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Show Page 8 6 May 19 BUNDING. OUTLOOK BRONCS TO TAKE PART 4 . c jpc IK STATE W -- a raps TRACK MEET - i Listed below are the players and their sponsors for the lit tie were Names major teams. drawn by the sponsors at meeting Wednesday night. league their David Kimmenle Lloyd Skuaway Sidney Nunl Joe Slev end Randee Boyle Thoma Kelly Boyle Bonnie Bowlin of $16,464 per colors at the regional meet held at Dragerton last week Trill be in Salt Lake City tomorrow to Those try for State honors. scheduled to make the trip are shown in the above picture. Squatting, left to right are Tim Bradford, Johnny Nielson, Ned Palmer Standing are Cory Jones, Lawrence Guymon, Redd Jay Coach Cochran. under the $1,676,947, r distribution unit school finance 1659 provisions. Foundation analysts that a local tax likely under the finance o indicate increase is school San Juan 1961 revisitns. District has unused local taxir.r authority of 6.4 mills under the and old 1659 The 1961 school finance laws. will permit the laws to impose an additional holds the R- district Mortrophy won by the team local tax of 1.0 mills. Lawrence Guymon egion e 'last week. eover, if voter approval for adlocal leeway were ditional REAP THE PANT ADS.. secured, a still further increase of .77 mills would be SJ SCHOOL DIST possible. This special voted handicapped children, and however, must be approvvocational agriculture leeway, ed by the people in an election 7 sum-mety- ir.e Jed Lyman Don fadmen Delb eat Begay Donnell Black Sheldon Johnson fame Hunst Tackett Danny fayday Deny Donald flay Leonard Jone Lynn Loam Robentdflay Redd Thompson Allan I email Steven Bunienshaw Tony Bnoun flying program (lyde Nelqulsl Bence Johnson nant Hunt Jack No onan, Track Teeny Skuaway NuAl Oil Qb Lanny Skinnen Coach Cochran's Bronco Team which came out with - Stanliny Lyman fadmen f Danny admen Jim Redd The study points out that the 1961 increase in the school opsomewhat erating program was less than the increases allowed in 1957 and in 1959. A number of significant changes were in some of the made, however, (jenald Beadfoed Joel Boyle flLke Lacey Kim fluency classes. San held on or before May first of "fringe areas," such as teaoher Juan School District has approx- the retirement, vocational education year. 91 units The Foundation report observes educational research, capital distribution imately this year, which is an average that Utah's school finance laws outlay, etc. To finance of cne distribution unit for have become the increased progressively .more Slave Lacey daily attendance. According to the Foundation's Keith flank Keith Danutn Fnanci and home economics each 21.7 pupils i n a maximum gram of school operating pro$1,374,731, or $15,136 per distribution lf school costs, a oent over the years, and increase in the state sales tax that they are understood by only was authorized. The Legislature a few individuals in the State, earmarked, for the first time, Primary reason for the lnoreased a 6) of all sales portion complexity has been the many tax revenue for school purpbses. enaoted during the This was amendments a $12.5 in to addition past fifteen years, which gene- million transfer from the Geneto adjust pa- ral Funds to the Uniform rally have School to provide for addrticular, average complicated calculations,, San Juan School District will be able to finance unit without one-ha- (13-13-- sout resorting to further elections under the 1961 sohool laws, itional activities to i this mum compares with a may! with statf ' - be 1961 financed Fluid authroized Utah Legislature. by the 1961 Bence $eoven Dennis (oby Tony falmen Lindsay Jone Beent Jone Taylon fadmen Decken Noonan Dale Black Skelton Jeff, feekln (oey Shumway Alike Holliday Rex Danny (ox. DennLs Bnadfond Johnny Black Bob Buyen youts for all boys Minor 8- -9 in-st- ed little In the po will be Saturday at 10 ,ook at the high sohool. hern Eleotrlo, Lyman Service the San Juan Theater are isort. |