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Show :f '. . 11- i,'-- f f V : : : ' J"-:.' i; iircrtS-- .vv "V r e aatv o M ' attend Jto. wli a good mi with is jiard 3io matter, very ' nure heap and water plenty, to .gather fioin an acre 75 bushels' of wheat o.r ore, or lOOor moreofpats,20D of beendone.am ' ,v 1.. a. ' can be again upon each ground we are harvcs t i ng m eagre crop from."We it would be- quite' easy to raise ; I from thre.eto four hundred .gallons of molaaaec from' an mere of ''sorgo ii the publish? dttmi-monttily' : O l!. J HSONr Esitdi a' PBiumtki proaeas. of.prepating grband planting Ji JOHNSON- and-- , cultivating is managed t?D 'PjiofiToiU properly . t " ?' t c3jniJkr.f. ybij&3&y and : vr in time. jY ijjV t ; i' TMS:-;. cash-'S- i. i i vWa ask Tonr iarmera' and horticultu; iKiimnr. y 3 :OnlaiMiiviiMii(.lrii(tltiMi.'n rists and eren fruit- - growera to make, si w mu K aimgl Ut, Um Ihu Dm Dallw. ImI IwitUi. hots of this and try.' 'the experiment ,.X iTiiai bUtatrr KUh' prU mi Aq. Their UUfir IhMn'hI good sense will teaeh tnem that the v UM pHliM vlAnlUarn x :, theory. is good . Now for the1, praoti ce All CHMptitaN MiiWiUmHl U lit HIM et them try it and announce the result . Villa. ,. ';TC - Sawing Scedi. seed '. . lv ' - he-belie- V 3i t i 'f f- j. A -- itn , . - j if . .... . i ve CnptopKious y. V ; I rini mnnu)ni & - Ay.:: ''0; ., !, - ; V --' f , Wluail fF . -- J". . . ,..-- -'- ; 'Well tilled, ' r ised ta-ia original proverb, and 'yet Aor heed to r understand !Ji4W . . - W 4many . W 'fail, t i. M.;the leas6n that; short sentence teaeheS.' fiow' hard itia for soM rto: understand ihit flme 'oere weH fertilised and Jweil , - H'- : . . -- V ,fcf V 4 ... r;tUM U;irorikMt ih&aihreeo&reieii - ffPrf . Js v a rw -i sV n - r '.L t v Too mueh oarelesaness is generally evinced by f afrmers In the neglect of saving their garden . and field seeds, and thus 'when the .time, of , pi anting' comes around they may ' bave Jo purchase an artielehfeyiq to what was.iosVby neg-ieet- .i' Seeds should Only bo sated from the1 cKoicdst of vegetables and ; if pos- fable gobdsf nsethat it .should ;bo canon CS .M - . .r ssedgrowers. would be diminished ; and that is as it should be. So Iai as possible "let every one : furnish1 themseiTss with seeds of useful and valuable articles for the garden - Fa rraetfsra!! -: v plantiugand at,-timo-o- ; genuineness. ' VV e are aware that should our adrice bo followed the interests and labors of . - 1 i We regret to announce that the times are unpropitions f or the maintenance of ah agrieultural journal in .this Territory. This bsing the snd of lhe first yolume we have done all we promised, and l(got' out of the woods but we will assure we our readers have, had (a bard road to travel a o faras heljp from many Of them was ooneoxed. Now wo' purpose anl cam soihe. bread re to rest-w- ork and prepare to go on With the cuperate next volume aa soon a tbe 'pcopte are ready for it and will; sustain, it with a gqod prepaid subscription list; Until then we must change thestyleond eha- raetef ofour, paper, by adopting, other', more interesting subjects-- er abandon or lesa ibe. quill for more remunerative . J ,.. I. f. J. - . -- ; . . caxniT-able.bnsine- ss. , sible these that mat ure. early.' ; We cant well aiTord to work l all day Of sell To and seeds eaf rots at'tend ed to an1 gather equal produeing :onapttniprnailio'UiVfronitfSIi- - o write editorial and jamoun t of; crop. wi thbalf tbe xepoe, ii j7': ?brfaiidtaX labor of roots grown among .the grass wseds or to pay--t-o nothing sy for the'' 'of the for ; production 'v;,i4.aV by the roadide is a praetieS very . r;V sy. the b.irrigaUon, paving convenience of many who forget to pay ' - r t'.v 0 ." ? jdr the. seed Is Jwonsthan Os. There are How many ountenUhemselves wijh a many honorable exeep- .erop!of 15 bosheia Of wheat 25 of ocrn yalaeleasraud likely fo make worthless whtehwe have mentioned in the rots and mshy tt11 probably gO to abed some of :,jbr 75 of po.tatqeawhjen with tub ground ihafirafe'yWfi'-.tsVl.Vdof &. ('roll honor ahd; othewise !Itll?jniuittTd ecpJy.piQWcd and well cultivated they inight Obtain treble the ; Tbs jelection pf good and eholbe seed Our-CounFair and Rces. yhouldf not j&beoiSbjt to the guden & it i .j r.ss In tbc yrasent number wul bc. found muiri b loosened snd pul v er i ed to forwheat. oats rye and bartey should the announcement of sbVbdepthfbrlthorobtsand' fibresof be aelebted from; that part of the field !,air to which if to bethe coming County appended or eon- ... &hft crop to gainv an actiou,.uppn .and where the .largest 'amd fullest ..heads and earliest.; ripening appears .Of eorn neete.a trial of speed of our swif teat are left td,flourish then, wher. weeds " i. f two quadrupeds' just bo much nourishment. is taken lrom the tbfcearihbutd be selebtedwhere AlthougbrVi'are'oppossdrtorbetting 'your Oropl17-i-t ii; like'f beding twO pigs perfect ones grow. on. a stalk. . Tbe eareom- ;ainblingaDdhors.eraeingin:the ; heads? from large leanes r of sorgo ron aa amount requiredfor oneboth ly Jh1fni be leatf' and 'bomparatively Value- -. should be tsken whUe yct stabding in mon. aceeptatioir of 'the term yre opina ihtentionVnd styleof tha t pyo- - r thefield.v-Th- s potato ex shouldbe large, that the K yV. irrr'U i;l iyi smoOtii i ahd earli'est' rlponedB Beans pbsed.if o as 4.ifiwfsedii?slculated ' !t. "VWedoat really, need.thr amount .of , Ar. J tj. 'rj ly to bring lout our best and astest .with the for good is ;:isndthatwe plantarapidlygrown supposb neeessary jrom i v 'o iT--ii r.: i . r. i0- ri' 'Vsustenance j buzdeii of jttop.ahd .long pods ; and so torses and, to :etatc a dlsire forthe im- .of ourLamuUes.bat would Vof: breeds, oj?? horses in the ''..V v'live mueh easierVbetter and more tidily on Ihrongh delist dfcrops.'; $ivsVeedbi iroveinent ' t mu. ' jIAl' leTritOry;: Wedoubt not but 'apleas- in timeofilie.iargoipirfinestan ant and:; exciting time is in stpre,.Wo estlptiL thbm m bags plainlV marked, .'b not discover thatthcBoard ofDires-or- s do save nd. Lanf them up in a dry .place aecore have made the usual provisions for - he Competition of';equestriennee trouble and expense and, give room to yrom.miee?gi.ty (or Wedo not cuter into these'particu!azs ady equestriansaUd perhaps it is bet-e- r to leave alt such.mascaline sports be&actae'ivb think ouWeaders are ignor the 'or sierrr sex;and let vM manage nlliWe h4votod V lXltl p ranf of.thefapti sopatent tosvery one opce loek . on and enjoythe sport,' and. more, or a little more, all the better- - but just lo ativ them VPi Wf .pray, of such as heartily St they Coosq at the . .go in and JocTeasi reur domsiD and membranes' that, they may have good petformanec. r 4 . v. s. '.'vi'?' . S- . y a ? . lo'-on.Ith- - - save the expense ; of buying those of dqubtf ul use , . . . t la-f- r-' T"- - - 5 - rf- : rep-Vebensi- . bie' : i tjr joMtbf .crorohV' - V: . ii. . Ii' y : ' ; -' : : r ; T . A 4- ' A r1 ... . " 1- - wt mti f V I ' r V; V j- the-gentl- . ;r t r f ft a V v ' ii .1 ' - "i,. i- 1'r , . . - -- r ' . r . - - . : . . ' - - J . .... r? t e - . b ,v .s ;VA . ; v. "i: :jr&y |