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Show T Jsfcv. bW. J - .. ; r i ' '. jt ISA , . - - . i. VjfiH'B :J -' XlolT y.i'VifIZFifr1'"' ,f feTol t to .atrip jibe Hottf n A alto the fioude slrinjr.fhsin; Then, the doors ipiftL hfti lqull 'iurt.afiri lathe Hacii-a-it enough to keep the house worm, till it turns yellow; then-- riiis the fire so that it dries itont in 48 hojirc. If I get the fir too4hijh I th row epsathe doortill itfcobls'oflVv Whs i It is dried out 1 let it hang sevoral days until irdrasrarTIanipdesai tdttrftt Itfit M handled wilhoatbrtaldnje-TjM- n It, is. tsked down and piled In ahouse for the1 urpose, until it takes a sweat, when read y ', L :.' ff ... :rV W.V Caked Li ; ORAC.Li j Th 0intus.IU(liv tbi u.'l CddeM U gentleman signifies ihatcharacJter wbieb kE F-X-it- 4. i ' - i - J U' Tie the tow fast and with a bharn knife is.dfstlnguiahed.by tript;honor, cut'.a bole through the ekin.in the brisketi session, forbeaiance,generous as well as : or: : '-- 5. seJf-po- s- four five i Sehes froin , lheVlower dr fefined foelingS, and polished, deportment, large hnbifgh to permit thV character to which all; meappeasv cs. your-fingejSie .'idil' length. ploslte irfitableness, and peevish fretful Take a piece. of Mgarget rdot,V Lhe aiteof .ness area.lieni.fb..: which, cofisequently, a., a hazel nut, and push ft. in at fat es generous candor," acmpnluB veracity. and ' wLh your finger. Close up the Ilole essbntial truthfulness, courage both moral and jwith. n heedlO and Strong thread take dad physical; dfgnltyelf-respsetn .stiidi-ou,' two or three atitches te tlose dp the ap- avoidance-- ; of giving, oflence to ethers eftirri.r Tbii"nrirFroirl will got'oi's," or opposing lhemj aud'liberatlty lit thought? ba considerably in darned and irrltatedj Upt argument and ; conductand.; as lt becomes so the pdder .becomes less have .tiVcotUe ::b'SturaUi!' we- - ard Perhaps inflamed.' The rowel will dieeharge for juatinedln Sayinglhatthe kharactey of the 1 -- weeka,severs Kfkiftdibiig snd.balkcU duringf. which. f'tfmst thq gentleman ttnplwr an addltioo-e- f refined 3 down, and tp garget will disappear.: 4 r s ami of loftiness conduct i mdnij feetng p(t it lies til all la bandied It is .then hung V 1 sire a pailful ot btep Into which I stir td the. riged dictates ('pf inorafity and 'the . Vci A?d dried; on are suppose. by a, ta hiespoonf u I ; of flour of solphui; apd r a pnrifyibg ' precept a Ot' raligion-Fro- f fivabjprt, inset lion of i. r, 1 I itiagaifr'aad--Hwhen'dawp-enougthand'i- 4 pos-slat- de a : - are-habitua- l . t . MU ft Is ; perrieo; lyi dij.-,- - ffktait damp ,ihe enough (by expoaeure St fd jpack.'I place .it lorhogsheads and pressit So--a.aiftdgetfrpi to Id hundred Weight .In Jidgahead. j Cor.' Am . Agrl- : -- t talwVIrffimrrn - i . small piece pfaalipetfo,disaojed in warm Lieber. A. tT. T' "f i water, for ge veral momlngs. eud then a littld'rosin ;the same day. I' hiii never ? A Mod uh lPikbi or CAUcoi-Diyou i found 'anvth'log 111 attending thistrCat.-minUC6r- not aayEllsp, that Mr. poorV ' ". Will yes, hb has only frairfe Farmer. "'1' j 'i t if. ,t your uncle favor his ; auit?" 4l9o, arid Ij Dohvr Epnocr Youm. ! GiaiA.-r-WhI can cvpcct nothing from,, him.! ;,fTben lived among the Choctaw Indians, say's a Ellen, you wilt have to resign fashionable;-societymatter 'I shall see tha' traveler, I held a consultation with bna of e Tou hiust'rive up their, 'chiefs .respecting the stages of their more of Fred. ; dress. slmV' aamires the in art of. end eivilixed ;Fred lif fOh, e', progress among .other. things hs infernie'd me that pllcity J- You keep carriage.': ' start they1' only'. sent boyO to But wt- can ' have deligntful fwalka at;thlf You most take n bmall houqe end fnrnn-issehool. These boys eahie home intelligent it plainly,' ;Yesii fer elegant furnU . men, but' they married the uneducated and. uncivilised .wives and the uniform ture wouldpe eut of place , in a cpttanV result'. w&S that the Children was all likai You will have to cover your floors, withe their ' mothera. Tbs father aoon lost all 'cheap, thin carpet. 1 On j then I; shall hisl interest both .In .wife pnd children. hear bis atop ihe sooner. " And now, said be, if we would educate but fo'r ofSes cams upon one'class oi Our childfen,we eliould choose, mab: Clw had a vote-t- give if white the girls JOT;. when they become mother, ' own milk ing. . The do hia to did have he their educateeOnS.' is :ThiS they thp point candidate if - hethould' hold asked, Jones, ana It is trnlvv.lio a ftU tlnwteVtvto uneasy,wnd enlightened when mother arU hot qu fled to discharge .the duties of .home work the old 4tfan ' dbnMited very readily h of education. Pareotsiglveyourdanghteie. took, bar bjrtJjs kornt; andheld 'her fast done. vwaa the, until; beat operatioif 'fisrd, in education aawellaa ypuraons, the Robinabu around here, (hlsritsll your power, A yuAkzd J Hes behica ntely?, he a sked 0,ves. Pox.imKss cajmot be learned from books fbe barn hoIdMg the calf, Of etiquette ; ta be genUineSlt must spring school master In a Western towiL from a while, taking ia', momingwalk; passe from a desire to bee loving di position ,Wba thin is.tralned by the dqor pi a neighbor,' who was exeaVa to mtoor; ceurteeies,' it gives a ting h log fotAPif toiigli;;' IDaz,1 havd charm, sad polish., wjkichbeattract in every tbb 'schodl ittaateri 'hv. ' Tesi recognized in yotf .not enough ,f ?.' litnitofeyet sphere; It,wlll at onCO: mfd the man,1- - enough Tor.my own ; famUy eonry or. "camp, intiieVdgewIngiroom-or.thnil cottage. It cannot b snccessf yim its but I expect ttt boara a.school tnaator'thto .i'j-'t-- d B-i- T-U .k , en i-y- v' j ,;i:: iA EzcacTiiu PotToa PiatrriiraA eerrefpendent at1 the RurtlNito Yorktr, iffthelatterparft Ml7IrUntinypotatoei f AprU,p;th first efi May, and la thd old of tbsmoon. V Wben tho seta ahow for blossoming,! then, take twoparls of tar and, on af fine nltv mU well together m pat one, lare spoonful of title com pound on each hill's drop'as' psardhe cep tsraaposelblo.'' Jbatas soOaas the. pots. tdca. arejgpe, take them outuf the ground, hart them pesfactly dryjl.thed pattern tool; dry dark piece. .Aiiphtf iemoet. Import .tant'in dxwueasonsrus double' thd. weight an be ralsto'dM'qiri to poor iand T. (iCsdnpt Citnci'Aeritir lit fhe Irish AgriculturalGazette says be last year tried fpf MU fltototowfth.gobd success, giving a., ' quart ofnsw milkbdiledinths srening the hut;, fine 'flour, thd ' Hiuf tiuckenid.witb; of fthlq was given, with to skim milk tfjfon whlchthe, vo;cdftL.mra fad ihe retaaihdcr'with their. but mdrufrigand Ua nextfevsutng ttaal; The name writer thinki ffrfca p'exi day kaiStleht id fidd, ealvaa ; - 4sS -- J;- A i S . i .It - : . . .fsUoi eS ytwn. t- A'oSaUjA 0ai faorstf q faiaw45Q.piinda2(IfoBi high in a minutej is iigbluiurq S)df OnsJnorM'powu'? reckoned at frem'3MQU tb:38.QQ pouhds, Hlee bbe.foqt Mgh per; hiaatCf'IOne htirsclr fOridjOiwn &efuondy, (q eeti . . ex'-pensiv- a . h - pgA-canaidat- . 1 AunlCUilBu . V . :' 'r-- B-:- ' I f- - v . : iaereet Thassnll they stand together like pillars in uelnster; he largeatin-thacaate- r, and tha large 1 1 is jrlultiuo.- - Psairl .Webster atj - 'I';: I .' - Tssi r ; tb tOjCukliack2?pjykaiJtle - - i.fivi eili ' .TA1 WiMtu.: nit? TAtiMlNE POETRYi vljjr r hb "IhelastltoVis vetlenyfprtheytiosfr ! icfen'Ufic jpotjal jingq;;bi4 i-- ibMe, 81 s' 'iV -- ft The . man wh$ ldbth. no paper; takL-,- ; vGrudgingAve dollars once a aartM, iWilfnever a good and make, oCfer know, wh pt i'ir-A,- fiecanse.hja wife can the wortdf and j his gbipg idnjn ' - ;tls,cnHdrpnvW Ilf; very ignorant ;akd tidicbloas toppesM, eostpmstjr prp-tensiUeik- d . Oi. ft fru it! tfeesih trehnl ft&y henj youa'fi'they nrWell v . rlT taVhaifor'dpa AWft ?I( tfeguftty 'feUbwetf. enryoung. srif.ix;i 5wi llf kadptfiW'fp kod dhSpe aud Incrass 'OrttrffitTarnert?'. 5 tew-enjoyme- t stand-toget&Wbti- -- rota-ha- wd douldUet' AaTs it clotheSUejwitnbat'ir and wa wdrd not hkvdeo'mi hanafartatt, q-poo- - " WeUl B KIWI jUWu.P IVVQI r e T - ; i , rAH dcuL-drop- : at tfr ; t-- vj, in thbi&yaiplst - ttktded tito coiirds oTaiatit atiVerj tiietnfant'plahtioli thegiCnthak fdrRvef iis rn trained, thayptodueei ntanytanclefk Und (.he.khootsaa f sgy fMTdgbh'io &di &s li$praf ia y winter,' arid am making preparations. ", pgAn fldexf meddler writes ii J wad teaching, school, in kqulet CPUbtry vlllags Theibebhdltfornihgofthe session j Ifouad; leisure to .note my!;pundundiiigs;ind : among t)ie sqzLtybtoinlturb.' L espied a. the. legged stooj.-tothlargethtee dnhed hloek!3- - f said to 4 UtUegTrtof, five! The dark eyes, sparkled, th curia nodded, asttntf : aqd toi.li:lppld out.' Ijruesa. soothe teacherS'klwiy a alt othafcV: A T . tote one.nlgbthdt fnost niserav efsll fjuman : hslngs?. q drinking; huw baud.1af ter spending bis whole time, at hto ; I school : IfjlBgfrftWhatr. iitiQutP flatd aetbrs Uri on-H- i ;thsilrtteri Juoj?, It . ey Deis aconvtntiog recently, Mfotf TmAMutm SrtAwrei BaAioiira. Straw1 abd? ek daddy Pni f ymi tockbead, y. a. demabtMgtitoif Id Vhbcldlbh' pa rtagoid,- brijtcaqntv brsdqgmqs(h lygCestodrecaldLaz irtofe sr. Stout U'gfeenhatkk'jf smstsis-pointiaff-t- r; r. r ' , J. M - .. AAA, . 'V; ..j-,- v 'iV - ,'J 'i v r AA'A:- - o 4 3 ' |