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Show -- M.- ... 1961 May Lee Mrs and Shumway LaRay Alexander. Jennie Peterson, EdLynna Blaclq Carma Bartlett, Maggie Lyman, o Phyrl Blaok, VM. (Ben) Stevens, Clarke Hers chi, Dianna Johnson, Berniee Helqulst, 'Jean Richards, Ora Bayles, Shirley Palmer, Rates Want-- Ad Blood Drive Nets 10c Pr line with Pints 92 for minimum first, 50c Blandlng went over her quota insertion 8c Pr line with 40c minimum for subsequent runs of same copy with every 5th run free. Di sp 1 a3r advert i sing in ffant-A- d columns 80c per column inch Card of Thanks 10c a line with $1 minimum consecutive in the a call at Sue Mrs in Bluff. All of utilities W W. Inquire paid Chevron Simpson, Bluff, Utah Station a long PLANTS FOR SALE -- Pendleton. Dorpthy Jones, Robert Pugh , Salt ake Cityj Utah) Ivan Wa- of enthusiastic volunteer workers were responsible for the success Dot; tkins, Davis, Stanley art-ine&- u, Grant Bayles, Morris Swenson, Helen E, Bayles, Leroy A includes They Mikesell, Bill Sheppard, Bernice Perkins, Dorothy Hancock, Jesse Grover, Dee Hancook, Dolly Hurst, Glen Scott Hurst and Dan Shumway, list Nadine Bayles, Betty Pritchard, Joe Jim, Bradford, laVee. Redd, ) podnan, Carl Jones, Arthur 6(t Manheimer, Thorp, Miriam Laws, Colleen Richard and Manheimer JIbwV Dorothy Hancock and LaRay Alex- - Jessie Mae . Black,1 ! Doris Adams, . Roy Mike-se- ll, Oley Blaok, Jones, Weldon Cochran, pints were 209. Blood chairman Sue Graves says Frances Staggs, per week. $15.00 when 92 Camilla Hawkins, Dale drive ander. 2491 Modern Apartments FOR RENT Graves here Tuesday Lyman. taken from 115 volunteers A drive was held in Monticello 'on the same day which netted 117 pints to make the county total OPTOMETRIST Dr 6 A Broughton, Optometrist, is in landing every Thursday. For ppointments blood Cross Red Harold and Sherena Northrop Loren Carmen Coohr&n, Brasher, Audrey Halliday, Dorothy Carmio-ha- el, Dorothy Harvey, Norma Patterson and Eleanor Davis Glendora Galbraith, Velda Niel son. Ruby Morgan, Virginia Bayles, Sharon Wilson, Clea Johns or Hattie Jones, Deniesosie. Cahoon, Ann Mrs R M. Heyman, Volate Shumway, Dorothea .Esther Shumway, Naoy ' CSuymon, Having f Farm Boreas Llesfings Set made for State Farm Bureau meetings to be held in the county court- at 800 house on p.m 1961 Le Grand Jarman May 25, Ed Thomas and the Utah State Farm Bureau from Office will be there to review and plan for action on the Farm' Bureau Womens Committee and Mrs Barbara Whitbeck, Vice Chairman of Utah State Farm 3ureau Committee, will hold with Farm all They a- - Bureau will discuss the Womens meeting women purpose and importance of women's place AH women in in Farm Bureau, the county are especially urged to cone and meet these get acquainted bureau Program. women and with the Farm Alberta Ross, Marion Jones, Johnson, Peggy Lyman, E. Ronald A. Helqulst, Harvey, Cleon Shumway, Howard Kimmerlr, James Osborne, Phil Rawlins, Paul Dean Blaok, MoKay Punz, OS QPu tfUreriin Jeanne Leland Thmer, Curtis Jones, Charles Homedew, Kaye Harris, Ferrell Lazenby, .Bryant Jensen Jensen, been have Arrangement Wendell Jones, DeAne 9 Page BLANDING OUTLOOK Agnes Hurst, Vim. bright, Horace Stevcn3, Judy Marion Palmer, Tatro, Ann Harvey, Phil Hurst, Black, Charles .Harvey, Don ss and LaVell Palmer Curtis Merton Sheppard, Ronald Thrner, Vint Redd and Marie Palmer TOMATOES & PEPPERS She says the community owes a Arland Esklund and Kent Redd George Marlon, Lea Hannoman, special vote of thanks to Dr Truman Neldon Cllsbee Black, Rigby, Lloyd Mason of the Monument ValKeith Blaok, Glen Skinner, Cllsley Mission and Hospital who was bee nson Modem in attendance throughout FOR Lyman, Kirk Helquist, Holt Contact RENT... one bed-roo- apartment m the Nicely afternoon furnished and conveniently loSee or call Hurst cated. .BLOOD DONERS Agency donors on hand at the Red Cross Blood Drawings (hloe Shumway, Allen Black, Lucille Blaok, Norman Jones, Phone 2016 Tricycles end small wagons New and Used Bikes for Sale Service Station Lyman Conoco Blandlng Applianoe bar- and is a Bradford, Pauline Lisonbee, rst, George H Joe Finn For SEE US Furniture The following list of the Bayleg Anna Howard Hu- Meridith AaPon Harvey. Vint Redd, bursting if family? pointment to your expanding so, an make to see today after at Graves 5; 30 2491. Ph. 8-2- years old 3 DIM. OR BOX Watch 84241 on the newest, Witt 504 BURDINA VTM fastest and most secarate wheel MSfp rsuf Pritchard, Karen Hancook, 2436 nothing is too balancing maehino in toon LBWEHR 317 FOR SALE. ft ehotok. 50 10 in wide 2 bedroom T r a 1 House. Melody Home. Automatic washer. See George Morgan at Palmer's i r Thaller Court. . ...... Refrigerator. $50. Soott Hurst FOR SALE. FOR AGENT FHA Contaot Dan Pendle358, Blandlng, Utah Box OR CORE PRODUCTION 3 Bedroom Home, than ton You SHOT HOLES HOLES-SHALLO- this pm FOR SALE Oless or WATER WELLS ap- real bargain in an older, 4 bedroom brick home. Contaot Sue Don DRILLING COX2PAC7 Mrs 8-2- 422. While A- -l Iyman, Nadine Harvey, Western Auto Associate gains Maroella1 Cox, Leland Thrner, Phone OR Store Colleen Noonan, Francis D. NielARE YOU . at the son, Rell Argyle, Monticello) due Bayles, Elli9 Palmer, Card Lee, Nanoy Redd, Brie Stevens, Earl 115 BICYCLE REPAIRS... also seams l Good Used "come in and take a ride11 Phone 2657 SEE US I9t For Used Furniture and Applianoe bar- o o o gains. Western Auto Associate Store. Phone OR AMERICAN 8-2- 422. MEXICAN HAT. weekend were f -- amily, .. the Wayne Brennan Ed the Tylers and Monte jfmsides, and It the The Wayne Brennans and the Bemie Woolards enjoyed a picnic t the Old Ranch House Sunday. It seems as if everyone is getsummer George and business fever. Betty visitors, in this week. InnllDD (FORMERLY UTCO) Gordon sure does a person good to get out and visit all the dime stores. ting or too James were Monti o ell o to be sold in a WcanI 111 MCE tUHB take iuvs |