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Show 1961 March 3 Page 5 BLINDING OUtLOOK BRONCO VflHS STATE WRESTUtffi HOfflJB .,K People attending LOS Church Conference in Blending Sunday were the Bruce Stevens and the Wayne Brennan families Baby girls seem to be on the calendar this week. Hr. and Mrs. Ton Kegguson are the proud par ents of a new baby girl bom last week. The little lass will be welooned hone by her brother Also Hr. and Hrs. SterlEarl. ing White have a new baby girl bom Sunday and will be welcomed by a brother and a sister. Hr. and Hrs. Harold Douglass ton to We visit family and friends. wish to extend congrat- ulations on our outstanding Zinc Ball team, and on their sportsmanship they have shown throughout season. Texas the High point men were George Slsoo and Harvey Me Kerry. Other boys on the team are Harold Richards and Beray Ray Mitohell, Joe team are The Holiday. first tied for plaoe with Crowley's of The play off will be Kayenta. Thursday evening at Kayenta. Spring is upon us- and nay we are in Grand Junction during add this small bit: The half forgotten sound of rain upon the his long ohange. The smell of budding Glenna Strickland roof. Gene and shaken free of snow.. The were in Lehi last week visiting plants sight of things beooming grBen parents and friends. is ample proof that nature has The B. and A Lounge will poawakened and is Intending now to ssibly be opened next Wednesday. grow. The will be in Nevills lounge Lodge and will room and bar. Lawrence parents and , - oontaln a dance Rlsenhoovers wife's Hr. and Hrs. John Kim-m- el son Jaok visited over the with the weekend Guests at the Grain over the Workers Meet Risen-hoov- ers Tobmtoh home of Leroy State officials of the Amerl-oCanoer Society are to be in landing Saturday, March 4, and will meet with San Juan County workers in preparation for their annual fund drive to be held in April. Wisiting officials will an were weekend sister and husband, Aiby from Denver and Adolph Wolf Other guests were Hr. and Hrs. Leroy's Rose Luke Crain and Barbara and Snyder from Dove Creek, Colo. Luther Risenhoover was i n lnolude Wallace Toronto and business. Laverda Morgan both of Salt Lake Gay and Joan Stave ly drove to .Salt Lake Honday where Gay plan- City. The day's activities start ned to go to Chloago on business ACS workers lunoheon a with for and Joan planned to return home and will be at the Elk Ridge Wednesday or Thursday. Cafe followed by a meeting at Bob and Sylvia Nieves are in the home of Helen Monday on Konticello Page, sister Arizona sights. showing the Lena B b's o g breath-takin- Hunt Monday mother, Rebecoa Palmer JUNIOR were her and her sister Betty Skinner. The Penny Parade for Hospital suooess Cora the Collins' Aunt team Haneook. The team Flora Gallaher from Phoenix, Ajdzona her nurse friend were here and Cora pound class. Husselman became . through- the 145 State Cham Morgan. Musselman is above with his Swenson. shown coach, at right Morris on afternoon, March 19. LAST CONCERT OF SEASON ThisSunday will be the bonus concert SET FOR SUNDAY, MAR. 19 and new members will be admitted Mr. Sam Parry, Chairman of the to it this means that for the of $7.00 or Dan Juan Community Conoert Board adult membership student membership of $3.50 a of Direotors announces that the fourth and last concert of the new member will have the opposeason will be a bonus concert rtunity of attending five con- for new purchased memberships before or at that concert. . The Tupson Boys' Choir, one of the most popular choir groups on the road today the M.H.S. will be certs, during the presented at auditorium at 2 one p.m. this 1961-6- Qhe month and 2 four season. (M Q tyjverlise the Ward is coached by Dee qualified for the trip by winning first ove: Harold the San Juan Stake, In plaoe visiting them took The the weekend. They ploture above shows Stake enAthletlo Direotor, LaRay Alexsight seeing and the ladies Stake ander presenting joyed our unusual soenery. Sorenson's and Hrs. Hr. Qnle coaoh, Dee trophy to Jr. Hrs and Also shown are team Hanoock. daughter and family. Hr. Fred Burnett Farmington .members Terry Certonio and Melvisited here for a short time vin Weight. The trophy being presented is last weekend. meeting a Primary Preparation travelling prize that will bewas held at Connie Burnside's come a permanent possession of home Honday and the ladies disthe first team to win it 3 times. to cussed the Primary program This year was the first win and Eight wrestlers from out the State entered 5. The Von Ward 39 -- 35, and finals over Albuquerque 1st 47-4- -1 M MEN 4th Denver a great vms are Pearl Ba- yles, Blanding, and Ruth Bloomfield, Monti cello. Visiting hyrtle Children's Bayles. Local chairmen deoision Junior at San pion when he won a 4o over 145 won Uintah f the Murray, Juan High School, High tournament School the in finals. championState pound wrestling He ship at a tournament held in a qualified for the finals by from deoision over George Cedar City last Friday and Sat Penz from Millard and by pinning urday. Bobby Musselman, Cancer Drive Denver j j . M-tf- . en the from be held the last of April. The George James family were in Cortez visiting Betty's parents and did soma shopping. Be ml a Wooward went to Flag- his staff after brother last week. Hr. and Hrs. Miohael Wool-a- rd and they stayed over night with Bernia and family then re- turned to their home in Las Vegas. Hostesses at a Pink and Blue Shower held Honday night Neda Hinton, were Frieda Hinton She motived and Sarah Gross. for a variety of gifts, and prizes warn won Bradshaw, by . kola Page, Carolyn Bardie Josie Fletcher. Thompeon and Pritchard from Blending visited a t the Hr. and Hrs. Al for Ward 3. Blanding 2nd Ward has toward ownership. LAWRENCE GUYMGN MELVIN WRIGHT BOB CERTONIO TERRY CERTONIO t6taLs ALBUQUERQUE JIM CIRIARELLO . ALLAN HILLER 515UI5 2 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 O' r 1st 0 0 0 0 6 TS- 24 5 6 - FRED RENOLDS BOBBIE WARNER IT WARD T9 0 0 0 0 ALAN ROYAL tots PTS PTS FG FT F PLAYERS CALVItJ GUYMON Dont Forget DUVMNG DOS A VARIETY STORE 5 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 1. 2 9 4 : of Dusty Riodes Sunday. 5x7 glossy prints of ths Mr. and Hrs. Ernie Sorenson "nmy be obtained from Franmade a pleasure trip to Farcing- klin Studios, Ph. 2281 at 50. home And WHEN YOURE SHOPPERS PC FT F PLAYERS PRITCHARD IN OUR GRAND OPENING ACTIVITIES wins 2 FINAL BOX SCORE DON FOR YOUR GEKROUS PAKTICIPATIOH ART & HOBBY SHOP |