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Show C ' r ."1 - ' lv.. - - . 1 ,AW r ;' 7; ' '7 ; Tt. V 1 - , Ev 'F-'-L ' J V. .'?, iPnti thatwill lea;rsing ,v 't r flower; '"' ' K W" ; :,' Jt.; i ;,l ; ene-showers- ' knot cnt r appaaredto be up gepia lea iir especially when.we wa ' I R?8 M-'- . O-- ll ' 't . i . V .'v LB A ?6 iii the BrldalGliamber Dpalh , --in incident; of ilie ' Ilom- r bardment of Cbarlestoii;- 7 V' tenant Dc Rochelle has' sworn' teerishm and we are battle against . sure that ha will keep hie; oath-- ' !He haa : v . ?; J,;!! half o' double; motive to hato theta and hie. j,''v'; 4 7 .v 'The1 Yankeeef-fro. existence... tlme,to time, thfow. own 7 a heU inta the City and nobody seems to 1 ' Our entire community ' sbare the gilef , mind it. 'Biit mlsfortanO'wilied that yes- that afiSlets: tfie family of Gov. Pickena . The obsequies of Miss'Anna will ocenr to- - ... , the , entire terday a . shell;, ahould throw c. ... morrow norhing it' ll oclock.' ; Goter- - ; into community mparnlng. f ' Alias Anna Pickene, the daughter of 'our nor Pi((hi ana Xiantehant'.GaRechelle, V be. 'Consented. to former Governor, nefar chief monrnerevrOnr leave will the" city.. Despite ihtf 'representation of. desires that.there shall he' no military, pa- General Beauregard, she remained brav rade The funeral cortege will e compos-a- d of all onr Jadies,: a our magistrates, ; log' Shells abd - Greek' fire,' lendingf.thee. wounded and cheering all, with )Srrprea-encall our generals, and the wounded soldier,' .. 'Among the wounded 'officers uhde man j. of whom Cweiheir liyes to the do- - .. ' o decea sed: h r minisleng carowas' Alt. Andrew votion Never has womai '7 re- -. been followed trf the grave by 06 Dcdlcenklle, adesceBdant of one of baa ona left sadder rcuenf- - r nobleat.'Huguenot' families of 'this eity. greta--D'e' This, young man. .was full of. th. liveliest bran'cea in the hearts of Cbarleatenians fair huraej: gratitude gkva (Charleston Mercury,' ; April' 24. Efatitudefor'ha : v -. y.,vn?l. tender, aentiment, hia suit IGteiiedJ.toV Governor Pickens rave : fi yq Qpir. Wa heard of 4 hi conaeint iind' ' the 'marriage was fixed ; married young couple who recently atlm--de- d .i-r for the 22a ofprih r.Mi exhibition of Dissolying Viaws. an ' Lieutenant DeHbchelle was on doty, at' bride being pretty, attracted the attenFortSuihter inthe' indrniog, and' it waa, Th? tion of a stylish looking city gent who ha p- deter miiied that the ceremony ibould take aama. seat. with: the pensd to'ofcopy - the residenoe of Gen. 'Bonham in twain' During Chethe fd'ace t the andienco exhibition . evening at , eeren oclock' At . the. the of hail part obscured, by moment when tbe Epiicopal . clergyman same accident the light was entuely cxStin- was asking, the bride if she was ready a Pending tbo 1 'shell fall ftpoh the ;of the buildings penetrated to the room where the company accidentally), wereaS'Sembledhn'rit!' ' tM ? wounded hand 'bride,7who was too much .nine persona,- and einoh'g the rest Mias alarmed to ' offer ;: This bold Anna Pickens.; We cannot describe' the set wis followed resistance. a holder;-"- - eertainly by scene that fallowed- Order was at last re uot accidental, for tno city . Lothario abeKtgbliahed and th wounded were redior-eda- ll kissed the bride.' .' This was too ' except the bride; Who lay motion-; solutely' much and tho young wife resolvdd to' tall the-'Yankee- , . . - . : - tf ver my . V - . : phioh jiMr provedfory grtfffnl to yege-l- t! L. i Ratios; ajfoponiiderable windweather Vv 7 1 ? : . r:weapnR : ;R - -- . b ee4,fill ; curious flowers will,. bo obtained. ' I. . . ..! jtftiWf 4TfP ae.rSince oiir'lMt wehar e T !.s' - !: V 'l theppljenfrpm thff e is allowed ; 9? oihw pianti, 7t .fh rhole beil wUlbe hybridised and V ' the', following year , crop 'Ofinfenpij b'e produced X)ii the other wjll flowerq $ "if the plants that hear single flow jiud, r.rm , : . ees which prp- - arp apptp hayq , ; e :: ! vV-;- -- v ! wi' S , being-al'feady Xrexjthing, at present ia tiie line of ' yegetatlon lopkf and grows finely. '. ih?. ihat, iv late prowlaidns ot Coneress. the Com .. mluioncr.ef Jtarieolture can send and re " .eel re uocupieiils and parcels if seeds, rpota 4 the amount of 4 ponpds catUngfl," nrV ' without payment; as the franking pTirl- erly and trying to f ; 'V;r'-- lege tft tatbepaiftinent; 4 that walled from a.iterrlbls wound her lA breaat.- .A surgeon came, and .da fv. ft1?-X-llclaretf dikt Mias AnhaPIckeaa had not t?7 f tioii of pork raisers andfsrxners. to adwer longer Chan hqiprs to live,' We cannot r paint-twoulda ilsement -in another 4rcolumn. ; If Sni4 taapair, ; , .; w f.v. a yon ri i Whari the .wounded girl: recovered con ; make pork irilb hijMti ordinary aipoont acioninras ahe. asked to know her fate; , of feed t s Aliy necessary, look outaiid whan .they hesitated to tell hers f Andrew, she said, I beg you to trll me the truth. ..h i'vdkli jmproTf ,y - . v-- - 7 ? . 6 . h - - yfl, " 1 - . to , j : j ' .;' ; ' V ' . - , ' ,M' . j 'j, onr-hreedf- Pajcts iJn T'Hopnc ' WtTa FwFhi: hfow iS tLe time for potting plants toy yrih Wd : sULi have a ' pbolea . eoU iecUohfoK wi'ntef hloolhg S LetithoM 4 who have.; aa tiiato YorrJt&i .baautiful send p.7.'as?:. . r; 7lheir'Oi'den'aleng.;time.''i'&' If I must die,Icaudie worthy Tbb young sbldfero teen was hia answer; and Miss Ahnainmmoning all. her. strength attempted to ihile; v;i Nothing could' b more; neartre ad efrig tub to.ae the agony of the brave jtlrl,sttnUng fe thembraca of death, , and against a terrible ; fhprtal Pickens; 'whose courage pain. Governoralmost-withouconscioust is knevrh.was ness,' and Mr. pickens . looked upon her child. with the dty haggard' cys1 of one' ' B '7 ; wHpsa reason totters . Inectenaivt DeRocheUft was tha first to will file' soon spekai " Ahna,V. he risd, twbott'irouUhiw yea.1; die Of you.1 - -- - -- ! v- - . '"..i f; L 0 f'l'. . flj.'- ' E. i5 ' ' ear't'TV;7,-V7!;;-l.CiT'frjnp'doafi?-?3fa.iw- (m - SB bspwih5 T - V -- - - 'V . 7 ;-- the other eieht' cb ildreni one of the latter :--' Srf .totlii,ifStbAng?;7 - - j- ' : mm 4 OaroIfniujQaalkaa' nini 7-7;- ' - .r i J ir ai J Slamesa Tvrlos.h'ra wtfll MTlW - , garTha JJio'rth' .. :v fri - : . r, V - ' y'; ', , . v 'K- - .! v. t .. 0. l.r a hr.vhusband,. wbxh; shddid,; , Wbft4s following whispering colloquy took place; ThUf el low bera 7 ' JbbnP ' MsWhatt is' 'WeIl ; said Johti ilka to; yon tell him.'.Tho gehtlsnUn'a a - SrixxorH noil Alx. A student - of an American atats.pollage had baftfl '.of xla.. deposited iihisxopmontraryj'ofcburse, vtilo'aiMi haaga.'He received a : tohe. iurhmefii to appear! Before iho Preaidant, Who said, 'Sir,' I jam 'Informed ,thet , yeu teem.? your have h barrel of ale in 1 n Ar- -- ' vYee 'air;? V, 7 vlsssi and not wishing to stop, nt the various places wh"ere the be verkga j is - 4cts lied f ,to. ,my to have , a barrel taken concluded r f . fi j f Optto g . w ,v &: i f' And have V indeed benefit- frodi the use of v yon derived any. $ 7 iwl" ijji Iv MAy.7y:es,vsir. wa tha .barrel yhef hardly lift first taken to, my room.I-.conl-' the grea test It; ndvri ;can ckriylt ;with " -' easS.Vi't?td ;stVA; ' &u rt ' . . - - iij Tf tf tf sSS8&ssmiMm her Stained with hair disihevellodthohad never been moya . as she wae, Lientan Iyutlfulrr-Helplea- a ing vesulu , rfis proved by the foUftwing 4 hand; and'feqdest-iD!fiiRoelullitMk.fitjr gqssipirA pajrtx met the otfiqf night, apd the ReV Mr Gickiiison to prdbetcMrith Sq4 formed a- chain,' end when' the fldid toa cerembny. ? Whan it wka time fH tha wa in in67efiaeat, a ma;ned lady fvi aaant childrsq the qaeatianV'Vltow-7mhher lips parted sevdying girl. toaay-ye- , 1" eral times, 'but ihe' could not' artieulato. Eit qrfopr, Tajp.Up,, Ujutap At laif thowdrd'waa spolun; anda alight raplied'tne fable : mlj vb$dtfhil I? ez- claimed tha lady ad all other Prlsanyj I6v$ rote47riis;r7 Jhedvlng agony was near. as ho hr hnabapd cacao in and aaked the aamq 4 Tbi minister proceeded with 'thd'ccremoity'Afi :hohr after wkrd'All r was uver, andtha ; bridal ,sirfi Th. effect, ridoW.hr.Ahisnay bridal drosg-sail- ; - y - v-.;- .frr - ' -- d pain WHO- straggling fh her spiri( IaV'!W; joyad for the mast ery. vLyinz upon, a mi, her . i A pertain judge having been called on t -- t ' , --fc was sur prised at the refusai,' $t;wse Jransnoil notorious that niimbcis had ;: 7':;' od by hi jfelca.1; ? :? t i . fij ; - - : bl; iif! 'O lv- - ..v i rt m syoaa, . t .roodiftw ; ypur vSureihers?spkptt'pf a aura, lowadw-.'-iV..iQuito 'And:no cold air from' h . window, Jy. your h," P -- avT AitxJ!:? thanityoi,rniy I'JQa!tf t vf j1' V L r . . 7 ;of-.tii- ? . y . Sed.' V ". X.M ',1 V . . WHSffcftvi a. - r 7 r . f' ' - |