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Show ' ' ': v Vv:' n f ; r J... l-j- i ;.5gq?4;t'!' &.tX:. -- ' 1. ; r... In-hti- f Wvt ry V;'; i- - 7.v.;-- Tar: ::.. fefrfr? T a mm mm 'in,,-;- Llootn.ndbear frvalJind MtrmiKm nroudei ttrirturen mfEorthyi . rV . .wftiffliw'r. aa;- Fertilizer. Svy.4 Preserver f he: Root a. inWoVof fjertilisfnti tT mateat fnoaRiMe mistake to :A0neif the beat t felOTerT; i ; lafcd! - ; i ;v .. .. Tt fl ,v. J :: Jrtla grbw lar oreferoppefl HDn TOQH IO n: urj.DVHUiliuu auiu jo fiom uiiyihey 3ie; aftd: then: rofc jhiey upon- themVsthiseroBirawea.; on thbHBk of the wit., the are'neTer in- i. better, condition b'etpfe. portion 0X ttf tj wiitrruni , vup. ''i :: mannra -- 4o a I ineTard braiicHei whtthrecin from the Tine than whenfhe itickine dirtcomes abo.fe ground but the air. loamesagjceat taehed toAtbe :rbos: of the; bulbr-rlh- e :carh6nie. acid- - also -- into the vX more .claT- tno better lonr ereat ob J "? v liira in this yfcT eight yeartj, with- - ject the rootf, whth.ctr ; amorfe; and earth ; should ' be; to"keep'thi widmeee uores inmuuvcvnuniuD, wj turned under iy the plo w," tha reaul t fto IK pointed oat: I veniing era port wun ;io uuiuu uwu Tine oiuU ioareely-inethod fually f formerlr followed .the -ifraoKicfd fcfa'U tfiitriot, j?mn4 ' obliged fto parehHei manure, to large be grown j cabef kepV ink stjtte bf eood branchea are pruned from the roots iuta small eaps,;4n the: field, Tke .smdUBt. lastsw without I k.-- vtnu WKWnir th nd' Of? Jttlr.Whiie woenr:,plled andt;vitheniHeiwaUing' feftilityas' gets ariea an caning xne. ear w: atilfreilf add !n?6itlf ?iey are'cui for; on a aecona oBBaiinz. Pewthe land Ideetfpajferis tans irom-wieupon tiiis as most imnortant-the- ; - uca.ittnru-tmerieanv'Ti'earth, thej:undergoajjutrefiwti6n' so f4ook' ' iue rouu. uciue 10attacoea eartn completely tha at tue ena or momn, ean be dot theemalleet ttaoe of them H4. s'i-- Kbinef-rinec8T- ': : T I 17 1 thr -. - - f : 9 !'-- i-- ' ; ilf ! ; ionjc-aa-lin- ft 1 m' ' nMrer Tina 5,1 s . - onesixdaT notheroets1 boapblied with nra&i t a iW- Kiiuwss any . crop, ana reTery in thejur effeeU.i The marked auraoie- - heavy and .crisp as. .when taken p more el?t pf1;; than- six months aebVi Keep .the air oul the of bones are taballj iieiC application Y tn lAflo anV: dun on my t"i neTard. period of f .;1pm four tb eight years,-- therefore I .Bxchange.: f r: beoftiriebbr;td;buy AMriaa.I would ma- been known ItexerAenrfci t Cattle from once.' fpr;ftfte'7ears.;:;Theytalsa ti. nt the tcimmiDMinmlo" tery yx4k:t nre-ren'exer: them thdliole, U.Q gmalt cise a mechanical- - effect upon jftiif"soils, V eee;4laeed PU: i coterfnk5 amriia--' earths ;a ear: I; We latelyilearned a' curt bus remedy rcnuen ng. uem .mora open nehporons9 more eaailt aetodVuboh. br thaaTa. and "from? to Steers feneea; I Jumping' prevent BTOWCi: '5, '.- - .,:;--r,;-'- - w 'ri J. ir:t y-- f Tiheyarll)6me.iuUeeutiful,jia IP 1; now my Tines grow- - eplendidly and th 4rhola aummer. ereen,.eyen, iA th ireateat heatjiAlli my imijrhbora WOflOer. 1)0 piy .T"eyaTO,..e.ao tiwu t, thai, obtain and yet they all know"! hare put no dung re-"Am- t in: :;ia:rmpw':m rsi on it . ij.iiinina.msM wjviuiu-- promjotcr ipf :x ww jeKJWKjft e&ten, and ja a good aobstitute iori atti- -, '.;:l4o:o ; 5 A. a tion pf light, air and moiture.V" That" ''elBsctuanhat-VHTelttb the tneyi possess the quality or absorbing: bears :."6 simply to clip off the eye- -, Rublic.; It'is the bpper lids wirn a alr pf off to the growing plants ;as'needf; sdssors andiUia .ability b disposition to jump-- is M: ffeetaallyi desttoyed - as :vm&:cu&&:.M& thieads;Srt? the I08B tff his SamnioD,l DOWAt waS-Dturning dark, it will do io begin to enW loekfiTheanimariwlfLiiot attempt a The great seereti of making od sirvp ii skimminff, quick good, aKain;WQf Tthis we are informed by S. small. quanUtiesv, TherefbpiHne,din: ore heat slower Thornef thelirea breeder of?taehes nrat en(ou xaptaiy tin nsatltr ne jiaa tea ivjai VountT, .wnQ asaureu u done then slowlyV P .a hot to borni sea it upon a.pr,gt rj:urcciiy oxen Aa it irasof,, great value tor him he bbpes !UAW CAMOTElDPbt ttert Into aub of crater anaub'jthemord,. t - ? : -- V : CoaJtiFoMiti Assoon'as all?th poor; light- - seed xlll Msa tb' thb' the eorn is'eut it ihuuld baatackad about topjana feay'te nrne!;efCwMlblthe( let out to range oyet poles, nr seen, rees jong, cev nrmiy in ine be pounda aiOglaXayfrwith tops in Uie it in the sun, andL pnt.upflseiB.ai will sft Pottbey ithould the yard and gardon ' : x Otrltrxd . -- tn bueyp1ekin:KtuiedoV;t;. They bate tier lapping by the VolevtTbc cn- Conwtocks Edt a4 4nlehief;binFaJ imiateVanddq ,l a io the rttoetbef or twU ter shtmld'be the highestfMInaisiway Champaign coij Ilk, uu harry to xeturn zspauw.pioweaup an' acree ied the soiI-a- tlie rati of;unaiy.puirer Jjghttr xwtf oar three Jiaye impnaenmenf r;v; ; -- if V With TtnesaT Chiets;;wh.nvha!f:gAira .'v-fat tnan m"ore old heni v Jit':.-M, sat ;afr mneh! aaltf in ;tt as wjli lH. iMia mvi r deiibratelT at mealaVraatf tarafav.t.li A ' - |