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Show 1961 July 21, CEMETERY GRASS PLANTING Owners Urged to Bring Seed and Fertilizer Persons ORDINANCE NO. 1961-- 7. Ary individual, City Council of the City corporation, partnership, firm of Blanding, hereby Ordains: of individuals or association seed and in to Join Seely not later than August 1 to take ad- eonmittees free team The Blanding baseball and offer. sprinkling took its first whipping in leaplanting The Cemetery oosinittee has ofgue play last Saturday when it the to fered prepare surface, bowed to Moab 5- -4 in a game play and oemetery ed there. Moab built up a 4- -0 sprinkle plant 3 owners wil furnish lead early in the game. Blendplats if mixlawn Blue Velvet of pounds ing came alive when 4 runs in ture and 10 or 15 pounds of com- the 8th inning put them in a 4- -4 mercial fertilizer. tie to start the 9th. Moab vantage of the Committeeman, LaFay Alexander, brought a man in during its half the ninth. Blanding threatened by getting a man of first, of LITTLE LEAGUE. Frontier Colts victory another on third. bat. After defeating Dove Creek 4- -3 was sparked by great defensive a week earlier the loss left the play by. the entire team. looals with a 1- standing in The county tournament has progressed to its final stages with the newly formed uranium league. The next test will be in a lmer's Sharks meeting a strong The -1 llo team today in at 4s00 p.m. The Confederates, who were defeated Wednesday by the H & W Dairy, will meet Young s Machine Shop at 2:00 p.m. today in Bland Dairy Person: The turned & W Mon-cice- game at Uravan Uravan won in a non-leag- ue tomorrow night, I. . however Definitions: A. The following game during Frontier Days. as the' respective meanings herein- after set forth: A. The Intent of Underlying purpose and this ordinance is to the con- promote health, safety, Zones: For the pur- venience and general welfare of pose of this Ordinance, the en- the inhabitants of Blanding City tire City is hereby established in the matter of Fire prevention a Fire Distriot, and said Fire matters. and 1. Fire related District shall ignated be known and desas Fire Zones One, Ttoo, and Three and shall include such III. Soope of Ordinance: territory or portions of said No person shall build, coCity as hereinafter outlined or nstruct, ereot or install ary set forth. building, structure or instalform 2. Building Code: Building International under which The uni- unless lation within the the the same is done in City accordance of with the limits and terms of Edition this ordinance. of Conference easily over Blanding Building Officials, played here terms styled or designated. General Provisions: in the Ordinance shall have II. used Code 1958 all building within the City is regulated. IV. Fire Zone Boundaries: Uranteams Four 3. City Council: The City comprise the ium League: Moab, Uravan, Dove Council of Blanding, Utah. A. Fire Zone Che: Fire Zone Creek, Blending. The Blanding 4. City: Blanding City, Utah. One shall inolude Blocks 1,2,12, team is sponsored by the County 5. Inspector: The Offloial 13,14,15,19,20,21,28,29,36 and Reoreation Committee. ing to play for third and fifth place. Youngs won their berth in the tournament by defeating the Frontier Colts in an extra' says planting of Park areas has inning game. He V 2 AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES lots in the Cemetery are cautioned fertilizer must be Voiding jJIat own Building Inspector of the City of Blanding, Utah. 6. Chief of Fire Department: The individual or person appointed by the City Council to be in oharge of Fire fighting equipment, personnel and Fire prevention within the City. Loyd Notice PROJECT PROGRESSES who Page 7 BLANDING OUTLOOK 37 Trade With . says planting completed. Little Leaguers will see more been whioh concenter area of the action July 27 in an invitational tournament which will include tains most of the graves is two Blanding teams, two Monti-cel- lo scheduled to start August 15 and teams, a team from Mexican that planting of the eastern Hat and one from Dove Creek. portion will begin September 1. Local Merchants To Build a Better Community' in Blanding Townsite Survey, all the area covered by the streets and or State Highways adjoining the same. Plat A, and Fire B. Zones Two and Three: Fire Zones Two and Three shall include all the area within the Corporate limits of the City, not covered by Fire Zone One. The TOP HAND auflomaSk I witfh 250 CAPS is swe Pi sit Cap delighf (the young) CalainniiSy Jane 01? Wyatt Eairp ait your house! (to Restrictions in Fire Zones: V. All of the terms and conditions set forth in Chapter 16 as -R- estrict ions in Fire Zones, of the Building Coda shall bs applicable to and the same are made a part by reference of this Ordin- ance. Enforcement and Permits: VI. officer of Blanding No shall City grant any permit license for any structure or stallation which might ba or in- in violation, of the tarms of this Ordinance. VII. Penalty: . tit parson Any Kv, 'id t' shall violate who provisions of this OTdinanoe shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine any of the - not 00)033333 exoeedlng prisonment in l for three., 9 0 $299.00 . the months,- or County - im- jail or both subh fine and imprisonment. VIII. Validity: If any sentence, section, subsection, olause or phrase of is for any reason this held to be. invalid, such holding shall not affeot the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance Ordinance. Passed, adopted, and ordered published by the City Counoil of the City of Blanding, this 15th day of June, 1961 CTQD GASRURCHASE This special, offer is for a limited time only (SEAL) s Vfa. R. Mayor ATTEST: Francis D. Nielson ffldOUS FQOfJTIEQ FUELS dity Recorder Hurst |