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Show 1 .J I July 21, 1961 Pag e 9 BLINDING OUTLOOK the Contract. Legal Notice CITY OF BLANDING Rates o insertion per line .with 40c minimum for subsequent consecutive runs of same copy with every 8c" free. Display advertising columns 80c in Want-A- d per column inch Card of Thanks 10c a line with SI. minimum. real bargain in o and FDR SALE Used, SERVICE. AMERICAN S ORB-25- 81. South of . FDR SALE. , aI have samples of the beautiful guaranteed Vlilknit line of hose for the whole family If interested ... FDR SALE approximately eton. Ph. Palmer. Call OR 6R Call 33 foot . Peaches & Pears Order now. Win. E. Box 8-2- 166. 33, Blanding. FDR SALE . . 1 Cabinet machine; 1 Electric sewing square stand table, inlaid top; 1 12 inch electric fan Call imilo north of. on 3236. SEE US For Used Furniture and Appliance bargains. Western Auto Associate Store. Phone OR Pendl358, Blanding, Utah.' Dan Contaot Bex Furn- unfurnished. from Moab. Property perty Seo J. L. Powell. FDR SALE 3 Bedroom Homs, lsss than 3 years old. FHA approved. or rent. 8-2- 257. FDR SALE. Highway 47 water and lights on pro- city limits City CaGeorge Redd Liberty Trailer House. $500.00 See Jerry Trudell, Bluff, Utah town. oall 3831. See ished Used Class 50 SALES MURRAY condition. good and FDR SALE Installation. off in model. or oall OR FDR RENT bedroom house for OR AUTO GLASS 8-2- 422. 317. BICYCLE REPAIRS . . also Tricycles and small wagons. New Lyman Conoco Servioo of ment the Reservoir July DATE at Blanding as shown on the No. LAST PUBLICATION: OF July 21, dam 3 FIRST PUBLICATION: 21, 1961 I 1961 Are for Everybody WanfrAds i ... For The Best Instructions to Bidders, Plans, Specifications and other Co- JHatveksost Documents may be examined or obtained at the offiee of the City Clerk, Blanding, Utah or at the offioe of Holder Engineering Service, Post Office Building, Moab, Utah or Holder Engineering Service, 442 Main Street, Grand LK RIDGE CAFE Junction, Colorado, upon deposit Dollars ($20.00) per which deposit will be reset, funded upon return of the Plans and Speoifioations in good condition within six days after the bids are opened. of Twenty . the the Contraot Documents and mist not be detached therefrom. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified oheok, Cashier's oheck, or must be submitted on form provided as a part of Bids a bid bond from a Surety Company aiooeptable to the Blanding City Counoil in an amount equal to at INSURANCE IS payable all write kinds U R we H S T AGENCY OR least five per cent (5) of the made idelim Not a . bid and OUR BUSINESS 8-20-16 to the Blanding City Clerk. Said oheok or bid bond is required guarantee that the bidder will execute the Contract lnoluded within the Contract Documents and furnish satisfactory performance bond within, ten (10) days after notification of tho for Sals. and Used Bikes DATE OF materials, equipment and supplies relating to the enlarge- ntract 8-2- 191 Expert Call or 2436 Sewing Machine binet ballanoed. Small gasoline GORDON Contaot after 5:30 p.m. Blades sharpened repaired. engines wheel balanoing. City of Blanding, Utah will receive sealed bids for the furnishing and erection of all The a n older, 4 bedroom brlok home. Sue fraves at 2491 blades sharpened Mower For Mayor Plans and as described in the Chevron of W. W. Simpson, Bids will Contract Documents. Station Bluff, Utah. be at the reeeived Blanding City ARE YOU, bursting at the Hall until 2:00. P.M. on the 27th seams due to your expanding day of July, 1961, at which timo make an If apso, fasiily? and place all bids will be pupointment today to see this blicly opened and read. 5th run Rotary is i appointments call Hr. Sue Graves at 2491. FOR REN- T- Modem Apartments In Bluff. $15.00 per week. All utilities paid. Inquire first for 50c minioum a. Dr. B. Broughtm, Optometrist, Blending every Thursday. line with per XOc OPTOMETRIST. . . William R. Hurst a NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Want-- Ad 1 Stati to the bidder. award of contract Blanding FDR one RENT.. City of Blanding reserves the right to rejeot any or all bids and to waive any informality in any bid as its best interests may appear. A deoision on the rejeotion of any or all .Modem The apartment. Nioely furnished and conveniently See or oall Hurst dgsnoy. Phone 2016 FDR SALE i960 bed-roo- m lo-oat- o Fleetwood Trailer House, wide long 46 Seo bids, or the award of the Contract will be made within thirty (30) days after the bids are 10 at looat ion west of John Helquist or oontaot John Seeley FDR SALE. ed. horns furnished quickly at lowosl prices Property school district. New Orchard, Bam, 4 room modem house with basement and furaaet. Reasonably priced at in new OUTLOOK See L&Franoe Payne oi $4500. call 2407. US... FOR withdraw his bid of a for period thirty (30) days the after opening of bids. No bidder Notice may is ali bidders will be required statement t Dllvry on GENERATORS (all sltoo) REPAID 8-42- 31 BUSES, DID fcapro Photo Copies of Any Paper or Document up to 8X x 14 inches in Size SS OTD ESiS and 10X 504 03 WHILE YOU WAIT ELECTRIC O DUL MC EVERY ELECTRIC SERVICE Plok-u- p WATER WELLS SHOTHOUS CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCIKW to o furnish a their finanoial responsibility, tsohnieal ability, equipment and experience prior to the award o 1 DXULUnQ COWAD7 hereby given that sworn PLAY IT SAFE I CALL A-- opened. REWIND NOBTraN - ELECTRIC PH. 2907 ' REBUILD 50c cacti l l l l |