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Show 21 July 1961 BLANDIHG OUTLOOK SAN JUAN JUNIORS ATTEND BOYS STATE State Concludes Two Day Indian Welfare Parley . 4. will cooperate in oonf erenoe intended to efforts of numerous government' agencies in Indian Welfare Programs was held in A co-ordi- 2-- day day of this week. oonferenee was conducted by the State Welfare Commission with Miss L, Lorraine Cook pre- Three siding. Juen High School students, Johnny Nielson, George Bayles and Johnny Conway, were San delegates last week to State held at Utah State UniveBoys The by . rsity in Logan. Mazy CffiiSfeNeiK Depredation by big mals constitutes game one of were ohosen from the problems of the Fish olass on the basis of Department today. trio "I ani- that there be 6. Providing of Health Service 7. determine what and which agenoy Provide social welfare ser- vices whioh what and Deoide agency conflicts and filling voids arising out of special tribal courts of justioe provisions of Fed- created eral and State law re- Public Welfare Dept., Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Publio Health Serof presentatives Game ona and of New Mexico in the committees discussions this motion a committee consisting of the big and move Ariz- 8. Corrective of the conclusions reach- ed are embodied in of Ward C. Holbrook: THURMAN LOWERY ing Thurs- The develop- 5. Involve the State of nate Montieello, Wednesday and praetioe Determine by actual contact with Indians the program they want to promote and State 9. Arrange for concerted and coordinated effort in deal- ing with mental health outland in Privately Utah Commission of Indian problems, including alchol-isoutstanding leadership. vice, owner The convention which is nation lying areas belongs to the iri'lribST'ciuiioili, Utah wide is sponsored by the Ameri- Just as mioh as your front lawn Health Deptt 10. Arrange for future conferWhen deer to you! ences ." can Legion to develop oltizen-hi- p. Bight belong I1That th, eomltt., b. assign-inva& farmer's fields these ed to conduct The youth study state and and further study animals are Junior owned m. I de trespassing. tional government and. attend The Fish and Game Department A lectures. highlight of this oare of the with is oharged year's meet were speeches by these animals and upon receiving Amy and Navy officers on the a formal complaint from the threat of Communism. to must to make recommendations concern- ing the problems discussed in this conference on' the following priority levels. (Priorities Blending Little League action came to a close last Friday with take steps landholder, to and other reoreation Sports priority levels. (Priorities to the Frontier Colts and the Coremove them, just as the rancher be activities were enjoyed by the would tentative and subject nfederates tied for first place. have to remove his cattle the group, eomlttee.) ohange by In the last league game of the of commodities Lyle Palmer was also named a if you objected to them feeding 1. Distribution season the Frontier Colts deon lawn. front your looal delegate to Beys State but fix responsibilities feated the Confederates by & Control of trouble animals is unable to attend beoause of his summer Job with the Unive- accomplished through furnishing deer-pro- of fencing for rsity of Utah Archeology field temporary to be errected by the crew, ' Piotured above are left to owner, through herding with etc., and right George Bayles, Johnny firecrackers, rookets various other means including Nielson and Johnny Conway. the killing of nuisance animals was hay-stac- ks in extreme cases. NEWS NOTES Nuisance animals may be killed Preston Nielson, son of Mr. only by the Conservation Officer and Mrs. Joseph Nielson, has re or by Utah Fiah and Game Depart- ) ceived his call to the french ment personnel. other All Mission. He will enter the persons who take it upon themMission Home on the 18th of Sept selves to destroy nuisanoe aniember. His brother Franols is mals will be in violation of the law. serving in the German Mission and his sister, Hhoda Jane will taken whioh ape ftyrtmain work may be be teaching again next year in through control Germany. disposed of by the Conservation Callers at the Frank Wright Officer. (Other than elk or home during the past week were moose) Good quality meat may be .Rosalind Johnson from Pasadena, sold at publio auction, or be California and Doris Fischer, donated to welfare agencies or Margaret Miller and Pad Nlohols state or federal institutions. Meat of poor or questionable all from TUeson, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Haslem and quality will not be made availfamily are down from Roosevelt, able for human consumption. who Ned Sohroyer of Blanding Utah spending a few days at Mrs. Haslem's parent's home, Mr. and has served as Deputy Conservation Officer for the past months Mrs. Joe Bint. has resigned his position due to Leaving early interest. I would ing for Salt Lake City were Vint oonf lioting and Reva Redd, they plan to at- like t o extend my personal tend Market Week and come baok thanks to Mr. Sohroyer for his to Manti to be there Friday and invaluable aid to me in becoming Ned Saturday with the Second Ward acquainted with this area. score of to 2. 15 The winning David Kimnerle, allowed pitoher, the Confederates only 6 hits and struok out 8 men. Kimnerle, in State and Federal Law addition to his pitching duties, Control Juvenile dellquenoy was one of the big men at the and care of ohildren He and Grant Hurst got fix responsibility with -- plate. 3 hits for 3 official-timeat s in existing State, eral and tribal law FRI. & Fed -- TO PAGE (TURN and: SAT . JULY 21 7, COL. 1) 22 & Ml Ini fresh whole CHICKENS lb. 29c SAUSAGE CUDAHY PURITAN POUND 39c FRANKS POUND 53c POUND 43c PKGS. 63c POUND 67c CUDAHY PURITAN BOLOGNA CUDAHY PURITAN Wednesday morn- Choir members. Guests over the weekend at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Robert Turner were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howard and girls from Cortez. Mrs. Bretta Bradford is at present in Spanish Fork visiting Iva Lee. with her sister-in-lawife Ina Thomas and his Jack have moved into the house recently vacated by the Bert Palw, ) 2. Rendering of financial aid to the needy fix responsibility and determine limits within woodsman and a sportsman who did is a tremendous very dedicated a fine Job for the Utah Fish and Gama Department. COOKIES SUPREME COFFEE CANA KIMBELL'S 7 cans 59c POP PINEAPPLE Graves and Kuykendall, Sandy Linda Tregellas. Mark and Delfene Gibson and five ohildren of Us Vegas, da Varieties CUPCAKE CUPS home of Burdette and Erva Shumway. Delfene and mer family. Jack's employed by Erva are slaters. The Shumways the new oil company. garden TOMATOES garden DOG FOOD kim to visit with ware here Monday visiting at the two until oldest daughters Sandy and to Nevada with than and will there for is attending an electrieian about three we eke stay . school in Denver, Colorado. Marian Nielson took her Glaa-n- or Grant Shumway returned home olass to Elk Mountain to Wednesday morning after being spend Monday and Tliosdey nights confined in the San Juan Ho- at the Nielson Ranch. The girlA a spital for about a week with going wars Nelene Parry, Kena serious illness. Lea Halqulst, Joy Holliday, Ed attending the Young people samp tynna Black, Dorothy Shumway, Methodist Church summer Hansent Dennison, Kathryn Iyman, near wolf Creek Pass, Colorado Meredith Harris. this week ara Darrall and Ama was Dale Jones. He 4 cans 1.00 27e-3- 1t 17 Pkg. 3 FOR 43c 6 CANS 1.00 Ns-va- TOMATOES home Reg. Choose from 4 Wed. Recently his parents Reg. 39 2 Gay Lyn want baok 303 2)4 12 QUART JARS Wid. Mouth BANANAS fresh Levi Straus Overalls 4 CANS 1.00 CANS CASE 1,00 1.79 2 lbs. 29c TOMATOES POUND 25 Oft 15c |