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Show Vi i May i 19, 199! Page 3 OUTLOOK BLANDING Student Body Officers Elected SJH T The San Ju&n Broncos captured the championship trophy for the San Juan -- Emery Division of Region 8 at the Region Meet held in Dragerton last Saturday, May Tlews that 76 came out points. The Broncs won dividual events second The Marion Neilson who showed the and talked on the trip the in- made medley relay. Participating in the relay were Johnny Nielson, last Summer Refreshments of a Qstthein I Jay 440 films' Neil-so- ns Raggedy Ann broad Jump; Redd Cory Jones first in Javelin. It PAYS the students ballots 'S with the HERE THE MAN all-in-o- no FAMILY PLAN HYRUM E. PORTER Dance. Day tv will Boys Council be represented James Flom, Kenneth Latham. Cheer Leaders for the season will be Kay Bi&ok Trudy Burtenshaw, Ann Kuykendall and Gretchen Redd. by Ceoll Johnson, j Advertising Doesn't Cos-t- shot put and discus) student Officers for President Cory Jones) Stanley Bronson) Secretary, Diana Harris The 1960-6- 1 Vice-Preside- Council were nt, Chairman , Charlene was and Dale Black) Jones. Judge Assembly OWE for Dad, Loir, and POLICY Children, present and remarkable new For DESf plan pominsiRf - wamlttcdki's rvn fountain vw. s .y.y . .:- r. West ' .v. . '' UVJ -- r VELVET LAWN Grows Thicker Quicker The favorite lawn mixture of the Intermountain Park West is now improved with quick-startinA superior grass strain Kentucky Blue Grass. g that matures into weed-fre- e a deep green lawn in less time than ordinary grass mixtures. MAGIC CARPET Best Looking Best Wearing for tha Into mountain Area - The lawn seed fdr those who want a luxurious, neatly trimmed lawn that requires less water and fewer mowings, yet stands up under heavy traffic and wear. 1 nCA 5 v " pounds sows 2,500 square feet (50x50 ft.) thafdai&J a.m. to 6 p.n. 8 NEW STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE MONDAY, - ft . Phone 2306 BENEFICIAL LIFE Insurance Company f 't fjture. further details about this ...... vf are Lurlene Palmer, Betty Black, and Anna Marie Hacking will represent the Girls Council and the ess, Mrs. Dorothy Harvey. yard run, Brown Vice-Preside- Ned Palmer, Lawrence Guymon, and Salad, lime drinks and delicious Strawberry short oake with whipTim Bradford. e 5 Individual firsts went ped cream, were served by the to 3 Broncos. Lawrence Guymon hostess Mrs. Esklund and first in the cand- The new offioers are President. nt, Johnny Conway; George Bayles) Secretary, Nad& Black) Assembly Chairman, Mark Black. Lyman) and Judge, Lewis to Europe. co-host- At 1:00 p.m. the Girls with their regular meeting. The guest speaker for the evening was first in 5 and first in all the made started casting their for their favorite candidate but the results of the election were not known until Friday night at members the Craft ee region Club met at the ofhome of Lorna entered the competition in which Esklund last Wednesday night for the Bronoos piled up 69 points. East Carbon by morning idates. were speeches Campaign CHAFTEE CLUB 13. All eight teams of the Mr. and Mrs. James the proud parents of a little Lrl bom eaply Monday morning, By JOLINE HOLT She weighed 8 pounds 1961-62 the The election of ay 15th. Officers and 4 ounces and makes the third Student Body Council was Juan School They also the Browns. Hi$i for the San girl aforson. have held Tuesday May 9th. mpbf duk Hm Midi! MAY 22 |