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Show ', July 21, BLANDING OUTLOOK Page BLANDIHG THE BLANDINGITE OUTLOOK I Published every Friday at Blanding, Utah PUBLISHER I. W. Cox Second Class Postage Paid at Blanding t Utah Once when I startled I feel that a report to the people of this area concerning the proposed plan to bring Navajo Indian children to Blanding . order. help. how you can Sylvan P. Johnson, President Blanding Chamber of Commerce - the on arrival of ships the are in nuch the it, - , of the Board of Directors to learn how alarmed about alcondition today, and are not have had serious times food rathough since I was there they tioning and want. w are dependent every day for the What alarms me is the way the good things whioh have bearrival of big trucks bringing us We arc not alarmed, but come indispensable to our bill of fare.coming with the loads very complacent so long' as the trucksaskeep near ready as possible to of sliced bread and everything else should hold up be eaten. If any one of a hundred possibilities we would be alarmed, this delivery for weeks, or months, then toand there would be a lot of shifting and squirming looking wards distant places where we could find something to eat. mind that every community It was drilled into ny childhood should have some substantial way and system of meeting its own or be vital needs, that every individual shouldof be a producer, We oouldn't life. able to prodube some of the essentials we are getting from the outside raise here all the good things and but there is a big list of staple articles which could emershould originate right here to make us safe from menaoing directors of the Blanding Chamber of Commeroe have spent a lot of tine and effort on the project and for a time it seemed that we were making progress. The Utah Indian Affairs Commission met in Salt Lake City and in Friday, July 14, response to a request from the local chamber, gave the matter some very detailed study. They came up with the conclusion that the law (which regulates the activities of the commission) as it reads now, paying the expenses of these in a school which is off prohibits the reservation. It is cy understanding that a bill will be introduce in Congress which if passed, will amend shortly law to make gtnol.es the this project possible. Suppose we admit There are forces at work trying to prevent the passage of many things with the this bill, in faot if possible to abolish the Utah Indian A- 'that argument give us ffairs Commission as such. outside? We are not The. 3 lan ding Chamber of Commerce would like to encourage any calamity would mean, citizen who is interested in the above mentioned project, to in a very short time. contact a member, who The of dooks at Liverpool, people of England were de- fifteen miles same Chamber President Reports on Status of Indian Dormitory Project would be in! was the to discover I visited daily pendent for their daily bread, They loaded with food from faraway countries. muoh . for school 1961 I, argument that we oan not compete in prices of the outside what comfort will when and if the supply is cut off from the concerned now to envisage Just what this but it could become a distressing reality the dare to oompete with the imported article could have three avenues of thought in which to find hope and comfort on whioh to subsist regardFirst, the assuranoe of having food less of prices, and whether the trucks run or stop. Second: the chanoe of having their produot preferred to the same thing from somewhere else. Third: The advantage of being sought after by everybody when and if the supply is shut off from the People da oil Major oompanics are assem- -i to. 01 6090 feet elevation 4999 bling acreage probably as a re- -( Shale It is looated a suit of enc ouragement encounter- feet ground. ed by Bill Striokland at his little more than ten miles north Bluff Boy Scoots Bo Work Project on Qb Mowrtain night while others stayed to enjoy so outing around the mountair country. Men taking the 20 boys were Leonard Hurst, Pets Black, Carl Harvey, Garth Bradford, Grant Nelson, Bruce Palmer Ivan Watkins and Tim Bradford. Ron Mahon, Bench Field, and wildcat northwest of Msxioan of more than one mile by JOLINE HOLT Hat, according to the UTAH OIL slightly The Boy Scouts of all three northeast of an unconfirmed oi? REPORT.' Oil time Company. Wards spent a wonderful by friton Texaco, Ino., is reportedly discovery inon Tank week are Elk Mountain. batteries this past being forming a new federal Unit in Mr. and tts. Jay N. Iyman are Late at the looation. stalled They made their camp at Goos3an Juan County, Utah, in Towgauges reflect the well swabbed eberry on Thursday niit with a the proud parents of their first nship 40 and 41S., Ranges ohild, a boy, born Tuesday July SLK. That oompary is also re- and flowed 23.5 barrels of oil campfire program that night a and 18 in the San Juan Hospital. The a trace of water in three were up bright and early Friday ported as acquiring additional with lf weighed 5 lbs. 3 oz hours, on a 2064 morning for breakfast. Loading little tike aoreage in Township 40 and 41S., and A inch choke. Flowing tubing pre- into pickups, they went to Dark Ranges 15,16 and 17E., SIM. pounds Canyon Plateau where they chopNearby, in Township 4lS., Range ssures Avaried from SHOWING AT THE -- MS Would ! 17-1- 8E. one-ha- 80-1- 20 16E., SUi, Sen Juan County, the Pan American Petroleum Corporation is., rumored considering unitization of a block of leases The above two areas of San Juan County have been receiving psi. well weight later gauge reflects the flowed 49 barrels of oil, are the down coming small trees that up where the Govern- water, in six hour ment has planted grass for range test on l2 inch choke with tub- feed. This was their Conservation project. They also toured ing pressure varying from 30-shut-in Well moki ruins and viewed the big is pounds psi. 2-- 3$ of stor- interest, Dark Canyon from two Continued testing has. not produced places. The afternoon re- U.S.A. NE BIG INDIAN wildcat in 24E., SLM, San Juan County 1000 Square Miles..., These reports, whioh ars trip, "that the area we have as yet unconfirmed, reflect that seen will contribute far more to TANKS BEING INSTALLED a flow of gas extimated at 5 the welfare, eeonondo and othermillion cubic fsst was encount- wise, of the State of Utah and AT LION DISCOVERT the Nation if it is preserved as Lion Oil Division of Monsanto ered in the Mississippi an secta great National Park. feet, present total after setting ion at 10,020 "Tourism is one of this couOil or reportfour and one half inch product- depth.flowed on condensate ntry's fastest growing industries DST of an undision easing at 6107 feet at its edly With proper development, tueh a $L Clark, in NW.NE Section 28, closed interval. Credence was with Company, -- Township 38S., Range 22E., San Juan County, Utah, 20 barrele of oil rate on swab end flow ed. SIM,, has gaug- per hour tests. The well had previously reported s flow of 20?30 barrels of oil per hour of 41 gravity crude on S operator perforated easing at 5906-2- 8 feet with three shots per foot and wafched with 500 gallons of acid.. The well then .swabbed 95 after three barrels of fluid rune when swab --unit Eleotrie leg topes Bluff-57feet jlemay 5894 feet Desert Creek 6008 feet S- -ll broke down. 92 Fri July was given to the rumors it when was well was clas- the other park, together national parks in Utah, could disclosed that the in sified as a tight hole, and assist localtheircommunities and eoonony additional rumors reflect the stabilizing operator and others were attempt growth." Udall the idea of a lng to purchase or acquire "Golden suggested Circle" to connect all additional acreage along the of the major National Park areas trend and nearby this well in Southern northern ArizReports are of acquisition of a ona and the Utah, Four Comers Area. portion of one 2500 acre block "This ooneentr&tion of great nearby at a figure of upwards natural wonders is unequaled any to one hundred thousand dollars where in the world," said Udall. bonus, plus overrides. The Big Indian wildcat .Is pplan) production and some two lf located two and miles milts north of (Paradox) north of one-ha- Lisbon Flsld (Misslssl- Sat & 21 22 & Westward the women t.a - SE- section 33, Township 29S., sults to date but completion Range Utah. attempts are continuing. Chemical kirk Vftn. there, however, positive THEATRE different spent for and gauges. hunting porcupine making at relatively a forestry tour under the direc1 Norma-Fed- ., LISBON DISCOVERY Stricklin's In A new discovery is rumored tion of LeGrand Olsen of Monti-oell- o. Section 33, Township 29S., Range Some week Pure Oil Co's. 1 at returned home that 18E., SIM, San Juan County,Utah. this shallow zones SAEI JUAB! 60 pending completion particularly now, and further completion tanks age in view. of reported oil' shows at renewed ped rrlig ROBERT TAYLOR DENISE EMERSON DARCEL-HO- PE Mon & Red July 24 & 25 my m mi M2ZBMT tarring ANTHONY JAMES $1 NEWLEY-AN- NE BOOTH-BERN- IE AMs AUBREY WINTERS Entire Family kkk Thur-Fri-Sat-- Moa July 27-28-2- 9-31 BROOD OF SUEREfODO FORREST starring RICHARD PETER GREENE CUSHING E0XDF7ICB OPENS 7:40 |