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Show I t Paco 6 NEWS MQNTICELLO by NARILYN R. ROWLEY Arizona, cones news From Mesa, of a baby bom girl Mrs May 11 scholarship grant for a Susner to Institute in and Rbgtr Mortens on Mortenson is the forner Mr Mrs Carol Uilpplo . ne ifnoir confined to She pelvis the San Juan Hospital. . Ihe Doyle Rowley family enjoy-- 1 ed a plesant weekend visit from Doyle's parent Sy Mr. and Mrs. The senior W, Clair "cwley .: from to their home Monday, goin r. via returned Rowleys in Paronan on other oommunltios in the stake will participate. Ihe program' is to prepare single people for the responsibilities of marriage Yell sy. and Fags, Ariz. Mrs. Ila Belaok has had reeent visits from four of her children Monument and to encourage marriage in the T h evening's ooms was Mrs.,Janet Biroh and LDS Temples. direo-.- ,. are under the activities Utah. children from Beaver, Bull of Moab. Mother's Day bjfctfght her son tlon of Mildred According to Carolee Evens on, Wilson and his fondly from Ura- -i Stake Leader, a Golden Frank,, GleanerGleaner van, and another ?son, Award was presented and Mrs also from Uavan.v-MrSunday in Stake Conference to A. L. (Xuy Ann) Hill and two Meredith Harris of Blanding children leas from Cortez to Miss The award represents accomplishJoin the"'fandly group. ments in spiritual, cultural, ihe rebus Rota Club had a oreative and executive fields. Mother's" Day theme for, their Mr. and Mrs. Jack Birr had as meeting which was held Saturday weekend guests Mr. Burr's parafternoon at the home of Lily Mr. and Mrs. Reed Burr, and M a nti cello ladies ents, ; Five First to their families and . gyle. their daughter, Janet. Eastern District were honored Tear MotherSrOfithe who i havejbqei itors returned home They werJtjtot Dorothy Adams, the Year; Mrs. 1961 Mother-ofLlqyd BBjrt&nV. W" . Come 1 ia Perkins, Mrs. Isabel Wood, and Mrs. Nettie Redd. Eaoh was presented in Burrvllle, Utah. Randall and ro spend Mother's Day with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Randall, and Mrs. Ellen his grandmother, Mra. Bertah with a sail gift' devotional the Asfalg presented on the topic fcf Mothers. Miss Shirley Harrison sang a vooal' Smith. . aocompanied by Mrs. Maxine R. Frost. Mrsy Frost also playand a reading ed a piano solo Sevwas g iven by Lily Argyle to their family traveled to Mesa, Arizona 4 They ber of other also visited a relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Redd very proud parents solo, f o first child, a. girl, born San dey, May 16, -- Hospital. ' at the The little and are their lUes- -: Juan Co. one has Also deration of W- .be named Pamela Marie. are event grandomen's Club which. will be held happy about the A, Mrs. Mr. and of J, Redd from Thursday Ito Saturday parents, Mr. and Mrs. this week in the New LDS Chapel Montloello, and Mr in Moab. Reprepentatlves from Wesley Marx, Mt. Pleasant. Tuesthe national' organization will Marx arrived in Montloello The hostess day night to see his new grand -be in attendance for the next meeting of the. Re- daughter, and other members of his family expeot to come on bus Rota Club will be Mrs. Dor Carls on. F hy will entertain Saturday. Sfie on May 27 when the lesson will bo a film on textiles under the direotloa.of. Sajpabeth Blanok. A oarlbfcd of Mloge weekf ijxH folks homo with wort KMakiniftSo David Adams - BYU Mrs. Barton. With them were four friends, A1 Shurtleff, A1 Zalster, Bob Hatoh , and Fhil Spears. Farewell testimonial for Elder will b s Harry Walter Randall held Sunday, May 21, at 630 pm. in the LDS Chapel. Elder Randall has been oalled by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to fill a mission in the Netherlands with headquarters at The Hague. He will rethe Montloello 2nd Ward. present ' trip to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the Wednesday Utah Soil Conservation Distrlots. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Wim are in Montloello Mrs . visiting their daughter, and other reweek a George Bloomfield, family dinner honored then Sunday. at the home of Mr. latives. A DeWitt Lee. attendance mne Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lee. ' . Barton and spent the weekend here with their parents, Mr. and and Ty Lewis from Ingrid' Adams and Sut this Karl Mark Barton University of Utah. Alfred Frost ; traveled to Provo spending students through 15. Sponsoring organizations are Amerloan Legion, Sportsmen Club' Elk Mountain Riders, and the P.T.A. - DON'T MOVE THAT USED FURNITURE TO THE GARAGE OR daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bart F. Lyman, has been named a delegate to Girls Jessie MOVE IT OUT FOR CASH BY Speakers Miss Lyman will be sponsored by the American Legion and the Ffelette and Devonza Clubs. She was chosen from a recomnended girls School faoulty. To be eligible list of four by the High to attend Girls; must be a and outstand- State the candidate high sohool Junior ing in leadership. conventions are nationwide and sponsored by the American Legion to hel develop outstand- ing eitizens. convene at June 11th. . Utah girls Logan the and Mrs. A. E. Shunvay go to Manti Friday, May Mr. will to attend the wedding of 26th, their son Gary and Miss Sandra Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butler of Whittier, Calif- ornia. FOR SALE a party will be held in their honor at the LDS Reoreation center in Blanding. A very fine orchestra has been arranged for a&d all friends, relatives, and neighbors are IN THE The young couple will leave the following Tuesday for Msxioo OFFERING IT Oh4 June 10th invited. they both will attend the University of Mexico this Summer. where Soction of the Trade With Local Merchants To Build a Better Community1 has Jpdge , Everybody of WEDDING DANCE PLANNED TO HONOR NEWLYWEDS . rL. week Helquist has been designated as alternate delegate . for the service will i will LaAie Also in inolude the missionary, his parand Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Randall, Richard Williams, and , . State. The BASEMENT Kay Lyman, Don Elder begun on a Bishop Daryls M. Redd. Randall's Mrs. lyn Baand Mrs. new home for sister, will play an organ solo. Philip Plainer., ? It is located in rker, Randall is a graduate of Elder the Slue Mountain Heights Dr. and Mrs. Xeroy Evens on and Montloello High 'Sohool and le currently completing his sophothrts of their Children went to more year at Utah State UniveSalt Lake City,: Wednesday. Dr. rsity In Logan. He has always Eve ns on planned to attend a denbeen active in .ehureh affairs .. tal ooBvention jdiile there. He will enter the mission home Mr. and Mrej Monroe Redd, Jr. on June 12. earns from Salt Lake City to in Salt Lake City .... spend . Mother'S; Dr with M r. 99 M Want-AdAre s Redd's mother, frs. Lusinda Redd Doyle B. Rowley ham reoslved a for Construction Stats trip this summer. The affair will take plaee at on July 9 U.SjU. in Logan students Mrs. Clyde Barton and Mr. and spent RYU, and Adams from s . Boys' num- red hair weighed in eral representatives of the club bright will attend tha convention of at 6 .pounds 6 ounces. She will o-t- ' San Juan High Sohool John Bayles, George The vis- Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ruel f the Utah State Four Vi k".! . Foundation and will be of six weeks' duration, beginMr. Rowley ning on June 26. toaehes seienoe and mathematics at Montloello High School. The San Juan Stake M Men and Gleaners will hold a Bride and (koon Night program Saturday at bsOO p.m. in the new-- Moab LDS Young people Chapel. Blending, Montloello, Moab and to fall: and break her , in'Bal-tinor- s, Soienoo and mis-fortu- t Fear Students to Boys State The Md. Institute is Juniors and Lyle National Conway, .John Nielson, sponsored by t h Palmer have been chosen for the of flrlt will be namediDsnlse. Mite Isabell Add hadvihe a Mathematies Johns Hopkins University Montloello. ohlld weighed eight and onefhalf pounds at Ihe couples' birth May 19. 1961 QJRLS STATE- - DELEGATE BLANDING OUTLOOK Area's Largest Stock of Residential and Commercial Wiring Supplies Bus. PHO. 2676 Rea. PHO. 2907 mmm |