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Show Page 2 May 19 , 1961 BLAND JNG OUTLOOK BUNDING THE BLANDINGITE OUTLOOK Published every Friday at Blanding, Utah I W. Cox 1 at Blanding, Utah LYMAN out of bed in me that Blanding oust the morning, an impelling thouit came to I considered how so have a museum, and a bureau of information nanv people had been sent to me to ask about our San Juan County the 14th of Hay, a year ago, On PUBLISHER Second Class Postage Paid by ALBERT R. before I got ancient Inhabitants people, its history, its resources, its I considered behind. and the ruins and relics they have left years ago and began to strip how men came in here sixty-eig- ht our country of its rich treasures of antiquity, and we did noth- its ing about it. Our San Juan relics were exhibited in wise urns dear across the United States and in Europe, and multitudes came here thinkof all theee treasures ing of course that we, at theas souroe our appreciation of what our 9 would have something to show we San Juan School District would country had to offer. I was ashamed to have to admit that had sat irresolutely down and let the outside carry away the decreased operating MONUMENT VALLEY receive we should have had purpose and ambition to at least refunds of $249,223, or $2,740 per things distribution unit despite a re- DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH tain for ourselves a share. Besides these relios, we had a world of interesting things quired increase local tax levy CONTRIBUTES TO WORLD which the outside would be glad to see, things which would atof 1.4 mills f under the new school finance laws enacted by RELIEF PROGRAM tract them to our town, and make their visit pleasant and proshe 1961 Utah Legislature. fitable. They would come with their money, and their visits The Monument Valley to us. And with a bureau of information we r would be This was one of the findings! Adventist Church last year would be profitableto answer day prepared fully and correotly the many quer-ri; presented 'in world were !nt1bubed relfef which people tali Foundation analysis of the asking me, both by word and by letter. and for famine program disaster Just a month after the thought eame to me, I began with the changes madel this year in the victims which totaled $1,390,554 museum where is now, and what has been accomplished in those public school finance laws. it in value of materials distributSan Juan This jcar 1960-6eleven months, justifies me in the kind o f institution I a to ed, Just according report School istriot levied a local received from Adventist world envisaged at that time. It lacks muoh of being what I had in property tax of 14.6 mills. headquarters in Washington, D.C. mind, but it is the foundation of all that I was hoping for, and now is that it may be appreciated for what it is, and l$li.6C per $1,000 assessed valUnder this program, the report my conoern when I can carry it on no and uation) for maintenance more than 832,000 pounds provisions made for its perpetuation said, operation. This local tax pro- of clothing were distributed to longer. I didnt do it for my own self, nor for my personal vided the district with a school Vis for the good of Blanding and its people, and I am it Of that amount gain persons. needy in it I have not made my effort in vain. I want to-boperating program of $829,051, the Monument hoping conchurch V.lley or $9,128 per distribution unit. as long as I am able, but it, is inevitable that there will oome about tributed all 8,000 pounds, With a required local tax levy when if some one else is not ready to carry it on, it of More than 7,348, a time it locally, of 16 mills,1 Son Juan School 000 of surplus food, val- will dwindle away to nothln&iess. pounds would have Distriot ued, at $442,198,73 was shipped $579,628, or $6,384 per distri- to hunger spots such as Chile, MYF HONOR MOTHERS AT bution unit under the 1961 and Hong Kong, Korea, SUNDAY TEA & PROGRAM school finance provisions. The Foundation explains that a Phillippines. The Methodist Youth Fellowship FRANK WRIGHT and medicines valued Courtesy distribution .unit is allowed for at Vitamins the mothers of the PREC. $66,177.21 were also shipped honored each classroom unit of 27 pupils Methodist out through the Adventists DiCommunity Chur oh at a in average dally attendance. saster and Famine Relief program. Mothers Day Tea Sunday, May 14 Additional distribution units Also An interesting equipment designed to help at 500 p. m. are provided for supervisory was program themselves disaster victims help presented by members isolated personnel, Youth of the Refreshwas shipped overseas. group. schools, and special classes for Early this year Adventist ments of lime sherbet punch, Cont. Page 8, Col. 1 fancy cookies, nuts and mints None m warn jkt'WFrtrr Tarwrrii nr. 136 Itor 7th Seventh-eor.preheMl- vei ; es 1), e only lAJeath er the small were served. Mothers attending were Mrs. Les Graves, Mrs. Claude Nugent, b, Mrs. Boyd Errett, Mrs. N. Mrs. F. 0. Flom, Mrs. Vfe Bowlin, Mrs. Lee TVirner, Mrs. Bob Turner and Mrs. I. T. KuThe young people preykendall . sent were Alan Nugent, James Flom, Darrel Kuykendall, Sandra Graves, Nanoy Graves, Ann Kuykendall, Patsy Bowlin, Kay Bowlin, Glenna Turner and Beverly Trade With Local Merchants r Lis-corn- EAST WEEK WINNERS HRS. HUBERT Winners get 10 gallons HORST OIL CO FUELS Sat - FAHLV MGKT SFECHL Mon & Wed emergency possible. May 19-- 20 starring - is past. A biennial disaster relief offering taken in all Adventist program REGISTER YOUR LICENSE NUMBER FREE EACH WEEK AT to repeat world & DOLORES HART GEORGE HAMILTON YVETTE MIMIEUX JIM HUTTON shipment on a monthly basis churohes makes the m mn etmr FQOrJTIEB made Fri WHERE THE BOYS ARE world headquarters took action sending emergency food supplies to the Congo totalling 120 tons of powdered milk and commeal. this win me ms Fflqous Are for Everybody until the FREE LUBE JOB THEATRE Want Ad Effort is being plus JtfAH SABJ Turner. EARL PERKINS WEAVER SHOWING AT THE 22-- 23 May JOEL MoCREA relief in THE FIRST TEXAN Irlblbst ... Borstfpli 01 Mab Mb t csae&zzi Thu-Fri--Sat May 25-26- -27 THE LITTLE HUT LK RIDGE tarring - AVA GARDNER STEWART CAFE m DAVID NIVEN GRANGER BOXDFFICE OPENS 7:40 |