdaysY 'Thsss 450 . t T s earlrflo'ft'-rrngbulsuch;a8tulips,c(ms,b- y D., - - ; - KWfcl: . -- ,J , . s A posterf,-labels,cardsrnffieial.c- - I v safoly-a- t . BcLBS.-Allhard- j v '. - - frost,-tho.root- f ; - protect them against the jhard winds So soon hs kilVed by the $bickensbrought'heirownr abontv should be taken up, dried, an d p u t away, thousand dollars in gold as nonwae old at'a'pries' less' than ;j)lperipairk UaxdT' l.9oa jdAJ j and 10m j.seld at $5.: vTbis is a 9$f and should be- - planted out- next month'in pajring branch of, Utab IcOmmcr soilyreltMared'ahdeliilj i Suxco. Commencing fo toorkvp'thm with glittery ;wbieh phould vbe. removed Crop. In this region the sgrgotoQrka ; Sbon after ShbW dissppears in the Spring. wollaad it irmaWiig a fine . KS: ly!j crep'. At ' tbeirilfli so bf wcribin njpiioxi . Blanks Job 'Tyork&c''--- ; j Faysotf me twelve, jiajs goY So Ifat assure ihaf :; lXbt it bef einembered that we sire pre-- 1 learned through-thieohniy the. ordp is pared with as gpod ajobt omce and jqb jeherall j.goudii Vp V if and : printer as thern is in tho. Territory to will.be carefully saved apdworked , up, Orders fpr and; Wi J 1 ,T d oubtl ess ;execute,;wrih depa.tchrAn . pr0 due a f S U rpj u S . r ' ft' ' this'wk liEiiavo'thera bills,. loath of is yorj other blauksbook work Aol Jobs done little ijSdnjo-i5.r'' J4 pisi n or ornamental, or jn fsney CojoVs where , the ACrgp ,fd alsa reported. 'gdod. s ' Garda plain,--: fahey; colored, chromatia and ihaprceeavof makingff'sVectcuing?. f moyirfing (any sixej n kand.Yeommenccd at St. GcQrgpyug. ? ' c-- 2 ounces sweet joilv oupee msnitf ounee each of oil origanaDitr--i j amber lnd fworm woodvrell aha ken tbgelber;If his dbnt roll eve, go. to a water cure. or root doctor. r 1 ... 'j . . 11a -- -- r. - ; : .! - |