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Show March 1961 3V Page 7 BUNDING OUTLOOK NEWS FROM BLUFF or Rates per line with FOR SALE Want-- Ad .10 also 03 POUN- Dwith 2 keys and - identification have same by offioe. spaper one cated. per week. paid. Inquire Chevron Simpson ... appointments oall Graves at 2491. SEE U- S- Furniture For Used Appliance bar- - and 8-2- 422. 4th North. Modem 4th old location. LaVell call unfurnished house. lo- North. Hurst West 8-2- 317. LOST glasses to Ray Boys dark rimmed Finder please return Perkins. $5.00 reward Hwy. 47 be held next Thursday at 7:30 p.rr. in the High March 9 Sohool Auditorium. Contact Furnished. A short program consisting of Perkins. Ph. 2337. a film strip and record taken FOR RENT Office Space from the National Education A47 North. See Dean Mont- ssociation entitled "A Briefing Hey. FOR RENT 2 Bedroom Apt Hilda for Parents; Your Childs InAll FOR SALE Frigidaire telligence" will be shown. and high Elec. Stove 40" Kohler Sink A parents of Junior high to are children -school urged age Cabinet Unit. Dexter twin tub gomery. A . Speed Queen Washers Heater. Kerosene attend. y Weed-b- ur see FDR JOHN TREE E. Palmer. Wta. Joline Holt Funeral servioes were held at 10:00 a. ra. last Friday morning at the Blanding. L D S Indian Chapel for John Tree who passed away in the San Juan Hospital on February 22nd. With Bert Palmer of the LDS Ry SBBING MACHINES REPAIRED. 30 YEARS CALL EXPERIENCE. OR . 8-3- 811 or FOR SALE Om 1952 F7 5 yard box. Moline one TRADE... Ford Also frock. I dian Missionaries officiating Dump one 6 foot the servioes Wooten, Montioello. JU 7-2- 705. 2 Bedroom in Bluff. Call OR foot Carma Bartlett at with given by Burdette Shtumny and Florenoe Galbraith 0 My and Janetta Sipe sang Father." Remarks were given by Bert Palmer with the olosing Talks House frailer. 1 Bedroom. Call 0r8-24- 12 or see Cafe. opened . 8-3- 871 Blanding. FOR RENT were the oongregation singing "Israel Israel God is Calling, invocaHouse tion was given by Edward Lyman. now. Jim way-Ll- ko FDR RENT - FUNERAL SERVICES HELD Used Windows a Call 2166 ner. o Panel-Ra- 32 A A W were "I that Redeemer n Lives" followed by the b y Ervin Gqymon. .Show Card given SIGN PAINTING was the in Burial Blanding Gem-rt- ary Thompson See Clyde Lettering where Gllsbee Lyman dedi- -. Auto Supply at BICYCLE REPAIRS ... also eated the grave. Mrs. Helen Beylee led the muslo and Mabel . Lymn Conoco . My and small wagons June' Palmer played the piano Used Bikts for Sals. Mr. Tree's brother Joe eamo frioyolos . know benedlo-tio- mer New and song . Ssrvioo Station from Richfield to attend the funeral. Blanding I Keep Bettor Recordo with Batter fFa2 SHPPUES president t last . j weak. Dick Nielsons The Weller Gordon Opel didn't oome beoauso this week will she was a pretty slek gal this lold extensive urge Congress to hearings to fully $600 million a year rovlow tha also attended along with Lor- raw materials program of the raine Day and her brother and Atomlo Energy l Commission. I do. believe Just Weller will make the request sisters. about every one of the sohool of the Joint Congressional' Co- children attended. Bishop Hu- oame rst and a group of friends down from Blanding to enjoy the dinner. And you should see our - learning. Bedroom MEET THURSDAY, MAR. 9 The High School P.T.A. meeting is to ter. 3 - Advertise OR daugh- - vice his sons and Palmer & 3 Bedroom Home, FOR SALE less than 3 years old. FHA Be Wise approved. Contact hui Pendleton Bex 358 Blending Utah. HIGH SCHOOL PTA PLANS Ph. Some grade school children danoe. Little brooms but they are See Dean Montgomery. Phone 2016 the punoh. Bob Howell Mrs. Sue gains. Western Auto Associate Store. Phone OR at or of the UIA RANTS WASHINGTON people who attended wore of HEARING ONIURANIUM course the Burnett family the GRAND JUNCTION Colo. (Speolal) Jaok Browns lone Hall Roy o f The . Uranium t Institute Pearson the Bob Jennings family Amerloa through its executive made OPTOMETRIST. Dr. B. A. Broughton, Optometrist is in Blanding every Thursday. For Garage Owner nay PALMERS' BODY SHOP.. tag. newoalling at Officially open for business See Agency. $15.00 utilities W. W. Mr. Burnett is an extremely good not for the greedy. And I guess cook and our sohool teacher Mr. that shuts me up for this week Brown exoells at making butter too. cake and rolls. Mr. Jaek Brown Modem Apartments . Fayne furnished and conveniently . ' apartment. Nicely FOR RENT m bed-roo- 8-2- 816 Station Bluff Utah. FOR SALE. Four Bedroom brisk home with garage. Oall 2491 or 2436 after 5:30 pjn. Key Chain RENT.. FOR on eeoond thought maybe not. town namely us and how ho shut Last Wednesday the Spaghetti us up with his answer that the the sohool. Welfare Fund was for the needy supper was held Barley barley seed. Call Norman Nielson. in Bluff. All of & Row TWo FOR REN- T- nininun for first insertion 8 per line with 40 minimum for subsequent runs of consecutive same copy with every 5th run free. Display advertising columns 80 in Want-A- d per column inch. ' Card of Thanks 10 a line with ft 1. minimum. 50 Oats 1UNCIE TRDDELL Let me see I do believe this told LeRoy Burnett that there has been a fairly quiet week but was a most needy ifamily here in mmittee on Atomic Energy testifies before when he body's that Hearings i n annual Seotion202 U..C. Washington on Thursday Maroh 2nd. article carried in tho In an February edition of Atomio Age Just bet you didn't Magazine the Institute's officBobby Mussleman won ial Weller charged first plaoe in his' weight olass that publication has failed to "Congress and perform its normal oheck-reiIn the State Tournament his mother and brothers sister function in the regular review w and sister .and a certain of the raw materials program of are pretty girl the, proudest the Atomio Energy Commission." Rusty doesn't He noted that in the past ten people of all. know the good news yet but Lilthree and a years lie says that Friday An4y is quarter approximately billion dollars has been going down to plok up. his dad spent for uranium by the Ameriand Kenry Ross and bring them can taxpayer. "Yet", he said, home I'll Say know that gn in-la- Sunday. "?e have record of only one been pioture taking hearing which provided a. review Last Thursday the school of the administration of the. week. photographer was down taking procurement .program." plotures of our kids and then Wednesday there were photographROADS ers down at the- Bluff Hotel phases of the projeot. would be too. This has -- - taking piotures The Ray Browns returned from started very soon...' The State of Utah plans early California last Saturdoy even- construction' mile road of a ing and wo sure are glad to have would extend State So Gene Johnson is project that them home. Field oaek again in foe post, offioe Highway 262 to the Gil slaving away. ifey. Johnson is Bridge. Survey work on this still in foe hospital but is' project has been completed. so I. don't However, a proposal was made doing real well betoo be at the Salt Lake conference that long imagine it will the State withdraw from .this fore he eomes home. Our weatherman Nr. Johnny projeot and that it be built by Johnson tells me that this wi- Utah Indian Affairs Commission. nter was the longest oold spell Then in exchange the State would that Bluff has ever had; he said build 3a miles of road from the oolder but has never bridge Southward as the first it has been lasted as long. Our lowest tem- link in. a proposed road across perature was 6 below the last Ked Mesa to Navajo Highway IJo.l. part of January and li lasted This proposal was slated for But all of consideration at a future meeabout throe weeks you pocplo that are shivering ting. 3-- - . and huddled olose Just remember this so darned hot hero to your fire .it when this gets summer-tou- rists please don't road. Trudolls wore treated to a ohleken dinner Sunday at the Dick Nielson homo and Dorothy The must have worked herself t o death getting all the goodies prepared Jenniloon and Ritohle also enjoyed some of Mamma's own home booking. Attending the movie in Blanding Saurday night ware Tr udolls the Andy ftasalemans and Martin Harris. the Andy and Katy Musslsaan and the' TrudeUs and , Carol Benny Nells onwent to the show 'on Sun- night to aoo Jerry Lewis. PlTiday night the Howells and throe other adults and ftlnstoen yes 19 children went to in Clndorfella. Dear mo there Is Just enough day . time to ftissleman tell you syself of, build-east Blanding J Prior to ths meeting top-- officials had predicted that , the road would go soutn. Commissioner County Blaok, said who tho Hyrum attended this meeting Colorado route was chosen beoause of the strong and immediate oooperation offered by the State of Colorado and the desire of all oonferees to sot one or tho other projeot built without 'delay. The Red Mesa route- would have! required the oooperation Arizona a state that was : Carol and haid out and dresses I and that when we o f notj interested enough .to attend, tho mooting that Lillis Niolsan got our lots of our ladies .in town' have now the decision to for a connection Comers with Colorado's Four o Hoad in preference south t Red Mesa to Navajo No.l aoross oame as both a. surprise and a. disappointment to the people. or Announcement fcsoH gs far. in beystewna." their hone |