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Show Outlook o o 3 BLANDING, UTAH, 10 the Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities Published in the Interest of Blanding VOLUME PRICE FRIDAY, NAY IS, 19Gl 20 NO. Queen Contest to End May 31st Senator Bennett Urges Increased Funds lor Natural Bridges Monument F. 3ennett Senator Wallace THD Contemplates Line to Lisboa Field this (R-Ut- ah) week asked the Seante Appropriations Committee to pro- vide funds for development 0 f Natural Bridges National MonuThe Texas -- New Mexico Pipe Line ment in the appropriations for Company may build a pipeline to fiscal 1962. serve the new Northwest Lisbon In a statement on the Interior oil field, TOM Official. J a e k Appropriations B 1 1 1, Senator Sheridan reports. Under contem- Bennett said the appropriation plation is 70 miles of line, for the Park Service as approved probably 12 inch, that would by the House of Representatives connect the new field to the is generally sound but urged company's Aneth that additional installation. funds be provid- Sheridan says that if the plan ed for Natural Bridges and Zion becomes a reality that start of National Par-:In his statement. Senator Beconstruction would probably be nnett said: "The Natural Bridges September or later. National Monument ha3 been neg. lected for over half a century. Until recently the area was largely inaccessible, but now BULLETIN Mayors from Green-rive- r, Noab, (maybe improved roads have made much of the region reachable by car. I greatly disturbed to learn Montioello) , and recently that Secretary of the will compete Interior I'dall has not scheduled Blanding in a expenditures of any funds, at mile saddle Natural Bridges until fiscal horse race at the This to me is an year 1964. Shodeo here Saturday intolerable delay, Senator Bennett said. The race was orig"I therefore respectfully rescheduled for inally quest that this Committee direct Moab last Saturday but the Department of Interior to was rained out. accelerate the development of was . lady will reign as What young to start rehearsing the ESgh the Qeleotedgameringthe current in oontest. Then the judges will plok the queen and two atten- dants from those eligible. Mrs. Smith advises contestants Scbesl Assembly For spent. perform- "Frontier Queen" in the ooming ance they will give before the celebration is anybody's guess. Judges. She says no bathing Shown above are nine early consuits or formals are to be worn tenders but with a dozen days left before oantest entering deadline anything can happen, says oontest manager GUen Smith. First of all, contestants must to the "eligibility Natural Bridges and. include in the flsoal year 1962 appropriation such funds as nay be wisely example, understanding that wells today it is my must be drilled in order to furnish a water supply. py at least fis-o- al Principal Lynn Lee announces year 1963, $300,000 should' before the Judges only street the San Juan High School Awards be made available to build Gin olothes. Assembly will be held Monday ., access road, and a $400,000 head The Frontier Days committee May 22 at 3:00 p. m. at the quarters facilities and visitors has set hay 31 as deadline for School Auditorium. Outstanding center, so that this majestic entering the Frontier Queen oostudents will receive achieve- area may be made available to ntest. The committee said it was ment awards in various subjects Amerioan public " the latest date possible that and activities. The scholarship the would allow time for oountlng and eltlzenshlp awards will also votes and give reasonable time Parents and friends be to notify winners to be at the are given. invited to attend. The annual Elk Mountain Riders on the judging following night. ADS Shodeo starts at 3:00 p.m. toBE VISE - READ- THE morrow at the American Legion Sbedso Testcrrea . grounds event includes oalf roping, ribbon pull, The team popular summer tying, barrel raoe, clover leaf, potato race, trailer raoe, relay raoe. Also on the program will be Shetland pony bronco riding for kids 13 and under who have par- class at Palmer. The Valedictory, by Lawrenoe San Juan High Sohool will be the "Mark largest in the sohool 's history Guymon, will be entitled The 1961 graduating according to information Issued this, week. Forty seniors will for diplomas during (Sxi line exeroises to be held at B p.m. next Thursday, Hay 25. Last year 35 were aduated, was 32. number 1959 the in The graduation address, en- Vfcl titled "Qalm Moments Age", will bo Royden C. Bralthwalte, Space in from Dr. direotor, College of Southern Utah. Wei ooming address the will given by class president, bo Clyde the Beginning" Cathy Bllcken-staf- f, Salutetorlan, will spool: on "A Most Inspiring Idea." Musloal numbers will lnoludr a piano solo by Dianne Harris; a Hale quartet by Terry Certonio, Don Pritohard, Pete Blaok, and Stanley Bronson) and a girls' triple trio with Diana Johnson, Linda Rae Blaok, Carol Nielson, Kathryn lyman, Merleno Hunt, Gayle .Woznlak, Anne Harvey, Judy Nielson, and Lym Huger. The olass will be recommended for graduation by Principal Leo and diplomas Zenos L. Black. awarded ents' consent. All participation is restriot-e- d y to amateurs aooording to ths Lynn b club's List of students to reoelve Laws. Jessie Mae diplomas f61 lows: Morley Blaok, Blaok, Raymond Rae Linda Nloky Porter Blaok, Blaok, Cathie Irene Bllckenstaff. Stanley Warren Bronson, Hu. llam Terry Certonio, Bills Boyd Errett. Lawrence Finley Guymon, Kevin Diane "arris,. Anne Harvey, et, Karen Helquist, John welter Hel-qui- Qarolyme Aim Huber, Marlene Hunt,' William M. Hurst,, and Michael Terry Hurst. Diana Johnson, Dale B. Jones, Miriam publioity lady, Lyle Corry Jones, Jugant, Paul -- ' Gerard F. G. Kemner, Lou Ann Uurs, R tta Ann Laws, Bill. E. Lord, Boftnie Lyman, Kathnm Lyianna man, Jay Nielson lyman, a Mont 11a Jn A. Marian, and Frank Carol lynn David G. Morgen, Nielson, Judith J. Palmer, Donna Lee Pritohard, Ann Nislsan, Clyde Milton Palmer, Lee Donald Payne, Jay L. Redd, Gtyle Woznlak, and Melvin L. 1 Nsd fright. |