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Show Page 6 ' day evening Members ' and Postmaster Appointed for Montezuma Grei guests . at their ' husbands and f 45 party-goer- s. made a . One uninvited guest was total-o- . Barbara A Venable has been notified by Postmaster General Day of her permanent apPostmaster of as pointment She has been Montezuma Creek Aoting Postmaster since- April Mrs - 15th of 1961 , Dalton Springs July-21- BLAHDING OUTLOOK this year. a .little skunk who caused ' amusement and 'consternation much dur- ing " the evening :.In spite of his v. intrusion, DeWitt Lee sang s ongs ,v. and Thar la Holyoak led some foosnunity singing. During the evening the olub yearbooks were .distributed by Sarabeth Blanck. The successful party was. under the direction of Josie Pehrson and Elizabeth Halls . As its next activity the club will . and her husband Bob, live in the El Faso Natural Gas Company They ..have two children, Robbie Ann, age 7 and Jerry Doyle, age 5. Mr Venable sponsor the. Annual Flower Show la warehouseman for. El Paeo. in August READ THE WANT ADS Mr and Mrs Lloyd Barton enMrs. Venable ...... at a dinner tertained family MONTICELLO . honor Alfred to Sunday afternoon the about he which composed song, Frost, Silas Barton and A1 Barton Hole -i- n-the -- the. Blue Rock, plus are in July Mr Sperry arrived The party-goe- rs then Joined in Monday evening for a visit here connunity singing with the family of their Mrs Inez Young and Mrs Cor-lMr .and Mrs F. and Mountain song, and .other numbers Here da who Terry Tipton, out a asked ooupon merely Tilled in and won a about $50 Transistor Radio last SatSuper-Plenam- urday in Pay Day Drug's current promotion The drug store will rive away another on August 5 similar radio FUTURE BRIDE HONORED AT PARTY WEDNESDAY Harvey John Kartchner was the scene of a party Wednesday afternoon honoring The home Miss Meredith Harris, who will er become the bride of John July 25 Mrs Kartchner and her daughter, Pearl were hostesses Close relatives of the engaged couple were guests and each brought her favorite recipe to give to Meredith KSart-ohn- CU The Tlewi :Et Cetra Club had a mixed party Friday, July 14 in the evening at the local swimming While pool and tennis court some of the ladies and their partners went in for a wonderful swim others visited, played horse shoes and volley ball Ham, .chili beans, salad, rolls with root beer and watermelon were served to the group attending Chairman was Ora fiayles, with helpers Corine Hurst, Chloe afternoon was spent in hemming dishtowels and deco"iron on" rating them with also made a motifs They The scrap book for the bride-to-A delicious luncheon of sherbet, cheese crackers, Jell o salad and punch was served by the hostesses be Ann Shumway, Iladine Adams and Volate Shumway. With i the tennis court as bit : is the Square Dance Club as was also holding regular it its Friday night dancing and neither party interfered with each other The Et! Cetra Club enjoyed having the. music to make their time moreen, oyable Q$iu $lJveriii wish to thank all those extended kindnesses and expressed sympathy to us during our recent bereaveWe who ment Mr. and Mrs Kay Bradford whose birthdays and-MrVernon s son-in-l- aw me daughter,. Roring leave Friday morning Bennion Redd Their home is in for Cedar City where they will Glendale, California attend a reunion of the Mackel-praAdams and Mr and Mrs Donald family Also making the son, George, have returned from trip with them willof be lb and a fascinating month-lon- g trip to Mrs. Floyd Nielson Blanding Alaska . They first drove to ne Vemetta Sonderegger and Seattle : and flew from there to Roring were hostesses to Juno, Alaska After some time the Fine Arts Club Friday even- spent in Soagway, they journeyed home ng - . Cor-in- . at the Sonderegger Maris Redd told of her stay in Hawaii and performed some entertaining dances for the group To complete the evening Donna Redd played several lovely, piano seleotlons Guests who attended were Marian Bayles, Jo . Redd, Marie Drown, and Charlotte And ing erson. Mr and children, to Salt and Karen and Ronny, went Lake City Tuesday v to Mrs Fay . Gage .. meet Norman Gage who has Just been released from a LDS Mission in Canada Mr and Mrs Clarence A Frost are spending the summer here Mr Frost has Just been released as 1st oounoelor in the Southwest Indian Mission The Frosts plan to spend the winters :ln Mesa, Arizona where they have a two-year CARD OF THANKS : Yukon oities of and Dawson City to the Canadian White .Horse which, they found very ing They in Mt. days interestalso spent several ' McKinley Park where they were fortunate to find good of the aocus-tomvisibility instead clouds around the lofty ' peak. .It was here they saw a huge band of 500 to 600 caribou in migration, a real speotacle, They according .to Mrs Adams "traveled. to the Artie Clrele for Eskimo village of a visil'ln-the- . ed . Cotzebue "before in time spending some Fairbanks and Anchorage their way home the visited the famed Crater On Adamses Lake Oregon Bennion: Redd and son, Grayson, went to. Salt Lake City Thursday for. a business trip They. were. accompanied by Miss Jo home Redd: ..and .Miss Reya Smith who The annual summer party of the have .betn - visiting at the L. Rebus Rota . Club was held Satur- - IjFrankiRedd home F . -- ; . . "V Watch thuMail in for our FREE offer |