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Show 1961 July 21, BLAKD1MG OUTLOOK MONTICELLO NEWS Verne tta Mrs & enjoyed her MARILYN ROWLEY Sonde re gger has with the Zinke visit week-lo- ng children while Hawaii A new baby daughter has Marie Drown joined Charlotte Anderson of the family of Mr and Mrs Bob )and Lake City Each of the Dalton Mrs Dalton is the forwas guests accompanied by two mer Colleen Gage of Monticello sisters, Mrs Mrs children The new Celebrate July 24 and Rell Mrs Argyle and was bom ment and parents, Mr The Argyle 's Mrs. aiid Mr .and to Cortez to meet their Niels J Mrs Harry Randall went young flew in from Larsen rest of their time daughter, away was spent in Ft Collins, Phoenix, Arizona Emma has spent Colorado where lb Argyle was in the past six weeks in Globe with summer school While away they her aunt, Mrs Ann Shaw made visits to the nearby Estes lynn Pipkin has aocepted a Mountain National position with the Moab Police and Rooky Emma, who Parks which they found to be his eight will capture the. sons humor more A somber will scene depicts the lovely seagull be appropriately celebrated in saving the pioneers' crops from Monticello with the production marauding crickets In use for the first time will of the musical show, "Promised arrival. Terra Denise, Valley",andwhich tells in song, the Mrs Ben Hess, and Utah Pioneer Day, July 24, a-cr- Anniversary of ed The widowed drama hearts of all with their merri- dance, speech story of July 5 at the San Juan the Mormon pioneers journey children, Sonya and Jorgen, are County Hospital in Farmington, the abback in Monticello after an NM She weighed in at 6 lbs plaines to Salt Lake Certain time is at 8:00 sence of a month They were 6 oz. Mrs Barbara Gage went to City and Tuesday, July 24 p.m first in Logan for a week where Farmington to help out for a and 25Monday A new time of 10:30 am Mr Argyle attended a convention week and then brought Mrs .Dalton of County Agents Here they also and the baby to Monticello for a Saturday, July 22, has been announced for the children's matcelebrated the Golden Wedding visit Mr and 'father, red-head- the parents vaoationed in from t comety iMtinfaplln to by Page 5 oss a new $1200 dimmer be makes Innumerable ations and which vari- lighting effects Also just installed is a new sound system so that every word and every song will be heard everywhere in the hall These instruments add greatly to the program host of will workers from inee The program will be in both Monticello Wards have worked for weeks on the show They the LDS Recreation Hall The cast of all -- local talent are headed by Tharla Holyoak, is headed by Richard Williams producer Other committee chairand Ivalou Redd whose fine vocal men are Marjorie Jackson, drama; music; Jack and dramatlo talents are well-suitClyda Christensen, to the parts of Jed and Brian, publicity;Kelen Williams, Celia, the young Mormon couple accompanist Admission prices for the profeatured in the story Other A MIA ed Department and is now driving back and forth until , the family lead ex- 50 parts are taken by Edna gram are $100 for adults, and Mr Rogers, Ben Hess, Dan Heaton, for high school students, Mr and Mrs Don Zinke and is able to looate a house Proceeds will Barber, and Allen Laidlaw 25 for ohildren baby arrived Tuesday for a visit Pipkin is well --qualified for the Glenn The story of "Promised Valley" help pay for the new dimmer with Mrs Zinke 's parents, Mr job, having spent lli years with begins at Winter Quarters where and Mrs Lawrence Black They the Los Angeles police departMormon pioneers HERE'S THE HAN stopped enroute at Minersvllle ment We regret losing this fine the oompany of the is for but preparing journey Utah where they left three of family from our community all-in-o- ne the with dimmed west Their is Mrs of luck Zinke them happiness the wish best with 's their children Mr and Doris FAMILY PLAN Carter Gaye Rodney Pehrson is in Lotna, somewhat when all sister, men to are called of the of farm group the Colorado with Pehrson Making the trip caring for HYRUM E. PORTER the family from their home in his son, Richard while Richard join the Mormon battalion The Mr and families make the trip west with Los Altos, California was Mrs helps his parents Woodrow Bemiece Nielson who had stayed Mrs Adair, move to a out their fathers and brothers end arrive in Salt Lake City tremely interesting able-bodi- ed -in- -law, they are There later joined the Battalion soldiers The MOTTIC has moments play by 0 I of both 7 nearby farm which they have purThe Adairs have .until chased y lived near Durango Members of the' LDS Seventies Chorum from Monticello, Moab, now k an ram uses and IDE USE OF WATER FOB SPflUSlUHG OR RKNGATKK1 BFMBIDDEH BETWEEN THE HOURS 2S0PJX Blanding Mountain Saturday evening for a fried chicken supper A large crowd enjoyed the delicious food and beautiful surroundings as well as an entertaining program. DeWitt Lee (CQNT'D sang the PAGE 6, V JLi on the Blue meet 7 ONE POLICY for Dad, Mom, and present and future. Children", For further remarkable details about this new plan Phone 2306 BENEFICIAL LIFE Insurance Company original COL. 3) OCLOCK NOON AND 12.-0-0 UNTIL FUOniEO NOTICE. . i , xJSO in USERS ORE REQUESTED TO SHOT OFF ALL DOSE USE DJEMATELV WHEN FIRE ALARU IS IIEA0D Please note; This restriction was not ordered as a water saving measure. It appears that there, wt 1 1 be plenty of water for the summer's use t This restriction is necessary because the inflow line at the Ctty tank cannot keep up during thts period of extra heavy usage . AIDIN WATER DEPARTMENT WM W WA- QUEUE reuo veo EXK6T CCS FE3 cm mmw a.a. NEW STORE HOURS - 8 to 0 p.n. ; -- |